West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jun 1930, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 13, 1930. i~w r ~s rrr .~ ~r~ swah u "N 'V * u .'- a~vxs . ~ wsvr r' s s) 8 w vusm s y r 'c'cI's ~' rsru r~ s ~ «-rr. rrrrriwrv'rvrvrrrr r rvru'V »vvrr rd r rrrrrrrrtrVVV rr Smith 's THE RED AND Dundarave,", ",""„'.,',„". Grocery WHITE STORES Ilollyburn Iyh ~ M Special 49+ Sale Friday and Saturday, June 13 and 14 I tiu ltsd R %hits Tomatoes. Sys I liu Rcd R White Fancy I'ccs I tiu Rsd tt Vfhits Gddcu I;ocu 49c S tine Rcd 0 %hits Green Beans Ss ......................................... 49c 2 tiuc Singapore Pineapple. Xu 6 pkta R. It W. JcUy Powders 49c 6 Iba B .C. Granulated Sugar I lb. Domestic Shuclcuiug... „494 ! I lb. Giugcr Snaps I IL Chucuiutc Bci~ icc................ 49c I sack R. 41 lV. Purity Flour, sc I pkt. ('sides Yellow Sugar, Sc I tiu Rcd tt \Vhitc Spices........... 494 I ib. Itcd It IVhitc Cugcc......, 49c 6 pkts. Sugar Ksisp Corn Ficltcc I pkt. Kciiugg's AU Bran .....,.. 49c I iuc Succl hiizcd Pickics, Ss uc. Juc ................. 49c 2 tins AyimcsPsck It Beaus I bottle R.i'. Sauce ............. 49c I pkl. Chateau Cheese, Hs Ik 2 pkta Cuucdiua Mccusuui. 16 sa 49c I tiu iuucsuy'u hicsmuicdc, 4 lb. 49c I iur Best foods hicyuuuuisc, 9 uc. I tiu Faultless Suiusuu, Hsu........ 49c I tiu Rcd It White Pcuchcs. 2c I tiu R. gt W. Grape Fruit, zs.. 49c I tiu Vi-Tuse, 16 sz.................... 49c I tiu Delta iucuuc Buuciccc I;hickcu, Hsc. I ics Best Feuds Relish Spread 2 11 us ...................................... 49c I tiu IL A IV. Baking Powder, 12sz. 2 cartons Regal Shaker Salt, xs I I tiu Rcd R White Spices ... 49c I iur Nabob Strawberry Jum, 40 ua ............................ 49c 2 tins Cluck'u Potted Meat, tdu I list Frey Bculsu Cussed Best 49c 2 Ibc Rsbcctssu'u Fruit Cuiss Saturday Special ............... 49c I tiu Rcd 0 White Floor lruc I tia Nugget Shoe I'uiish............ 49c Roberts'etter Meats "Everything Goud to Eat" Prime Government Inspected Meat Eggs, Butter, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables. SPECIAL---Cooked Ham for Picnics Veal Loaf, Bologna and 'vVeiners always Fresh Daily Deliveries to all parts, Capilano to %hytecliff West 100 1580 lllarine Drive Ministers'ives, as everybody knows, have a difficult lot in life, and a particular lady's lot so roused the sympathy of a friend that she remarked, "There ought to be s special place in heaven for ministers'ives." "Perhaps you'e right," responded the minister's wife, "but I would rather go with my husband." Little Willie: "Look at that rhinocerouslw Little Alfred: "That ain't no rhinocerous; that a hippopota- mus. Can't you see it ain't got no radiator cap?" Tapioca Cream Pudding 1V2 tablespoons minute tapioca 2 cups scalded milk 2 eggs 173 cups sugar I/g tablespoon salt I tablespoon vanilla Pick over tapioca and soak I hour in cold water to cover. Drain, add to milk snd cook in a double boiler until tapioca is transparent. Mix the yolks with the sugar and salt. Combine by pouring hot mixture slowly into egg mixture. Return to double boiler snd cook until it thickens while stirring constantly. Fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff, remove from range, chill and serve. Everything In Lumber At Vancouver City Prices From the highest to the cheaper grades. SASH, DOORS, FRAIIIES and INTERIOR I'INISH A branch of the Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization in British Columbia. Pince your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Ca., Ltd. Phone%Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE aller 5 p. m„West 241 It. Ask for Jerry Dent ALONG THE SI.UGGISH NILE Once upon a time, there was only one Jew In the world with a college education. That man wss Moses. He wss