001C98A5 v CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT--T+ o Roomed Cottage with sink and running water. Elec- tric light. 'artly furnished, 20th and Kings. Phone West 660R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS . WEAR BEST--Dundarave. FOR SALE--Infants cot in good con dition Apply West 254L FOUNDATION CE&IENT WORK Landscaping and Lawns laid.; Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and land clearing. Phone T. Barnott residence phone, West 290R. NURSING--Experienced, Sick Child-ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont„Ross- land, B.C., Trail, B.C. Hospital. Miss Humphreys, Phone West 252R.- GARDEIVS DESIGNED, Laid Out and ~ ~ Maintained Rock Gardens Lily and Ornamental - Pools, Lamas. Rustic„Work, Fenciag, Concrete 'aths,'Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening. R. J. Kyte, Phone West 411. PAINTING, DECORATING,FRE".HACH Polishing, Carley, Phone West 71Y EIEMSTITCHING--Plain.. vrhite.. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearco's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. ~ SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN-' ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The, Ambleside Tea Rooms. R. P. CI ARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. CHEAP BUILDING LOT on '. Esqui-,'alt--Light; phone; water; conven-& ient to school and:ferry, $225.00. Terms if required. »IORTGAGE INVESTMEVTS There is no better investment secur- , iity than selected real estate mort-'ages. We can place large or small amounts at 7"/o'o 8':~c interest.. R. P. CLARK 4 CO.'STATES LTD.'90 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representative ~ gC. J. ARCHER, West 225.|~ GEO. HAY Il Real Estate and'Insurance Notary Public ~ "ire Insurance: baloney i to Loan PHONE BLUEST 21 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or;Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X "i.OQ'1 ~ For All Kinds of Job Printing Phone North 53 SRQIIwLKER MGT.&~"-g ~ VEITOIr. I T&" PRINTERs. Noirru Vk,iicoUYKR. January 3, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS ~i) /Councillor Blair Writes on Town Planning Whimsical «Review, « In II]ast Sunday's province ««homes all in one direction? I WANTEDGirl to assist ~ith house- eared a letter from think the conclusion would b wo k '- -:o 7 p-m- pp'yuite Sure'of It ' . " . -- .,„that the North Sh'pre choice res- Harry Hodgson, 1361 Marine. Phone C* A g~~tl~~~~ met an ".Uncer- pub]ished be]ow,I in its. entirety the Picture and settled by a large WANTED Land Ctain" acquaintance and the latter on account of the importance of buying population othe~vise the Sawing with machine. Large orsaid, "I'm «a litt]~ short 'and " "" d I~ ro 6& in tl e abov d 'b d small jobs. J. Glover. Phone Westshould lik to ask you a conun- the subjects with which he ea.'. prope y, in 6 a ove escri e 214R ied that pur resid- aiea wi]] rapidly decline ln va the gent]em We]]," said the "short" man, sentiments, «and we 'rust that worse than third class property. to make himself useful around e powers that be in Vancouver "(This is worth your earnest Store. With or without bicycle. Ap- t the same t,me gi ply by -letter, "Boy," c)o,West Vaayour pocket.and I should ask you wl a e same me gl iVews. for five pounds,'how much wou]d sideration to his proposa s in In all fairness to every section y.of the femaln?," reful instruction. 26th and M en pounds," was the prompt endorsed town-p arming. -- established and known by every ine. Phone West 457L3 . letter is as, fo)lo vs: III citizens or sprospective citizen. 6 mountains on i the North FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS--PhWest 241R. Dr. A. C. Guther says that kaid the Town Pianners Shore arid the Fraser River on For et th'6 North Shore, the South, all within a 12 to 1~ FOR RENT, «FURNISHED"man probably lost his hair w en -- Forget t 6 or o -- ~«mi]e circle comprise Greater Three Room Cottage; hot and coldhe first started tp light fires. It Vancouver and shou]d be reco - =---- water. Inside toilet. 