West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 May 1930, p. 5

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0001 (7, I cf 'k( May SO, ISSO. 4 I.EGION ELECT OFFICERS The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver, held their annual meeting and election of officers last Monday evening in the new 't Memorial Hall, when there was a large turn out of members. An audited statement of the fln- i ances of the branch was present- I ed and adopted. The following officers were elected for the en- suing year: President--Major B. H. Harri- BOIl. Vice-President--Captain H. I. We Vince.Sec. Treasurer--F. Rivers. Executive Committee--W. T. ';. Atwood, C. Turner, Captain H. w G. Ware, E. Groom, H. Bachelor. House Commit tee--C. Shar- man, C. Turner, Captain H. I. Vince. Membership Committee -- P. Greer, T. Barnott, A. Lawrence. Sergeant st Arms--W. Carley. Sick Committee--J. Lawson, Captain C. J. Archer, C. Shar- man. Entertainment Committee- J. McEwan, G. Childs, J. Holt, A. H. Parson, G. Dorman. Publicity--Captain F. F. Love- fh grove.. Chaplain -- Rev. A, HardingPriest. The retiring president, Captain i Lovegrove, thanked the membersfor the loyal support he had re- RR I ceived during his two years of office, and 8 vote of thanks was passed to him and the Secretary, F. Rivers, tor their work. The following were received as new members of the branch: Ernest Canham, Gilbert K. Whipple, John MeEwan, Alan Sanderson. I. O. D. E. DANCE VERY SUCCESSFUL There was a good attendance at the flannel dance given by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, L O.D.E. in the Inglewood Behoof auditorium last Friday evening. The hall was beautifully decorat- ed with flags and bunting, and a large union jack was draped at the back of the stage to form 6 background. The orchestra was 0 particularly good one, and was very generous with its encores. A large fruit cake. was raffle during the evening, the lucky number being held by Mrfh F. N. Hirst. During the interval refreshments were served, and altogether the evening wss very enioyable. Handy Seasoning Cream your butter and carry it in a glass jar. It spreads easi- er and cannot melt and soak into the rest of the lunch. Mix salt and pepper together and carry in one shaker. C P RO THE WEST VAN NEWS MRS. KNIGHT. HODGF.'S PUPILS IN RECITAL Tomorrow (Saturday) after- noon at S:16 o'lock. some of Mrs. Knight-Hodges'ianoforte pupils will be heard in recitsL Mrs. F, X. Hodgson, SSrd and Bellevue is kindly loaning her home for the occasion. Admis- sion by invitation. OMiss Jones," with gleamfng teeth Columbus Swift, the Beau Brummel of the Darktown col- ony, approached 8 fair colored damsel at the dance, "is yo'ro- gram full?a aMistah Swift, if yo'hinks two of dern measley, little sanu wiches an' cup of dat weak punch can fill my program, yo'ssho'istaken. Lead me to de feed!" A new clerk, dictating 8 few days ago, was in doubt as to the use of a certain phrase, Bo he said to the stenographer: aDo you retire a loan?a and the wistful one replied: aNo, I sleep with my mother." Judge Distraught:-- "Here again are you? Are you mar- ned?a Prisoner:-- aNo, sir, single.w Judge Distraught:-- "Mighty good thing for your wife. Ten days." CLASSIFIED ADS LOST--White F(OR'y Toy Dog, Rml collar, on Suudgy. Phone West 817R LOST--Wbito Gold Wotcb with Chola oud locket attached. Reward. Phone Hishloud IS7 or Wog( 833. TO LEASE--Modccu House oa Water- front. Furuscc, ctc. Apply "Hoogo" clo West Vuu News. FOR INSIDE FIR oud SI.ABS, phouo Hubb Transfer, West 17. Rogldcuco Phoae West 332R, FOR MOVING gud BUILD(NG SUP- PLIES, Phone West 17 or Rogkloucc Phone West 832R. FOR SALFr Scvctgi uko buiM(as lots on Fultos Avcuuc on very easy terms. Apply W. Dkkiugou, P.O. Bcx 806. DRESSMAKING oud Altctgtioao done toogouobly. Phone West 64L Auction By HARVEY dt GORRIE On Moudoy. Juuo 2ud. Ot 2 p. m. cf Hougchold Futultuto aud Impcviol Range ~I Iho tcoldcuco of Mto. A. Harvey 2131 MARINE DRIVE (gear 210( Street) Including Simmoug Bcd with Slumber King Spclua gud FOR Mottccac, Soui- tovy Couch, Golden Ook aud Ctagtu enamel Dtcoocto, Wilton Oud reversible hoocthtugg. Ccugolcum Rags 9x9 oud 7.8 x 9, Tbtoo-piocc Cane Living Room Suito with Cughiouo, Iwttthoc Uphol- 0(crcd Rockocg, several ulcc plants, fernery, Ploce Lamp, Goldcs Ook Library Tabid. Brass Pire Implements, Fim Screen, Books, Pictures, Curtulug gud Drapes, Singing Couoty Oud Beau- tiful Btogo CaSe, Impctiol A gix-bole Rouge in good oouditiou, Electric Plate, Kitchen Table oud 8 Chairs, Holf Dinner