West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jun 1930, p. 3

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0001 June 6, 1930 THF WEST VAN NEWS jeS lief liss )0625" hQ):II Dundarave Cash Crocery 22th uud Bellevue IVe curry u fuii line uf Grocurius, specializing in BOY A L CITY QVAI.ITY GOODS Phone Wuui 2 We Deliver An exhibition of home eco- omics will be given in the Ingle- wixxl auditorium next Friday, 13th June, at 7:30 p.m. There will be a parade of dresses at 8:30. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. W. Tinney, 20th and Waterfront, is entertaining the members of the Dundarave Ladies Choir at a Musicale on the evening of Tuesday, June 24th.\ \ Nr. and Mrs. E. S. Pearce, 1460 Marine Drive, are moving at the end of this week into a suite in the Hollyburn Block, 16th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ i ! Spend s few hours at HORSFSHOE BAY. BOATS, CANOES, or FISHING TACKI.E, FOR HIRE Ask for Howard Rogers on float for information re- ih Ir h u h. W, TINNEY Builder and Contractor Office: Hay Block Phone: West 21 Plans and Estimates sub ment arranged to suit. ! Hollyburn THEATRE Thursday, Friday uud Satursay WILL ROGERS in 66They had to See Paris" hh|RRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D, WHITE, Ngr. Diufiuetivu Funeral Serricu Lady Assistant $2e--srd SI. B Phuua North 42S COUNCII. NOTES F. C. Aubrey access D.L. 771- 1-6. Referred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer for their reports. Swimming Club. Free trans- ortstion to gals competition. ieferred to the chairman of transportation with power to act. T. P. Commission. Life buoys. referred to the chairman of the parks board with power to act. The following were referred to the engineer: 1. Complaint against inch pipe tapping service pipe at Caulfeild. 2. Complaint against filling up of Caulfelld dam . Power to act. 3. H. N. Clark. Condition of pipe st Sherman. To use his own discresslon. The engineer reported on: 1. Fill on boulevard 682-6-8. Cost 625. Expenditure of not to exceed 612,60 authorized on receipt of applicant's cheque for an equal amount. 2. Stuart Cameron's objection to metered water. Water supply to be no longer metered after 30th June. Instead he be chadg- ed the regular water rates for domestic purposes of 67 per half year snd 65 per half year for his garage. 3. M. Edmondson's application for permission to re-subdivide 430-34-23 and 24. Permission granted if the tent st present standing on the ground be first removed. 4. J. Atkinson's application for water. D.L. 811-4-B. cost follow- ing the roads with pipe 6420 or service for summer only 670. Referred to the chairman of the waterworks and the engineer. 5. Flume alongside Fortune Cup Inn. Requires serious re- pairs when waterflow diminishes in the meantime minor urgent repairs needed were being made. Filed. The foreman reported on: g 1. Marine Drive East sidewalk cost at a cost of 6670 or a road- way subject, however, to cars and horses $200. An expendi- ture not to exceed $75 be author- ized for the preparation of a path on the south side of the Drive. 2. G. Koning's application 555- 11-13. Fill required to give ac- cess. Cost 625. On receipt of cheque for $12.50 from the appli- cant an equal expenditure will be authorized. The North Vancouver branch of the B. C. Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals was granted permission to tag in West Vancouver but not on the ferries on 12th July. A donation of $25 was made to the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O.D.E., toward the cost of finish- ing the engraving of the Memory- h h. Mrs. R. J. Cameron of Ioco, is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, 21st and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Come in and get acquainted As Before: THE SA5IE SERVICE AVID Bl'.ST IIUAI.ITY GOODS William Gunn, 23rd and Hey- wood, left yesterday for Port Hammond. \ ~ Nrs. Black of Vancouver, hss taken a cottage on 22nd Street. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Richardson has had a start made on the construction of her new house at 14th and Duchess. ~ ~ Last Friday on the Pauline Johnson grounds, the Hollyburn Senior girls baseball team de- feated the Pauline Johnson girls by s score of 15 to 7 runs. The Pauline Johnson Senior boys'aseballteam beat the Hollyburn seniors 6 to 6 runs. The score was tied in the latter match up to the seventh innings, necessi- tating 2 more innings being play- eii. ~ h Miss Ruth Hill has returned to her duties at the B. C. Telephone Co, here, after spending her an- nual vacation on Vancouver Is- land. u Mrs. Stern of Vancouver, has returned to her summer home in West Bay. u u u Mrs. Selwood, School Trustee, with her two nephews, John snd Kenneth Gordon-Noe, visited the ski camp on the King's birthday. W. B. Thomas, 2714 Marine Drive, was taken to Shaughnessy Hospital Tuesday. