001C98C6 -- II yl P' 4~i';~ Gi rculatz'ng i n &the i" $1.00 per year., t t, "District'f "West &Vancou2ter-- Ambleside, 'Hol/y'burn, Cji'pr.ess Park, Caulfei ld, Whytecliff, "Etc.. Weston, "Dzzndaragte ,-;-, New@Stands'5c per Copy SIX |PAGES «iHOLLYBURN&tP.O,,WEST VANCOUVER; B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 28th, 1930 ~ No. 44 HIGH I SCHOOL NOTES THE,WATER SUPPLY=, 'X L I D'ounrcil~'otes OF GREATER,VANCOUVER Friday afternoon, March 21st, --:;-= The students of the @rest V „ couvel High P' o h o r s o ist ict gave a very interesting 'jfi" ",;:,'~"'..~i~ 'lege last Fri&iay aftei f, I ib 'arch. They were advised that vater sheds and pipe lines. 5Ir. y members of the council ~ Porter;illustrated,i the lecture r'":: " ',.~+~, «@/@;,.' P,, ll Po i e wou d att ., &vith a large number of splend'd .a ~ ~ / -8/-'""'~.w: ' good many othel men in the Ho]]yburn S hDominion who have attained to Dund S h I SIP the question of'a,public water porter a large framed picture of,'p:,:,':,&Z taP at Horseshoe'Bav is ieceiv- the'Quebec&bridge,'supplied~by igni"',rgb~,"P'+~' " a time as a public schppl teacher ~ng ltte tion. - =:=- the C.N.R. Ihas beenl donated-,to, ~ '-".', &~-, ~ .s~ &';, before he enterec] McGi]] Univer It o] d ot P/~ --,~-&i ji, .~~."'--.- - sity. It was easy for him there- Trustee Edington be iv ow A. A" plummer was informed Fri&lay afternoon Principal Et- . /+~i„,.".:. i'ir&~ ~~,',"" fore to get in touch .with the 1 th t o preh i t - =t'L " 'ghSh o» "t- g,:',,-~p"' '" . I gh h ol boy d to hold gt b ep]ugspl by]a vas'll,co temp]a ed .the ]oc lt schao]~ ith,™ +++ +:,', - . ',,,th . tt t on for il'ion and that the service to Lots, basket iball ~teams. The &boys gfj~~: ~ ': I & hich his lecture lasted. It was &vtth ti e firn prpj I and 2, Re-sub, A; Block 4, D.L. & g™e was vig'orouslv contested. p,". " 'interesting,however, to see the and 'that the defecti bl k- 811 wou]d be taken into consider- Final'-score staodi 33,-28 for. the &g',; ... girls on the other side of the boards in Mr. Hamilton'oaisle fo]low his description with be rep]aced with new boards. = The West'Vancauvel. girls, too, ~ -- -'--==- = --'qual attention. He had over a h w n z Gillespie Hart 8r, Co...wrote in t' 7~an bv a ~vide mal.gin.'The home J.-- HAYDN YOUNG ==- . hundred lantern slides covering divas reso ved on motion of er whose ~ baton the ~Vest 'l every aspect of the sub j ="t]. westerly &/ of D'L 5~g- »]edge of the game, but the visit- ~Vancouver Choral Society,will There was a series of'beautiful &e]wood Ith t S They were advised that when the ols played a more effective game pelfolm on lronday evening. ~kviews which illustrated the scen- machine be ordered for the D~ canteni lated ovate~.~vorks by-]aw ~than the score would indicate. = - '. -- -- -- -- -- = ery of the watershed, 144 square mestic Science room at price ofIt ls pl.opase(l to close the bas-..~ --, =:=, lnlles ln area,--feltlle f]ood- &4750,'„d",h„,„, o]d gq„.„ I „,&»ketball season &vith a joint tou&n&- dj~g 'l,,&4& t., lC nCOIt P ain, high forest, Plateaus dot- and Ex-High teams on Thursday tO&beIQIVOntMOnl]HV 4&trees of the alpine timber zone,"-th. /evening next. Severa]&stay-out- ~ ' ~ =----..