001C98D0 "April 4, 1930. 1~ %VEST,VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS o peal0$~ , i ~ Q i'. j]s r '. '0 urn st e a s( "r )!~ I g gott c&0 00 'C e-- g: j..'- 1II ..Ai I l ]g s ].l.i By'INA G. HUTI', " Landscape 'Architect Craduate in Landscaplntf U.'f C., American Scbool of Landscape Architecture and Cardenfng. Member National Landscape Service. st Pemberton and waterfront Phone North 305 I FOR SALE--Cook Stove. Phone West II'ou Intend to Build or Want Your 689R. House Altered or Repaired, phone Colin Tamer, builder, West 679R.--WANTED -- Al tarn ont -- Competent working gardener, one day week, FOR SALE -- Cheap, - Lawn Mower, regularly. Apply, "Gardener, clo $4.50. Phone West 93L.--West Van News. $ d ARIES FOR'SALE $2 'FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- R p Y -- idence Phone West 24 IReach. Phone West 71Y. I I )I- /2 ih ~ ANTED -- Housework by day or HESISTITCHING--Plain, white 5c , month. Experienced. References. yard; silk and colored 10c yard. I/ i Marine. Phone West 144. ~Phone West 332L. 'Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street andi;!]f 'Ii FOR SALE -- ]]Vicker, Baby Buggy-' Large size. Good condition. Phone SCHWEPPES LEMONADEe CAN-./'~7/( I West 380X1. ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the I RADIO ELECTRIC S S 1 A -- G~ Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms.pliances, and wiring. Stainte Screen e Grid Console $217. North Shore PAINTING, DECOR %TING,FRE ICH rp',e Radio Electric, 61 and 1540 Lonsdale . Polishing, Carley, Residence Phone West 71Y.I r FOUNDATION CEWIENT IVORE-- r Landscaping and I owns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing Prize Niteand ] land clearing, . chimneys and furnaces cleaned and: repaired. At Roller Rink eve Thu~daPhone T. Barnott, residence phone West 290R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR i%INDOW BLINDS -- DIade to Orderand installed. Estimates free.un arave. -» Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and ~ ARDENS Designed and I]aid out. Aiarine. Phone V est 144. ~ Original designs in Lily and Orna- , mental Pools, Rock and Wall gard- ' p CL HARK Q CO ESTATES I TD ens. Lawns, Formal and Rose gard- ~ eus. Rustic ]Veri. Summer houses. lt CO.'lIFORTABLE blODERATE SIZE Crazy paving. a R. J. Kyte, Phone Home--Furnace, Fireplace, Wiredet t]iiag wm West 411. ~ ~ ~,~ for Range, Fall Plumbing. Two ,; large lots. Convenient situation. j.'t Fine possibilities for artistic garden Price $285p; terms arranged, with S artan Simplicit The newly-weds on their'GARDENS]I andkGARDENI¹,, k'Ap-,„'t"«",„p"'0',y] vou shoneymoon hat] the drawing R:P. cLARK e co. EBTATEs LTD. ought,to buy an encyclopedia room. The groom gave the negro 790 Dunsmuir St. -- Seymour 7484 now]that your Iboy islgolng to,yprter aldpllar not to tell any Local Representative"body on the train they,were C. J. ARCHER West 225 !j Let him ~va]k, the same as I did." ]I] br~eakfa~s~t wneexnt m~oming all th~0 /i @gQ In the article last week we told l]mended so that the plant will not No Rest for, the AV'eked " ' 1 k 1 .. I Rea1EState and Insurance you about- the Plant Nurse Pot. gabe chi ed. =--, = -- . "4She: "The world is full of ras- 'The groom called the. porter a- ortly after writing the article "The critical ti™e in the opera- calsithis morning, ~the milkman side and 'demanded "Did vou we were reading the Sunday rtion of a coldframe is just after gave me a'counterfe't'half dol- tell anybody )on the train we Province and, camel across i an «the seedlings have appea~ed. bwe 'ar."". =-=-- „were just married?" - PHONE % ST 21 pt bein I] must bear in mind'he fact that He: 'SVhere is it, myf den . fN - . „- h d k . 1405 Marine Drive factured'and tried out at iri lusing the coldframe we are She: "Oh,'I'e already got rid,'I 1 ', ' - Office'PhonetWest 21 or Sey. 1260 S mmerland"B'C so it-'is'quite i'l,tryinggto provide i conditions lin I] of lit--'luckily jthe jbutcher took ' „- ~" Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204' nssible that.you],will lsoon be I]temyeratureland&rarinfall,wh ch ~ it."'onth or so @ter. ~ No Chances'Taken . Jock,was learning to play the Make us an ofFer on lovely bunga- l Continuing our story l in con= low,'6 rooms, large verandah, water, nectionA wiglet--co]fIgrames,- &et„us - .The coldframe should be, vent= A",slow-pay-customer-sent the bagpipes.: One night while-he -- light and; phone. garage, 2'00 feet point oat that the most import: isilated each day, Iptherwise~the following note to his grocer: „was strutting about the r'oomp frontage on ~ilarine Drive withbeauti- pf successfully j opei at t] plants will'row tall; sp ndly a d lI, 4 "Please send & 6 dozen& eggs; if skirling for all he was worth,'is ful natural f garden. Fine sea viexv.gpodI way tp ventilate,good, will send ~h~~k." wife attempted a mild and veryw s to place a struck of wood und~~ The g~~~~~, h~~~~~r, was npt Llbelated Protest. more failures in connection