001C98D0 7 "A Wee&.y '.4eWS=iaael t Ctrculatiegin the District of, West 'Vancouver-- Amb.leside, Holi@burn, 'Weston, 'Dundarave ~ ~ $1.00 per year.; Cypress Park, Caulfei ld, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands 5c per Copy ")Vol. IV I HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., /REEVE SHOAVS CITY SPRING ,p PRESS REPRESENTATIVES OVER THE DISTRICT SIX PAGES FRIDAY, APRIL 4th, ]93P No. 45 JC]Ioral Society Concert t a'Big Success ELKS iAIAY DAY CONFERENCE ce n- d ol n h es s. S1 r. in 11 s X. s p- r. n- e, e r. s. n- d, r. d v- The W. A. of the North Van- couver 'General Hospital were granted permission by the coun- ci! 'to ttag in Vilest Vancouver, but not on the boats, on Satur- day, June 7th. I c r4.': ' - iri. «t @&%i.. ~ ~ ~ ~g Al t g4 ~ '4' ' SPring has come again. The arrival of the thrushes and Reeve Ley]and pn Monday cpn The Elks AiIay Day conferen blackbirds and others of our feathered f~iends come]back ducted a number of representa- A large and enthusiastic audi-,„. % o d 1from the south'brings this jovful fact home to us,'as does gives of the Vancouver newspay- ence crowded the Ho]lyburn The- f 4U t V go v also the perceptible change in the trees and vegetation gener- ers on an a]l-day auto tour of the atre last &iIonc]ay evening to list Bo d, ly, M . Ed a]ly, No longer do we have to get up in the dark and dumb y municipa]ities-from Capi]ano to en to the concert put on by the nd &G . AW. D't o to our daily toil. In the evenings most of us come Garrow Bay. The progress made 9'est Vancouver Choral Soviet/ re t d th Q"ihome by, daylight. The sun is'beginning to shine more,fre- since tthe Ifirst ~incorporation in, There was.not a du]1. moment The f lip .i 'tt quently, and the spring song of the birds in the mornings an~ 1912 'was carefu]]y:pointed out fl-om st rt to finish IR the yr~ were formed:1 e o p~ing cpmmitte evenings finds a-ready response in our,hearts. -- -- =. tp the visitors and particularly gram, which was one of the fin- pI ~ qY, ring is the happiest time in the year just as the Marine Drive and the new Cap- est and best executed which has Cartwright, Mrs. Humphrie i ay ueen Committee--Cha fall is the saddest. Most of us feel "the sadness of an autumn tI, ilano bridge. == v r been given by the Society. ~Mrs. Harding,'Mrs. qIu]cahy, i%Ieve" caused chiefly by the thought of the long winter ahead, 'hief among present develop- 'e Banner of St. George," a the drearv, wet, rainy days,iand)the frosty weather which menttproposals, Reeve Leyland 'eavvpieceof music, was sp]end pbrings sickness. / stated, was; the desire of the idly rendered, and "the 'Pirates Similarly spllng lemlnds us of the summer.to come. and nlunicipallty to obt in a grant Song" and "the Song of the Vik- or"anlz"t'"'" mern'ers of. a a]1 it wi]]'mean to us--sports, summer holidays, summer days from the Dominion'Government 'ings" were given with a vim and . a".' ' o ge s'igg ,with their sunshine'and(theI]ong summer evenings.'an is of ]and]lying west.of&Capi]ano»o]licking spirit which delight- , by nature &hoyefu],'i otherwise he must &havet died of I.despair 'River and south of Marine Drive ec]I the audience,,who demanded . und»d»]] -- Ale ,,Ii]ong since. There is, however, no time of the year when hope ."tin'order to'lay it out as a gplf an encore for each of these two S it". Geo. Marshall, AiIr " rises so high among us humans as at this season. ~ course. This area would then be 't]atter numbers. A.fine musical I Vest Vancpuvei ~~d~~~t~~~~ p~~~t tp an ~~t~~~ ~~mm~~ ~~~~~~t~d with Ambleside Park, tone was ~~~~t~~~~d thro II'here. Last year wesreceived practica]ly no'benefit, from the,which. the municipality purchas- a]l the choruses, the'light and bell, i&Ir. Heiliger, iAIr. Falcone ;I'new highway on Marine Drive. The pavement was not finished ed two years ago for $80,000. shading were excellent and the Dance and Tickets gIr until July and the Cayilano bridge was closed in September. The school system at first ac- vords clear]y enunciated. A gus, 3Ir. Hutcheson, ~Ir. Curri This summer both will! be available for the motorist,and we j't commodating a school PoPulation great imProvement was noted i„Mr. Sobling, Mr.r:Radger, venture to predictl there,will be ".some'ti~ffic." 