0001 TIIF. WEST VAN NEWS June 13, 19.'io, 'HIE x . '~r C~ ~eh, ~4 ~h ev xwx 444~ J~ kR W * xe xx I'xuae x ) '~ o'~ '.PAP Vrxo I ~r w~vCrwA V v~M v"'w. 4~ vA'v 'V~ 4M it) West Vancouver Horticultural Association You are invited to the Seventh Annual FLORAL EXHIBITION in Dundarave I.tau, on ',li ;ii ) SATURDAY, June 21st ', Doors open at '2 p.m. I '44 I A Mass of Bloom and Color Worth Seeiug I i!4%.4'-~'-fx~-xM-i -~xexP ~4'~-'-F~) St. Stephen's Church A quaint, old Scotch proverb runs thus: "An ounce of Mother ia worth 0 ound of ( ler Rev A. Harding Priest, B.A Trinity Sunday (June 15th). 8 a. m.Holy Communion. It is as absurd to live without 10 0, m.xiunday School and an aim as to shoot without one. Bade Class 11:15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. Hope for the best, get ready 7)15 p m Evensongfor the worst and t ke what God Anthem--'-i am Alpha and Om- sends. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p. m. Sunday and Mrs. Amy Adair Dewar of New York will sing. The Hollyburn Public Library Wishes to Announce that Tickets good until Dec. 81, 1930, can now be had. This gives you 8 weeks extra, Price 31.00. Located at Gemmill's Drug Store 1402 Marine Drive. A meeting was held last night at the City Hall, North Vancou- ver, to place before the pubiic the proposals of the Missions to Seamen for the provision of spiritual and social amenities for the many sailors who now visit the port of North Vancouver. Copies are now available of the new magazine "The Log of the Columbia" which will provide a means of wide publicity for the splendid work carried on by Col- Umbia Cx)ast Mission. Next Thursday night the A, Y. P. A. will entertain the young people of St. Alban's, Brighouse, at a beach party on the shore at Altamont Park. Extsbiixbxd on Nortb Sbore 20 Years (Lsdr Axxixtxst) HARRON BROS. St WILLIAMSON fuueral 1irtrturs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 The Trail Rangers taking part in the postponed National Ath- letic Contest are asked to meet at the rectory tomorrow (Sat- urday) at 1 p. m. to go by motor to Hastings Park for the meet. On Wednesday evening the girls'aseball team defeated Grandview United in a well-play- ed game at Hollyburn School by a score of 13-8. The battery for St. Stephen's was Muriel Daw- son, Nancy Kearns and Wylma Donaldson. Next Friday night the local team plays the last year's champions. Mountain View United at Hollyburn School The annual Garden Party of the Anglican Theological College will be held on the college grounds next )Vednesday after- noon. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th A Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor SPRING is here; and our New Samples complete. ORDER YOUR SUIT or SPRLx(G TOP COAT NOW Dry Cleaning and Pressing. M. WILLIAMS 161k xsd Mxrise. As)b)xeide CUSTOM TAILOR Pbene West 20 St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Itesidence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:45 a. m.--Low Mass, Instruction. 9:45 a. m.--High Mass, Ser- mon. 7:30 p. m.--Rosary, Sermon, Benediction. Week Days: 7:30 a. m. -- Low Mass. Choir Practice: Senior, Friday after Devotions. Junior, Wednesday, after Devotions. Bible and Catechism Classes, Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions, Saturday, 11 a.m. West Van Net(Js Psbiixbxd Bxery Friday Bsxisxxx xsd Editorial Office) 17ib xsd Marine Drive (Next io Honybsrs P, O.) Phone West 363 Mxii Address) P.O. Box 61, Honrbsrs, B.C. Psbnxber F. I". I.OVEGROVE I'hone West 363 61.00 ~ year br mail or carrier, Newxxtxsdx 64. Fxr copy A real xxxua on the fsxx ix worth s doxen in the mind. Try it xsd be convinced. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CRUR(.B EDIPICR Ietb xxd Bxqeiexh, Beufbx)s Tbix Society ix x Brxnxb of Tba Motber Church The First Church of Cbrixt, Scixntfxb in Boston Mxxxxebuxettx. Sunday Services 11.80 ~ . )s. esd 7.80 p. m. SUBJECT, JUNE 16tb "GOD THF PRESERVER OF 51 AN" Sunder School xt 10.00 x. M. Testimony kixeiieg Wednesday ~1 8.16 p.m. United Church Mmister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 15th. 1930 Dr. Henry will preach at both services. 11:15 a. m.--Topic "The Lust for Full Life." 7:15 p. m. -- Topic "Things IVorth While." 10:00 a. m.--Sunday School. Last Sunday morning Dr. Rush gave the School a very int- eresting lantern illustrated talk on Japan, showing its wonderful beauty, its temples and some- thing of its child life. The Lawn Tennis Court was officially opened on Saturday afternoon, with a good attend- ance and some very keen compe- titions. The ground is in good shape. The Committee has drawn up the 'following suggested schedule: Each day afternoon, C.G.I.T. and C.S.E.T. Monday and Tuesday evenings Open. Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day evenings -- Beginners and novices. Saturday--Tournaments and visjtors., The fee for the season is Sl; 5 cents 0 set for non-members. Balls on sale at the church. Following their usual custom, Dr. and Mrs. Henry were at home to their friends on Wednes- day from 3 to 6 p. m, The house was beautifully decorated with the season's flowers, and mem- bers of the women's societies kindly assisted in various feat- ures of the afternoon. Many friends from the city came over to share in the pleasant sociabil- ity of the day. A very pleasing part of the closing meeting of the Women'8 Association was the recognition of the fine services of the Presi- dent Mrs Ritchie, by the pres- entation to her of a nicely bound copy of Stanley Jones'ecent book "The Christ of Every Road" On Friday evening, June 20th, Dr. Henry will give his well known talk on "The Boy." It will be under the auspices of the Bowling Department of the Men'8 Club, to assist in the ex- pense of preparing the lawn, now nearing completion. The talk has been given in many parts of Canada, and deals with the hum- ors, eccentricities and character- istics of the genuine boy, that subject of perennial interest to humanity . Although it is on in the season, it is hoped that many will show their interest in the men's work by attending. The summer communion will bc held on Sunday, July 6th. Pre- paratory service Wednesday, July 2nd. An offering will be asked for Session Expenses, The Women's Missionary So- ciety sre holding their meeting next Tuesday st 2:16 p. m. in the church hall. They will be ad- dressed by Miss Paton, 0 return- ed missionary from Chins. BRITISH ISRAEL Lecture Committee Branch of the nrifixb I~ I xxI Woxid FxdxrxuDII CANADIAN I.FJIION Mk BURIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY at 8:00 P.M. S Seeker ) MR. PERCY KING Sxblert i "THE I'ROGRFSSIVE PLAN OF GOD." (A Sxrixx ef Lxxtsrxx) Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Monday from 0)46 io 7:16 p. m. Df. Marjory MCCubbtn D IbVT I ST 10 ~. )s. Io 0 p. m. Evenings br ~ FSeisimeek Royal Bank Bond)eg I'bose Wexi 44$ Residence Pbese Wxxi 808. June is the Month For Photographs A Few Suggestions % edding Croups Baby I'iciures Family Groups ~ I View of Your HomeBaptist Church Copying Old I'hotos I raming I'ictures Prices to iit sn sockets. The King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 31 I liastings St. W. Established 1002 An Work Gexrxstexd d)oesxxe "el e) I Phone Sey. 1046 I' ASW PLATIAC i A Mystery Drama LOCKED Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 18th snd Haywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, June 15th. 10 a. m.--Bible School. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach;;topic "Re- porting for Duty." Five minute talk to the child- ren. 7:80 p. m.--Evening Worship. Topic, 'The Great Compulsion." Anthem--"Praise Ye the Lord" If vou do not attend regularly elsewhere we will be glad to have you worship with us. Wednesday -- Prayer and praise. Saturday, July 5th -- Sunday School Excursion to Bowen Is- land by West Vancouver Ferry oat, FISH ff) CHIP SHOP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT George Bernie of Vancouver, who has had 0 number of years'xperiencein the restaurant bus- iness, has take over the Amble- side Fish dt Chip Shop at 1429 Marine Drive, and will open there tomorrow (Saturday). Only the best of material used. Light lunches served. Phone West 802. THE DOOR Rod La Roque William Boyd Betty Bronxon Evening 7 bad 9 Mat)nee Sst. 2.30 P. T. A. The main items on the P.T.A. program for its last meeting pre- ceding the holidays were busi- ness and musie. Reports of committees for the twenty-fourth of May were heard and hearty votes of thanks extended to all who assisted in making the day sudh a success. Mr. Cruickshanks and Dr. Vance came from the West Van- couver Swimming Club to ask the P.T.A. if they would donate a challenge cup for a school re- lay race which is to be one of the events in the Dundarave Re- gatta program on August the ninth. The P. T. A. agreed to furnish a cup for a girls'elay swim. The musical numbers were varied and thoroughly enjoyable. Miss Josie Leylsnd and Miss Marjorie Hill played a duet; Miss Margaret Saunders contrib- uted a piano solo and Miss E. Chilton and Mr. J. Lowden enter- tained their hearers in their usual delightful manner. Refreshments were served st the close of the meeting. Engagement Mr and Mrs H L Maclean of 22nd Street, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter Marg)tret Arvilla, to Mr. Charles Alan McIntyre, youngest son of Mrs. Mcintyre and the late Mr. Charles McIntyre of 20th Street. The wedding to take place the latter part of the month. MON TOES„WED. Next Reginald Denny ix "WHAT A MAN" A Reirexhmg Comedy Drama PLEASE NOTE Ox Tuexdxf sext, the 17)k, the )uNxxx )oxsrxxime vu) rxx from SiSO to 11 pas WHAT A MAN" will commence at Diis Sss Thur Fri Sxi Next Wxxk "Light of Western Stars" Lo'6"s'6"8't E ii. P. CLARK A i.'O. EBTATES LTD. EXCELLENT HOME OPPORTUN- ITY--New Bungalow vnb large corner lot; Cull Piumbisg; Fire lace; Furnace. Pull Bases)est. Usinier- rqptxd view. Very convenient Jo Beach, School. Ferry xsd Stores. Very cheap at $8800. Terms sbosi ibird or quarter cash, bsixsce io xoib I'bose Refassr 7484 ~ R. P. CLARK A CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER, West 826 WEST VAN MOTORS 1451 Marine Drive Phone )Vest 617-0 AGFNTS FOR THEI(MOID BltAKE LINING Latest Brake-Lining Machine Installed We can give flat rate charges and quick snd efficient service. Come in and see us.