West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jun 1930, p. 5

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0001 t, ig@ June B, 1930. THE WFST VAN NEWS 'bo zl Ia for. Itbo tls 4 up 'co II ds ut ii 88 L City, al uitb » cent. tuildiuf uc»aa Tbc :put oi ndc iu attbovu vuarbct btucoui used io Crowib tbii rcccui I(6 waa lllpovcd I @69r ut lua imatcb aat two sion of rf aay '4 Iy da that ized in GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUIT, Landscape Architect orna t ls t ad misc U. et C. A««teaa aebeal av L elec pe A blteetwe aad Caid t c. mm tst Vtall«wl Lsatlaeepe seethe. If you have some weeding to do and the plants are thick, get a strawberry huller and use It to pull out the weeds. It is pos- sible to get it in after a weed where your fingers won't go. Cabbage and cauliflower plants ' ay be protected from the trms by mixing a little paris green with some bran mash snd putting a pinch of the mixture close to each plant. Do not put out so much of It that the birds will be attracted. You may have a succession of such vegetables as beets, corn, peas, and beans, if you will plant a new lot of seed about every two weeks. If you do not have a plentiful supply of water for sprinkling purposes it is best to plant each succeeding crop a little deeper than the previous one in order to Insure 0 plentiful supply of moisture. Late cabbage, cauliflower and 0'ery may be planted in June &r 0 fall crop. It is not wise to cut asparagus shoots beyond the second crop. By so doing the next year's crop will be weakened. Salt sprinkled between the rows and worked in- to the soil will kill the weeds and will not hurt the asparagus. Hei. chore sprinkled on the foliage when damp with dew, will dis- courage the asparagus beetle if he has made his appearance. We were reading the other day of 0 method new to us, of rid- ding the flower and vegetable garden of moles. Stick an old broom handle or other similar stick down into the runway and pour a little coal oil down it. Remove the stick and move it along 5 little ways on the run- way and repeat the process until you have covered the full length of the runway. IVe have 0 new lawn nicely started and a mole or moles have put in appearance In two widely separated places, but only for about two feet in each location. I am pondering as to whether or not to leave well enough alone, as the run- ways are not near the surface and the workers have not reap- peared after their tunnels were caved in two days ago. IVith the continued wet weath- er at the time of writing, June 2nd, there doesn't seem to be much use in cultivating the gar- den. The weeds simply take hold and grow in another spot. For ourselves, we are letting them stay where they are until 0 warm day arrives. By doing the weed- ing on such 0 day one not only kills the weeds, but creates a mulch of fine soil on top and this also conserves the moisture. NOTZ--Tb «t Ill o id r tt ~ ple ws ta o wi etleas ea tac Ih c~ t Ihl~ et a. rh q ~ tl««sheabl be M ss«l ta tb «t I ~ el th edit«. rha ~a « itt pp ~ ta rip ha a ll ~ p«. a t plp W desired ~ t ~ tt dd e «t aeelap hasta be sets edl Eggs Stuifed with Chicken Cut hard boiled eggs in halves snd remove yolk. Season, mix with chopped chicken and may- onnaise, and refilL Salmon may be used in place of chicken. In fact sny left over meat or fish will serve. VANCOUVER CREOSOTING Coco LTD. NORTH VANCOUVER is ibat pvtduc- zutl will Rr out- od miu- . With vcr, it is 990 will ductiou, tbat of IC be at- Ica are bb with i929: i)as iui,'iii MIJI) IHJS caJN Shia JujM) d Cosp +Icvub vucad'I wiib en ia ttlcai that Logging and Lumbering is British Columbia's major indus- try, and is likely to be for some years to come; but not everybody realizes the increasing impor- tance of our forests to the world at large, as forests elsewhere be- come denuded. We still have 360,000,0009000 board-feet of mer- chantable timber -- but we have none to burn. PREVENT FOREST FIRES--YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE ),. ~ EVERYBODY KNOWS