001C98C6 Marjory McCubbinDr. Has opened an office in theiROYAL BANK BUILDING, " HOLLYBURN, for the practice of DEb"I IS.i.RY- Hours: 1D to 6 Evenings by appointment PHONE WEST 446 FROZEN GROUNDS PREVENT AVEEK-END 'FOOTBALL CARD II No major outdoor sport events were, p]ayed in Vancouver on Saturday afternoon due to the unplayable condition of soccer a»d rugby pitches, due to frost. GREASIiii G, OILI'NG TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION Corner of,14th and Marine "IMPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time NATIONAL I PARIES Canada leads the world in the III area and extent of her 19 great natural parks and forest reserv- comprising over 11,000 square miles. The whole eastern slope of'the Rockies is now in- cluded in three vast recreational areas and forest and, game re- serves, the largest being Jasper Park, with 5,380 square miles, oi half of the total. The govern- ment has also estab]ished a num- ber of bird sanctuaries in differ- ent sections of the Dominion. NORTH VANCOUVER FINANCIALLY SOUND "North Vancouver city's fin- ancia] position is sound,'stated Ald.'E. H. Bridgman,'hairman of the finance committee of the City Council, in his annual re- poi t. Although at the end of last year there was a bank overdraft of $145,000,'his is loffset )by I $120,000 paid on account of local improvements which 't ]eaves & a t'bank overdraft of $25,000, the same,as that of ~ the previous year. And against the $25,000 'overdraft, there is $140,000 in arrears of taxes. Ald. Bridgman points out that , the sinking funds are.a]l set up „and as the result of advantage- ous investments, there is close to III $15,000 over the req uired a- mount in this fund. - Reverted.tax sale lands stand on the city's books as an asset of over $400,000,'ut the finance Iichairman states that it. is im- possible to sa'y how much could be realized from this amount, owingito the smallfturnover in the real estate market. THE CORPORATION OF THE'ISTRICT OF AVEST VANCOUVER u ic 0 ice Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp- oration of the District of West Vancouver, B. C.,'hat I require the presence of the said Electors (" at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipal Hall, AVest Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY „the 13th day of January, 1930, at 12 o"clock noon, for the purpose of e]ecting per- sons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing three persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per- son to represent them as a Com- 'issioner. Of Police. The ilIode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: The Candidates sha1] be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two e]ect- ors of the Municipa]i's pro- poser and seconder., and sha]1:be delivered, to the 'Returning I Of- ficer at any time Ibetween the date of the notice and 2 p. m. of the dav of iiomination. The said writing may be in the form num- bered 3 in; the Schedule 'f the "Municipa] 'Elections Ac,t" and shall state the names, residence and occupation or description of'ach person I proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identi- fy such candidate;, and I in the event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 18th DAY OF JANUARY 1930. 'between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. of said day at the New Ambleside Hall, Cornel'f 14th Street and Mar- 'ine Drive, AVest Vancouver, B.C, of which every perso~ is hereby required to take notice and gov- .', ern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at the " Ailunicipa] Hall, District of )Vest VanCOuVer thiS 2nd day Of Jan- ., , uary, 1930. /AS. OLLASON, Returning Officer. Ho]]&.burn, B. C., Jany. 2nd, 1930. IVinter, Salads A salad at this time of the year is very enjoyable. Everv winter I plant cress-seed which, if just: covered with soil and kept, xvarm aiid moist, comes right Iia]ong. .I'or the best results it should be k'ept in a rather