West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jun 1930, p. 2

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0001 iv q' i' qq'io h 'qmV'o q1 -Y.. '~, *Dgiiew/ hs q tiio'\ I'N \'or iq~ fv 'q '~ O'Vrh,I'v~ CmCV oqvvVsV vv Adjudications in New Auditorium Georgia and Denman St. WVe(Ines(Iayy June 4th to 14th Grand Finale LARGE CO51PETITIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 14th (ARENA) Seats may be booked at J. W. Kelly Piano Co., Lid. Granvise Street. HEAVY TRAFFIC OiV NORTH VAN. FERRIES Over the past week-end the city ferries carried 22,S37 pas- sengers and S,082 vehicles ac- cording to a report of ferry of- ficials issued last Tuesday. On Saturday the ferries carried 12,- 127 passengers and 1654 vehicles and on Sunday 10,208 passengers and 1428 vehicles were carried. Sunday'0 traffic was distributed more equitably over the morn- ing and afternoon with the re- sult that the Lonsdale avenue line-up of cars was not so ex- tensive as on the previous three ! Established oo North Shore 20 Ycosm (Lady Acclstcoi) HARRON BROS. S( %1LLIAMSON funrral Iirrltars North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. IS4 HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th A Marino EXPERT SBRVICE SPRING is here'; and our New Samples complete. ORDER YOUR SUIT or SPRING TOP COAT NOW Dry Cleaning and Pressing. M. WILLIAMS Isib ood Mcrioo. Ambicoido CUSTOhl1 TAILOR Phoae West 20 West Van Net(Js Poblicbcd Every Fridoy Bosixccc cxd Ediiorlcl Offices llib oml Mcrixc Drive (Next lo Hollyboro P .O.) Phone West 363 Mcu Addsoocs P.o. Sox 61, Hollybosa, B.C. Poblicbcs F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 1.00 ~ year lsy ssoR ot carrier. Ncwscioodc 64 pcs copy St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Whitsunday (June 8th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11115 s. m.--Matins. 3 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7:16 p. m. -- Evensong. An- them: OO For 0 Closer IValk with God.o Next Monday evening there is the monthly meeting of the Church Committee in the Parish Hall at 8 o'lock. The Women's Auxiliary holds its monthly meeting in the Par- ish hall on Tuesday afternoon at 2 0'lock: On account of inclement weather the Trail Ranger athle- tic meet was postponed from last Saturday until June 14th at Hastings Park. The A.Y.P.A. will entertain the Lulu Island A.Y.P.A. at a beach party Thursday June 19th, not tonight as originally planned. Tonight at 6 o'lock the girls'aseballteam plays the Grand- view United team at Hollyburn School. Last Friday night the girls were beaten 17-3 by Moun- tain View United in the city and on Monday night lost a game by one run to St. Giles'nited. CARD OF THANKS Mr, cnd Mrs. E. S. Poorcc, wbo bcvo sold their dry goods business to Mr. Ood Mrc. Brooks wish io thank the residents of West Vancouver for the support given them during the last gvc yccrlD CARD OF THANKS Mr. Ond Mrc. G. Bolklcy feel they cannot express their thanks cofficicoily for the great kind- ness cod attention shown by their very numerous fricmls io bor recent cod pending severe lllmccs. ! LETTER OF THANKS It lc with gratitude I extend my thanks for the sympciblcc given io mc cod my family, io oor borcovcmooi; the loco of o dear wife cod mother, it boc al- most overwhelmed mo in its cio- ccriiy cod volosoo, also for the many bccolifol floral tributes sent. Will friends plccso accept ibis os my personal ibookc for the great kisdooso showered upon W. G. DRAPER. June Ssd, 1060, I 5rtttsjl CIIlIInlbtn Sustrfil 9&rsttIIII1 Under ihe auspiccx of the Knights of Pythias THF. IVFOIT VAN NFWS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH Rl)IPICE 20U ood IMOoimch, HMiyboso This Society lc ~ Branch of Tbo bloibor Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, io Boston Moccccbucoiic. Sunday Sorvlcoc 11JIO o. m. Ood T.SO p.m. SUBJECT, JUNE Sib, OGOD THE ONi.Y CAUSE AND CREATOR" Sunday Scbool at 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony Mcotiog Wodoosdoy at 6.16 p.m. United Church hiinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 8th, 1930 Dr. Henry will preach at both service. 10:00 a. m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a. m.--Public Worship snd Sermon; topic, "Pentecost." 7:15 p. m.--Public Worship and Sermon; topic, "ihfanhood Served with a Summons." Next Sunday is the 1900th Anniversary of the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost. Dr. Henry st the morning service will give a resume of Stanley Jones'reat book, "The Christ of every road," a wonderful and sane study of Pentecost. At the evening service Dr. Henry invites the young people to 0 talk on the challenge of to- day to the youth of the commun- ity. On Tuesday afternoon the clos- ing meeting of the season of the Women's Association was held a! the residence of the president, Mrs. D, C. Ritchie. There wss a good attendance of zealous work- ers to wind up one of the most successful seasons. Good reports werf made and plans discussed fpr the futdre. A social half hour with refreshments brought to