0001 ld June IS. 1930 GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect Owd 4 4 taadeeaplac V. al C Awwuaa Sesaal al L&c p A Suwl od Ca dealac. mw Im Nance I 4aoue po of Iet. the Idle etc for'f IISO Gardeners looking for a new and specially interesting subject in their gardens will find a wide iield in the lupines. They are showy plants with conspicuous flowers in tall spikes, with colors ranging all the way from bluish white to almost a Prussion blue. And again from pale pinkinsh lavenders and pale purples to sn almost magenta hue. Even the yellows are represented by a var- iety of fragrant shrubby growth. There are varieties appropri- ate to rockeries, but the bulk of the species are more suitable to border use where they blend en- gagingly with delphinium and foxglove. The lupin foliage is at all times lovely and the plant of compact and tidy growth, toler- ant of a reasonable amount of shade but thriving with grateful appreciation when plnced in the sun. Intermingled with iris and aquilega in the border, lupine are 3 delight and merit greater popularity than they are at pres- ent accorded. In England theirworth has been more extensively known and appreciated as evid- enced by many garden iflustra- tions and charts showing them in use. Lupine are of remarkably easy culture, requiring only a mim- mum of care, and flourish in any light rich well drained soil de- ficient in lime. It is advisabk to obtain estab- lished plants in order to get as- sured results, as seedlings are apt to show surprising color schemes. The plants should be obtained during September or October, or transplanting may, if necessary be delayed until spring. The fell planting ls of course to be preferred as 3 bet- ter appearance will be made when the border should be st its best. Lupines are now in the Cull glory of their bloom, and if you are planning to include them in your garden scheme for next year, it would be well to make your choice now, so that there will be no uncertainty as to the variety and color of your choice. Such varieties as Pink Wonder, Blue Beauty, Purple King, Pink Delight, Yellow Queen, etc., are suitable to very many garden beauty spots, Speaking of making a selection of Lupines, while they are in fiower, reminds me that it would be well worth while to visit the nursery before all the iris have faded. You will be able to make your selections for later delivery without any uncertainty as to the ones you wish to include in your garden next year. NOTE TS wdl e oui eo 4 n ~ p4 uww eoaeeeol C Ibe ~ d la IO4 e I TS Cawuoae ozo Id Se add e om Io the mile Ia o e ol Ia zduw. Tso ~ae r Slapp rla a lelamw II ~ p I plt le 4 Iem ~ 4wped, ~ u-add 4 Nwa auo Id I I Jellied Fruit Salads Fili molds with a mixture of equal measures of marshmallow cut in pieces and pineapple cut in cubes, or equal measures of pine- apple, oranges and bananas, cut in small pieces, or green grapes skinned and seeded, or orange sections, grapefruit sections, or strawberries, pineapple, cubed, and marshmaUows, cut in small pieces, and blanched almonds. lsd Ikd nic to EVERYBODY KNOWS that Logging and Lumbering is British Columbia's major indus- try, and is likely to be for some years to come; but not everybody realizes the increasing impor- tance of our forests to the world at large, as forests elsewhere be- come denuded. We still have 360,000,0007000 board-feet of mer- chantable timber -- but we have none to burn. ~, ~ VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Coey LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE THE WEST VAN NEWS QCBLIC SCHOOI. SPORTS Junior Sports SO yard dash, boys 6 years-- I, Buddy Tearoe, (H); 2, Tom Cox, (H); 3, Ross Sangster (P). SO yard dash, girls 6 years-- I, Germen Johnston (P); 2, Gloria Stamatis (P); 8, Ella Col. pitts (H). 