with the sash so that itewi 1 be raised doing any business on such risky = "That'stan awfu'oise vou're L l R ~t t ttt.;b„"ted to,l]a couple of inches. If the soil has iterms, so.he wrote'back: "Send nl" king," she said. ' Iv R BIIT'TDNu ' Ibeentwatered too much,ventila- Icheck';f good",w;]] se„d S doz- Jock sat down and took off his l.i tioniwillghelp correct it. t,,en eggs .. boots, then got up and resumed --,very LttL-, =Mrs. J.'S. writes toask if dried -- =- = ']jhis piping in his stocking feet. 456 Howe Street. Seymour 9380After the soil)has been thor- ii = ou hly soakedl andi-'he seeds tIbloodtis a good fertilizer to use 4 John: "I'ust bought'a new , ylanted, q no further watering ", --,, ~ "suit with two pairs of pants." shou]dttbe done until] the seed- ~ It is a'good stimulant, for al: e Jim: ",Well;~how)do you like lings start pushing their heads most any plant but should',only 't?" uplthrough the so]],'iwhichi.wi!]'"'be aPP]ied during the groIving John: 'F]ne,on]y it's too hot ~ iusually occur, three or four days s~aspn Use about, an ounce to,,wearing two pairs." after they have'been planted. each'] square yard, every '~two'""'ueweeks during May to July. ]Work BTraffic '~Cop: 'S]rhat'0 your gs~ p~ ~it+ 'Qsr]Unless the day is hot the see =;t intp the spil !li ten in the mOrning andi tWO in NOT~~-,'„„,--,„- d- TiouCk DriVer- "It'S On the Side 'IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUILDING On] the leaVeS, Will all be eVapOr i'he 'questions should be addrossed~ to ( 'p5] in this coi~n. -- -- -- = Cop i (trying to read name)-- SEE US ABOUT YOUR atedfbefore the sun sets 'If the f)tb" w"te"'n'~'e o«the Editog. The ' 's o i 'era e . t h t t b tt t~, ..., ' . A answer will appear in an early Issue': or -- -eDriVer ~ 'Yer a i liar it S Oeathei l isl'hpt,. it ]is ]better ltp gif a personal reply is desired a stamped,'n the COO] Of the day ft j]t self.addressed enveloeo should ho enclosed. Bt'1011. l'. ~, ~ =-is easy to l determine whether watering is required,'lby taking Brass may be very quickly and i,, 'lrwantsto ]eatmrhow to]tell,',, a bit of soil between the fingers ]]beaut]fu]]y,c]caned,'in fact made'ortunes,What~book would you ' jj j]i and squeezing it. 'lf it packs into'o']00k~]ike new]bydtheiuse]of advise meito use'?" a'ilump i no additional water is spiritsi of I camphor,,which] may "Bradstreet's."-- needed. If it is dty and crumbly, jibe applied,with a softic]othior ]l] give it a good watering withI a brush and yolished with' clean " A bttle girl $ knocked l at the fine spray. If the weather is cool,'loth. This is ]what furniture fi'pnt dppr pf the grpcery stpie ~l slightlyswarmed, watei is recom.- dealers use. Her ch„m'he d„„ghter of th„) ANYTHING FRODI A FENCE TO A NEHRU HOillE 'rocer, stuck her head out of the J second stoioy window. Sarah, 'P,we'e all been to camp meeting, llINDe, SHRUPf3S ll 'nd got converted. If you,want Mater]a] of.all,descriPtions. from»gh Pr]«d 0]«» to I"e0 I - - II,m]]k on]Sunday yott']I 'have to 'heapest commons. 'Everyth]ng manufactured on the ]qorth f."Large 4 year old Plum Trees .................................................................. $1.25 I, come around to the back door of ~ Shore.'ome ]down to the mil) and look over our stock.APPles .................-..------------"--..-......---............................. 35c to $ 1.00 ( the StOre." I Jap Walnuts, large ........................................-.-....................................... $ 1.25 JUST TELEPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR REPRE- "AGrape Vines ...............,......................................,.............. -- '---- 50 . A y rags? AIiy old iron?", ----- ~ --. ~ ---------------.--------..................--..... $1.00]l chanted the dealer, as he knocked'll SENTATIVE yVILL CALL FOR YOU ~VITH A CpR lambert Cherries ................................ ------.................... $ 1.00 and $ 1.20 at the subourban vil]a. The man l] Fl: C b Db. P'.. """ """"'" "'"""""" $ 1'00 « the house oPened the door.,l This service wi]] piece you under no ob]]get]on. hiay D uble Red Hawthorn ..........................................,..........,.-- -- $1pp .Nop g'o away, he snapped ir- 'I Purple Leaf Crab ......................................................., .. $ 1',oo]ii r]tab]y:. "There's inoth]ng for l]Purple Leaf Plumd....................................................................................., $ 1.00ll I Vcu. ]Vfy IVife iS aWay." » Double Fl; cherry ...........,..................".."...."-..".--"--"-"-"--" ---":-" $ 1 oo The l itinerant merchant l hesi: Spirea van Houtti '.......................-...---- --"------------- "----- 50c, to $1 0" tated a l mOment and then ] eil-, g ~ r we s ~ B gon~ (S l T ) """"".-.-" """"- ~- -"- -""-"""""- - "-"„'ustpmer: "I'e been swindled. :1 ?00 Block hlarino Drive, IVest Vancouver I bought three different incubat- North Shore Branch of B. C. Nurseries ors and not one of them has laid an egg yet."