-- & ' andijthe. vild ~cirques overhungg a . t; „~alai-&tawn teams I arete~~ected to ~ -- -= -- '- 'by savage precipices,,where the . &~line up against the local talent. The'program~ for ItheiChor»~I&snows iof winter pile deep and "LEGIONTO GIVE '. would entail,'and that there wa ... = -- = '-- ~Society's concert I',on..'Monday . formlthe store from whichIthelII 'FIFTH g~lST DRIVE no ProsPect of ca»V&ng u I " 'BIRTHDAV~pARTV ievening offers an extremely ent: )summer,needs of the great city a program","" 'a &oadj y a ~.--," = . $ ertainingievening 'and'ncludes «to the south are supplie&l. TheICanadian &Legion, West SKt„ f „ i % „~+~usl„ to ~gg~zy~,t~e., p ~+7 (L.~.df~ndtiw-uf-th ~o'ic - mask lye~ . ~-I ~~~~,.~assed, --:,, ., Mrs Chas. Donohoe entel tain ', '~ ~ cagtio s~ ~ l ' - ~ .~, i,clltlc. 'he. Society I has wolfed'vere clearly„. described,'ncluding fifth of the series of ivhist drives &l The pGE.'rail&vay was advis-., pr'p ."e' " e a«ei '" y hard&orn&it undei,the leadershtpNiithe&maintenance}of roads iii a ut'the CIachan hotel tomorrowedthat the,irtcrossingsl are tiii&jIISane& &v"p cps~ra e"'"ei pu ',fpf iilr.IS. Haydn&'Young;and it,.vallev,,which was the home of a «(Saturday)levening. &play, will j~lbad condition and getting.wor&se 'r " ay . "e g"es s & e; "." -'. hop'ed,the public of:West Var,-'urbulent, river, the construction start at S:20 .m. sha . Good alid- that the council hoped thzeb '. t,,v,!., ', - couvel. wil]'support it in the m»- It of a practicable highway for the I;prizes have. been iprovided foriol Forster Nonnie Robson'Win- '. - . ' . = . '-- - .- = .. ' . P ~vou]dobe attended'ito'&vith the o" '. D "o a" -'a k ' ",ner itsdeseives.'iss"McIntyre s,,transport~'of Ithe heavy mining the evening's p]ay andtrefresh='east possible delay. -- - -- -- Gloria'Nob]e,'acquel ne,Vance, 'ioiche&stra, fassisted &by - Mrs. machiiiery to the shore af Lake ments will be served at the con-"DianatChaPman„Sylvia Mol .ls, -:Knight Hodge aiid severa] of her "Suave]],l a mountain 'l.eservoir elusion of the cards. Admissioii A'opy of the minutes of, the 'ackie-Leggatt, Marion Dundas,,pupi]s wi]]tgreat]y.lenhance. the „whichi had to be I tapped; the 50 cents. tThe Imembers of; the~'eeting pf 'j the 'dministration & Douglas Leggat 'ack&e, r~u&c---: ~ attractiveness of tthe, prop'am &jfi driving i of the, tunnel through 4 branch are specially asked t&i at- baard'of the'Greater,Vancouver. Ii shanks, Kenneth Jaggard.' The orchestra's &composed'f - the massive )barrier of rock tend. )Vater District held on 27th Jan- - &~~ --.. -- =--- -:" ==- =-'~ First @Via]ins::-- Mi.s. = K ight which held'back the waters of -- The fol]owing are top xorersP. C. CHAPMAN APPOINTED Hodge,; plrs 'Whif'en,i iilss )W. the lake, the laymg of the big ln,the four drives. ,pled Among, the matteis treat- &Z TO,T.'-P. COMM SS ON'& Brealey, &VIr. Z. &VIclntyre - steel pipes down the Seymour ~ of was f a resolution I making ~ - - . ~ . -I l Second ~ Violins: Misses Beatrice . val I ey. The i setting up I of the rate,to members.4.55,centsjII=.. The counci].on Monday night Hodgsan Irene Gracey and Mar-,Ihuge valves, and the pulling of 1000„ga]]onsI fol. the'ear appointed phi]ip)G.i Chapmanj'a'arie Murray, Mr. Jim'Stevens the heavy cast iron pipe-lines a- member. of the „town. planning- Ce]]o: Mr.'A.:, |lIcIntyrre. = . cross the Second -Narrows.. The IIi commission in place of- J. D. Bell F]ute: -Mr.'