West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 May 1930, p. 6

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0001 re h i A,h e"hs h h V4 hh heeso- hhr h h hh s' ~ s ew- ahh' h eis ~ see 's e u s"'r" s vws i e-l i st 49 s sswi'ry '4- irii- s '" s ~ sic .. s ~ ~ ' 's 'e es ;4;.~c hi'h cr~ rr ihVr ~ ~hhvs ~'wv 7veVr~ i rshh h vw r r hs Sh Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES II ollyburuDuudarave,","m '„td ht'.,i.". Suggestions Friday and Saturday - May 30th and 31st Telephone Service Free Delivery Rcd ik White Grape Fruit, tia 27c Rcd ik %hits Tomatoes..3 tins $9c iducray's Marmalade, 49 oa. 1st ..........,..., ...,.......... $9c Nabok Strawberry yam, 49 «m. pcr iar...................... 49c Swausdowu Cake Fluur. pkt. $7c Ginger Soaps ............ 2 ttus zpc Scccus Toilet Paper .. 2 rolls zsc Rcd R White Faucy White Corn 2 tins $5c Rcd R trhitc Poaaut Butter. 2 lk tin $7c Bcusou's Coro Starch ... 2 pkts. 25c Bulk Lump Sagar..--...... '2 lbs. 17c Dommtic Shoclouiug. pcr pkt. 19c Shredded Wheat, pcr pkt ..... lec tluakcc tlulck Oats, N.P., pkt. 25c Rcd 44 White Broad Flour, 7 lk Sack $7c Risl di White Sttcsst Piacapplc, large tiu $4c llod tt White Cut Beans. 2 tiua $5c Regis Brand Condensed iililk, pcr tiu ....... .. .... ................. 19c blaishall's Bsrrlugs, iu Tomatu Sauce. tin ................. ........ . .. 2 1 c Rcd 41 White Salmon, tia...., 24c tylmer 1'ork aud Beans, 2 uus zic scd tk irhitc Peaches, Is, tia... 19c REGAL SllARBR SALT 2 pktu 21c Vabob Prunes, 2 lb. pkk...... $$c Roberts'etter Meats Call Special attention to their display window, fitted with the "Kelvinator" System of Refrigeration, which provides Safety and Cleanliness for your meat, lIsh, etch during the hot weather The Store of Convenience Remember ROBERTS'or "Everything Good to Eat.u SPECIAL New Laid Eggs Pullets--28c. Firsts--30c. Daily Deliveries to all parts, Capllano to Whytecliff west 190 1680 Marine Drive COUNCIL NOTES A letter containing the follow- ing resolutions from the town- planning commission was order- ed filed: 1. That the commissioners en- dorse the action of the council trith regard to the painting of advertisements on rocks along Marine Drive, snd also in regard to the proposal to establish round abouts and similar mechanical amusements at Horseshoe Bay hotel grounds, said action being consistent with the policy the commissioners are endeavoring to fouow. 2. That the attention of the council be drawn to the fact that the proposed new zoning by-lsw wiu require the support of a building by-lsw, and the commis- sioners suggest that the matter receive the early consideration of the council J. st C. Reid were advised that their request for the installation of a hydrant at 11th and Keith would be considered when the next new ones were decided upon. A letter was sent E. P. Davis st Co. acting for C. F. Fearnside, thanking them for the offer of a park in the proposed subdivi- sion of 763 S. pt.-4, but declining same as not suitable for such a 'purpose snd consequently as of no public benefit. H. G. Williamson drew atten- tion to the dangerous corner at 24th and Haywood. Referred to the reeve and chairman of the board of works with power to act. The matter of seats, etch on Dundarave pier and the question of the bath house lease were re- ferred to the reeve and chairman of the parks board with power to act. Everything In Lumber At Vancouver City Prices From the highest to the cheaper grades. SASH, DOORS, FRAMES and INTERIOR FINISH A branch of the Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization in British Columbia. Pince your order with us and get Real Service. Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Dr. at 16th NIGHT PHONE after 5 p. mh West 241 R. Ask for Jerry Dent THE WEST VAN NEWS v CONNOR IVASHERS ESTABI.ISH I.OCAI. AGENCY E. G. Canham of the Radio Electric, has been appointed loc- al agent of J. H. Connor and Son Ltd. and has put in a full line of their celebrated washers, which are all Canadian made, at his store, 1439 ibisrine Drive. A- mong others you can see the Connor Thermo Washer, the Connor Junior Gyrator Washer and the Connor Sunshine Wash- er, The history of the Connor Thermo Washer is a story of con. tinuous growth over a period of flfty-four years. The first Con- nor Washer was manufactured in Canada in 1875 and from that date to the present the name Connor has been pre-eminent in the washing machine world. Only the Connor uses the sci- entiilc principle of insulation. No other machine can use it be- cause Connor pioneered the in- sulated tub. Connor insulation keeps the water hot, twice as long as any other machine. The Thermo Insulated Tub An exclusive Connor feature is the latest and most needed improvement. It gives greater efficiency and longer life to the Connor Thermo Electric Washer over all others. The Thermo is a tub within a tub, having an interlining of in- sulating material. This construc- tion keeps the suds at a uniform temperature to the end of the wash. Call and see the washers, or phone the agent and have a dem- onstration put on right in your home. A. J. Charman wrote oifering 237-23-13 for purchase at 61,600, for the land only. Referred to the reeve and the chairman of the parks board. slay 80. 1980. Only the Best at JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Goternment Inspected Only (Two Stores for your service} 14tmb Beef Pork Ilollyburn Store est 3 bsblitiiiitiri Vbtett 303 c i"si i pjt'ERVICF, Fverythmg for the Building LUMBER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Igtmatco -- Gyproc -- I'luster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 116 Residence Phone: West 368L. DANCING There is dancing at Horseshoe Bay every Saturday night. Come and dance under ideal conditions. Harry Carr's Orchestra in at- tendance. The News Guessed It. What are the three words most used by boys and girls at school r'sked the father of his son. "I don't know,'was the reply. "That's it," said the father,'ou ve guessed it the first time. The Sufferer uWho is the responsible in this firm?'asked the caller. "I don't know who is ible, sir," said the office boy "but I always get the blame." MT. Home Buyer: "'That's one good point about it!" One block from Ccir Line- 5TREET CAR5 INCREA5E THE VAlLIE OF YOLIR PROPERTY F it's near the street car line, a home has an added value. Builders recognize this principle when they select property on which to put up a house. @There is a stability about a street car or interurban system that inspires coibfi- dence. You may not use the line yourself, but your property takes on an added value because of the existence of a street car route in the district. /The B.C. Electric can honestly claim to have done its full share towards in- creasing property values in Vancouver. r: 4$ BRITISH COLNMBIA ELECTRIC RAII WAY COo LTDp