001C98C6 THE «WEST «VAN& NEWS'I IJanuary 217', 1930. DR. ROMAN'I e CA'. A.I]0 FUEL n BIRTHDAY PARTY'.. 365 f LOADED RAILWAY 400 'DEEPSEA SHIPS )N CARS PASSED THROUGH'OCILE AT NORTH SHORE IIIn] honor) of',thai birthday&of "'SUBWA I IS'l'ndl,, ', --,',, 'hipping ActjIn, the thi.ee moiiths in which =- Record«During Pmt YearISHES to announce that he has opened an " Mrs.',W. avies )entertained a uthe Vancouver Harbor Board lies)III«. --....] . f -- lII party of young IpeopleIat '-'the i cperatedtthetNorth& Shore'«linesoffice in the Medical Dental Huj ding or j Clachan'.,',,o F"day, Januar 10.'!Iof the P.G.E.'aj]way in) con- North Shore waterfront activ-,the convenience of those desiring appoint- Mrs. Ansell ~at th ' d junctjonI,with«jtsktermyna] rail- jty established a new, record Iiyi'entsin Vancouver. The Ho]]yburn Qffice in Mr. J.'H. Smith as'M.C. ' . way,system, the Esplanade sub- way has been) al busy connecting [I by, officials of the more import-the Royal Bank Building is open daily fromi 9 the dancing,very„eiijoyab]e.'e j, ljnk accordjng to a lep rt jssuedlgant shipping iconcerns on «thisa. m. to 5 p. m.'or making appointments. freshnients ) were served. Those Saturday, ]ast.~ =. -. 3 side of the(In]et.present were: Mrs. A. M. Stew- === In'hei'last t three~ months I of During 1929,'exact]y 400 deep-Dr. Rowaniin attendance art of Sedro-Woolley,,U.S., Mrs; 1929«there were 365 loaded" rail: sea,vesse]s docked 'hereto,'dis-'uesdaysand Fridays I J.,Wemyss, Mrs. G. Ansell; Mrs.'i~,wayp cars .passed~through) the ichalge and taketon cargos andI&. Robinson, Mr.'and Mrs. J; H. ~4 ssubway, 269 outward and 96 iyi- ~]ine for grain...Phone West 78. Douglas 107 I) Smith, Misses V. Armstrong, E.'vard 'The cars )outward-bound«i At the Mid]and'Pacific e]evat-Banl&]stet, D.Brealey,D'Camp i'wale loaded prillcipally with), r, 115&deep-seatshtps ]cade(llbell, H.'olpitts, E.,CO]pitts,'.'umber, I shing]es,'I creosoted pil-' 6 400,000 «bushel 'f grain] dur-Corbett,l P. Cur&tish, M.)Crick-. ]ng,,ties1and)&cedar'.Po]esi fotmay, P: 'Device, K. Davies„ I&.'L'astern]Canada and the'&United~ NOW 'j, OVER AGE I'LIMIT'ampson,'. Matthews,'. pools,'I States,'I.„wh]]e the cars inward "pOF MAN' ABILITY'. L. Rivers,:P. Smith, Gs&uWoo]gai carriedi] (&1]s.icos]iand flea] and 6 P '000 j tons 'ndi outward I general g1 1,,' Shaiep issue is being, taken by„, t. I,Cp]pitts, F.'ullin, T.')Crjck-'icell many notable men,with the rec- niay, K. Garland;.T.')Grant, B. MoGeru+GrnuGGnugstnr ]) ent statentent of A]be'rf A'. Mich- ]iGentlemati, 'A'. Higginsonjj C. Gisu()mother, iu ynurGnys 1 s gjr)sg&1 .. ~t ~ ~ I']SOn, famOuS,phySiCiat, that: JOneS, R.'OShjer,)S.'POSt]e,'A: uaed to set thei caps fo !" S ippe lOm iS OC in"Man's gl'eatest wolk no mat- d J 'Rodye rW 'omerville,'. f Grandmother--'Weil, dearie api ano, Im er'mpany,) as . er jn what field,'saccompli e ages of 25 and 4 ~ 2 ~ I ~ ~ j 'FOOTL'IGHTS =-He--,.0-- ]si-tvha«U»,edI »«3 GA,RDIE~T&j ~ C IA],~ ~~~~-- C I, 450 000 feet)of ]umbet 10000~dt)t Senator'Royal'S.'oPe and; w,i] jl&,, ~sj aa ~~x~sa~~+'II, 'g,,„pieces of pi]ing and 8000 tons of ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ :s also a'hysician, said: & INA'GI'H~ pu]p was" ]oaded into their ho]ds.FOOLS]i i -III-ere considering physics],L~~~ e~~~ I 'et&veeni january 1'&andi De- ] g,. Ij': . -- ' b 81 th xtyP ofessor