J' UBLIC SCHOOL SPORTS The annual sports meet be- tween Pauline Johnson and Hol- lyburn Schools took place last Friday, the junior events being held on the Pauline Johnson grounds in the morning, while the seniors staged their competL tions on the Hollyburn grounds in the afternoon. This year the result was 0 tie,each school mak- ing B2tvb points. The officials were: Junior Sports--chairman, Mrs. Mssterman; starter, Mr. Hamil- ton; recorder, Miss Jackmsn; judges, Miss Ritchle, Miss Her- rin, bliss Wenmoth; announcer, Mr, Brown. Senior Sports--chairman, birs. Selwood; starter, Mr. Davidson; recorder, Miss Crewson; judges, Mr. Carnage, Mr. Russell, Rev, Priest; announcer, Mrs. Brown. Clerk of Course, Mr. Brealey. Doctor, Dr. Nash. The winners were as follows: Senior Sports 78 yard dash, boys 12 and 13 years--I, Frank Tearoe (H) and Charlie Miles (P) tie: 8, Alex. MacAulay (H). 100 yard dash, boys 14 snd up -- I, Malcolm Stevens (P); 2, Teddy Russell (H); 3, George Reid (H). 220 yard dash, boys 12 and 18 years-- I, Alex MacAulsy (H); 2, Charles Miles (P); 8, Frank Tearoe (H). 440 yards, boys 14 snd up-- I, Alfred Busst (P); 2, George Reid (H); 3, Teddy Russell (H). Ball throwing, target--1, biaL colm Stevens (P); 2, James Mur- ray (P); 8, Gerald Mason (P). Relay 220 yards, boys 12 and 13 years--(H), John Fiddes, Frank Tearoe, Harry Jones, Alex. MacAulay. Relay 330 yards, Boys 14 and up-- (P), Malcolm Stevens, Ken- neth Keefe, Alfred Busst, Jim Murray. Broad jump, boys 12 and 13 years--I, Alex. MacAulay (H); 2. Charles Miles (P); 8, Bill Parker (P). Broad jump, boys 14 and up-- I, Alfred Busst (P); 2, Wilfred Thompson (H); 8, Malcoln Stev- ens (P). High jump, boys 12 and 13 years--I, Alex. MacAulay (H); 2, Donald Mills (H); 3, Bill Park er (P). High jump, boys 14 and up-- I, Alfred Busst (P); 2, Wilfred Thompson (H); 8, Frank Dow- ney (P). 76 yard dash, girls 12 and 13 years--I, Geraldine Johnson (P) 2, June IVright (H); 8, Joan Back (H). 100 yard dash, girls 14 and up --I, Marjorie Paton (H); 2, WyL ma Donaldson (P); 3, Mollie Morrison (P). Ball throwing. girls--1, Joan back (H); 2, Marjorie Paton (H); 3, Florence Gracey (P). Relay, 220 yards, girls 12 and 13 years-- (H), June IVright, Marjorie Hill, Betty Vickery, Joan Back. Relay, 330 yards, girls 14 and up-- (H), Marjorie Paton Mild- red Lettner, May Armstrong, Pearl Robertson. High jump, girls 12 and 18 years--I, Catherine Grady (P); 2, Effie Vickers (H) and Betty Vickery (H), tie. High jump, girls 14 and up-- I, Wylma Donaldson (P) and Molly Morrison(P), tie; 2, Aileen Young (P) and Eileen Body (H) tie. Hop-step and jump, girls 12 and 18 years--I, June Wright (H); 2, Geraldine Johnson (P); 3, Catherine Grady (P). Hop-step and jump, girls Ii and up-- I, Pat Davidson (P); 2, Marjorie Paton (H); 3, IVyl- ma Donaldson (P). The Girls's medal was won by Marjorie Paton of Grade 8, Hol- lyburn. The Boys'edal was won by Alexander MacAulsy of Grade 7, Hollyburn. Junior Sports results will be given In next week's issue. CLASSIFIED ADS FURS I'.LEANED. STORED or Rc. modeled. Swmmar prices. Haiiybcra Fcr Stats. Kcith Black. Hciiybopc. FOR SAI.E--Beatty Fdsctpb Wcabcr, practically new, $ 120.00. Phone Wcci 105L FOR REVT--Roam for two adcita. Ucc of bathroom asd stove. Apply Mva. O'Hears, 16th asd Ecquimait, FOR INSIDE FIR csd SLABS, phone Habb Tvacafar, West 17. RccMcccc Phone West 222R. POR MOVING cad BUILDING SUP- PLIES, Phcsa West 17 cc Residence Phone West 222R. FOR SALE--Several side bcildisg Iota on Fcitas Avenue on vary easy terms Apply W. Dickiaacs, P.O. Bcx 206. DRESSMAKING aad Aitccathmc dace reasonably. Phono West 64L. FOR SALE--Large Gvamaphasc, Iil Records; bargain. Apply Mvc. O'Heaps, 15th and Eaqcimcit. I'OUNOATIOV CFIIEVT WORK- Lcsdccapicg acd Lawns Iaki Rack walls, drains, coptic tanks, Ccacisg ccd land clearing, chimneys asd fcroaccc classed acd repaired. Phone T. Barsott, residence phone West 290R. IF Ycc Intend to Build or Want Yacc House Altered or Repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, West 