dark place. This causes the cress to throw out shoots'about three inchesI]ong, t, tqpped ti with two tinv green leaves. If cut at this stage it is delicious. Mixed with some mdiv sliced cabbage And a few. green onion tips. andi smothered in A half can of tomatoes, the ~vho]e makes an excellent salad. c ~aawr ~ . ~ c+- w 'A " 'II,l. (Ml~.l.'III. 5 Vancouver's Best ~,~ii e Pembina Sootless and Lethbridge Imperial HOT AND CLEAN , For Quality and Service Phone West S5 FERGUSON'S MOTOR TRANSFER CO. I „I A January 17, 1930. THE VyEST VAN NEVfS va = I - UNITED CHURCH CHOIR NOT PerSOIIRII -;, CONCERT A MUSICAL TREAT The little daughter of AIr. and Mrs. D. L.,Jones of the Glen- 'heconcert given by the Unit To call in erson when ou eagles Golf Club, is sick. - ed Church choii- on Friday night ," in the church was a musical jI ~I W. Morris, 14th and Bellevue, treat. 'Unfortunately due test 323 I was in Earn]oops last week. extremely co]d evening the at- " vill pick up your pre- II,tI -- ¹ ¹ * I'tendance was not as large as it 'ption and deliver it in a" i&1iss F. iAI. Cooke of Victoria, should have been in view of the iff . Thi ~I 's visiting her sister, Mrs; H. A. excel]ence of the proglam Hunt, 11th and Keith Road. -- The choir under the leadershipci'vice is our spec- ~ ialty. R. P. Blower, 18th and Fu]ton, good account of themselves, their mho has been sick, is now back rendition of "the Wilderness" beFAST DELIVERY at business. ing especially pleasing. The AVEST 323 tI, ¹ ¹ ¹ Crosby Male Quaitette of Van Nn order Ia Tnn small III Mjnn Elnie Valentine is sick couver iudivifiually anri coiiec-~ and confined to her home at 11th tively were aigreat addition to and Esquimalt. the program, and they and Miss L C]arice Holden, the North Van- A daughter was born to Nr. couver violinist, were encoredG. E. I(KID, Manager nd Mrs. Beattie, 27th and Mar- for every number. Miss Louise Geo. EIay Building ine Drive, in the North Vancou- Ke nedy's 'readings were well Genera] I Hospita] I on Mon- rendei ed and she was compelled day. to come back on each occasior.. Nor.would an account of the III The ];tt]e son of Mr. and Mrs. concert be complete withoutC~S RE-OPENS TOMORR0W' h d ' 27th and Marine special mention, being made ofSATURDAY~ Drive was struck down last Sat- the wonderful singing of Mrs. C DREN'S I urday evening at i the corner of H. J.- Vince of Vancouver, whose QANggggggASSES 14th and Marine Drive by a Van solos were most enthusiastica]l couver autoist. 'His,thigh was Ireceived. Mrs. J E. Durbin andand PHYSICAL CULTURE bl.oken and ba(lly cut and hesuf- Mrs. A. R. Dingman were the= coilducted Iby feied head injuries. He was t k- capab]e accompanists. MISS Kathlcen Ellis) en io fhe North Vancouver eGn- y e11 a.m. every Saturday I era] Hospita], where he is doing 'SHE ilIYSTERY OF THE 'i,~ nn well ns can be expected .'"MARIE,CELESE" I Inforination, Phone West 407~R or. Fairmont 64O0L -- Mrs. W iH Mason, 15th and Any deep-sea sailorman, will Fu]ton, has been indisposed rec-,tell vou that the greatest myst- ent]y fo]lowing the shock of be- cry of that "working ocean," theHOIOG HS, iug iu nn auio acciricnt. = 'Atlantic,'was the find of, the ~us ~orezey '~ ¹ ¹ I¹, ~ "Marie Celeste," which left New Miss Joan Cullington entei- York i in November, 1872, and I; tained informally at her ihome was discovered a few weeks laterStart the vear by taking ad- ~ 't Radc]iffe Avenue, on Tuesclay 'eserted in mid-ocean iby the "Dei Gratia,"a British vessel.Photos of exceptional value for evening, 7th instan ~ January. 'As the former did not respond II MisaCathcrine St. Clair,.whoif, io signals and'showed no,signa k your appointment today ~ )~ spent Christmas and New Year,'s, of life, the skipper of the ]atter ! II with '- her sister,, Mrs. ~%V, H. sent a boat's crew to investigate. &TIIe " ~ I Mason, 15th auri'Fulton,'as re- 'In the fo'c'sic were five seamen's turned 'o her . home in Everett, 'hests and 'wo canvas kit-bags, III Washington. Mrs. St.