50 yard dash, boys 7 years-- I, Roy Taylor (P); 2, Pat'Jef- feries (H); 8, Bobby Sheffield (P) 50 yard dash, girls 7 years-- I, h!aisle Grieve (P); 2, Phyllis Ney (H); 8, Betty Howard (P). 75 yard dash, boys 8 years-- I, Buddy Kissick (H); 2, Clifford Hill (H); 3, Donald Cox (P). 75 yard dash, girls 8 years-- I, Audrey Corlan (H); 2, Peggy Morrison (P); 3, Dorothy Sang- ster (P). 75 yard dash, boys 9 years-- I, Verschoyle Martin (P); 2, Douglas Watt (H); 3, Sydney Breeden (H). 75 yard dash, girls 9 yesrs-- I, Margaret Bill (P); 2, Irene Turner (H); 3, Betty Jones (H). 75 yard dash, boys 10 and 11 years-- I, Ian Richardson (P): 2, Erick Hoyle (H); 8, Charlie Forrest (P). 75 yard dash, girls 10 and 11 years--I, Elsie Partridge (P); 2, Jean McTavish (P); 8, Joey Thompson (H). Relay Race, -- Boys (H), Syd- ney Reynolds, Robert Corbett, Robert Kissick, Bobby Kitchen, Sydney Breeden. Girls (P)--Peggy Morrison, Jean McTavish, Elsie Partridge, Maureen Martin, Margaret BilL 75 yards, skipping, girls 8 and 9 years--I, Audrey Corlan (H); 2, Irene S., (H); 3, Dorothy Sharman (P). 75 yard skipping, girls 10 and 11 years--I, Elsie Partridge (P) 2, Jean McTavish (P); 3, Joan Sheffleld (P). 50 yard three legged boys 6 and 7 years--2, Bobby Currie and George Allison (P) I 2, Jack Corland and Brunton Cameron (H). 75 yard three-legged, boys 8 and 9 years--I, Billy Dickinson and Victor Smith (H); 2, Bobby Kendrick and Donald Cox (P); 3, Duncan McTavish and Bobby Glover (P). 75 yard three-legged, boys 10 and 11 years--I, Tom Robson and Stewart Johnston (P); o, Wryman Bryant and Kenneth Blair (H); 8, John Teece and Philip Teece (P). 25 yard bafl and spoon, girls 6 and 7 years--I, Blossom Herring (P); 2, Effie Grady (P); 3, Win- ona Donovan (H). 25 yard ball and spoon girls 8 and 9 years--I, Pamela Little (P); 2, Susan McLintock (P); 3, Audrey Gsss (P). 25 yard ball and spoon, girls 10 and 11 years--I, Jean Mc- Tavish (P); 2, Elsie Partridge (P); 8, Betty Gourlay (P). 25 yards sack race, boys 6 and 7 years--I, Will Nichol (P); o, Frank Little (P); 3, Bobby Shef- field (P). 25 yard sack race, boys 8 and 9 years-- I, Corman Wafiace (P) 2, Douglas Watt (H); 3, Kenneth Shefiard (P), 25 yard sack race, boys 10 and 11 years--I, John Teece (P); 2, Philip Teece (P); 3, Lloyd Wal- lace (P). High jump boys 6 snd 7 years --I, Ronald Safiis (H); 2, Ralph Norman (H); 3, Iiialcolm Lander (H). High jump, boys 8 and 9 years --I, Verschoyle Martin (P); o, Kenneth Gordon-Moe (P); 3 Bobby Glover (P). High jump, boys 10 and 11 years--I, Eric Hoyle (H); '2, Bobby Timbrell (P); 3, Ian hfills (H). High jump, girls 8 and 9 years --I, Joan Thompson . (P): 2, Rhoda no((man (P); 3, Moira Jones (P). High jump, girls, 10 and 11 years-- I, Rite Aldred (H); 2, Betty Gray (H); 8, Lorraine IVheelwright (H). CLASSIFIED ADS FOR LVSIDE FIR aud SLABS, phoae Hobb Ttsusfct, West IL RSOMoucc Phono West 332B. FURS CLEANED, STORED oc Re- modeled. Summer pticas. Houybutu For Stare, Kclth Black, HoUybutu. FOR MOVING oud BUILDING SL'P- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Residence Phone West S72R. DRESSMAKING sud Altctatious dose tcssouably. Phone West 64L WILL TBADE SmsB Hosea iu city with 'two lots bl gstdss fot