001C98C6 January 17, 1980. THE %EST VAN NECKS F RSOr-=ALIIWEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY )i BURNS'UPPER ro be held Irk MASONIC HALl„HOLLYBURN P j Oii SATURDAY IJanuary 25th, 1930 Supper Scrvtcd sr 7.1$ p.m. shsrp ADMISS(CIN pl P5 Qr-rHtdytwr eHt e - ~ e ~ e ~li rr lr „i.:iangerous, ""'urves , With &iIrs.,Aallace, who has been aJack, the son of Mr. and iMrs. g est at -the Clachan," has left ~C. D. Edwards, 22nd and Gordon, fo7 Sausallta, California, wherehad the misfortune to fall while she will spend the balance of thesliding on 22nd Street on Satul- winte7 day, suffering a broken shoulder Ili blade. ~ Mrs. i&I. C. Seward and family I of Arrow Park, B. C.,'ave taken l'Harry King, who a few ~veeks a suite in the Hay block, 14th ago suffered a serious accident and Marine Drive. &Irs. Seward to one of his eyes while working is a former resident of West at the!new Capilano bridge, is Vancouver. inaking slow progress towards 'ecovery at St.'Paul's hospital. rWhile the weather in 'West i UAL 5IEETING OF Th' t f h I h I" Vancouver on the lower slopes SCHOOL BOARD e inspector of schools'haseen this week inspecting the was distinctly cold over the week J ML"Ll ~uLL"g. ~2400 Under Estimate for Year val-ious class rooms at Paulinea r erature on Hollyburn Ridge. At Thursday, Friday and Saturday rgt ii the ski camp on Sunday the ther-The annual meeting of 8 the , mometer registered 12 'be1ow oard of School T&ustees was I„At'I'rivate whist'Drive hiero, which is the lowest this held ln Pauline Johnson School "Oh Mls Van BI last Tuesday evening. -- beautiful prize! And such a Chairman Elgar. reviewed'he ~Iu»nt little card with it-- 'iAIer- aetivities of the board during the rv l Christmas from Aunt Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd and family, year. The amount of the esti- 1926 Itt -- -- = 'ho have been residing at 22nd mate asked fol- last JanualY had o o 0 'nd Jefferson, moved last week rd and Mar 1978;and af'ter the yeal"s work lne Drive, left Saturday on the Ladd has a position. they'hadiretuineil a suiyius of Empress of Asia" for Honolulu iIi g2,400 to the council; The heat- f'and the Orient . Miss R. Miller of iKtsilano, is GLARA BOW Ii ing system at Dundarave School a guest at the Clachan hotel. Q had been improved and the play- Miss Helen Ritchie of the staff courts covered. While ~ good of the Pauline Johnson School, is On Saturday afternoon Janu- BRIDGK TRAGKDy llfteachers werefhal'dtto get:they 'again in Victoria taking:Pal% in ary 11th, Phyllis Gleed had a 'now:had a very,excellent teach- the Sea Festival. iVIrs.'O'Donnell ing staff in the schools. = s substituting for her during her following were among her guests Some comment had been made absence. = Ella Colpitts, Nancy and Nita lii about the cost 'f the schools. ~ = " . Caudiveii, )Vinous,.- Donovan, c school child Ml.and Mls H i'ad cost the municiPality $40.62 andi confined to their ihome at i,Els;e a„d Plive Robhins- and each high school student 11th and'Mathers. O. maids he'd learned a thing or two; eiest and sinking fund on bond: Mrs.'IW.'Farmer of Shanghai, . iss urbin of the St.'Patricia 'He flashed before her. eyes of blue led i indebtedness,but it was a who&has been' guest fat "the ehool has engaged the servic spen ing a s or visl in an- weekly and instructs the pupils They married. Next a change of scene; -" he thought this should be a cause couvel. His love became a mere "has been," fOl'atlSfaCtiOn. ge i in t e arts of ainting, Drawing, ~ ~ l He spent his time, he said, bet&veen Miss IVilson had ibeend madeii E. R. Harrison, King's "Ave., THREE CLUBS supervisor of music,'hich, as it shas ileft for a'business,trip,to did not take lthe whole of her (la]ifornia and the South. 'N- Robert Bell, EVest Beach, and And o this once too-pampered& bride time, enabled her. to relieve the = * o ~ ' i C Bookman have retmned from P io, i t d, ' d d' -- &Principals itoisome extent fromtit Freddie, the young son of Mr. aitriP to Halifax, Nova Scotia, A quartet of ~ave-diggers plied) $ & class-'oom work and i thus.'ave „and ~Mrs. A. Harvey- Smiths'f going Iby way 'of the Panama I pp tin spADD8 them:t™e to suPervise the work Smith's 'rocery, l is sick at ~ hisof their'teachers. 'Ml'. 'DormanlI home at 24th and Marine'Drive. D ()n t ~ved f r oId, ~ had been made a ss istant manua I . ~ * w o ~ ==-- -- Mrs . Korner ~vas a tea hostess , training instructor, tvhich per: (Ceiling'bghtingihas been in- last Tuesday afternoon', at ther mitted i Mr. Condon i'ot take stalled in i all the 'lassi ooms of ohome at,AVest Bay. NO f TRUMPS; 'I ificharge iofiall physical'training iit}ieipauline J'ohnsoniandrHo]]y- Genera ly speak- burn Schools' g ENERAL McRAE ~ ~ ing,'he ] health I of 7 the l children AMBLESIDE'Il '»had'been good.'Improved'light- . ~ ~- .