a close a most delightful aft- ernoon, with an appreciation for the entertaining gifts of the hostess. Those interested in the Bible are reminded of the readings of Acts on Wednesday evenings. There is no sermon or set ad- dress, but a careful and critical reading of the book itself. It is based on the fact that we read so much about the Bible without reading itself, and letting it re- veal its own lessons. On Saturday afternoon the of- ficial opening of the Tennis Lawn will take place. It is in good condition and lately has been increased by a ten foot length, giving lots of runway. There will be refreshments and a real social time is anticipated. An invite is given to sa whether players or not to come and enjoy the afternoon. The boys of Miss Ola McLesn's class are entertaining the boys of the C. S. E. T. at a bonfire at the foot of 19th Street on Satur- day at 7:SO p.m. All the Trail Rangers are asked to take notice. Next Wednesday, June 11th, Dr. and Mrs. Henry will be at home to the congregation and other friends from 3 to 6 at their residence 2166 Argyle Street Dr. E. A. Henry will give a lecture under the auspices of the Men's Club on June 20th at 8 p. m. in the United Church, sub- ject "The Boy." ! FOR SALE! Hoover Cleaner In good condition. With All Attachinents Phone North 211 BRITISH ISRAEL Lecture Committee Bscocb of ibo Bslilsb lssool World I'odorcuoo CANADIAN 1,110ION MElloRIAI. HALL NEXT SUNDAY oi 2:00 P.M. Spookot; MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE PROGRESSIVE PLAN OF GOD." (A Scsloo of Lcciosoo) blr. King broadcasts over CKbVX every blondoy Crom si46 io TI16 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 1Sth snd Haywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday, June 8th. 10 a. m.--Bible School. Classes for everyone. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach at both ser- vices; topic, 'The Joyful Church.'he concluding address on the series of the "Church of Christ." Anthem: "Ever Near." We think today of that mem- orable day 1900 years ago when the Holy Ghost came down and by His power and presence trans- formed that little company of waiting believers and today a- bides in all His people. 7:15 p. m.--Song Service. 7:30 p. m.--Evening Worship. Topic; "The Owner's Mark." Anthem--"0, For 0 Thousand Tongues." A cordial invitation to ag. Wednesday, 8 p. m.--Midweek Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7 p.m.--Mothers snd D ssi q q i. 81.Anthony'4 Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7145 a. m.--Low Mass, Instruction. 9:45 a. m.--High Mass, Ser- mon. 7:30 p. m.--Rosary, Sermon, Benediction, Week Days: 7:30 a. m. -- Low Mass. Friday, May 30, to Saturday, June 7, inclusive: Novena to the Holy Ghost Exercises: 7:30 a. m. -- Daily Mass, Novena prayers. 7:30 p. m--Evening Devo tions. Special Indulgences, partial and plenary. Choir Practice: Senior, Friday after Devotions. Junior, Wednesday, after Devotions. Bible and Catechism Classes, Saturday, 10 s. m. Confessions, Saturday, 11 a.m. The month of June is dedicat- ed by the Church to devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who is perfect--God and perfect man in one divine personality. The Divine Person is united to the Humanity of Christ considered not only in its totality but also in its several parts, His Precious Blood, His Sacred Heart, etc. It follows, therefore, that every one of these organic parts is de- serving of adoration, not consid- ered in itself, but in view of its union with the Godhead. hire. E, Birch has taken the Holt cottage on lyde Avenue. ! The Amhlcsids Fish & Chip Shop WHI Close After June 7th until further notice. Watch for further announcement I June 6, 19SO, Dr. hfarjory McCubbin DE.'i T 1 ST 10 o. m. Io 0 p. m. Evooiogs by ~ppoloimooi. Ro cl Bank Building hone wcsi 440 Rocidooco I boos Woci 202 ST veliest Mother and Most Attractive ( hild by bcviog your photo taken ol The King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP 311 Hastings bt. W. Ectcblisbcd 1002 AR Work Gocsooiccd One of fow Vcocoovos Stodloc whose pboioc oso oligiblo for this contest. ON Ol Phone Sey. 1046 W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the Women's Temperance Union will be held on Thursday, June 12th, at 2115 in the United Church Hall. Mrs. Selman (District Super- intendent of the Citizenship com- mittee), will give an address. We hope aa members will make an e(Toit to be present as this will be the last meeting until September. A hearty invitation is extend- ed to sH ladies interested in temperance work.-- Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ogden of Winnipeg, have taken the Wood- cock house at 18th and Gordon Avenue. A man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away. NOW PLAYINC COME EARl. Y JANET GAYNOR AND CHARLES FARRELL IN A Doushifol Mociccl Romcoso I High Society Blues A Iielisbtful I icixso , jS ONSDAL COM INC Moll Tom WO4 Noxi Ceorgs Arliss lo THE CREEN GODDESS" ! SPECIAL I MATINEE WED 3 45 TIMES oocco Niobily 2;iy CO4 0:is oooocm Mci. WC4. 4 ~.m. Juno Di wo ISI Wl 8: