001C98C6 ~, ~ ..s. ~ ~ A Wee&.y :8'ews va hei Circulating in die District of West 'Vancouver-- Ambleside, Holiyburn, Weston, Dundarave a 51.oo per y~r. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc.. Hewsstands 5c per Copy EIGFIT'PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER,'B.C., FRIDAY, JAN. 17th 193P J'ig Meeting 1n Hollyburn Theatre interest charges, which he be- lieved mould have shown the fer- ries tp have been behind some $12,000. From personal obser- vation the ferries were over- crowded at rush hours, which was physically dangerous to the passengers and financia]]y dang- erous to the municipality. We were being charged Fraser Valley rates for light and power, which should be lowered in his opinion. The board of trade had recommended this to the coun- ci], but nothing had been done. If elected,'e wou]d try to keep niill rate where it is or lower it. The. government, he thought, could be persuaded to assume the indebtedness on the Marine Drive and the Gapilano bridge, which would reduce the mill rate. '" Councillor J. B. Fiddes Councillor Fiddes stated he be- 'lieved in the municipality doing its own work, and he had no in- tention, as reported, o fredueing ,,the wages of those employed on the 'roads. Unless the . govern- ment wou]d take over the Mar- ine Drive altogether, it would be better for it to remain a second- ary,.highway, because we wou]d then have some control of it. The ferry se~ce was excel- lent and why it should be made a politi~a& +ootba]! he could. npt- urderstand. Strip tickets wou]d be good if they resulted in more passengers in the slack hours, It but what he favored particuLarly was.'a children's 10-ride ticket for 50 cents. .He believed the P. R. system should be cut out because it was not understood by the voters. The turning down of the wat- Iter,'by-laws last year,had caused someito go short, not'because cf lack of mater, but because the present pipes were not big enough to furnish the supply. 'He stated l that the following represented the allocations of ex- penditures'jn 1929 and propor- tions necessary for each depart- ment or disposal of tax and rev- enue dollar. 7o of total- 'Receipts 5 45.82 22 95 8.89 1.01 0.70 9.47 4.94 ~~l 0.56 0.45 3.40 1.34 0.47 AF'ebenture Int. and Sinking Fund...... '105,580.70 Schools ...................... 5,875.35 Finance (Administration, etc.) .......... 20,487.08 Hospitals ......--;; .................... 2,316.70 , Cemetery ...........................-- .........; 1,600.00 Board of Works ..........=..........,. 21,827.52 Police.........;............................... 11,385.94F're ....... . .......... . . ... .. . . Park \ ~ ~ I jtyht Reduction Bank overdraft .............. 3,200.00 Unused fractions........................... $230,436.37 100.00 ~gg penditure on income not on esti- mates. Mr. J. B. Leyland Mr. Leyland said the reeve and council must take the.responsi- b!]jty for not holding a ste~vard- ship meeting. EVest Vancouver, in common mjth the whole world was suffering from the jnterna- tiona] financial situation, svhjch , 'was not good. There divas a haze- 'lness about the bank overdraft and there also appeared to be some uncertainty as fo what the Capilano bridge would cost. In vieiv of these and other mattej~ a candidate could only promise V. J. DENT'S MEETING ence in the matter shot&ld/a]sp CANADIAN LEGION WHIST RAVE HALL have been made public. = = DRIVE TOMORROW NIGHTIN DUNDA If ] t d h vp ]d gp l fj was filled fpr through the'books for hjs'own The Canadian I.egion, SVest Hollyburn Theatre was crowd-satisfaction.,AVest Vancouver Vancouver branch, I is giving a ed yesterday evening for the en on Wednesda evening. An whist i drive tomorrow I (Satur- II ub]ic meeting given by the been extended to e C]achan. ~ ~ ~ pu ic re c s a th candidates for the various gid e o o y. Sp d in This will be the first of a series h' 11 th didw ic eWest Vancouver and, employ of six whist drjves, for , thpse m p 'est Vancouver men. =.,munici a] offices to be present,an a those mho accepted'he there wl]1 be a grmd aggregate 'd to peak John Lawson was i n s o e . ---- 2. Believed in changing the ~pnze as in the cast of the pervi- fh h ' ~ ~ e s Zoning by-law. Main restriction ous series. P]ay wil] start at 8 15i n s oke brief] e should be that buildings should p.rn. sharp. Ther V. J 'Dent be "safe and sanitary." -. prize as in the case of the previ- 3. 