001C98C6 &Vot'e"'.I"",irst,i, C roice FOR ~,ounci orI']t]B..) air his platform. (G D."„ELGA']4'= y'Wishes to announce his candidature for I'C'ounci].].or& and asks your support: Gl' THE EWEST bVAN( NEWSY January 17, 1930. / I The regular meeting i of ~the Duncan Lawson Chapter,.I. 0. p. i / ~ I &~ &) ~ ~ ]] L~',&was held'on Monday, Janu- s! ary. 4th; at the home of Mrs., ~I']'ouncillor 1922, 1928, 1924,'928 and',1929.' ll. Gourlay, Bellevue "Avenue,'with 'I '4 School Trustee 1927I and 1928.the regent, Mrs. Small,'n the chair. - ~ ~ =- ! Announces'hat'he will bea'fterthe t opening exercises, 4igancfaclate for Reeve' Chi]d~We]fare work and to.the t, ]]tat the Municipal"Elections on the 18th'instant. At the request of my. supporters I. have coiisentedI to enter. I Educ t: lI S . t t,III I» OUR SUPPORT AND" CO-OPI:RATION]]IS INVITED the field for = = ! I. 0.'. E'calendars sent to all the schools and the&League of',~ II RE El,E| TlpN,, AS A,C0UNg[j LpR . 'o p. po II!;',&V]O]T'E ( FID]D]ES]I FO]R" REEV&,,E&'twobooks on the League of Na-'alonshad been presented to Paul-at the forthcoming election, SATURDAY, 18th JANUARY, ineI] Johnson I and Hollyburn]) schools. It,was TdecidedI to I eR tend the Chapter'si,patronage, i -~ so]jc]t your vote after 2 years'ervice inttheiCounci]I"I] Sea'Festival concerts,'ponsored I and I] assure youI of my best attention to alii affairs'al-ising I -- Te Nominating Commltt . for, the welfare and prosperity of West Vancouver.. = chosen as follows: Mrs David ~~nnI Molgan. Convenel Mls. Pealce ,, ]I Mrs.'Eatock, Mrs.'rey and Mrs. I]Jackson.'he nominations '],will ~]be posted in the'Drug Stores on „January 28th. After the singing, i meeting at which the officers for,'councg~~r 1924 1926 j1926)) the ensuing year,will be elected]ti 'I,a',,will be held at Mrs.'upp's 20th !!]Come to the Public Meeting and&hearSolicits your]Vote and'Inhuence for and: Ingle~vood,',,February ].1th.'! i Election as t~ Cptiizeillor H.'NEIDA:wINs~lL: ]]i ON'HOLLYBURN RIDGE I ~ If Elected will Strive for: 1, IMPROVED TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 'I the Ho]]ybu&n&pac]8c Sk], C]ub s ~]" ! 4 + " I v.2.'NtECONOMICAL ADBIINISTRATION 4 i'A class jumping competition oni]," Hollyburn Ridge iby a~ narrow,r ~margin ] over F. 'Fladmark 'and ]]] tI Fred F]nke]hagen."» "l Solicits & yoiir, vote I and'nfiuence Following are the results: ==] l~ ]]]C]ass "A=H. "Sneida,'4 17.87 I , 'Ij as/ points; ."Finny Fladmark, 17.84, points; Fred'Fincklehagen, 17.81'" points; Axel'Sneis, 17.37 points, z4 "h4'h, ', I I +~a' . '., points."~ ~fort;1"930 A]f d] «H 11 ]d CLIJB ARE INSTALLED i] On Saturday, evening a sur: Your Vote and Influence Solicited for member l an'd'«recent arrival ==:...= -~.-== prise party,,~vasfgiven'at Fort- lt& = = ~ =-- = = -- I from Noway,agave ]exhg»t]o„ In presence of a record gather- ]]une Cup Inn]by.C]ifford~ Groom ~ ~~ ~ ('.