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robinson, 17th and Duchess, have moved into the house of Mrs. M. B. Rob- inson 13th and Clyde D. McTavish, 21st and Belle- vue, who has been seriously ill in Shaughncssy Hospital for a long period, spent Sundalf with hiu family and is looking much im- proved. u At the regular monthly meet- ing of the Hollyburn Public Library last Monday evening, it was decided that those joining the library during this month will have their membership cards dated from 1st July Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Brooks are moving at the end of the week from Vancouver to 1460 Marine Drive. The Hobb Coal and Transfer Co. have moved their office a- cross the road to the Hollyburn Barbers, where orders may be left. The phone remains the same, IVest 17. A scheme is being tentatively discussed by the West Vancou- ver P.T.A. to charter ferry No. 6 for an annual picnic. ~ u ~ IIIr. and mrs. George Bulkley, 'Dreamy Nook," 26th and Belle- vue, have had as their guests their son and daughter-in-law, fifr. and lifrs. C. Bulkley of Port- land, Of+Son. They report a twenty-mile detour at the Chuck- anut pass due to slides. ~ u ~ Miss Lucy McDougall, of 17th and Marine, entertained at a de- lightful social evening on Satur- day evening last, among those present heing Miss Nary kiac- donald. Miss Ethel Millard, Miss G. Lawson, hIiss Marion Pollard, Miss Joan. Purchase and Miss N. Gray. A series of novel competi- tions and games were introduced and tasteful refreshments were served during the evening by Mrs. McDougall. Duncan NcNi1lan, 20th and Esquimalt, won the Canadian Bag kisnufacturers'up last week st Kelowna out of a field of eighty golfers. u u ~ Miss B. McGorsn Ifl Nerritt, B. C„wss the guest over the week end of Nr. and Mrs. George Gemmill, 16th and Esquimalt. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Douglas Dewar, who prior to her marriage wss Miss Amy Adair, has arrived from New York with her two children, Douglas and Patricia, to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adair, "Grey Rocks," Caulfeild. Nrs. Dewar was the assisting artist at a con- cert given at the Hotel Vancou- ver on Saturday evening by the pupils of hire. Vers O. HilL h ~ Mrs J F Murray and the Misses D. Murray, J. Brand and Eva Brand have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for the season. ~ ~ \ IV. T. Shellard of Dundarave, is on a business trip in the prair ies. Writing from Fairview, Alta., he states that the wheat is well formed in the Peace River district, and that the farmers are looking forward to one of the biggest crops in years. Settlers also are coming in in large num- bers, especiall in the Fort Ver- million and ort St. John dis- tricts. u \ ~ The women of the Baptist Mission Circle last Tuesday hon- ored their secretary, birs. Hib- berd with s small remembrance on the occasion of her twenty- fifth wedding snmversary. A pleasant social hour was spent and refreshments served by the Circle. Mr.and Nrs. John Blair, who are spending the summer season in Dundarave, are at present staying with friends in the city. h u u E. W. Jackson, radio announc- er for CNRT Toronto is the guest of his brother, J. F. Jack- son. 20th and Bellevue. u Miss Winnie Bowman, 22nd snd Inglewood, has been confined to her home for a few days this week through sickness. u ~ h ibir. and Mrs. F. Hoyle of Van- cuver, have taken the Garland cottage at 13th and hiarine Drive. hdqrs L Burley while fishing on Sunday in front of her home at 28th and Waterfront, caught a 76 lb. skate. The regular meeting of the P.T.A. will be held next Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Pauline Johnson School. A special musical pro- gram has been arranged. Mr. Cyril Haworth who has been ill at home for the past three weeks is now convalescent. h ~ 3'ir. Farl St. C. Muir, a former resident, has published a small volume of poetry entitled "Poems of the Prairie." The Dundarave Ladies Choir will close the season's activities with a social evening to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall on Tuesday, June 17th. All mem- bers are requested to turn iu their music at the final practice to be held at the home of Mrs. F, X. Hodgson on Friday, the 6th. P ERSON ALS RED BAND BIsmuthated Magnesia excellent for Stomach Troubles 25c and 45c. All your drug require- ments are here for you. A phone call to West 87 will bring to your door anything you msy require, large or smslL When you need a Drug Store remember West 37. WEST VAN FHAINACY Thu Stora uf Service. ~ Wuut 22 WE OELIVEB J. Alexander of Vancouver, has taken the Reid house, 14th and Gordon Ave. GORDON ROBSON Buwiuiur S Sourituf WEST VANCOVVEB- Office Nu 2442 hturiuu Drive phone West fez VANCOVVEB OFFICF Suite Sis SIO Huuiiugu St. W Phone Suyhuuur 4122. ! THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LDIITED For People Who Are Particular THIBB ST. uus ST. DAVIOS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L For Exchange 28ft Cabin Cruiser In Good Condition for a lot near 'hfartne Dnve K. W. Savory 1443 fiiarine Drive Ambleside Phone Best 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent FUEL 51cLcod River Hard Coal 613.50 ton Rose Deer (Drumheller) Coal .............. 612.60 ton Bush lVood. 37.60 per cord Bark........ 67.50 per cord hiillwood Slab 65.60 per cord Weatou Cartage Phone West 230 hiuriug uue Daily Trips Ttuiuhfur, Iu City. h You pay for the premiums! ,fu Remember that! fiif Maelean's Orange Pekoe rj h Vhh