001C98A5 ~ THE IWEST:.VAN'NEWS =- January 8 1980.'oh 'III "Pri s Co iste tly I..„- I Eo CoaiICI1)IBOteS] I .DUN»RAVE]ll RE l DELIVERY l lI A'etter, waos]race]ved]by]the ll tween, 22n&] I an&] i 28id]l St&'eets. 'I N THp 'IIf 05'+MA'R council from'he "On Itolithe II The tmatter was ]referred Itoaa"'$g'I I I ( .I ( I I II 1 I I I I l Q )I'I' Peace Association+ recently committee of the, whole council: I j 47 ~ g /~,„r I) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ina&fcia] assistance. ~ The counci]I ll J'u&phy made app]&Cat]OI replied that, while inI favor&]of 'I], '„;],I, I,]„„,tI t;th I ]I 'f ]I GRANGER 8 GROCERY GREENWOOD 8 GROCERY ' e movement, they fvere at )I entrance hto &]his~,pr~opeity I at , ); present inIno positionlto assist . " -, '. " I 'J ~ . ~ " ~ - ' 21st and Marine Drive 1442 Marine pnrive: i". financially ~ L: -- - Horseshoe Bay. Referred to,the -- -- AVest 405 =-- -- %Vest] 1G,;, = -- engineel fol his lepolt I 2442 Marine.Dlive) Marcel. 75c.'xpert operator JaCk AnderSOn WrOte the COun- -- -- =,( ", l ' For" Evening Appointment ci] asking, whether I it wou]d be 'Robert 'Mcvea\1I&fwrote uth'e [~ I ~+PHONE 1VEBT 4&s' '.- poss]b]e to 'gas for pe& ]od of I] council drawing attention to the .qq, EK j,)D SPEcg LST (8 tg]StO 6)I'&l years, that pa&co]Iof ]an&] set deP]orable condition of the road" ruing~ Pekoe.Tea, lb. 4 c SPl~t Peas or, Pearl~Barley, was asked fol a clealel desclip-. snow and laiiis.'he mattel'Breakfast Coffee, per lb.;....;..... 45c '1 ...............................'2 lbs.']15c] 'l „. t f th «l d- h - h - t referred,tOl the 'ngineer~,~VIth 'tarting S Iturday, Janua~ry lthII„Tomato Ketchup, 2'z.'bottle 25c -- 1 ' ni e I an e 'WiS eS O Il 6 &;„' 'so I os&OF, Fio« .--- Io Ib. ouok .Iso, lease slid some idea of the use he pure.Orange il[ariualade I~lixed Pickles, sealer.jar.;........ 48c, 't would put it to.' -- -- -- -- ==-- ~ . --=, ., I.,yg Og Log~gsQ --................................ 1 Ib. &Iu &go 'i, i =I'I .lfe -- The COunCilpaSSed a reSO]utiOn Cgl Brand'But&or, 1 Ib.'2c 3 -- --., =, I )C A\.Pe&&]an&] W1&&te'the Ceun- reoemmending tOIthei inCOming;,']vhltoo& B«lfu ...--................................. '3'bs. q1.25 Old Dutch Cleanser,'er, tin.'... 10c,, ', .'...,d council[ and f the, town,planning 400s -- -- 10c) 'il asking Ior permission to build; . - . " . ~; Igj~g ~/pe ,,po ouko +lour'.ooko -'---- 11 'l- -1'siloo I'oijsli, tio.'............ 10o, a~house,w]th a 26-foot front ge 'ommission the amending of the , R s I 'c&y pp-,""Ij- s g'&,.„, 1- Lui peo~pa~cko& ........................-- Iool I on a 88 foot ]ot. He was adv]sedg ing lby law itoIl]Iermit of a + fO+ gp] ~+ntEIkt ..........-.-'0c I that a lecommeildation would be'~lbuilding being~located'n Aylmer Soups........... ~~s 29c Sait,"3&/&lib. ~ack ..................... 10c,,'iSSiOn and the inCOming COun: l Soot Destroyer, ............... ----. 