'Event]ast'&f 72 aridinow 900, and embrac- . t"e upper register of the soyran Crute, Mr. Bonny . fall" there were a number of sales of homesites in the westerly '"g a number of fineIbuildings, ps whp 'have r hitherto ahvays Concessions--gr. F. Smith M portions of~the municipality, and't is entirely, reasonable to as explained. Inglewood High 'een the weak spot in the chorus. C,astledine, gIrs. Sykes, qiI suppose that the opening of the Capilano'bridge plus the fact ~choo], supplied svith a fine aucl- Spec~a] mention, too, should be ~Vopd, 5?iw. White, Mrs Grant of a first class arteria]thighway,throughput the clistrict xvi]]ll~ 'oriurn 'and~;latest equipment, made not only of iMiss iiIargaret Sports--iAIessrs. Harding Ke result in considerable tbui]ding /activity t this year in,V'fest ~v:as cited as an example of this hlcIntyre's clever and effective dali and Crute. ouvei.. 'y stem. - Oi.chestratipn pf:the music pf the Cadets = Mr. ~Vestmpre]an )Ue do not mean&to infer that there'swi]])be a)'boom--a]] Interesting anecdotes of the Banner o S . George, but of the )Ir. Gamage, Mrs. Dyker, i ooms end as boomerangs and are the worst&things that can municipality's~s history,were exce ent work done by her or- Duckworth. Mr. Beamis appen to any district:but we do believe that from now. on heard'rom the lips 'of John chestra throughout;the concert. Banquet--Peter Larson, J. B West Unt couver tyi)l begin tnsl~vtli~ tutt not tbr ) oss co.taI.n,l„s 'Lawson, firsttpe@anet@regidenf .. The o&per items~&. the pro- paine I ~de«t p„,,i ~,.',„l', come into her own'as the direct result of the new Marine Drive 'f-'-West'Vancouver; Jarries: 0]Ia-' am co'ns'sting't so]o's I both "Prpgramm~. MeNamara and the new bridge.'Therefore„we can look forward to this "son,'citylclerk and'also anto]d- .,vocal and instrumental land a i~ Finance--P. S&rkes. spring, confident in our district and the brightei future which, ™er; I Capt. 'A. Edwards, ahead n.adrigal afforded a pleasing var- Transportation--Ed B]ack an will from now on surely come to it. of l the municipal ferry service iety Ito «the ~ heavier pieces and all organizations ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'nd Capt.'H. F.-.Kettle, old-time '. were,we]] received by the audi- tMavpo]e Dancing--BIrs. Ste coast pilot. ~ «ce- The concert, as President ens and q&Irs Lygt]e CREASE IN~ --: iowan@~ 0~~ I ' The natural beauty pf'Cayil- +. B. Thomas explained in a 'ext m~~t~~g arne plFERRY TRAFFIC " . = =-- ano,View Cemetery,,which. five )I brief address before the program t&Ionday evemng)'f lNe~t Qran etlHa]]II'ears ago was a wilderness de- sta ted, was held in some sort in Committees at 7:20 p. m.There was an increase of 8876 velopment possibilities pf a yark i~ memoriam of i their old leader, Genera] meeting at 8.30 in the number of passengers car-, - -- == -~ at .Point Atkinspn, and, man the late Professor Morgan.'Ve riec]& by the ferries in & March as Headed bye the drum( and fife homesites to be found& nest]ing Li can 'on]y i say that, if his syirit Tag Day compared,with those of the cor- t[bandi ofvthe tPrince Edward Is: Ij,pn rock-bound shores,'were view was present, as we believe it was, responding