Michelson. But,whent "'""" p If ~ o c., American school of Landscape Architecture and ships lined for 'grain at theEmp-'Hia~RE~ & we generalize about intellectual '."'"'" " ' -~ "'=""-'--'re Stevedoring dock here. In the~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m I m ~ ~~ ~~as re(vs'] 3 4 activities, it is™y oPinion" that ~ ~ .. company's year, Octob'er to Pet-al ntan's:.most Productive years)t '2Were you among tthel many», the rplant into the,&tater for a~stober I 107 shipsi warped]tnedj fo::' are fromi85ito]65. There are fortunate)ones to, receivetsome few. moments. SThis .willi th; &grain,,the official, yearly, repoA' I notable examples of conspicuous iI'~ variety. of plant among yourn ough]y.wet the branches ]eave- reveals.NOTE)PLEASE ~ ',menial production in the twenti- IChristmas or New Years giftsfgetc: Do not stipe off.the'motsp- =-sji&dS]xty deep sea vesse]s']ended))jes aiyd many& instances of re- There'are few,gifts so,welcome ~ure adhering to the-p]ant, let jt tiat the Home tpi])'Distributors'markable accon&plishments in the as I a lovely potted p]ant„«but evaporate. 'A]certain'amount of,p]ant where they sdischarged)]]NEXT = Ii eightjes even." -- =- =- ~ many of them seem to wilt away ~it,wi]] be'absorbedtby, the p]ant crude oil mainly from San'Pedro i.pppE&g,, -== (drafter] a.very, short time jni the throughIthev]eaves, much more, - and approximately f600 smaller.'ty~PANCANADAGTRADE&]] house~~a ma~sin res+» I(»'»s'f j course,wi]]the.taken if thetl craft were accommodated at this'.~ '-~, I =- -- ---- 6 is that most of the potted plants'lant is immediate]y set in a coo]it,plant 's we]].y Eight deep-sea.',C)... ~; --=-%, =,iPurchasedlat this time]of ithej),p]ace so that the evaporation wi]]t)&svesse]s dockedjat the local&Imp-,,I pt I,, 'Is an evidence of our increas= i]year are hothouse grown and theii be less rapid.]Several p]ants in a eris]IOi]]Company plant and'~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ s ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ing commercial contact with the air in the hothouse is at all times!'ome wj]p keep~ more I/hea]thy 'bout 9p0 smal]er craft.were ac-Thel Biggest 'IOrient,awhich Promises 6'&jwide,,quite moist.whereas]the air in 'han just one'or two's a num- commodated)tjdur]ng the PasoI Talklngandslnging Success~It field fol expansion. With incleas=~the avelage home 1s much drier- abel of plants togethel appear toll year. isl~ vessels docked'at theyet offered!) .--,', ediitransportationI facilities. =- In+ The result is that the'plant does „work together in making moist- q& ancouver = CreosotingWorks'heyear 1928," Canada s exports not Lthrive.i In many cases ~this 're for, themselves. ~~= pier,where they dischalged creo- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ sPEGEAL MATINEE III in Japan reached thirty-two mj]-": ',f extrem4y'I fby 'atmostptere 'is ' Mr~,II,Bx J, f,V,spte'v(IED3.45i~ 'lions;and our imports twelve and) unhealthy for humans a]so.fTooII, asks sif house plants ~]] thr;„0 ~'Bes]des the fo~regoing, there tsone-ha]f millions. The trade,with") much.) heat is Ta]soTdetrjmenta $@ jthout sun'~ --: p a]so I togbe)considered'he 'argeChina was thirteen and" one-half and during the'daytime it is,a)-,A„- .