}C]air re: still containing the outfit:of tne IIIg") iII~ Io; I ccntly came back from&anI ex- crew.."Acct was asleep on a lock "q tended. visit toj her I relatives in er. The,'alley-range,,'though IV. V. VINSON PROP.: qfhe old'counfi'y,„which she took iaked,out„was still hot. A meal Bil&Hastings St,W; for health reasons fo]]owing the, mas set out oni a table in the death of-her husband; Captain A. „cabin aft, and three cups.of tea " Established.1902 E. St. Clair. - were still t 'luke=~varm; 'very; thing,was in& order aboard, andAll ivork guaranteed Mrs." Stanley Cullington has she was slipping along normally. ~o(Mn .. ~ ~ returned, to her home "Mor]ey," But the'crew had vanished to a ~+g&~~~ & 'Hade]iffe Avenue, after. being a man,'and yetitheie was no ap- guest at the Empress Hotel for parent reason why they should II a few days; while she placed her "have departed:in such a hulvr. II'on Stanley at school.==: ~ = They couldI not'have,'been gone'oe.o~~ long,&but there.was no trace of Surprise Party a boat in sight. What had becomePhane Sey. 1046 ih "I -- ==. ~== of them?--James Holt,'vas g'ven a sur- She was du]y 'brought into„Prise Party hyena'umber o IiGibraiini'arbor,'anfi,the story iI his friends']astlWednesday,'8th I of, the dere]ict as told by theinstant, at his home at 12th and 1 people of I the "Dei'Gratia" wasMarine Drive. The party was a ficemefi so exfi'aordinary by fhc , ~ gieat success, the time being port authorities that they P~~; Pmazm~~ ', sPent in dancing, games a""- I thought it necessary;to institute ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v I ~ ~ ~ 'Oec'I, ' music. Refreshments were serv- i'a Roarriiof'Examiners, to'ooavei'-I'ed Iduring the I evening. Those",~hau] the American ship and un-Present were: Mr. and Mrs. o - rave],'f 'hey. cou]d, the puzz]e rar Brewis, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mc: ciiscoveries .were made, which I, Cielian, Mi.'nd Mrs. H.' = g "of vioieuc bafi occur'refi aufi that guilty persons had left iu a Ilbe discovered, and the puzzl wa.. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~I held near Snoquaimie summit ou 'hoac iv» hnvo &r,c& io pone,.„ Burrard" Sheet Metal nouncement of Reiclar Gjo]m, Itconversations on&]iners in "the 229 Lnnadala Ava, Nouh Vanrnnvar 'I iI',president of the Seattle Ski Club Lane," as biue-ivaier equivaienfswhich;mi]] sponsor the event. of Shel,lock Ho]mes Res. North 918Y and 1214Y SAFETY COAIAIITTEEI&' NOT THE CASE INCONI EDERATION IDEA - qVARNSI CLIMBERS,& ,.; )VEST VANCOUUERBORN IN NOVA'COTIA Nobody ivants to be mayor o(The seed of union, that ]ed o A'arning to mountain c]imb- Mattawa, Ontaiio and as longConf d t on fo d t els to exelcise cautioil when a- as theie is ilo mayol the coun a t c A a bove the snow-line tbecause of cillors do not avant to hold of-he deceptive conditionl of the fice. Three nominees for mayor a ' O„,.O fiOZen SurfACeS iS iSSueCl by the, haVe SVithdramn,']eaVing nO One"That a union or confederation Safety Climbing Committee of in the fie]d. They gave no rea OP the British Provinces on just Va sons. Then two councillors re- sigiled, giving no i'e'lson, thoughperpetuate their connection with " l, h t ', th t tkev had'been elected'bv Acc]A-the Parent state, will Promote 'h t th m ltion, And» now rumor savstheir d A e t dp'opr- laver does not adhere to the one ity increase theii'trength And beneath and at times Avalailches Tl televate their position.~ r ~ p y start without warning, carrying Ai'e About to, resign. le own with it any object on its surface. clerk says'there will hase to bewl i Any He: "A month ago my wife left mo ThiS iS eSpeCia]]V SO On the Steep- SeCOnd nOminatiOnS. without any reason. la er slopes Anc] the committee Ac]- Only faith in yourself will compelShe: "I felt sure sorue one had left mOrriSheS hikerS tO AVOld gullieS ~ ~ you without it."y '" d k t th crest of ridges. others to have faith in you.an eep o e