Sccvlcc, Electric Iron, Chins oud Glassware, Utougilcg, Qugu- ti(y of Home Preserved Fruit, Ook Kcg, Icc Box, Fcui( Jars, Go(des Tools uud miocolluucoug items. On view Saturday afternoon from 2 till 5 Oud morning of sale from 9 o'lock. HARVEY fk GORRIE 655 Richards Sttcch Phone Soy. 1645 LOST--A Sboppiug Bog. 00 14th IR. ~t Edquililult, 0 co'tt btcwu gwodc bog. Pkogc pbcuc West 184X. ROOM ANiD BOARD--Two Adulto ~ud child of flvo for July. Ugo of gatdcu. Phone Triuity 8N41 FOR SALE--Loulgvlno Sluggvc booo ball but, ball. Oud pitchoc'0 mi(, 0R koguo. Phoae West 278. FOR SALE--Solmou Rod (by Mil- wgtd', Eugloud), Rucot quan(y nuo. $SJN, olgo tcuulg tocquo(, Suoldiug Blue Sttcok, 14 7/8 ox. wl(b prem Never been used, $4JN. Phoae Woo( 2(2L CARPENTER aud Upholsterer. Futu- itutc ccpoicwL Llaoloum aud Carpet work. Sowg Ried. Lawn Muwctg ~hacpcucd. IL Euis, Pbouo West 87. FOR PAINTING, KALSOMINLvfG. Apply C. I Kouiugg, BOOMcuco Pbouo Wogi 8941L WEBB'6 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudotovo. FOUNDATION CEMENT WOBK- Loudgcupiug sud Lawns )01& Rock walls, drains. septic toukg, fouctug oud land clcoviug, chimucyg oud fuff(geog clcoticd olid cvpoltmL Phone T. Bursa(I, gogidcuco phone West 290R. RELIABLE PIANO TUNER--W. H. Tucson. 4620 West 7th Avc. Rooi- dence Phage Enid(I 1267IL IF You latoud to Buibl oc Wuag Yoag Huugc Alto(ad or Ropobud, phoae Colin Turner, builder. West 6791L FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rco- idcuco Pbouo Wm( 24(IL HEMSTITCHING--Plois «bito Bc yard; silk oud cokgod 100 rot& Poove~ ~ Dvygoodg, IOh Stcam oud Motiuo. Phouo West 144. SCHtVEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE oud oil the Gccd Brands ot Cigars at Tbo Amblcgido Too Rooms PAINTING, DECORATING.FREVCH Polishing, Curlcy, Rcgidcucc Phone West 71Y. )3 INDOW BLINDS -- Made to Onkc oud iugtonc(L Egtimutcg fto& Pcotcc'0 Dtyguodg. 14th Street Oud DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Styrtgt tahi ii ihi Howe Ot Diaahtww Lid. asciit .. Neith Shat of Bcrwid inta . Oh t (wuicauicg ewer ia thi dgtx (ca- ~wvag LI RE HERE &rc in Britith CO-Tlumblg over 20000 ktmt with 800000 geog unde( cul- tivgtioc. paxluciug ggdcul- tuml pmduat valued 0( 338.404,243. A aaaiadavi htdcatv tad act ataih ii tipihtt of iacagoci tx. aiaaw, fa catt theat oit ita ia (Softhead i tihtiigdwttvwt uad is at gttaa fc aw Thta (00 gir itak a c opaiial oht niwliii ~it diaacdtag the eiodvui id t (00 eir a i. 0 C iawai I Sriii h Calumblo'a ptatpctit paytoua cail ilcpcud on hrr iadatttica. tlicml NOTICE TO PUBLIC CARRIERS NOTICE is hereby given that by Pro clomutiou ot the Lieu(vugh(.GOvccuov made the 7th dgy Ot blay, 1930, Part V ct the "Highway Ac(" came into force on the 15th day of bluy, 1930, oud atter the said last-mentioned date 00 person shall carry on upon 0 high- woy in any uuotgouigcd district or on any arterial or primary highway with- iu 0 Muuicipolay, by means of 0 public vehicle, the bugiucgg Of 0 public cuv- cicv of freight. or of passengers, or of poggcugctg oud freight, unless ho is the holder Of 0 public cur(ice'0 liccucc therefor Ot is exempted under (hc tcnug of Part V of Iho "Highway Acta or togulotioug made thereunder. Copicg of the regulations uud ap- plication forms for Liccuccg cou be Obtoiuod, oud further information go- ccivcd from the Chief Engineer, Do- pottmcut of Publk Works, Potlkmcui Buildings, Victoria, R C., or from the Highway Ttaffic uud Utilities Eugiu- coc, Court House, Vouccuvct, B. C. N.S.LOUGHEED, Minister of Public Wovkg. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B. G Muy 20th, 1930. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th a Muciuo EXPERT SERVICB E. MARSH, Pcopriotoc GARDFv(S--Dooigucd oud loid out. Original dogiguo iu Lily aud Orna- mental Pcolg, Rack oud Wuu Sont- 000. Lowug, Focmo) osd Rose gutd- 000. Rug(ic Wort. Smumct bougcg. Ccoxy paving. R J. Ky(c, Phoae West 411. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance No(ucy Public Five Iugucouco -- Mosey to Loss TAX SALE LOTS 1405 Marine Drive Offico Phuuo West 21 or Soy 2260 Rcoidouco Phone W. 82R or W. 204X IL P. CLARK a Lo. BsTATEs LTD. EXCELLILiT HOIIE OPPORTUN- ITY--Ncw Buugulow with large corner 10(l full Plumbing; Fitoploco; Furuoco. Full Basement. Umutcc- vuptcd view. Very convenient to Beach, Schcol, Ferry oud Stotvth Very cheap at $3300. Tonug obou( tbitd or quarter cash, bolouco Io mlIt. Phoae Scymout 7484 R. P. CLARK a CO. ESTATES, LTD. or Phoae C. J. ARCHER, Wco( 235 g ),. .Ot ST VANCOUVER CREOSOTIKG CO„LTD. Heres yfogas likeSome" NORTH VANCOUVER