educated in Egypt, which was then the cen- tre of culture and civilixation. Today only one Egyptian in ten can read and write. The wealth of Egypt ls in alien hands. Her glorgbis a memory. Egypt is as large as Texas and Arizona combined. It is mostly desert, ancient ruins snd shift- ing sands. Only an area the size of Massachusetts is under culti- vation, Yet, thanks to the Brit- ish irrigation system, the Egyp- tian farmer is better off than he has been for generations. No longer must he depend on the an- nual overflow of the Nile. In Alexandria and Cairo we flnd Berbers employed as house servants, grooms snd coachmen. Descendants of those black Nubi- an slaves who stood naked be- side Pharaoh'9 throne lazily wav- ing peacock fans to shoo sway the flies, these modern Berbers are organized in a labor union. They have even been known to strike! When we talk of giving Egypt independence, it is well to re- member how ignorant the aver- age Egyptian is, how little he has done for himself, and how much the British and the British tax payer have done for him. Qnly the Best at JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government lnspecied Only {Two Stores for your service) llollyburn Store ggs& 3 kinds of Ambleside Store peg 303 cui bi.ais Lamb Beef Pork SERVICE Everything for Ihe Building. LUMBER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lkmrd Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and biarine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 308L. STAND UP STRAIGHT it only a few minutes. Try it again and do better. Persevere Good posture--the way we until you can sit, walk and stand hold the body--contributes to- correctly without thinking about ward our general health. When it. we stoop and slouch, we cramp Posture is a habit. Make it a the lungs so that they cannot good one. expand properly. Bad posture is often the cause of poor circula- Army Instructor: Have you tion, cold hands, feet and fatigue. had my horse shod as I ordered? Practice good posture in front Lieutenant: My God l I thought of your mirror. Practice it every you said shot. day st your work and'n the street. Perhaps because of care- Don't forget the Flower Show less habits your muscles have be- at Dundnrave Hull on Saturday, come so weak that you can hold June 21st, at 2130 p. m. until 10 Parson (to erring villager): Why don't you go for a walk every time you feel tempted to enter s beer parlor? Villager: If I did, sir, my durned legs would soon be wore out. Don't forget the Flower Show nt Dundarave Hall on Saturday, June 21st, nt 2:30 p. m. until 10 ~ n o~ RpIsag oratenort Roeos & Rg& +RoF r ortb & to Oo oo +oobo o 0 ao~ RRjjrClv, oaPo o tb +REIrirgb e b~o ao oar oooo 'osear ~ ~ s sj saucs suc r siss lus l'l st it s as lsssli sns ';. UI 'II I HILE the B. C. Electric'9 primary purpose isW to furnish electric light and powers trans- portation and gas service, it has a further mission. tjit aims to be n good citizen of British Columbia, helping to build up those communities in which it has so large a stake. 4IB. C. Electric even now is making the largest expen- ditures in its history on new construction projects, which work is helping to make our province greater. 5in a still more practical way, the B. C. Electric is encouraging the development of these communities through izs own industrial department which is promoting the establishment of new factories and payrolls. Tbr B. C. Ztrctrtc ts part aad parcel of tbr psavtacr of British Cstambtat it bas sar sf tbr targcst stattrs of aay pctvatr ratcsprtss hs tbr praviacrt its cas- Plsyrrss assssbrs tlsg ds000s asrs Jtttr tbrir csasPaays radravsriag ts live as good cittzras af Brtttsb Catambbs. BRITISH COLLIMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY IIMITSD s'ass 6 yII