~: - $ ~, Jumps,whichipleased.the cro,„d ing,'including visitors from)Van- and Robert Smith 'inzhonor]of4 ]i i . !J [.. p t I ~ g i 'f from 4QQ to Spp peep]e )couver,'INew,iWestminster, iVic- Miss Isabel Groom's'21st birth:'R J.iVerne judged: »teria and Seattle,'he 1980 offic- I]day. A',very enjoyable evening I ers of the'Kiwanis Club,were m=, was spent withl dancing,'music JI,NORTH SHORE RED CROSS i stalledP Thursday,evening, 9th]( and]games. "The guests &were:instant.'by District Lieut.-Gov- The Misses Helen and MargaretAR: I] ernor Harold Diggon of,Victoria." 'Nightingale, =" Miss 4 Geraldine ! !I CIounciI.j.or= OFFICERS ARE&ELECTEl3 InternationalII-" Trustee Harry -Alexander, Miss zDoroth'y'im- -j]Gowman]4of )Seatt]e was .the mis, J. Dawson™A. Duncan,, W.;" For the(Whole of West Vancouver---not sectional i ~ 'Reports submitted at the rec- I speaker! pf.the, evening,land(a: Duncan,'R. 'Smith, C. ~Grooment annual meeting of, the loca]II mong the visitors were Kenneth ]]Mrs. G. A]exander, Mr. and Mrs:'THE]RIDGE,",,West'ancouver 'ed Cross Society revealed that Ferguson, Past District Gover- J.'H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs A G1929 was a busy year.'The retir-" I &o of victoria Dr. W. B.'ur- Murphy.=- ing president, Mrs. S.'G. Wakley, nett,:Vancouver; Henry McLean~",~ 4" submitted) her annua]i~ report,pica]dent of theAVancouv'er.'K]: ] ]] showing the achievements of thei]„wan]siC]ub; Edwardl'Dickinson,', I]i ~ ~ , FQlR,: gQ!UN/]ll]'LQR, '], society last year and commended ",&ppbresident of jthe New &westmin-'eela, pt&Ce,"all members for~the'keen inter- I]ster Kiwanis Club; Harry Lord,'. jj4 I]est'they had manifested']in]the,president-elect of the New West- !I ]]'work..~= ~ ~ = minster Kiwanis Club. ~ ~ ) 3--ls az.'LQAvBs oF BRowNI] I'I]+Q]a MC l U]'gggiER',9, ™yor G. H. Morden pres]cled]I] Fol] ving the instar]]ation,~thedur&ng the i election) of officers, remainder I of the evening was'" ]~ T;,;,,„- fand on behalf of the city express-. spent .,~vith], musie,-„t cards and tfed appreciationi of the I splendid I: PLUMBER community work the~society is m The 1930 officers of the'local"'",",doi g. ~ =. ~ ~ Kiwanis Club are. President,W, ROLLS, SCONES, BUNS,]49) Years'] Semi-Public; Service -,W Capilano to Whytecliff McMillan; Secretary," J. R. Badg-,~™ gS tj~ Solicits your vote and influence.'I . 8267,was a bank balance carT]ed~ ]I c];st'r]~ct t~.„slee M -,'E -- S™d .'lAi (nUHnARAVE HoME eARERv)over from last year, Disburse- It directors, Fred'Keates, Ephraim) Neit to.Drug Store, Dundaravementsi'or 'he~ year 'otalledlI Read, William Crabbe Jack Bab:: ppone &vest 366 $2868 and a'balance of $449 re-'ock,.'Benjam]naW]]son,] percy ]I ~Open i a]] iday Thursday. V. WIGI-:.IIWGALE,,";"....„.„„„.„„„.;.„„.; ---==-=-- ==.:-: --:--- = --I' 'olicits your vote I Donald Cameron; treasurer, Mrs. I, I]] I ]I Ell |g7A «R]U8For Counci].l.or , II. son; relief, Mrs.'pencer-Lewis;executive committee, Mrs. C. 0: !I Digby, Mrs. F. J. Bartholomew, Mrs: R;I. McDouga]],'iss P. M. 8 SC] jOO] I .]j].,ruSteEe]I!"West Vancouver Dorrell, Mrs B. Mangnall, Mrs.. ]} :Z: H; T.'Curtis, Mrs. S. G. Waklev,) 'E'Nominated!by Reeve'~Vinson andi] G. D. Elgar, ChairmanI uFOr WeSt,iVanCOuVer Peaple" '"' " p""y",' ' -- = the School Board ~~ Bennett 7 Mrs. E; 'Ashton and Miss E. Lowthe .