West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 May 1930, p. 3

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0001 May 30, 1930 THE WEST VAN NEWS OKicial Ceremony 8 p.m. Danciing 9 to 1 BLUE SYNCOPATORS ORCHESTRA Admission 61.00 Holder of lucky number will receive 620.00 gold place Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale and son of Vancouver, spent the holi- days at their cottage at 22nd and Queens. ~ o o At the recent Albert Hall meeting of the Primrose League, the little grand-daughter of Mr. .nd Mrs. R. M. Bruce, 14th and Esquimalt, hsd the honor of pre- senting a bouquet to Mrs. Stan- ley Baldwin, on behalf of the children of London. She was dressed as a Primrose Fairy, and accompanied by her small broth- er, as John Bull. Just prior to this event, the Primrose Fairy, Valerie Carruthers, dancing and reciting at a function at St. John's Church, Upper Norwood, was complimented by His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Diatluotivo Funeral Service Lady Assistant 82S--srd St. IL Phooo North Sre &DEATH OF bi)IS. W. G. DRAPER Her many friends in West Vancouver will hear with regret of the death of Mrs. W. G. Drap- er of Dundarave, which took place on Monday at the North Vancouver General Hospital, fol- lowing an operation. The de- ceased lady, who was in her 65th year, was very well known and highly respected in West Vancouver and the North Shore, where ehe had resided for a num- ber of years. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, three sons and two daughters. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church here yester- day afternoon at 2!30 o'lock, Rev. H. P. Humphreys officiat- ing, and interment was made in Capilano View cemetery. Harron Bros. and Williamson had charge of the funeral arrangements. CADET INSPECTION Hollylaern THEATRE Thursday, Friday aud Satarday The Terror with MAY McAVOY and LOUISE FAZENDA Last Friday, May 23rd the an- nual inspection of the West Van couver Cadet Corps took place on the Inglewood School grounds. The boys, looking very neat in their uniforms, went through their drills very well, the physi- cal training being exceptionally well done. Captain MacBrayne, the in- specting officer, expressed his satisfaction at the training the boys had received and was par- ticularly impressed that over 100 boys should be so interested in the cadets as to turn out on a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodmass of Brandon, are the guests of Mrs. bL Lambert at the Fortune Cup Inn. Grand Opening NEW ORANGE HALL 22nd and Marine Drive On FRIDAY, JUNE 6th, 1930 Miss Etta MacVean, 2S55 Bel- levue Ave., spent the holidays in Victoria. ~ ~ o Mr. and Mrs. W. I Kerr and daughter of Vancouver, are stay- Ing at the Clachan hotel. o ~ J. Moore and J. Putnam were guests at the Fortune Cup Inn over the week end. ~ o o Mrs. G. Bulkley, who has been a patient at a Vancouver hospit- al, returned on Sunday to her home in Altamont. ~ o ~ Miss Evelyn Colpit ts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Colpitts, 13th and Fulton, was rushed on Sun- day evening to the North Van- couver General Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis the following morn- ing. She is now making satisfac tory progress. ~ o ~ Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Ker- risdale, were guests at the Fort- une Cup Inn over the week end. 1 ~ Neil D. Ross, 14th and Marine Drive, left with two Vancouver friends on Saturday evening for the Peace River. ~ ~ o The swimming tank has been towed from Eagle Harbour to Dundarave pier. ~ \ A. L. Davidson of Vancouver, has moved into his summer home at Caulfeild. o ~ George Bowers of Cherry Creek and Arthur Knox of Ksm- loops, were visiting West Van- couver friends over the week end. ~ ~ ~ Fred Murray of Dundarave, who recently underwent an oper- ation, is able to be out and a- round again. ~ o tf The junior boys'aseball team of Pauline Johnson School de- feated the Hollyburn boys on Thursday, 