.Cyri]» Howal'th. '&]apterjII.& s]idest covered everyj A ] tt d from the who 'as r esigned. The council C]arinet'„)Q',"',f Groom. 'oint comPletely; and an unusu- f th G „V ii by resa]ution thariked the 'atter -"1; =- -- ", ~ '- 'lly vivid impression was left onfor the valuable se&viceIheihad ..'; s.-P~'-='-~&g „,„the young auditors of the mean-, West; i'endered while on the boaid, and 'I Il]gej t04be& OpCIl'8~" " irg of an engineering project of ancouver wou]dl take enduring accepted his resignation".ivith re: =:..'ar ~ I'.- j is~ - ~ == v&ide scope. &'Irs. W. Slater ....... 650 i'et. == =-- [pgOnCRQ MQI'lllllg " 'rs G. chi'lds .......................'464745„un' w"'„" .II~ -- - --. -- = = -- „s gr L ~Vaughan ~~,as ~a~ted Mrs. G. Gray .-- . . 000 ll ld t t l The pub]le ]lablllty and ploy-. Th ew Ca llano bridge will thlee nlonths ~]ea~e of absence. -'- - m .................... 604 ~~13525 "Th 1 ttei. was order- city idamage: insurance on the b o en from 5 a;m;" Monday to Rlr. Vaughan'agreeing to show Gentsnew t&'uck,was given to Gordon j ll ~~e„ger,nut~ NP trucks, his|substitute over the'district Mr. H. B Gray .......... 693 r. H. Sml~ V Mr. H. B.'Stevens -;... 669the engineer: . = ', . ri ge,un blr. R. J. hlorris...... 667 this 'estriction.. will be~& with- iEIr. Nightingale.......... 654 r i Jr. R. Bell...... 648 'lg A ~ C4~ TO PREPARE A'PROGRAM-- j~vlr. C. Turner ............ 64~ Allan's sub-&Iivision i jiving ac- i' '",,I~"'.:; &FOR OFFICIAL OPENING~ ~ ~j, '.' ~ z ]~loess to Block 5, D. L 772.'r- g .', „:, . I .I 'FaNEIV BRIDGE 4: EVater ] taps, generally. Re- dose.The" Reeve ancl Council]ars Morgan and Elgar ivere appoint- FIRE SURVEY &EADE Street between Inglewood and "-',,', - night as a committee to prepare OF )VEST VANCOUVER JefTersoli~ and the-bad condition -', ~ „"', a recomnieiidation for submis- ol'he. sidewalk on 12thI Street ' ~ sion to them of a program for as comp]ainedjtabout by F. C,, - ~': the approaching official opening the B. C. Hoard of Fire Unde:- Rush, was referred to the chair- - ',,I af the new Gapilano bridge. writers has made a detailed eng- man of the baal'cl of walks alld~ illeering survey of the munici- the foreman.', EST VANCOUVER pality, which comprises particu- -- ~~TENNIS CLUI: " ~ lars of ~vater pressure, water W. D."Currie T. Elliot. I-I. EVil ~ . ' ",. - = ¹i mains, hvdrants, etc., in so far son and R. Hell applied for the ' - i - ' -.Thegannual meeting will! be -- as fire protection is concernec]. ~ position'f driver for the net l, ~,. - ~ Q % ., lie](i at theIC]achan at 8 p.m- '- -- --.-- --='-- -- -- This survey, ~vhich divas under- truck. The matter of making the & -, '4 Friday, April 4th, fol the pur- ..; . taken by the boar(I as the result appointment was referred to the .i IiIISS AIARGARET McINTYRE pose of leceiving a st~tement of ihlRS.. COLIN i&IACLEAN of the efforts of Reeve Leylancl, chairman of the board of works,~g'hose Ql'cliestl"itlaiis fram the afairs «ncl the election of offic- Soloist ili "The Banner of Saint is the first of its kind ivhich has and the foreman with powel to.lpialio scores'~vi]] be 1'featu'le of els fol 193p. All llltelested ale George &at the Chora] Soclet~rs everb~n made Qf 9 est ~ancou- act. " Monday night's concert.' as]ced to attend. conceit. -- -- - 'el. tp~:&t&&&&«&S.&&rre