572R. FOR PLU9IBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone West 24 I R. GARDENS--Designed asd I~ id oct. Ovigisci designs in Lily acd Orna- mental Pools, Back and Wall gard- ens. Lawns, Formal acd Reap gard- ens. Rustic Work. Summer bcsccc. Cracy paving. R. J. Kytc, Phone West 411. I'AINTIVG, DECORATING. FRENCH Polishing, Cscicy, Bccidcscc Phone West 7IY. Five new song hits are the tuneful features of "High Society Blues," Fox bIovietone musical romance with Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell, now playing at the Lonsdale Theatre. Joseph McCarthy co-author of «Rio Rite,««Kid Boots," "Irene" and many other famous Broadway productions and James F. Hen- ley,composer of scores of song hits, provided the score. David Butler, who directed Miss Gay- nor and Farrell in "Sunny Side Up,«handled the megaphone. LOST--Brown Felt Hct. braid isccptc. Phase West 206L SNAP--Cbaicc Hamccitc cs Sassy ~lope of West Vascosvcr. Close in, 240 fact fvcstaga; 122 Ceca deep. Easy iccmc arranged. Phone George Gacricy, West 2. IVILL TRADE Smaii Hccac is city with iwp iocc is gatdca Cor 1st, part poymcsi. West af Ambiccidc pcc- Cacpcd. Apply "Lot" s'o Wept Vac News. FOR SALE--Szcctvic ptcamac cam. piste is pccCcct order, $5.00. Pbcwc West 245L. FOR SAI.E--Kiichcs Rasgc. price 510 Phone West 150RZ, CARPENTER asd Uphaictcrcc. Fccs- ituvc repair«i. Linoleum aad Carpet work. Saws iliad. Laws Ma«cpa ~happened. IL Eiiia, Phoae West Sz. POR PAINTING, KALSOHINCNG, Apply C. I Kasisgc, Rccidcscc Phone West 204 R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS vyBAR BEST--Dcsdarasa. SCHWEPPES LEMONADFe CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE csd ail the Gacd Bpcsdc cf Cigars at Tbc Ambltwidc Tcs Romps. HEMSTITCHING--PIais. «Uza yard; ~ ilk asd calaccd Ioc yavd. Paavcc'c Dcygccdp, 14th Street asd Marine. Phono West 144. GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Pcbiic Fire iaaataaca -- Money io Lass TAX SALE LOTS 1405 Harms Dctsc Office Phone West zi or Scy. 1200 Rccidcscc Phase W. 22R or W. 204K IL P. CLARK Si I:O, ESTATES LTD. EXCELLEVT BOMB OPPORTUN- ITY--New Bssgaiaw with Lrgc corner ici, fall Picmbmg, Ficcpiacc, Furnace. Fall Baacmcat Usistcc- poptcd view. Very ccnccsictlt to Beach. Scbool, Ferry asd Stores. Very cheap ct $2200. Terms abost thltd cc Ipcltccc cash, bsicscc ta suit. Phoae Scymaac 7424 IL P, CLARK Vk CO. ESTATES. LTD. or Phone C. J. ARCHER. West 225 The Program of Recital by the Pupibt of birs. F. Knight-Hodge. 1. (0) Scherzo in F ................................................ Muller (b) Minuet ........................................... L. Bamford Peggie IVhipple 2. "Rondo in C" .......................................... Mozart Allan Burton-Forster 3. (a) Study in A Minor ......................... Stamatx (b) The Organ bIan ..................................... W. Cooke Bonnibel Barbour 4. "Frolics" ........,.................................... Von Wilm Gordon hiills B. (a) Maypole Dance ................................ Alee Rowley (b) Waltz op 12, No. 2............................ Grieg Gertrude M. Nash B. (a) «Barcarolle« .......................... Scharwenka (b) "Scampering Mice" ..................................... Schlieder Burnice Babcock 7. (a) Bagatelle in G Minor ..................... Beethoven (b) Valse Caprice in A Flat ................... Tellier Betty Elliott 8. Duet; No. 3 of Three German Dances............ Beethoven Barbara Allwork and Julia Pyne 9. (a) «bioment biusical« ............................. Schubert (b) Entry No. I of the Masqueraders.......... R. H. Walthew Ethel Joan Jeiferies 10. Etude in F. Sharp iMajor ....................... Arensky birs. G. J. 01cLennan NOTICE RATEPAYERS are hereby reminded that the Non-Penalty period for the payment of Taxes expires on June 80th, AND THAT THE blUiVICII'A LITY IS COMPELLED BY LAW to ad&i Ten per cent (IOW ) thereto on July 1st, if the Current Taxes are not then paid. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVEIL t r « ~ r. r ««e :- ca e arv,