'Proper investigation of i play and refreshments wi]1, be Mr. %. J. Dent dress said he intended to speak &water resources. = served. 'Arrangements have also wW. J. Dent stat d h h d o ]y'4. 'Reduce taxation'by, getting been made to announce the re- consented to sta d fo 1929i of Reeve Vinson as con- Provincial government to as- suits i of the municipal election er repeated requests both b tn ] last 'Friday's issue of sume all indebtedness on Marine during t the evening - The News.. Drive and the Capilano bridge., drives put on by the Legion have tj n f . He alleged the report mas mis- .,Whj]e president here only"l~ been'eservedly I popular and ~ a'ad h ard Ree Vj o roars he had had 25 years muni, big crowd of p]ayers is expected, k th ]] 4 ~ ] h „; ]] t dII cipa] exPerience in Canada. to be on hand tomorrow evenin ~ butIjnstead he had raised it to 77% of the taxes in 1929 as a- To a question as to whether e - 61 mi]]s. Taking up Reeve Vin- gainst the 80 '!ected in 1928, was a Bolshevik, which the ques- enuarJ iui.'T g son's letter in'last week's yyestwhich ]atter~had been the basis, I tipner said'was being talked on ~o o ", . Van News he said the wor]d over of their figures in estimating the the street, 'hei stated he divas a = Annual iMeeting 75/a was considered a good av- 1«)en ~ .evenue Conservative.». IDent said t that 75% was Councillor Fiddes ~ Th West Vancou Bo d f ments, and therefore there wasgenerally considered to be a very Counci]]or lFjddes took t no i.e- T ade will hold their annual gen- iio reason to expect an 80/o pay-good average in such cases. sponsibi]ity foi Ithe Reeve's re- )~era] meeting and election of of- ment.There had been considerable sport in& the &press, which the ficers ~next Monday. evening, "A'levy of 8 mills had been madedisagreement as, regards I the a- ounci]lors had nevei been shown)I 20th; instant, in 'Colonel E.,Vf'p pay off the bank overdraft ofmount of-the bank overdraft at tlbut he stated he wou]d show on Savory's &office. A'number tof ~55,000. If 77% of an 8 mi]1 sday night where every cent ~~important m~tte~s wi]] come uy tax'aise ~hawhen the tax papers, were, sent 'had"been spent.y =: for discussion, and a report wi]] ~3,200; of the loverdraft, whatout later. for 1929,'he levy in= ~The ratepayers icou]d easily Itbe madetby the delegation,who "had become of the balance. He "have'learnt just what the coun-,with Genera]'1YfcRae last Satur figured tthe~m]] rate last year 55,000, approximately stated to eil was doing if they had attend- day ijjfej~iemed the Superintend- shou d have been 80 mills insteadbe owing to the bank. There was ed the council:meetings. 'nt. of sPosta] Services in Van- of 61'ills. An improvement The water., pi'Qb]em was nQ ~l cpuyer iri refererjce tp betfej gae tax might soonjbe rjecessarytions Qf-$23,118.15 and the 'an!c i'oblem at a]] but'the-Rag]e Lake gi]ities for I the «distr'ict +Evce~ 'ax to mh]eh he was bitter]voverdraft had been'educed by scheme referred to by Mr Dent member is Ieamest]y requested',posed,'s one,was liable to.be $3,200, but what had happened &hadtlbeen found to be 'too ex: to makea point of beingpresent. taxedI out of one's thome. 'Heto the balance of the $55,000".pensive. The jcheapest scheme ---= . I(presumed i the'"borrowing yowerVyas the explanation that the '~-as,to buy„as'they',mere doing II SCOTTISH SOCIETY 'f the munjcjpa]jt3 set at $857mill rate last year should have tn.omi&the iPeater 'a„co„„egr -- egg~~ =-- =- )ioOO by tteeve Vinson,was basedbeen 80 or 90 mj]]sI instead of Water Board.'. C]eve]and a F~~,'ril fheEva]ue of. improvement, great expert oni such, matters, tithe regu]ar monthly meetin llbut as apparently ithe building As regards the reduction of had stated his board couldisuy- Qfithe West~Vancouver.Scottish &permits were the basis of lthe the overdraft by $10,000 toibe ply,watei'.to the upper levels by Society wi]]'be he]d in the",C]a: valuation, of improvements, the raised by by-]aw this year in con- everal small yower. Pumps, chan tonight (Friday),'t'7 45,~ttborrpmjng pp~ver,wou d probably ijzction with an expenditure on '." The Burns'heque was~'not,,p. m. i Short ta]ks on their "Nat.