22nd instant, on the Hollyburn grounds by s score of 7 to 4 runs. o A. A. Langley of Vancouver, has moved into 8 house st 16th and Ottawa. ~ o ~ Before the juvenile bandsmen of General Gordon School left the Children's Day Celebration on Saturday morning a luncheon wss served in their honor in the dining hall of the Hollyburn SchooL G. C, Byrnell, 15th and Gor- don, is back at his office after an absence of several days due to sickness. ~ ~ ~ The ferries had a busy time over the week end, carrying ap- proximately 7400 passengers. The total number using the fer- ries over 24th May was over 4SOO. o ~ ~ Miss Marjorie Pineo, 13th and Keith Road, spent the holidays in Victoria. ~ ~ ~ Captain R. Jackson, 1243 20th Street, was sick and eonfined to his house the first few days of the week. The girls of the Hollyburn baseball team have made for themselves new middy uniforms under the instruction of Miss Davidge, the home economics teacher. H. J. Jarman of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Fort- une Cup Inn. bIiss M. Price of Vancouver, who is a guest at the Clachan, entertained on Sunday bfiss Jean Hooper of Vancouver. ~ ~ o Miss May Trot t of the Red and White Store, Dundarave, with her brother, Cyril Trott, snd his wife, spent the week end at her home in Chilliwack, going and returning by motor. o o o The Misses H. and bL Night- ingale entertained last Friday evening st a delightful dance at the Clachan. The guests were: Mrs. Price, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Suttoth Mrs. Shafer, birs. B. bL Grady, Mrs. Ker, the Misses Powers, J. Stevenson, H. Steven- son, M. Price, E. Brine, bf. Dun- can, Messrs. J. Babcock, H. Bot- terill, G. McBeth, P. Brine, W. Duncan, J. Dawson, C Groom, H. Turner, Shsfer, A. Reid. ~ o Ed. Black 25th and Marine Drive, is a patient at Shaughn easy hospital. Mr. and bfrs. Sadler of Van- couver, spent the week end at their summer cottage at 22nd and Queens. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Dun- darave, have moved into a house at Gordon and Marine Drive. o o Mr. Jarvis has taken a sum- mer cottage at the corner of 23rd and Marine Drive. Next Tuesday, 3rd June, being the King's birthday, is a public holiday, and the schools will be closed on that day. o o o Miss Edna Pentland of New Westminster, and bIiss Enid Berry of Vancouver, were guests at the Clachan over the week end. o liir. and Mrs. Jacobs of Van- couver, have taken one of the cottages at "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Bellevue. for the sum- mer months. ANNOUNCEMENT! TRR iln.'ilB RARRRY, established by the late Mra. Draper in 1887 will uow be carried on by her aou, Frank (who baa been amor!stud iu the buaiuoaa) aud will still be huowu as hlRS. I)RAPBR'8 HOMR RAKRRY Tho oamo quality aud service will be rendered aud we trust for ~ cou- tiauatiou of support as bao always been given uo. 2WS Mariao Drive (ar. 22th SL) I'hoao Woat SSS PERSONALS ALL KINDS Of Sorvtoua aro yoaru tor tbo aohtug. It it's a Proocriptioa, wo'R dispense it, Cosmetics, Station. ory, Cboeolatoa, Cigarottoa, Sich Room Sapplioo, Hairy Needs, hundreds of items. CALL WEST 87 whoa you re- quire anything aud ~ moaaougor wtn dolwor &t to roar door. TRY IT! WEST VAN PHARMACY Tho Store ot Service. West 82 WB DBLIVBR FOR-- Sash, Doors, Screens, Store Futures Hookham 8 Bracewell 120 Esplanade East North Vancouver Phone West 696-RS THE BURRARD LAUNDRY LIMITED For People who Are Particular THIRD ST aad ST Ddt IDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L For Exchange 28ft Cabin Cruiser In Good Condition for a lot near Marine Drive. K.W. Savory 1443 biarine Drive Amblestde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent FUEL bicLeod River Hard Coal 613.60 ton Rose Deer IDrumheller) Coal ...,.......,.... 613.60 ton Rush Wood, 67.50 per cord Bark ......... 67.60 per conl Millwood Slab 66.60 per cord Weston Cartage Phone Treat 230 Moriag aad Daily Trips Tr aua for, to CIW. -»r acrid uw w o w ~ AA o Eo M