--.',M- 't,h'] „I dinumber of, vessels, that come foDan t;JYHSS)'Tihls I 3 and two and one half millions re-, good(yp]an'o move'ithej potte«dvjj f, h' '-, ~ Burrard)j Dildock for repairsspectjvely,"and& there isi every, plants toacool part of the house.. h t' t «h fi ]t, niajor andi minor'uring )the)prospect ]that, these figures iwi]] 'For the past,week it hasn t been . - ... past year..I "heartening. to j try to «have! fine l'Doesyur,wife let youi have the ra idl expand = =~ s very hard',to find'a'oo]yp]aceiI specimens of begonias,cinerariasI)inst word in an- argument?'."&. = -- -- "=-: Ij, atty&vhere ]n the h(&-„se, ~ i etc ,witho t su.light. The'fol-'a e lants do much]better tansd]i]-. Here's a Rolls Ro ee for our birthpo'ntss answered Mr. Meekton. "W en ' "On one] of her bittng, remarks,,I Ij app le O e p an y] a mg a IhaVing a gOOd Sunny ]OCatiOn fOr millionaire.my wife talks there is IIo argument." -- „i& -- -- ---- fairly deep„diSh Or pan anajliu- «..- ~ p esume. 4 -- =.= ing. it. nea8y fu]l]..mtht;wat r «house Piants. = ~ ".well," countered the &chilly,wife, iCh haS had the Chill taken Off., = -- -- = -- who i had «bee" I in( the show 'business& Place your hand':alound the stem;t NOTE:The writer ~]II consider it a pleasure 0 e ore 'she found the !meal sticket,! i,of the, plant andi over ithe soil ', ~«e «eton~. -- .- . --. -- w ns Go~ye"own"1 me tu:«& '&Iss)i!"ln', the pol, So LIIat, wIe p3anL awning [i)the ~iter m] ca„e,-of 1th Ed;I r Th ij( Ij the sot] wt]]i nof, fa]] I out + Turban Is aaswer,will appear in an early &sano or k siuu I inutb)y.) eis w if a personal reply is desired a stamped,Sthe IWhO]e,uPSide dOWni andi diP I selt addressed env lope so Id ss enclosed. CAPILANOI TIMBER'OMPANY'SI'KILNi DRIED, $ ,, = WHOLLY URNI '"PUBLIC LIBRARY'.. I ELECTION OFNew, Prices Effective January 1st; 1930.' ()I .:4& ii j]j JANUARY 20th,'t 8 P. M50 Cents Discount~Per Cord Allowed if Paid in Hollybuln School = at Time of Delivery'ne ]Cordi Load "DRY PLANER 'ENDS" De]iteredt, 84.00i within the following boundaries: East „to 'St. Denis'Ave., North&VancouverrDistrict.-'orth 'East to]i Mountain Highway LynneValley - = -- «j I I, ' ~s i I 1,:::,'-".;.:.';-,.'-,1- g, .j. i.: .~ I,E s,pER T spRvlcE,Beyondi50 cents extra ~~l &) '. ----- ".": '=-'"- "i2', ."= - -- -'. - ..: ' " -= ~E.')IARSH; proprietorNorth&5 toiI Boundary Road, North.Vancouver,i!. =- Beyond 25 cents'extiat'est IIjto 29th,)West Vancouver, ™ Special)I Offer for ~IBeyond (to Wesf, Bay)'Q cents extia ~ I ]]&One of, West,Vancouver's Business Blocks Beyond West Bay to Caulfeild $1.00 exfra. 'All orders'handled direct from'our Head'Office,i) I i)i il ' )l ji ')[ lg~~~s] gGIFoot of Pemberton Ave.", NorthsVancouver. I ,'j =, ~ 1 ~j]) ii ]b'.~d ~ „)I Ii i ~+~L7NANADIOt&VELLINGTON"'= 'B. etr itv. SOOTLESSr ]I Ipr t)&n t&&put)& j&f'uu'/&Ton"/e Tun ~ =-== „- Tuu'/s Tnu'/e Tnt&)j- heneI NOrth 30 .-II ..=...„=.,;-„„.„;...,,;...&.--..., ==,-„..„,... „.„, ~ JANUARY 'LBERTA'i COAL -- "-'- --"" '- --"'I 'uits,'oats and Plain DressesRoss Deer (Drumheller) ~ OUR SPECIAL ~ ]I,) l SI'.25))tI Ton! /2Toni I/4Ton McLeod River Hard Coal =, 'umpl'313003650 3350 ':=- ='Tun&i/&Ton]'/e Ton ) Co I ) jt Stove ........,....'31250l SG 25 532o)] Lump or Egg 31350 3675 33 G5i l',,ptgpgf II, I IAii)«ISet ~ ~ 4 FIR $7.50» per, cord. BARK $7.50 I per, cord. )DEPART NT I '1 'eStOn)Cartage']I, WeSt'23QQvI 'j» Ii CUSTOM'TAILOR+ MOVING and TRANSII'ER. --: .... Daily Trips to City. ]il Phone;West 20