10c 5 CilIAtO)SO| amendIl the;neCeSSary ide line Of the "lOt aS'8/2]feet, I gyp& ,]~ggpgg by-'laws as to allow. of this being instead of 4/2 feet as by-law No.'08reads at present. = == I I $ ]ovHBARAVE HBME BAHERv)ig II, Next.to Drug Store, Dundarave ,'A'letter.wasreceived and fi]ed]) 'BUILDING PERMITS) i) t ~:~Phoae &voo& see ~ g Qg A'~ p'1, fi'om the B."C. Electric Railway .Oint 4; Io" t ')I Co.'advis]ng:the council that ar- - I The& municipalI hall issued inC-- rangements&had&been'lmade for'I December four, building penn]tali: ~ = IHoLLYBvRN,+ ]i&,the street:lights to be put;back )of a,tota]/va]ue]of $1150. Pal I Qggiobeiofshop I |]on]December 28th']on&the'con- uIticu]arsi'are as follows: ro ~'= f = --o L, -- '=-- l Pr orders for.yCOKE,, tract burning hours that existed'Garages j andi'A]terat]ons ill I I ~ = »th '6 Mo»«4 I poor to&the'shortage of power&) Johnson Pear], &21st 'and]1 ~ 'I Il &]ue to'ack of rainfall." ~ Marine'Drive ..............'100 ( lgel Ia~ggt +30ll 'II ~ .. ===-- . = New»n&]s, R:"H.,',West Bay,)150,A=A petition-was received'y, the McGowan, J.,'6th&& 'Be]]e- =uo, counci]I from David Dewar'and ==vue'........--............................ $400'o '/ Loaf of Sta]e Bread]ll'four]other.resideritsl askin foryWyl]ie,&A'.',W.',BG]eneag]es.... $500 Sga]t= I'----' -- -- -- II a street light at the.western end ~ ~'B = = 2'Tablespoonfuls Butter offthe open part of Bellevue, be- ji 61 150]ll %'upful Sugar 4t Cupfuls Milk~ 8~Eggs IofocigGIID /g~+]ggj~~gi+IIcocofDII]cl+$+~DIIQIQI~A lI NORTH SHORE,TEAMS~~ 1/ 'upful ChOpped Nut-meatS~,,'l ,'--.".,l, ~ +I 4-for&Gf e $ I, = AGAIN STAGE DRAWV( I/g Cupful Chopped Datesgias-er SF 'St:=:: ~ ~~~ S . = „=:=--==-=- -- l Cut the bread into small cubes L f Although'North Shore;United]i and]combirie with the dates and '.::fh++'+~tLI &~n+ Ing' I'"A"'nd]ICapilano p]ayedlfha]f nut-meats; ~ ]II]x ]together the) ~ ~~ ~ ~ w ~~ ~~If roooooolxlollooofoouo&uumoootlxloou Ixlololoool: anf hour &overt]me "Satm day'. at ',sugar, salt,.mi]k and well=beaten f r ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ f w ~ ~ ~~ ~~" QConfederat]on~Park in their first I]"eggs. 'Pour, over the lbread mix- I Il Ill I I l]I; z ' I =-"A]]kdyes sho"]6'. beI st&a&ned round'Province cup replaythey , "ture andjtdhen turn into a grass:.through» mus!]BH]before be1»g failedlto reach]a&decision. This (edsbaking-dish. Dotuwith.the added-to the watel. - 0 time the scolekwas l-l~andtone t~butter and'bak uncoveledlin'a „vreek a'go,they,battle&]I'to a 2-2 gmoderate oven for about 45 min-Paraffinll aPPliedI to),windows tie.' --=- ~ ~ =- =--=--,~kutesgor Iuntilg nicely browned.'MPANY'S&lKILNI'DRIED'i]lmake them clear, as crystal. 'Fifteen-minutes from..-the end P S 've AI brilliant polish will:be given of i the I first half, Keltonl put to]glassware'by adding allittle 'NorthlShore United'"AIF inlthe I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ vinegar,to the rinsing,water. ~ lead(with a'beautifu]v shot',into&'the corner!oflthe net&that]hadlw, i,'.AM 0 A'AIIEnamelled'e January 1st,'93P.'.- c]eaIIsed ~ by scou1'Ing I t]1ougli the Capi] gwih, crushed egg-shells and 'a game effort to save. -- --~ II NQVV~ r. Cord'"Allowed if Paid'l soapy,water. ~-- =-- =-- 4&v .. --, ', I i~ At the crossover,lUnitedl~held I,, l]PLAY]NG f Delivery ~ ',Varnishedl paiiit oi enamel cang 'a'one-goal lead and%as they:had~I THE ",]Ib'e,effective]y cleaned wit]j alt ha Ia marked advantage in]the, SENBATIONAL qER,E'NDS» .Delivered '4 PP,I l~;,weak'olutionl of &vinegar ~andi9lP- y "',--"-g." "it looked's if the Capilano boys ',I ving boundaries:, ]F -- ' ~~ = .=-. ~ «fvere going to be e]iminated froml]l'p v I. " I Line]eum~ fv]]]]¬ &crack if Bthe]cup"series o However„fvhen,f 'ALII I ge]6] .,Om; ., ]qorthIVancouver District. ' cleane&llwith oil&and&vinegar inI]kthe second]half,was shout]ha]f hway, Lynn 1Va]ley, III equa] P~arts = --.sPent the l'United]I defense w'as 'i'vMF 'Beyond]50'cents,extraI I ~O t- l I, =, -- „;b] f = I]caught nappi g and Dan Demp- 'C Ieg ger$ id, North&Vancouver, ~ . 'I more defective teeth than e]t]fer II e evens "e count with a shot ffI 'EE --; ~---R m 'BeyOnd 25 CeiltSI exti'a ",h t l .. -- --. that King faiiedhtO 1'eaCh'ased on the story ofwhite flour or rice. ancouver,',~ r I l ~ .~ & ~ A For I Cap]]an'o, 'Newton i]and . 'kuowu oo ~l( (tolwest Bay)150,cents extra ', $ s r i»w'B often,1emove I Frank Hunter were a useful pair 'THE BRITlsH BIBLE 0F c iron lust from white fabrics.=- lof fullbacks and Henderson].and'tBay,'to Caulfeild $1 00 extra '., --.'. ' 'l Cameron were. the pick of th ; I= A'ittle Ib'carbonate of sod te,,medI I ]. ~L „.- =-„,L = ~ Th&o]o coufiderec &he~ t from'our HeadlOfficeil „. mixed to a paste fvith cold water,&„','"„"yo" 's,B100EBT &IOTv~EE f Igggd'ol. r~mo~i~g scor &e.', North]Vancouver. Ih marksI perspiration& and~~ other -- g'. o fvards ~ -- ': = TO SEE IT " I II tains from. white silk.=- 'For "United'III Curly &]Stewart ~ I6 '~ . lp1'oved lto]be a'find" at right To&,prevent pick]ed]'abbage fu]lback andihe,was given good, Ne~t (Vtyeek -from,turning blue, place a ]umpI support by Trimble. Maxie Raid]I l ')of sugar in&the;jarlbeforeithe1 and Cummings,'were the pick of "---- ~~woofforyou ,,vinegar is Poured on. ~ „t Ie intermediate line.'hios Pa]r',ill&,~I„~6] .! . uturned ioi one&ref their finest 'II 1 lvh 6h6r6h fI ~ ~~ ~ I r'l ),, Igh Preserving pans the worse for l games of, the.scuse» th,] tt . I.I ho~. „,ege&II . zooVe '; ~ FUEL ' ',ll I this,') lubi]them~ovel'ith~ ol v 'Babcock It and qWilliely'Babcock A Light Breezy & oil'before putting in the fruit. ~were the pick of]the forwardsI),i, &vzhile Kelton also,tulned in some]t F' l]I Grease'. can)be Lemovedl from „"&I.ef„l the hair, by fvashing it in warm &~ Cap,la„-' b„, N,'t ~n FII ~ I water to,which a teaspoonful "of .H„„te - --,H-j,." '„"UINIT&IED'.CHU RCH'",I borax has been added:, M&tche]], Cha '-L ' '! Iu h]o latest picture , Iv,, To l prevent "I cake fromI be- Dempsey, Harrison, L. H&&nter. l CC Spy I gt'g]:IQI R. QOI] Q gER .IIl" ) 'oming heavy,,when i taken. out b '= N&»'thI Shore IUnited"A' King,'f the oven'it shouldIbe put on&I]]Stewart, 'Tr]mb]e,'IC.'f Stewart, fl'~gthtSQ+g$ IH TEE vNITEv cavaca'AvtIIToRIvh&" 1 a wire mat stand]to] a]]ow, the]l Reid;cummings,'G. Babcock;w:,l I'n'RIDAY JANUARY 10th&at 8.15 P~m." !I 'tea t e P h, = ' ' '" II]II TIIE wEEE AFTER'ExT ) T&I dilpr&1]fr&~~+. has hreerrr arra&gedlji Always, mix, pastry,with&" a'Referee--Yvebster. I 'I s l& L"The DiakeQase"'I ',when a'spoon is used.'Touch'it,» Life insurance:lProviding for Tic]Cefs&55c.g,l'Childrenj25c I' as litt]el as possible. with! the Othe widows and orphans--of the&]1',~~ I6 "Foot]Is]f&o ~«&«]o'Ji~ II officers and directors.=--