month in 1929, the sg]and,lodge "the members. of LO 'ed during theday. ~ ., thelo]dt master must have re-figures being 67,087 as against L.'No. 2990imarched from~the(I't the conclusion of the trip, joiced that'his'baton'had beenmonths ending 31st March,,this year, corner of 14th and Marine Drive ertained the itors at dinn t competent 'conductor as Mr. J. 191,206 passengers used the fer- on Saturday afternoonIto)their their home in Alt mo t. Haydn Young has proved himself ries, an increase of 19,580.'over new hall at 22nd'ndI Marine, to.be. = ,the fir@ quarter for. 1929 when I'where the'Grand Master of B.'C. ETI IONS Tthe total of passengers was 171- laidt the corner stone,withe a ~ ally == «BUS STATION 'i~~~VE presented to him in honor. of the , 'E)TIMATES STRUCK" ~ =:-- $ occasion. ~Under,the'Union Sacit Wt Six Petitions from Gambier Is- BY COUNCIL'hich'flew'from the top'of,,the '"land,'owent Island, Britannia e tota] mi]]age this year has building, the ceremony,was Per- Beach,'ibson's Landing, AVood- .been stiuclc b,the council at 61 formed ivith appropriate prayers 'fibre, IVancouver residents, and mi]]s, the same as ]ast year. The iI in the presence of other. officials "'letters from private individuals estimated iequirements'for ex- )'f the&Grand~"Lodge, thetreeve were received by the council ask- penditure are (284,419; of which It and several members of the coun- IIi»g that the Pacific Stage depot g105,580 is a]located for debent„ci], a number of other members be moved back to~ the foot of ~ ~ 1h ure andi sinking fund t $58789$ of the %Order and~ many &desi Royal Ave., Horseshoe Bay. They for schools, @2,000 foi'inance, &~Vancouver, citizens. = - were advisedII that the Council ~~20,000 for board of works, $ 12,- Previous j to the actua]&]aying would take the matter up when 50Q for police, $20,550 for mis- )of the stone, the Grand Mistress they had occasion to discuss ce]laneous items such as fire of the L.O.B;A'. for B. C. deposit transportation matters with the parks, etc. ed in a recess at the top of the Pacific S ages. stone a'brass canister containing BUILDING PERMITS "a 1690 shilling, new coins of the DUNDAR.4VE SCHOOL FOR MARCH present day, and a parchment ~ A4 scroll i ont which| were inscribed III Class Leaders for 'h]arch Dwellings the names of the members of L. ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~t. Denis, «E. A',,Whyte-, Q.I„Np, 2990 and the I,O,B;A Grade 1.--1st Term cliff ..................................$ 1,000)~ jhere. This clone, she sealed it in~! Grade 1, 1st Term--Carmeii(, hIackenzie, L. E., Sherman 2,000 t'ith mortar, using a small silver Johnson. Garage trowel of a similar design to that 'Gracle 1, 2ncl term--Yoshiko Barbour, Free], 26th and presented to the Grand 'aster, Hoshimo. Bel]evue ........, 4pp of which she had also been made Grade 2, 1st term l -- Jackit 'McArthur, D. IU., Radcliff =- the recipient.-- 'Avenue "-."-..................1,750 Following the ceremony speech- Grade 2, 2nd term -- Donald es were made in the hall by the C'riffiths. --, aster anc] Giaiic] Chap- Giade 3, 1st term--1, ~iIaria "lain of the Order the 'Grand i~'IcNei], 2, Jackie Leyland. 'ouncillor i Garthorne was Mistress of the L.O,B,A., the Gra(le 3, 2nc] term--1, Elsie h I"I'W tV -, 6 th c iLag f. Rb;..Hbli Gti i.. '.:"2 --. 4' couver at the Elks May i day ficials, the band afterwarc]s play- Grac]e 4, 1st term--1, Dona meeting at their lodge room, ing the visitors «nd local mern- Cave; 2, Martha Von Zuben. THE NEVl NARINE HIGHWAY Northt Vancouver on the even- bers of the Order back'to the Grade 4, 2nd tenn--1, Bevan ing of 2nd April. ferry. ~ Savor 9n(I Laura Pattel-oil Which ~ll be much used no~v that the Capj]ano Bndse 4 op n for tmc