West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jun 1930, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 6, 1930 r V rvrrrvrJ r rr vc'mith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,',"-" dw"„'„',.". II ollyburll Rvd and White Tca, pec lb.... 48c Nabob Catsup, 12 os pcc bottle 19c 1%ST'6 BRAW FLAKES 2 puts 25c Rcd a White Pastry Fleur, 5 IK sack ...... ... .. .... . .. 27c Eno's Fcuil Salts, large bottle sec Rcd tt White Apricots. Is. Pcr tin ............ 22c SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES 2 pkts 25c Sl'ECIALI ROBERTSON'S MADEIRA CAKE Each .............................. 25c Rcd Jl White Peaches, Sliced. 2 tins 47c Nabob Sardines.......... 2 tins 29c Gcimblco Vinegar, Bast lmglish Malt, bottle .................... 2$c Rcd a lvhitc Plams, 2 I) s, pcc tin ................. 19c CREA)I OF WEEAT, packet zlc Rcd Arrow Crahsm Wafcrs, psrlb.. 2$c NABOB RED I'LUhl JAiu, 55 oc. ........ ...... . . .. $9c Rcd R White Spinach, 'Iuts, pcctia........, ..... 2$c Rcd a ))hits Coffee, pcv lb.... 51c Dr. Bauavd'» Dog Food. pcc tin 15c REi) ik tVIIITE JELI Y I'OW-DERS....... 4 pkts zhc Rowntvcc's Cocoa, I't lb. tin ... 2$c Best Funds .')layoanaisc, 8 os ... szc Rod a White Baking I'owdcc 12 oc....., zsc Bvoums, 5 string. Special...... Ssc Bcd R lrhitc Golden Corn, pcc tin ....... .. ... ........ I lc I MURRAY'S hlARhlAI.ADE 4 lb. Iin 51c , Rcd a tvhitc Crushed I'incapplo. zs, pcr tin ......................... 28c Roberts'ettef Meats "Everything Good to Eat" SuggeStions Friday and Saturday - June 6th and 7th Telephone Service Free Delivery MISS BEATRICE HODGSON daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgson, who won the silver medal for junior violin at the Victoria Festival. She is a pupil of Miss biargaret Mclntyre. COUNCH. NOTES W. J. Dent and others were present to support R. G. Wood- man's written request for per- mission to re-erect 8 tent on Lot 17-3WIQ-D. L. 554 E. 100. The matter of the arrange- meift oit u tdeeting with Mr. Woodman was referred to the reeve, who was given power to act. Lamb Beef Pork Government Inspected Only (Two Stores for your service) Ilsllyburn StOre gesg 3 d',"ll kinds of AmbletideStOre gesg 3Q3 Cutbl nts 3 E R V I C E Everything for the Building LUMBER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'lusier Board Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LlbIITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 363l.. Principal G. Brealey requested that the boulevard be cleared on the east side of 22nd, north of Pauline Johnson school. The mat- ter was referred to the engineer with power to act. J. Flett re grade of Bellevue. Referred to committee of the .whole. R. C. MscNight asked that the road at D.L. 315 E. 50 ac. be lixed. Laid over. Only the Best at JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS t ~ ma'o 'oT v 'rp O \1& !'v7 4"% 'e'r rs v v t ra oo v Jam v I sc '* ~ w'v'r '. % 'vVr * ~ v lr V wr wr r r wrrr m'r Vs ocr vr w r'rrrrtr ~r V Prime Government Inspected Meat Eggs, Butter, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables. SPECIAL---Cooked Ham for Picnics Veal Loaf, Bologna and 'tVeiners always Fresh SHO1VER A shower was recently given by Mrs. Alex. Menzies at her home, 711 20th Street, in honor of bliss Hilda Woolstone, who was married to Mr. Robert Bell last Saturday. The evening was spent in musie, after which dain- ty refreshments u ere served. Those present werel Miss Hilda Woolstone, Mrs. R. Bell, bigs. A. 'I'aylor, Mrs. A. Provincial, Mrs. Jack McMillan, bfrs. L. Clement, Mrs. I Bartlett, Mrs. biathieson, Mrs. Duncan McbIillan, birs. 51. H. Allwork, Mrs. J. Stark, biissue biildred Somerville, Elsie Harri- son, Marjorie Barnott, Gwen Hodge, Nellie Searle, Phyllis Bell, Dot Taylor, Phyllis Neale, bIarjorie Jackson, O. Bryant, Ruth Hill, Connie Thomas, bfrs. Alex. Menzies. The engineer was instructed to have all the Marine Drive bridges made conspicuous with white paint. 1VEST VANCOUVER FERRY TRAFFIC SHO1VS INCREASE A steady increase in passenger traffic on municipal ferries is shown by bIay statistics just is- sued. During that month 79,347 passengers were carried on the ferries, an increase of 9,947 over May, 1929. During the first five months of this year the total number of passengers carried is 341,046 compared with 304,551 carried during the corresponding period last year. biANUAL TRAINING EXHIBITION The manual training boys are very busy these days putting the finishing touches on their models in preparation for their annual exhibition, which will take place on Friday afternoon and evening, June 20th, in the manual train- ing room at the Pauline Johnson School. Everything In Lumber At Vancouver City Prices From the highest to the cheaper grades. SASH, DOORS, FRAMES and INTERIOR FINISH A branch of the Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization in British Columbia. Puu:e your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone %Vest 199 Marine Dr. at 1thth NIGHT PHONE aftet 5 p. m., West 211 R. Ask for Jerry Dent Daily Deliveries to all parts, Capiiano to Vvhytecliff West 190 it380 Marine Drive -- one mat aanthe other N0 OTHER washer has thisThermo double.tub construc- tion. Because of it, the Connor Thermo keeps the water hot, real h-o.t--does a cleaner, speedier washing--and outiives two ordin- ary washers. Let us demonstrate it in your home. Eaten honey copper Inmsc tnb) nmhsg.plated Insulation Eaten hcavy steel 1 iF+7 vo CLOTHES washed in aConnor Thermo last longer. The rotary agitator forces a strong current of soapy water up from the bottom through the clothes. This actionwith the real h-o.t water dislodges every trace of dirt without injury to the daintiest things. Clothes are not pounded, twisted, tarn or worn in a Connor Thermo. Guaranteed I Carries the longest. broadest guarantee given with any washer. I: ~::i' ~' i::i' thermo electric '.: 'S