-- II be less. %est Vancouver in any Marine Drive,I that was merely marked. He had wanted it. cash= ive place". wi]] be igiven«by a')l case should be &~re-assessed taking the money out of one Ppc- ed, but that course was advised number of members and a good ~Ith'pughout. ket and Putting it in another. against by the ]ega]'department. attendance is requested for this '"He held the reeve and council While an& QPerating Profit. of = J. B. «Ley]andg = infeiesting meeting. ' esppnsib e forsholding no stew- $6,800i had'een made by the The Eag]e Lake scheme after ~ ~ ardship meeting. =-- ferries, the Reeve's report shou]d a long investigation by the 1926 'tHOLLYBURN~LIBRARY ==.=-= As regards transportation hehave shown the position after council,'had been found financial: -- ANNUAL MEETING thought that i the statement paying the sinking fund and jnt- ly impossible. ~~ -- ~The General Meeting of Ithe should include sinking fund andcrest charges. 'In 1926 the time had come for Hp]]yburntPub]ic Library Assoc- spite pf 'the 'Reeve's re- tWest Vancouver 'o &become a, iation will take place on Monday, .~arks on the excellence of the .permanent residential area'nd January 20th, at 8 y'. m.'harp,'ol;ce Department a „„mber ot not merely a summer camPing ai the Hollyburn'Public School. I residents did-not seem to be so resort. The co'uncil then had de- The Library Board cordially in- gg e]] satjsfjed qyjth i,'™t and i the cided to: put, town, planning in vites non-members to be yresenf. Capi]ano~brjdge was'sti]]iunfjrj- force, Ibeing the firstito do so Membersareasked to bring their jshed althpugh jt was he under under a new act just Passed, but friends, in order that they may stood supposed) to have been before putting the by-]aw I learn I what the library has to open by 1st November last., through, had given due notice in offer. The tota]t va]ue pf lm rove- 'the pl.ess,and held a public meet- ments was given's ~3,177,415'u]t pf the by-]am mpi total of, the building permits, t V .. t h h local contract had employed )Vestwhich in most cases exceeded the the had refused tQ dp revipu Vancouvei men. e said rans-actual'alue of the-building er- '] " " portation must be iimproved to ected; andi it should) be remem- If elected he would change the attract. population. He believedbeled pul borrowing power was zoning by-]aw after consu]ting in West Vancouver fpl. Westcalculated onl the value of im the various organizations who Vancouver,yeop)e. -- The totals for debenture inter-provemen ts. Mr. E. S: Gamage est, schools, hospitals, cemetery, An improvement tax was star- mendat,ons The school board was'large]y po ice and i light amounting to Mng us in the face, unless some- ]„& & - bound by the regulations of, the $182,587,were out of the control, hing else could be done to meet ' '". - department in Victor~a but econ- of'he council and the council ==- He had got out in 1925 the omy shou]d not be effected at 'ad only 10% tp carry on with. f 75 ] ] first rePort on the water s itua- th e cost of our ch i ]dren The actual amount of taxes paiddition, in,which'he had been and Vpcatioijal training was also mas $182,157, so it divas easy toas much interested, also a fur- necessary see where the mpneyihad been Qi't i'ead" revious t the lec I ther report in 1926. His figures Mr. T. E. AV. Russell spent. f th f ma t io pf th had been ' ased on the, then He had no axe to grind . 4Ve If e ]eeted, he ~vou ]d have aprices of the Greater Vancouvel ]jad a gppd schppl sysfem, gpod check made of the municipal se-tVafer Board, which prices had teachers and buildings, and ivere curitjes, as there were some ~ 1 h d -t d he u fol since been alteled, getting lesults. He',wvou]d, if which ~vere better disposed pf. Mr. V. Nightingale elected, endeavor to co-operate They ivou]d have to go s]piv until '1 f ht fh, d He had held that when oiir with both teachers and parents 1J33, wheri bond issues of $170,- mhy it had not been cashed he first road program was started for the best interests of the 000, all provided for, ivpu]d m-a- d'd not know. The correspond- that we should have done our children. , ture. He believed in basing ex-djd not