West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Apr 1930, p. 14

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001C98D0 I» s Rivi' 1 ceLuws&a~aiacvRic I6 THE WEST'VAN»NEWS»&'pril& 4,. 1930.',» I IISmith,s i ropery~i " ...„.-„-„...-=--='-" I i ijr', l p'« 's'HE RED AND WHITE STORES interest M.S.S.'s letter ini last 'Rt Pbone: Ivest 4GS g Phone: )vest 4G ~~ wIVeek's issue advocating thatthe«'1+nnd Illari e 44 y 17th sod 5Iarine name of Baby Mountain l be l » ",2»' rv 2,',I& Q 8 I ~gv ~I, ~«I! i» 'i& ~ tv,,h gdto om th'ng, r d'utstandingValues for il nified and~ in keeping ~Ivithi the natural charm and beauty of ourFRZDAy AND SATURDAY, Apri14 aiid 5 I surroundings. This 'is'xactiy i «Government InsPected',Oui'elephoneService ' ree DeJivery . „my own opinion. But., perhaps»I g 'g might suggest that personally I' ') 'f~vp Stpres for your service);RoN'ntree's Cocoa, i/& lb. tin.... 23c Rogers Syrup 5 lb. (in 39c wouM favo& the nanle of Mount the proximity of the river curl- . ~ B f !1k~"IaJuuF 8 leSL;w and all'IPic Bars, Ivsole Ivaest.... 21ss. Gsc Nasol& catsup........12 oz. Goflle Isc I ing near its base; butichief!y:. ~ po"k g~bI " g "St «tItt ti goy. Red R White Tea, Per lb.'..----.- 53c Shredded,Wheat.. 2 packets 21c I f th f t 'I l' t perhaps, for the reason, that one =. e~~ e 0 'S ) !of the finest Indian c ie tains'"Grimbles illalt Vinegar ........... 23c Salmon, I'ink .................... 3 tins 25c of our present day lies buried in Red a&,White Peaches, sliced Nabob I'ineapple TIdbits, 6 oz. 10c ' ~ -,-, I' - E R V I C E '0--h s a v h n s ! Red 8: White Corn, Peas, Tomatoes !'I course to[ Chief Joe Capilano--.= Everything for the BuildingP co s I of each........................ 3 tIns 19c, and I consider, it entirely yttii~xg ~ Your choice........2 tins 45c ~ 2 ~ i 2 g ~ if ~ laL~ ~Red 4 white Asparagus Tips. II that lthe slope Itoni',which«" heIIIurray's Illarmalade.. 4 lb.'in 55c p ......................19;, sought his'last rest be so. called ! South African Pineapple, sliced Is, sq....................................... 31c ' in his honoi'. 'I et this mountain l»rsr u&s ---------------- 2G~ „I N„„,,s.„„'ainl'4 new prominence.=swhy, i SASH 'ppRS RppFING BUILDING PAPEIiosl,.er Bed Plans 2 tl~~ 25~ ---- -- - --.-- 2 tl~~s 2~g "hould it not take up the name «i ', = 'I'amatco --,Gyproc -- Piaster 'Board I»-- »Ill of CaPiiano too. Let this moun- I I - '~ Bea er Board -- Shingles,„tain have a'ame that means(; something:a name that at least .~" =---- ." ~ k = i,will speak to future generations 'eg Q i!anCOuVer- . ~um er-,e,-l&',0 peI,' ' e 'f,, Qg $ of an eariv day in the history.of I I, 15th" and Mar -'e -.= -- 'LIMITED/ " phone West 115»l our 2 country: that=plv~ill live THp STpRE'p l ppNVENIENgp'" I through the ages. -- ---- --.q!: ~ Residence Phone: IWest'868L. I I«West 1903 188Q"- Marine'Di'ive, I :, " Q',f ~ )West~Vancoiiver'ennis,C&lub»I!P - PulletS 27C.'er i4iOxg I l'IIICOUNCIL'NOTES) Guaranteed New Laidl from|Davis Ranch « --:,, = -- I j ~- -- A ...,,.L The Noi&h 7valicouver Boardl!I»,The g@rsuCti'tl terser~/&~getijgg.. ~gzetFor your week-end'Roast,ave have some of the Finest Quality. I 'B f bt 'i, 'RIZE STEER'BEEF, fro IIAMLOOPSiI """".o"'""'"' '"."'m" eetiOn f O;& ' CerS,,campaign 'eing staged f in f tha rity. Thy r d '&th t i- at 't'e Clachan 'Hotels I'REAIEAIBER--,. Roberts'or "Ex'erything Good to. Eat." ' Vilest Vancouver, supports the 'F+IDgy,A pplL y ~ ~ 8principle I that iesidentsl! should ' 2 l ~ & II « ~p m I bu at home. = -- =I ~ I ~/& 1 p i I fI.rs'. o)crt s.....ower~ .iop BEAUTIFUL PLANTS»»l CUT FLOWERSW ~ , Seeds and~Bedding.«Plants 'SeedI Potatoes'nd»-fertilizers. I' -- Il.g,'DAFFODILS --. 2 dozen for.25c == ~9 0 ~s " m I a~a' r ta~' . ~ ~+ I ~~ r SASH,I DOORS, FRAMES 'and INTERIOR FINISH» ! %II ~Everything from the ~ highest tol the iiowest ~ grade." "Service with, ai Smile" I! We appreciate your business, we are!here to Genre you. rd r~prrr,, ":-;,g&If ';I CS I.'f.'" ilJ '(f',lf,'",! 'II)~l"',I;i Phone West 199»I ~ GPhone 1vest 241R~ Marine'Drive at 16th»'sk for )Gerry 'Dent II,,II a&wzsolMPiIWITH&YHa,, ~LSARE HOME,'BU LDERS LTD, i IN LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE,) 4The West Van.'omel Build- ers 'Ltd., ai company recently Thomas Grafton, keeper of theformed,'as its registered pffice 'Point 'Atkinson lighthouse, I ent- in the'Hay'. Blockiat'the corner. ered the service:-twenty years )[of 14th and Marine Drive They ago last.Monday, Apriil 1st. He RM in arm""Ithe,~Welfare IOfavanCOuVer aiidarel starting operations at once has been in charge at Point At- by the erection of three houses of kinson for a number, of years.'»». -:B.c.'lectric Gprogress "gol 'forward~ "Everythe most modern design and fin- = The first lighthouse, a wooden est workmanship on the subdiv: structure,was replaced» ini 1912 ste IJQQ, e I , t 'e i . -.~4 ectric mar saba." orwarision situated at 17th andI Ingle- 'y the present one, which iswood.: They 'xpect to do con- built of concrete, and has a tow-siderable building, this summer. er rising 130 feet above high our, ublic «utilities's I a dollar furrtthrering the,'IThe company has full power to 'ater mark. The light is derivedlclear ground, finance and'uild fi'om coal oil vaporised-I» under interest+sof&Vancouver.,houses,'nd generally to do the l gh pressure,'nd the prism orwork of a building company. cone, rendered incandescent by Durin the next six,years more than $50,OOO O'the 'oil, is on)y a few »inches ~ ~ ~ -- -- ~SPRAY FOR . long,'although its flashes can b gwllls'be spentlby~the BC-Ele~ic in»exten ng I» all'bra.nches of its'. services. More thaii»$50,000,000 attesting, B.C. Electric'faith in lthe 'future ~ of yourwarm distillate oil and churn F&or use (dormant) --Add 111~. the best means» pf 'destlpyiilg!lgals. of water to each gal. of em- them is to make up a, mixture The welfare(ofyour,, community &5 yourulsipn. EZeep distillate away from of turpentine, benzoline, and oil . fire as it is highly inflamable pJ lavender,and squirt this inside ficofnmunity's,lpu tc'serotces are l in eand is best heated by placing it the instrument,! by means of ain hot water. -= --'E. S. G. scent spray or by any small syringe. Use» seven parts ofThe council on Thursday night benzoiine to one of tui1Ientine IRAI LWAV i CGG'TDmade their annual $200 grant to and add a few drops of lavender ;.,the West Vancouver, Agricultur- --one drop to each ounce will be . al and Horticultural Association. ample.