1420 Bellevue. would seem that prehistor'c. The time has arrived when the nized as suc North and West Vancouver Dis- I ld 1'k t 'KEEP-FIT" CLASSES f future deve]opment ' '"' g . Um On acco~~t of his ha~~ng seen ye oot wi'he boats his ater,Vancouver. Itwou]dap- voted for Burrard StreetBridge. I~C ptain Lovegrove will not beweek, Andra. Hae ye gi'en it i ' " "„' regret however, that in his re- resumin the s'Keep-Fit" classes~)ss'p. = = 'h t o r Town'Planners are de- l«marks thanking the different for a few weeks.Second Fisherman (who'lets & . "'d d ll th ir sections for supporting the by-100mS): "Weel, lip"tpgitherrs '1, diStrlbutpr StreetS, etC. dp « laW he did npt mentlpn the reSl- On ThurSday, DeCember 26th,Since the fowks are comin'ere, p t'k th N,.th Shor"eas,«i dents of the North Shore. I feel" ihe following friends surprised / fo spend« their~ho]idays I've«be- ". t „that this«was ani over-sight on Mrs. Henry and'son 'Roy 22nd1 , info account. y n,.ome a fisher o men, like the @~- ' his part because many times in and Gordon Avenue: Mr. and&]iscip]es o'uld,'e ken."~ For instance,, y o" ')the past he quite voluntari]y ad- M S l'I d M Trs. ourn, i'. an rs. or- Hastin s and Cambie'? A better mitted that the North Shore was grinson, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Mr'J He IUondered III th in the picture and decidedly a and Mrs. But]er jI«Ir. and mrs..,plan wouldIbe to'continue th's part of«Greater Vancouver.The schoolmaster took his boys street either along Hastings East I wish to assure've~one on I d M . % hl, X . Sh,'I'o chui'ch and'the Ilext day pne oi'endei East tp CplUmbla Ave- „'.the South side pf Burr ,« that we of North and,West Van Victpr a d, E]] N ] M"Pl~as~, teacher, did 'the I'o connect with the North«Van- couver were strong]y in favor of 'E N )I M bl Ch t-preacher say that «the black couver Ferries. is in w BurrardI Street Bridge and we,benson. It is interesting,to not 1 children didn't wear any clothes. make a«continuous highway a- I, sincerely hope that their f sup th t 1] f"Yes, my boy, he«did," was cross Burrard Inlet'to Lonsdale p(.rt wi]])npt be lacking in«our h t G ]] L , fhe eplv. = Avenue tp, the chp ce 1'es dentla] I) effo ts,to secure the First,Nar- g P d' ' ) s]OPes ~ further UP . the 1 nws Bridge ~ th Fnlent the boy said: Well; what with T lbutary Ihlghways East, A~Bridge at First Narrows can 'was cleared and all danced until be built without costing the tax --,l the wee sma', hpurs. , put in the collection bag?" Lynn'nd~ Seymour Valleys andi« West to West,vancouver via the P y ' en e only ones,who will pay will be the ones who'~ Modern««movies, «like automo-4)Sergeants(angri]y): "Button«I net Marine'Drive and'Capi ano use«the bridge and I,venture to pbiles, never stop ~vithout throw- n p that coat l g ~ " .a 'a'n -- y predict the I tourist traffic from(( ing in the clutch.Married Recruit (absent-mind- should be established and shown~ the outside wou]d,pay.the lar- y ) ~I Ves my (iear ) on a l l t i town p lann ing ™p ji est part of the cost 0 1 - T],at i "Another l major street should year if Vancouver l citizens're He had just been appointed on)l --I refer., to «lGeorg a S " sectionalism must be cast aside 'l " S h l f Y Child»the i "road" stafF of Ia'irm lof tiGeorgialStreet should be recpg- I~and everyone work for a Greater Folk 'Dancing land)'Rythm in-'hO]eSale 'hemiStS, and «thiS nixed aS a majOr Street Of equa]«! .VanCOuVer, ithe bOundarieS (Of «I i eluded. Iwas'his first call. It should'also importance to the one just men:,which'are'tru]y within' 12 tobe mentionedI that he was'al: 'ioned above.'One branch should~ East to Burnaby'~ "Have you anything for grey West through&Stan]ey, Park to «}lair?" asked II the white-haired First 'arrows,where an ade- chemist. quate tourist abridge '~ should be ~ ROLLER SKATING'gT ' '&St& '&i Esca&~»& "Nothing but the greatest re- )cree«d imm«ia ely . "I'«ongly ' 'OLLYBURN pAVILIONf~ spect!" replied the truthful ti'av- fee]I the necessity, of this prim- = =. -- ==- 'Il eller. ary highway as connections',with &I Jphn s'A. S h ber d M FPowe]] River by combined motor, Ber'highway and steamer with~Van skating ri~ at ~the Holirange . couver will make a bridge at the pav;l;o„,th fl ' & h. h"~."' ', «,p n,Save vne ing,in a superior manner to an 'conjunction «with«thisla1branch &jbranch of athletic effort. Music Englishman, who:was very bor- »gh»ay.from "crees oe ay « is supplied by a pipe organ, and I r ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ «Garibaldi 'Park lshouldjIbe built quite 'a number are'taking ad- t'At last Ithe American said: in the very near future.(Such an%, vantage of thh opportunity of lar='Of course, you know, the Eng- aundertaking would putiVancou: roller skating. Messrs.'Schuberg. lish can never see a joke." ~,,ver on the map as a Tourist City ) and Bergeron have had years o"Is that so?" replied the Eng-- ' of the first class. l Gariba]di-Park ') experience in theatrica]'andI en='ishman.."Thenicwill youiplease .with its unsurpassed" scenic stertainment..ivork, in ~Westernig I«Iexplain how, it is «that I «have I«beauty, its four hundred varieti- Canada, and it is their intention I you pay your seen you?" ,tp. maintain such'I, order in««the I h b 11rink as wi]1 ensui'6 every telephone bil Pat "s Defense tourists from every centre of the obtaining the maximum«of l en-United States and from all parts joyment. An advei~sement re " by the 18th lofPat O'Flaherty, very, palpably of Eastern Canada as soon as the ative to this appears in this isnot a prohibitionist, was arrest: B;]C. Government connects our "'ed in Arizona recently/charged 'oad system.withithe'highways with selling liquor in .violation "across, the"Rockies in Alberta. ~ 1 of the prohibition']aw. But Pat The 'British l Columbia, Govern BIRTHDAY PARTY had an impregnable defense. ment is 'live to this i and a His counsel, in addressing the through«motor road from" East: Mrs. Oscar Britton.«gave a jury, said: "Your honor,'gentle- j«em(Canada «may be'lookedI for party last Monday night ather'enof the jury, look at the de- byithe end of 1931'hen«it is home, at 23rdI and JefFerspn on~cndant." hoped the Powell River.Road ancl the occasion of her ibirthday. «'dramatic pause, then: "Now the Garibaldi Road,wil]IIbe ~an The~guests spent a'thoroughly gentlemen of the jury, do you assured fact. enjoyab]'61 time «at music and,', honestly think 'that if ithe'de- It is a ver fitting question garnes, after which'efresh-fendant had a~quart of whisky tp ask the business man and the I ments were served. Those pres- sell lt?" pl'ppei'ty owner of Vancouver 1The verdict reached in one cated between Robson Street on on, iVfiss Doris Drury, Miss Maryminute was,"Not guilty." , the South, Burrard Inlet on the Kennedy, the Misses'Ethel and North, 'Burrard Street on the Hilda Drake, Miss Kathleen Wil- B. Q rELEpHQNE CQMppNyFive-year-old Daughter "Look «West, and Campbell Avenue on ]iams, Miss Rita Lindsay, all of «t that funny man across the the East, where his customers North Vancouver, the Misses rpacl " are going «tot come from under Winnie and Nora Bowman, iAIiss, Mother (looking, in shop win- the present system of town plan- Mary Franklin, Mr. David dow): "What is he doing'?" ning'? 'i Montgomery and Miss Eileen "Sitting on the pavement talk- A second question might be Montgomery of Vancouver. ing to a banana skin," asked:What will his property or i business be l worth three to 'an is but a. worm. He comes Tilne felis pii a man, but jt i five years hence when the resi- along, wriggles a bit, then some shouts at a qq pman dents of 'he ~ City go to their chicken gets him,