001C98D0 April 4, 1930. "THE WEST VAN NEWS "New Amb'lesLtIle„Hall'or Rent "P E R S 0 N A L S 8 RI CORNER STORE on 14th ACRE BLOCKS at ALTA '$500 and $600 each. CLYDE AVENUE LOT, 12th and 13th) FOR WHITAKER 942 West Pender Street BUY BREAD Made in %Vest Vancouver (near Ferry) 'For Rent. MONT, FOR SALE at $400, L' l there were no local Drug Stores it would 'e very inconvenient.. FACING SOUTH (between SALE at $200. ~ 8: WHITAKER Vancouver JI.EGION HOLDS WHIST DRIVE The fifth whist drive of the series put on by. the %Vest Van- I~couver branch of Ithe Canadian Legion took place at the Clachan hotel on Saturday evening. There were eleven tab]esi in play,, the winners heing as follows: First:Ladies prize--Mrs. Say- ers, linen lunch set. Second 'Ladies prize--Mrs. V. Nightingale, embroidered linen ',,I handkerchiefs. Ladies Consolation prize--Mrs. 'R. J. Morris, hand painted salt'nd pepper shakers. First Gentlemen's prize --,V, Nightingale, leather smoking set. Second Gentlemen's prize--G. Herring, silk scarf. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Gentlemen's Consolation; prize --H. B. 'Gray, fancy handker- j chief. 'Following the serving of l re- freshments the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Sickness comes unexpectedly; i . Remedies are needed AT ONCE; Your doctor will tell you how; :, i important it is to have access'o a reliable Drug Store at all times. Get your every-day wants from us and wM be here tot serve you in emergencies. ; WEST VAN l'HARNACY ! If you; cannot get I it at the stores, phone West 27 and it will be delivered. The Store-of Service. West 37 WE DELIVER "Phone West 27 „ 'TTON'S B RY AMBLESIDE .',l VERNONI-." == FEED STORE"'. C. SEARLE Phone West el'ext door to Theatre 1 Fuel and Building Supplies.' I sr I %PA You'lit,find that when we do your Sheet MetalIl work the work will~be "A14 andI you'l &]ike the prompt service too. BurrardI Sheet IIMetdi 229 Lonsdale Avenue ', I'hone North 345 -- = Residence, North 918Y 6: 1214Y ','R,, '.'.'iA &.i NI..A.'l .l & ( LDIITED 'For.-People Who Are Particular , THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS = = Phone West 41QL ~ i,L. M. DUVAL and &. lV. MANSON i, Stockbrokers and ginancIal Agents STOCKS 'ONDS .--™--- INVESTMENTS ~ ~~IPrompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Phone: Trinity 1775 615-616 Bk. of Nova Scotia Bldg. Hastings Z: Seymour Sts. Vancouver ~ t~rlME =-= It is not as widely known'as it should be that a Canadian, Sir Ii Sandford "Fleming, originated the idea of standard time.'hose who have ~trave]]ed acrossi the 'ountryknow that at certain I-- places they'lput their,watches, forward or back an hour, depend- i»g on which direction they are I'I travelling. Sir Sandford was the chief I engineer. in, the I construc- !Igtion of the Intercolonia]~ andti III much',of the l Canadian'acific 'ailway. Though l born in& Scot= t+ land the emigrated )to .Canadal" rI when a lad and late in life initiat: i ed and'directed for seven years an international movement, end-'ng in, an international f confer- ence,'at whichlthe idea was ad-' ~ ~ opted/of changing. the time'one Ihour for every 15ltdegrees lof It longitude. Ii"-'RAPID'INCREASE INI =-= ~~ U. S.'OURISTS )I -- "Rapid increase of toulist traf- fic from the United States is re- .ported by the) customs t depart- ment on the Pacific Highway at ti 'he international boundary. Inj February, 3937; ~United I & States . cars, with t 13,000,passengers, I crossedsthe line, as against 230S ~~'ars'ith '000'assengers, 'ast year.] Canadian cars during Feb- ,'. ruary, showed a 25 yer cent. in: 'cease over last year, with a total of. 3000 car's. It is expected that the yresent 'I month.t will'show'a total'f at '; least 10,000 I cars, with" nearly ,~II 50,000'passengel's, including'l United- States residents and Can- . adians, coming north . J. MOORE OPENS~ . FLOWER SHOP ~ ~ ~F. J. Moore is opening, today &I a floral shop at 1455l Marine ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'Drive,'I next, to Pearce's Dry Goods. He isIcarrying a stock of t]oca] grown plants, pot and ~I outdoor plants, cut flowers, flats, l, etc., a]so i verandah tubs and & ft hanging I baskets already macle I up. Any outdoor plants yurchas- eci can be held until required. An aclvertisement regarding this ap- , pears in this issue.'tHOLLYBURN ~ Barber; Shop 15th E: Marine -~- (iEXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor 'W. T. "Atwooc Plumbing Heating Wiring 18th and Marine Drive. Phone West 301 & Speciall" Service'I Plan Sheik: Once I met a glr] and she make a fool out of me." Sheikess: "EVhat lasting im- pressions some girls make!" t VISIT Under my new plan you can have 100% perfection'i at all I times from your Radio. " For particulars phono West 474.:,, ,'i G. CANHAM",'est Vancouver Radio Electric :, 1439 Marino Drive BA'1"I'ERIES CHARGED TUBES - RFJUVINATED =-: WA ONER'S CONFECTIONERY'R. L. Norman of Vancouver, &I-'& lias movec] i into Bob Black's house at 19th and Mathers, '6r. and Mrs. Macdonald have'oved from the Foster house at 25th and Bellevue to a house at 24th and Waterfront. ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. IVestbury I have moved into a house at 24th l and Haywood. for HOillE-A~IADE CANDIES, ICE CREAM TOBACCOS TEAS and I.IGHT LUNCHES MILE, BREAD, CAKES, Etc. 17th'nd hlarine, "Near Theatre" "The Smartest Shoppe in Town" Mrs. Wallace, who has been on The baseball season has start- I I~a'trip to San Francisco,'has re- ed at the schoo]s with the com- .turned and is a guest at the lIing of the recent syring weather. Clachan hotel. The Ho]]yburn students have this week syent their syare time i&lr. arid Mrs. Peter and fam- in the erection of two back-stops &ii]y, 29th and Bellevue, have left in the playground. to return to Edmonton. iVIr and iVIrs Ba]dwln of Van Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Evans couver, have moved into a house of Canmore, Alta., were the at 18th and Bellevue. guests over the week end of Mrs. George Pineo„13th and Keith A fire broke out last Sundav ItRoad. evening at the home of i&Ir. and " 3Irs. Harry 3IcArthur, 11th and A bush ifire broke out I]ast Gordon. The fire brigade turned conc]ay at 23rd and Lawson, out, but were unable to do any- which was extinguished~by the thing to save the house, which fire brigade before any damage was totally destroyed. had been done i to the houses nearby. Mr. and &Irs. Brooks and fam-" i]y of Vancouver, have moved in Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, 31st to a house at 1828 Argy]e. and Waterfront, have moved into a house at 25th and Mathers. A girl was born ]ast Friday to Nr. and Mrs. A. Kruger, 18th I r. Bowman, who has been and Esquimalt, in the North spending the winter at his home Vancouver General Hospital. at 22nd and Inglewood, left'on ¹ ¹ Tuesday for his ranch in the A postal survey in.West Van- Peace River country. -- = couver was held this week by , an official of the postal depart- Mr.and Mrs. F. VI. Johnston ment. and family, Travers "Avenue, ¹ II¹ moved into the Draper house at Harry Atkins of 'Williams 2168 Bellevue.'ake a former we]] known resi dent of West Vancouver, was a - -- Mr. Peterson, 25th and Bel]e- visitor inithe municipality this Vue,'left On TueSClasy fOr eaStern ~~ k. Mr. AtkinS WaS recently l points. elected one of the three commis- sioners who take the place of a Mrs. Matthews I, has moved counci] at,.W'l]iams Lake. fromlher house at West Bay,to er other thouse at l 31st 'and iVIr. and Mrs. George.. Bell, ,,Waterfront. 24th and'Jefferson, had as their.'guests last week Mr. and Mrs. & Miss F]aherty, who has I been Erie Richards and, daughter, spending the winter in the city, Joyce, fl.om Whitehor~, Yukon ',i it has returned to' her summer Terrlto Y,+ home at= Caulfeild. = v =,v v ~ vviolet green swallows, which There,was a turn-out of sev: last year occupied a bird house enty-one scholars+at'the -'flrst;;in Purcell Hardman's garden, re-'i )open air session4of the4cadets turned from the, south on 31st if]ast Friday I on „the Inglewood I March, exactly the same date as Il School grounds. - ~ =- in the spring of 1929. Miss Miller, who has bees oc- = Mrs.,Ogilvie and Mrs. &David cupyingqa &house tat 14th andi'organ are 'leaving tomorrowI'C]yde, Imovedttlast Tuesday fto for a trip to Vancouver Is]and. , Vancouver, The boys of the High School A young deer came doWn from Ibasketball team entertained thethe mountains on~ Sunday, and girls of the High School last Fri- wandered around West Bay.'Be- day night at a party at the ti coming frightened, it rushed in- C]achan. Ii to! the sea and I started i to swim out into the baylbut finally re- ---- A: M. Stephen, the we]]-known turned.to land'and disappeared, li Canadians poet and,writer, left I probably returning to its haunts yesterday on a lecture tour which Ii ini the upyer levels.',Iwi]l'take him through the prair- ies as far as winnipeg. He is Ramada]] andlher mother. speaking under the auspices of of &Vancouver, moved-'last Tues-, the Canadian C]ubs. I|day into thetkvright cottage at wie v e 25th and'Argyle. - & A. T. Peacey of Vancouver has i~ taken Mrs. Robinson's'house at Ii Mr. 'and Mrs. Tupper, .who 12th~ andI Clyde andt has'.taken I, have been4occupying the Bulk- possession. t~]c:y,'cottage, have moved to No. 5, Wing's Point. Nr. and Mrs. Hutchison of Marpole, 'have moved into aM'~ lhas taken. ox~er,theII house at 2440 Bel]evue. store. at Sandy~Cove, which lhe ls now OPelating l ' GREASING OILING TIRE REPAIRS Miss Blunde]] and Miss Arm- 'trong,ivho have been~spending the winter in the city, have re- Tgg Ne~ turned to their summer cottage at 23rd and Marine Drive.'AS I STATION ,r The B. C. Telephone Co. are Corner of 14th and Marine having their office here repaint "IMPERIAL" GAS and OILS ed both'outside and in.'he ex- terior and the interior of the ..--& Service All the time Royal Bank building has also been repainted. The. house of Mr. Richardson, 24th and Lawson, was the scene of a'ire on Saturday morning, ,fI which burnt a hole in the roof. The fire brigade turned out anc] soon extinguished the flames. Miss Helen Steveiison, 19th and Bellevue, was the victim of I, «n unfortunate accident on Tues- day evening, falling and break- ing an arm.