West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 May 1930, p. 2

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS hisy Ao, 1930, IvcV rkm Sv *r ccrw vwww~ r 'Vl » cvrv ww ir nw'ww& w v » rw 'c ~ cwis c"c I ccnk ' 'c.ci c c'c ~ c' c c I. pnn "c" wy'i'S c c c'v c v ~ u vrc v v"v'v r. I V GIFT SIF~& ~'PlNEICT vcs gaosrAL dANK MRL& A. J. MARLIN (o .. P. O, etOX 22'y. PHONE) WE5T 22AL. Just how to make cut flowers last has at one time or another been of concern to all of us. If we have a plentiful supply in the garden it is of course less of a problem than if it is necessary to purchase them from a florist. If we are getting our supply of flowers from the garden, the proper time to start keeping them fresh as long as possible is before we start cutting them. A sharp knife is the best to use; breaking the stems if they are tough, frequently loosens the plant in the ground. Scissors in most cases will crush the stems. If cutting large quantities of bloom, take a pail of cold water into the garden with you snd place the cut flowers into the water immediately. In the hot weather gather the flowers either early in the morning or late in the evening Poppies are very difficult to make last after cutting and a- bout the only satisfactory wsy we know of is to take a dish of boiling water into the garden and dip the stems for about a minute, then place in cold water. Shirley poppies, gathered in the bud, the night before are delight- ful breakfast time companions. They throw off their green wool- ly blsnketa and shake out their beautiful silken frocks'ight be- Jorg your oves, Orientnlnoppjcs should be picked just as the bud is opening, remove the green cov- ering from the flower and the bud will open snd last sometimes for two or three days. Peonies msy be kept for two or three weeks by picking the buds and placing them in a dark cool place. Bring them out into the light when the ones in the garden have gone their way, and you will have fresh flowers in many cases more lovely than those which remained on the plant. The sun oftimes fades the blooms outside, but those which SPRING is here; snd our New Samples complete. ORDER YOUR SUIT or SPRING TOP COAT NOW Dry Cleaning and Pressing. M. WILLIAMS 16ih sad Mstias, Ambksids CUSTOM TAILOR Phoae Wast 20 St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. A. Harding Priest, B.A. Sunday after Ascension (June 1st). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p. m. on Sunday. The annual banquet of the A. Y. P. A. was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening. Fol- lowing a well-prepared supper there was s brief toast list with the rector acting as chairman. The speaker of the evening was the Rev. Wm. Askey of St. Johns Church, North Vancouver, who gave a stimulating address on "In vs stmen tsn After ths speeches the election of officers was held and resulted as follows: Pres., ihIr. Vernon Lester; vice- pres., Miss Noe! Reid; sec.-tress., Miss Verns Batchelor; delegates to Local Council, Mr. Chas. Chap- man and Miss Betty Beard; Gen- eral committee, Messrs. W. Hawkes and C. Chapman and Miss Phyllis Bloxhsm. Last Friday night the girls'aseballteam defeated Grand- view United 17-10 in seyen in- nings at Garden Park. Monday next they play St. Giles'nited at Mount Pleasant School. Mr. Snd hIrs. Mitten of Van- couver, have taken one of the Irving houses at 19th snd Wat- erfront. were picked before the bud had fufly opened will retain their bright color. Gladiolus should be picked aft- Er two or three of the lower flo- wer on the stems have opened. Each day trim off s little from the bottom of the stem, change the water snd pick off the wilted flowers. By doing this practical- ly every flower on the spike will open. If you would have your flowers stand erect snd fresh looking during exhibition at the flower show, the method used by pro- fessional growers may interest you. Plants from which bloom is to be exhibited are chosen a- bout s week or tcn days before the show date. They are well watered at that time but denied further moisture until the dsy of the show, consequently they are starved for water snd eagerly ab- sorb it when placed in the vase. West Van News Psblmbcd Every Friday Business sad Editorial Office: i7ih sad Mstias Drive (Ncxi Io HCDybutn P'.) Phone West 363 Mail Addtmsi P.O. Bsx sl, HCDybsts. B.C. Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 61.00 s year by msg or csttlct. Ncwssioinls 6c, pct copy NOTE--The wii ~ wia ccucsl r It ~ plwcuvc ic ncv Swciiwc ccucc ukc ib gc 4 lu inic cclu u. II ~ s cciicuc bcubl sc Cch seal ic ib ~l iu ccc cl cbc Esiic . The ~ucwcc ia ccu I cu ~ It iccw c is ~ Swccolll vcult ic limit 4 ~ ~ ic SOL wit-csgcwws v kW cbwls be wl nL Esisblisbsd on North Shore 20 Yssta (Lsdy hssisissi) HARRON BROS. 6( WILLIAlbISON fuueral lirtrtars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 hgsnis for Hole-proof Hosiery (Canadian) and Ladyship Wook (Ensfish) GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect 0 csucic 4 snuccccskc U. ~ I c Amcvkcu school cl I uc c w Awsiiwtur cwl~C. Mcmmt Ncikucl I uscc sc Sccvkc. )VEST VANCOUVER Chrifltian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE Seib sad Eseslmsli, ECRybsts This Soclciy ls ~ Btsnch of Ths Mother Church Ths Fltsi Church of Christ, Sclcnust, ia Bosioa Msssschosciis. Sunday Services 11.60 s. m. Csd 7.60 p. m. SUBJECT, JUNE lsi, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmer- ism snd Hypnotism, De- nounced.n Sunday School at 10.00 ~ . m. Tssumooy blssuog Wsdncsdsy at 6.16 p.m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, June 1st, 1930. Dr. Henry will preach morning and evening. 11:15 aJn.--Topic "Deserted En- thusiasms.n 7:15 p.m.--Topic 'The Cry of the Soul for God.n 10:00 s.m.--Sunday School. Next Sunday is missionary Sunday in the School. The scholars are asked not to forget this important part of the work. Last Monday evening the Ten- nis Court was marked out snd is ready for play. The official opening will be held on Saturday, June 7th. Details next week. The Social Service Home of the United Church hsd a very successful Msy Tea last Wednes- day. A fine redemptive work is being accomplished by the home and thanks are returned to all who help. 4 We are glad to report progress in the work of building up the bowling green. The grading is'ow completed, snd the ground is ready for topping. )Vhen fi- nishe it is hoped we will have four good greens, which means an opportunity for thirty-two players. The Easter Thsnkoffering of the Women's Missionary Society wss held on Tuesday afternoon in the Church. There wss s good attendance snd a very impres- sive hour was spent with a fine ofFering. The speaker wss Mrs. Lambe of the City, a former B.C. Presbyterisl president. The June meeting of the W. Av the last until September, will be held at the home of the president Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, on the after- noon of Tuesday, 3rd June, and will be largely of a social nature, Talent money is to be brought in st this meeting snd the affairs of the association generally put in shape for the approaching hol- iday season A large attendance is desired. FLORADORA SEXTETTE ONE OF MOST AihiUS- ING ACTS IN "SHOW OF SHO)vsn "Show of Shows," Warner Bros. Super-revue in technicolor coming to Lonsdsle Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day next, hss scores upon scores of stars and 0 chorus of over five hundred but none of the acts causes more spontaneous merri- ment than the travesty on the Florddora Sextette, womanned by Marian Nixon, Sally O'eil, Myrns Loy, Patsy Ruth Miller, Lils Lee and Alice Day, snd man- ned by Ben Turpin, Heinie Conk- lin, Lupino Lane, Lee Moran, Bert Roach and Lloyd Hamilton. The comedy seeks to answer the moot question as to the probable fate of the original Floradora Boys, everybody knowing that the original Floradors Girls al- most without exception married millionaires. BRITISH ISI4LEL Lecture Committee Btsncb of the Btnlsh lutssl World FcdctsUCC CANADIAN LEOION MESIORiAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY si 2:00 P.M. Spcsllcti MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE I'ROGRESSIVE PLAN OF GOD.O (A Sstlcs of Lccistcs) Mt. King btosdcssis over CKWX every Mondsy from 0:46 io 7:16 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 18th and Hsywood, Phone West 252R. 10:00 a. m.--Bible School Classes for all ages. 11:00 a. m.--Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m.--B. Y. P. U.'ll young people over fifteen cordially invited. 7:30 p. m.--Evening Worship. If you are not attending else- where, come and worship with us. The West Vancouver Baptist Women'0 Mission Circle will cel- ebrate their 6th anniversary on Friday, June 6th, at 8 o'lock in the church, 15th and Duchess. A special program is being pre- pared, with s social time at the close. White Cross work for India will be on display. A hearty invitation is extended to all int- terested in mission work. An ofFering will be taken towards the support of our native stud- ent in India. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Sunday: 7:45 a. m.--Low Mass, Instruction. uJ745 s. m.--High Mass, Ser- mon. 7:30 p. m.--Rosary, Sermon, Benediction. Week Days: 7:30 a. m. -- Low Mass. Friday, Msy 30, to Saturday, June 7, inclusive: Novena to the Holy Ghost Exercises: 7:30 a.m. -- Daily Mass, Novena prayers. 7:30 p. m--Evening Devo- tions. Special Indulgences, partial anil plenary. Choir Practice: Senior, Friday after Devotions. Junior, Wednesday, after Devotions. Bible and Catechism Classes, Saturday, 10 a. m. Confessions, Saturday, 11 a. m. snd 7:30 p.m. Sunday last wss s beautiful and memorable day for all, young and old, in St. Anthony'. In the morning, ten of the little ones approached the Table of the Lord for the first time. External repairs and improve- ments to the church are now nearing completion and arrange- ments sre being made for grad- ing and improving the surround- ing grounds, Six new large paws are soon to be installed in the church to accommodate an ever- growing congregation. A Tennessee ibis( stole s feather bcd. It oogbi io be easy for the po- lice io catch him supping CARD OF THANKS The Msy Dsy Commiilcs of the West Vancouver P. T. A. wish io ihsok the itsdcsmsn sad CR others who made the dsy such s saccssa CARD OF THANKS bliss Helen Sisvscsos wishes io thank hcr many ftlsods for ihsit klndosss io hst while sbs wss ia hospital Df. Marjory ilicCubbjn DENTIST 10 ~ . m. Io 0 p. m. Evcslngs by sppoisimsnl Royal Bank Bogdlcg I'hsas West 440 Rssldcsts Phone Wcsi SDS. CONTEST Fmict coslssi for America'0 Loveliest Mother Rnd Most httrnctive Child by hsvlag your photo isksn at The King Studio V. V. VINSON PROP. 311 Hnstlnfls St. W. Esisbnshcd 1002 AS Wotli Oiistsiiiccd One of fcw Vancouver Siodlos whose phoios sts sliglbls for ibis cosicsi. w ic 0'I Phone Sey. 1046 NOW PLAYING LO'ESgiit E Joan Crawford Montana Moon hu iiuiduct Plciutc hcuus Sissy OOOO RVTFRTAINSIENT Coming . Mon„Tuesn Weil Next EI Ctcsicci Enictininmcni Sings ot Sctccn hnc sect Ancien 100 Sbows m One 100 Stars 1000 Hollywood Beauties GORDON ROBSON Bsttlsmt 41 SCScnst WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Mstios Dtlvs. Phone West 406. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Sulis 016; 610 Hssusgs Si. W Phone Seymour 4HN. PLEASE NOTE Owiug tu UNURUhL LFVIITH uf unbow cf Sbcwc,c It will Occupy ibc tutltc umc stsusblc -- ccm- mcstiug si 7 pm ssd sgsis si 0:IS p.m. WE URBE YOU Ic COME EARLY 'Ivbetcvet ibis plciutc hsc plstcd Io date n hss been ncccc»sty iu ccicnd ibc piss dales. THIS CANNOT BE DONE In sut ease on secsusi cf the nlm hsing busked sbcsd cc 1st. 3 NIGHFS Mcs.. ICCC„WCE snit Juss 2, 6, 4 7 and OIIS P.M.