kit, putt poymcuL West of Amblcmdc Apply "Lot" clo West Vau News. LOST--Left Baud Lcuthat Glove with blue top sud tcd stat. loupe at Johu Lawcou's office. FOR SALE--Slasle FJcctt4 Colubiu- stion Grill, 52.50. Apply The Bung- slow Store, 29th aud 5latiuc Dtiva. WANTED--A Clasu Fatuiahcd Houcc on or near Watctftoul for qaiat taducd people. Plasm state rent. Have owu linen, silverware, diabcc scd kitcheu utousUO. Phone Bay 7314X or apply aHimsc," cio West Vsn News. WANTED--SmaU Chickcu Rauck Must ba cheap. Apply G. C. Bytuolh Phone West 113. CARPENTER aud L pholotctat. Fstu- itutc tcpaitclt Linoleum aud Carpet work. Saws HlaiL Lawn Mowcts shstpoucd R. Ellis, Phono West 67 FOUNDATION CFAIFVT WORK- 1oudacspmg aud Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tauka, fauclug sud land Mcstlug, chimneys and futuscaa cleaned snd tcpsitcd. Phone T. Batuott, tcaidaucc phone West 299R. FOR PAIVTLVG KALSOMIVIVG hpply C. L Kouiugs, ROOMomw Phono West 394R. WEBIFS SHOE REPAIRS WBAR BEST--Duudatsvo. SCHWEPPEH LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE uud OU tho Gaod Brands of Cigars at Tbo hmblesldo Taa Booms. Salmon Loaf I cup flaked salmon I teaspoon salt I cup stale bread crumbs soak- ed in I cup scalded milk. '/2 teaspoon onion juice 2 egg yolks beaten I/2 teaspoon lemon juice 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten. Combine ingredients in order given, folding in stiffly beaten whites last. Drop mixture into a well-greased and crumbed pan and bake in 3 moderately hot oven or steam it. The eggs may be omitted using Vd cup less milk. Serve with white sauce. HEMSTITCHING--Plala. whtto Sc yard; silt aud colored Isc TSNL Paatco's Dttgoods, 14th Street aud Matins. Phono Wcct Idd. GARDEVS--Dcciguad aud laid auL Otigiual designs in Lil aud Orna- mental Pools, Bock cud Wafi gstd- cus. Lowlw, Format cud Rooc gstd- aus. Rustic Work Sammct bouscu Crazy paving. R. J. Kyta, Phono . 1%'est 411. PAINTLVG. DECORATLiG.FRENCH PoUsbiog. Catlay. Rcoidancc Phone West 71Y. IF You Iutaml to BOSS or Wsut Tout House Altctcd or Rcpoitod, phono Colin Tutuat, baUdat, Wast 679IL Cod6sh Bafls I cup salt codfish 4 medium sized potatoes I/2 tablespoon butter I egg I '8 teaspoon pepper. Wash fish in cold water, and pick into small pieces. Wash, pare and cut potatoes in I/O-inch slices. Cook potatoes and cod- fish in boiling water, to cover. until potatoes are soft. Drain oif every drop of water, return to kettle; mash. Add butter, egg (weU-beaten) snd pepper. Beat with a fork two minutes. Drop by spoonfuls into smoking hot fat. Fat should be very hot. Fry until brown. Remove from fat and drain on paper. Serve with egg sauce. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS Rca- idcuco Phono Wast 2418. CONSULT WEST VAN. SPECIAI- ISTS for 'IV atctftoot Ptopcttiaa, Actaages, Homes aud Lots. We have several goad trades amougst out listings, Out bit. Sutton will bc pleased to give you hdotmatiou. Gct lu touch with him evenings, West 6382. GILLESPIE HART A CO. (Vaucou- vat) LTD. 456 Howe Street Seymout 9339 GEO. HAY Real Estate Bnd Insurance Notaty Pubnc Fire Iacatauco -- Mouey lo Loau TAX SALE LOTS Boss: aweU, did you read the letter I sent you va Office Boy: "Yes, sir; I read it inside and outside. On the in- side it said, 'You are fired," and on the outside it said, 'Return in five days," so here I am." 1496 Mctisc Drive Oflice Phone West 21 or Say. 1269 Rcoidoucc Phone W. 32R or W. 294Z You Gaff Sat)(,'Ofje Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY