001C98A5 o a l I ~e / P ? I v s. ua I Dundarave New@stands 5c per Copy No. 42 ., WEST VANCOUVEK, B.C., FRIDAY, .JAN. 3rd, 1930~ Vol. IV 'EIGHT PAGES 'OCLYBURN P-O ~~. 'nnouncement of Change of Ownership I beg to announce that-I:have acquired ihlr. H. Hodgsoii's, interest in The YVest Van News,'the sole ownership of which's now vested~inkme. The paper, which'is now nearing tth fifth vear of publication,'has,'I believe,'een:-of material as-, sistance in helping the growth of the district-by fostering s real communit& spirit and pride iniWest Vancouver, and it-is not my intenhon to alter in any way the genei.al policies which'&havebeen so successfully follovf'ecl in the &ast, -, The:News will remain strictly «non-politicaI and a'pape&'onducted"solelyfor the benefit of the comrnuriity. -..-'here is no need for me after five yeais of residence among youi to I reiterate imy settled'onviction of the I bright future awaiting the district, but, in order. that The Newsimay con- .tinue to do effective work,'for West Vancouver,'I do ask.for, the same suppor't from our aclvertisers and the public generally as has been extended in the past. I shall do my'best, to publishI such a paper. as shall be a credit, to West'ancouver. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE. 0 'I have sold my interest in The&West Van News to Mr. F. F.ILovegrove with whom I have been in partnership for 3&,„' years. 1'his&issue of the paper isfpublishediunder the sole ownership of Mr. Lovegrove; Ny,work on'it~this week andiii ."foi. the next week or so is purely as a voluntarylhelper as lI, xvish to give as.much help as possible to my'former,partner in making his sole ownership a success. 'Mr."Lovegrove joined'me soon. after I had started publica:tion.'He had,.previous to that,'been a resident oft)Vest~Van- couver and so is well versed'n the needs"and requirements of th~ District. He proposes to continue the paper on much" thy, san&e Pines as to policy, ideals and make-up as hitherto; hen/e,.1~f pnrfa gvjlt pn qO «nba.&;pot f.~~v nfl bespeak for him all,the consideration and'help the busi- It ness people and" the general public of West Vancouver can give.~ItIis'no sinecure lto be responsible for'any regularly. issuedi'I publication; It raeans lots of work and much'financial respor.- „sibility. Whent you are 'dealing with The "News you should/remember that. A well conducted'newspaper is a distinct as-set I to, the community and ~ for I that reason I alone j it deserves . your financial as well as your, moral support...== The people of &West Vancouver'have been very -kind, to me.'Theyjhaveencouraged me'in'my efforts and,'I believe theyrealise that I have always endeavored to be impartial and fair,and'that I have worked'withI true community spirit for, theIIIbest'nterests of the District.. I appreciate, alii&this and iI-thank them most sincerely..I'would appreciate even moi.e theii, - loval support'of my former,partner--'F. F.'Lovegrove= with,: ,,whom my relations have always, as now,'been quite corclial.,-, =:-- 'iI'I wish him every success. HARRY IHODGSO¹ THE NEW NAi&IES GIVEN COAST LINE cr @POINTS IN iVZST VANCOUVER The following letter has been received ~ one of our read- I, ers'from th eDepartment of Marine and Fisheries, Victoria,Iin answer to his enquiry as tp why the names of various 4VestVancouver coast line, points had been changed onIthe new'.y . published chart of Burrard Inlet. ABODE ISLANDS--Named after numerous small summercottages'uilt'on these~ islaiids. Old Name "Eagle,"duplicated five times South of Queen Charlotte Sound.ATKINSON POINT--Named after a particular &iend ofCaptain G. Vancouver, in 1792. special pilot for the Empire SS. Co., first appointed in.1905. Old Name, Fisherman's Cove, many times dupli:cated.. The oldest one named in 1793. ,- BATCHELOR COVE--,Named after Captain &R. Batchelor, ~. BRIDGMAtNiPOINT--Named after. late Captain E. C. Bridg-man, appointed Vancouver pilot, in 1906. t)OId Name,Batchelor Point, -duplicated near Nanaimo.'CAULFEILD COVE--iX med after Francis YV. Cau)feild, namesuggested~ by th Municipality of West Vancouver. + Former name Sku.ik Cove. tIICLAYMORE COVE Named--after the srst pilot boat station-ed in this cove Former name 'pilot Cove misleadin~~for a stranger ei~ecting to meet a pilot at that cove.CLIFF. COVE--Name suggested by the Municipality of )Vest ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Vancouver. CYPRESS CREEK--Name adapted from Prov. Gov. map.»ERWIN POINT--Name(& after an early light-keeper at Pt.Atkinson, sugges'ed by the Municipality of West Vari-couver. - Forme same wronglyispelt as on Iprov. 0'ov.~ map. ~'ITER)FIANK t ~ E--Kame".. after late Captain William ; Et".&rsliail', semiM '",c".ncouver, pilot until 1920. Ex- clq&bi '-"i&..'for C.P.B. "Empri sees" for .25 years.For~~+w&e, '8:.nQ CQ~~. !)~mli. -,;ed R'es i ancouva&'. 'Former name, 'i', est . "td East Islartls'.: =" = duo &~ted rra.tn„'.!mes. HORSESII.i3E BAY=Name adapted from 'c v. Gov. map.NELSON CREEK---Na'tie adapted fivm Prov. Gov..map.;JOHNSON COVE--Named after late Captain E. Johnson, '.pointed,Vancouver pilot in 1893. This cove was known by~ four other names. All of which are duplicated.'KETTLE POINT=Named after Captain F. Kettle; name sug-gested by the iMuiricipality of West Vancouver. LOOKOUT POINT--Name suggested by the Municipality of~yWest Van.couver. (Continued on Page 8) 'ouncil Endorses Plan of,T.'~P; Convention The oouncil &unanimously . clorsed bv-resolution the recom- IIfdation of the North&IVest Inter-'ia tional '- Association of Town 'Planiiing Commissions at its rec- ent convention in Vancouver that ,jth'e'iprovincial government con- sider the constitution of an,"ex- ecutive body to render assistance and advice to communities whose resources do-not permit of them Itappointing planning commissions said body to be open for consul- tationi by all iplanning commis- , sioris. ~ The clerk was directed to noti- fy the secretary of the U.B.C.N. . of:.th'e council's desire that the secretai.y of the&Union submit the resolution I to the municipal committee at ithe forthcoming, session of, the legislature. ~ ~ ~.. -- ~ ,',i'"iitDORSE CITY COUNCIL -REGARDING.~ )i UNEMPI OYMENT f ~ ' A let'tei was received from the City Clerk of iVancouver enclg-'ng a copy of 'a resolution pass@f«-'r C 47~1f f ~ ) vrrt' I&i (. ~k'2+) j ~ erence'o the unemployment sit. uation in Canada. TheIcouncil „passed a resolution unaiiimously endorsing t the trecominendation of the Vancouver Council that a III conference of government bodies ,I throughout the Dominion be call- ed i to consider, the present seri: , t ous unemployment situation andj& IIIthat copies of, the resolution be sent to -Premier King in Ottawa and" Mayor Malkin. ,,One of the "Beautiful Scenesiof- West &Vancouz~er Marine 'Drive, near Fish'eriiian s 'Cove ~NIMS ..;A Wee.z,.y hewsvaaeI Ct'rc'ulating in,"the .'District o) West iVurcouver--A mbleside, Holi@burn, "Weston, $1.00 'er year. ", '.& ') Cypress Parle, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, "Etc. I Municipa & '.. ections&on 'tIie«18t i ~ Fei~ Candidates iYet'iniField /Usually at this time of~the year with nomination~ dayIfor ttthe municipal'elections only ten days away the air.istfulliof 1 election rumors. Most ofilhe candidates have:declaredtthenc-) selves and I they, and I their supporters are'irding i themselves Ii for the'fray. This vear up to the time of going to pressithe I municipal I election atmosphere )is t most I remarkably t quiet. Little or, nothing definite has transpired 's to,xvho is in I therunning. 'Reeve iVinson, however, in'a recent&issueIhos defin- itely announced his retirement. Still this is no indication that i', there ivill not" be the usual number of candidates for, the vari- ous offices to befilled.'+ 4Vhile I no definite statemeni-"taa been forthcoming from I" either of them, )it is expected generally on I the street, that Councillor Robert I'iddes ond Ex-Councillor, J.'8; Leyland will oppose one «nother for.'the reeveship. I; School Trustee G. D. Elgar is spoken of as a probable can-, didate for, Councillor, 'ind rumor is mentioning&IV. Alc(}uoker as inother possible candidate. 0'I'he'greatest silence of oll has been maintained over Ithevacancies on the School Board,'or which yo far only one can-didate,'Mr. A". Harvey, Smith, hos;innounced his candidature. So far os the one vocancy on the I'olice Commission is con- cerned, Capt'iin,C. J. Archer, who is on old resident «nd very well known in the district, h is «nnounccM that he will stand. However, there itre still ten days to go before nomination day, 'ind we shall be,very surprised if there ore not found to be as many starters then os in past years. I', cl t tl )I~ r yeAl Q) - 4~'i ~A& g~ ++ . f' 'll &,':, ~ s; 5 ' t~ ~ ~ gq s~ l 1 s at ~ a 4 Lc as ~ s * a' ~ 1h ~~~4, i. V