- -- -- 'OINS LEGION ing fiytules had been.put in the~h~PS ii class iooms of the Pauline Johii- 'FERRYiPASSENGERS -- General"A. D. i&Ieaae, ilI.P., sl(paly Crisco Used)]s . !: soii and Hollyburn schools.. - rFOR Iggg „who visited the new Legion hall f PHONE„jVEST 802~ lf Aivrittenreportivasreadfrom" -- ~= "'here now in course of erectionMrs; M. B. Robinson,-)chairmall,~~ The figures for the number of Crhile he ~vas in. the district last I of the management committee, »passengers carried by the ferries week in connection,with the im: .BURRARD -- . il i in,which she referred to the min- for the. year 1929)show a very ~fprovement of the localgpostalli,f FIINERAL -- CHApEL ) or 'improvements made on( the satisfactory increase over those -sei'vices, hasibecome a member school~ buildings'i and new 'ap- of |the preceding year, 822 1p2 ii of the rIVest Vancouver ibraneh Distinctive Funeral" Seivice j Polntments il of teachers. + She " Persons &having, used the ferries - gof the Le ion. 'Lady Assistant ~i,, Ithcpedtthat this year,.'eachtchildi)~i last year as compared with,794,- . 320--3rd St. F'Phone North 626(I "'ould'havettwofperiods instead& 709 for, the year 1928,"or a total '"LECTURE BY DR. RUSH of one period per week of physic- il'ciease of 27,898. Particulars =;" TO PAULINE JOHNSON al &training on account fof the are as.follows: ii THE( i ~ benefit to be derived from such = ~ ...Igos .1ggg training. The public school'v- January ....... (, 55,853 56,868 On Thursday afternoon, Jan: ., l~, I If i 'rage attendaneerwas,788,'ivhile February ....... 55,ggg 52]47 lunary gth Di. 1~V,.L',,1,, ik, il II,' 117.5',ivasi that forIithe ehigh$ Marchi ............ ii68,425, l 68,MI~ the pauline Johnson School with APril ---.--.--- i 66 084"'8r476 some eighty slides descri'ptive of fMay ...-.-..--.--.-,70,811& 69,899 life and scenery in Japan, avhich L . !II, f,i He NeedediHelpt June.............. 70,801 72,953 he exhibited to the three senior T I ooof I= nn~oe tylLIITEDI li ! "And your husband'has a prosper-' ly """- 8"9865 „9»186 If classes. The pictures xvele ez- I ous business,'I suppose?" - August .......... 86,416 f3 929775 ceptionally good and the descrip: For, people.1Vho Are "ph, yos, he is taking. in a'lot of 8 p bel .-.-- it67 670~ i71470 timi of them left nothing to be )tParticular 4imoney. Only last night he told me a '~ e " '------- 59»23 6591- desired,as Dr. Rush spoke of receiver n'as totb appointed to as- Novembel'..... 5o,42',25 wllat'he had actually seen dur- 'IDtttp Sr snd ST DAVIDS, sist him."--The pntiook. 'December ......, 58,740 iii:,6,058 i'ing his frequent visits to the North Vancouver "Landf of -the Rising Sun." At phone North 1810,;i; «i: I .,i704 700 i 822,102 the close of the lecture a heartv'ANNUAL ' "Increase ...... 27,898 vote of thanks byVice-Principal,.'vast Van. Representative ",, GENERAL &IEETING, 'iss Crewson ives carried en- IIF. RIVERS'li it'i - 822,102 822,102 thusiastically by the Pupils pres- ) -- Phone SVest'10I.~ ~„ I "and ~ .= ent. 'EI.ECTION OF OFFICERS ~Q=QlP7 & in business in tvest Van. 9 Years, i pF,i &h- iSyQ.'l~ -- -- 'OP C. 'J. Overington sbfr irrs = I iwrr.',"j i'pss i[ ns E)cT To saotrAi 'hANK',l'Boarc )of iTraae" iffMws 'A, J, MAFIA.LIN w i~!~,jj ~~~:, „ii" ' 'ip.o.i&os 227. PHoNE:.WEST 22A. ,i t, &On MONDAY Next'xpert, )York--Ladies', Children Col. K. iV. Savory's 0 f ice g~~ ga|stgajnS |n engr@ dgpga'tangent Gentlemen t 14th 8: Marine Drive. Phono IYest 135 for appointment ' That Cold before it gets a hold on vou Keep Grip Fix, Laxative Bromo Quinine, or some such remedy on hand'and you can do a great deal to- wards keeping the family fit during this weather. A gargle 'i lessens the chance of infectious disease. Teach the children AVe are the Family Drug Store. 2 ; WEST'VAN PHARMACY s f Service. )i Phoae %. 34 The Store o Prompt Delivery. M,DU fAL ii, J.'W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial ".v Agents "'Stocks, "BoIlclsy InvestnIents Prompt Execution of Buyiag and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Seymour SS94 :979 Dunsmuir St.. Vancouver =- '" 'IF '0' 'L " '"i:: L ~ s. A AVe Re-charge Radl0 aIICl Auto Batteries i BATTERIES FOR REFT PHONE MARINE MOTORS AVest 456 PHONE WEST 1[0 FOR ti Coal andi %Vood Prompt Delivery. 'immy Thomson's ~'i'RANSFER Daily Trips to and 'rom City. hloving i Baggage i a Specialty. :3i,'eac '.,PIES and CAKES Our 'Famous Quality tIkind f DEL'IV ERED igto your 'home ~li Phone %est 27 STRATTGN'S --SWKKRY--- AMBLESIDE iftGORDON RORSON 'arrister 4 Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- p Office No. 1447 Marine Drive.,'Phone West 403. ~~ ,,VANCOUVER OFFICE-- y Suite 818, 510 Hastings St. %'honeSeymour 4199.--