001C98D0 NGYECZ AVest . THEcWEST &VAN ONE]VS'll January 24, 1980."A'BEACH CLUB ]i / SCOTTISH SOCIETY i LEGION,PVHIST 'DR~K J A™BLESIDE'ARIS ! The fI Canadian Legion,'~gWest Jack A»de&'son wrote the coun- That we ihave a',won&]erfu]I Vancouver ~branch; iheld «their cil that the property east of the store Ij of interesting ., materia] 'irst, whist I drive this year last y whalf of.which he had ask ~,~within~ our,own r~~k~ was'ab]y j~ Satuiday eve'l'emonstrated st the "Members". an."'he drive startediat'8.80| ~ ~I ! ! I I ! I l~ ! ! I ~ ~ ~II~ j ! ! ~ I ~ ~ ! ~ !~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ! ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ! I ~ ~ ! ~ ~I I~ I~ v ~ 0 ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ri~I ca ~ 1 Ie 11e a ~~ s 1e ~a II n~ a ~h S ~ !~I ~I~ ! ! ~ a ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~(I!i~ ~[ i !I 7 ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ) ~ ~ I I~~ ~ ! ~ f 7 ~ ~ ~ I 1 ~I~ ~ II ! ~I I ~II ~ ~ ~ I I ! ~ ~ I - a&eg'L'!g(t'i7 & i "- ~ . - '- """.'"n." a ci &c cc ".Chc " t r.' c.tc ' thic-ed the council for a lease in h'evious letter,was a]]'-that par- tlie 17th instant. ' . --- ',tab]es irl p]ay, I The prize-winners ~ c cel of ']a»dj set 'esi&le for par]& The several&i ad&lresses i givenij were as'fo]lowe: purposes immediate]y east of the ~wei'e i most Interestingl andi edu- Ladies'. 'First Prize -- Mrs. ferr»v]&arf „I» the pie„t I th &h,cdtii'e an&],,ivithout ia'& doubt, j& Green, pair of silver plated vases. :,'j, co,»,c,] g,a„t;»g ]»n& s„ch l e'ji~rought the members,closer &toil = Ladies"Second&Prize -- Mrs. -,'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J I & ] 4z g ~: ';t iv„s,h&js;„te„t;p„ t, I" ', one another through mutual int-,iV. Nightingale, silver plate&1 but-l! n the ip]acesiidescribed.'er dish and knif Miss M- Fl.arne s~sel~~t~~~~! On -,Ladies', Consolation Mrs.'.'his'business.will] be conducted] on a ' ], '.", ', g "'tthe piano and Mrs. Ba]dwin's [~Cow]ey compact. STRICTLY, CASH ..- lendering of Scottish song,were ']Gent]emen's First Prize --. H. ~ jn &, very, much appieciated. B.'Gray, silk scarf. ]basis on and after February, 1. Drivers .,will be held responsible for all cleliveries. aniusement park, but h tho ht DEATH:OF DR. STAINSBY'S&g Nightingale, figure&] i'igarette that a beach club;ivith beautjfu] j] '«I buildings wou]d jbej more! digni:, m -- == ]Gentlemen's ~ Consolationi"phO~C '~; Sg&I phia]]nC +p+g& +QQ]! i fied( and' ]better asset,toi t]te&j'he i funera]f of Mrs." Esthei'ames Holt, ash tray.~j Ijj commuiiity The mattel was le Stainsby, aged,75, &who., died on -"Refreshments were served fol- ferred to the incom,„g cou»c,l Thursday, 16th~ instant, at 'her lowing the cards, and James Holt each sang solos, t]ie former re- -- ~'home glgp iWest Third'Avenue,&jI]gave ™o vocal, solos whish.were ca&v&ng a spic»did i r ecept&on] on 4 I ING S SPEE( H CAM Vancouver, i was held ] Saturday ]i much appreciated, ] Gordon ] GrayFI Iday night -- -- ---- ' ' '. =» -- at 1 80. p. m. from i the chapel 'f acting t as accompanist. -'H. &B." Mr 'Evans~ is) wel]I kno ' 'HROUGHtCLEARLY', the T. Edwards Undertaking Co., Gray„who won the grand aggre- . West Vancouver was well rep- ",West Vancouver having beenfa :s resented in the Sea Festival he]d,. member at the jChora] I Society 'A'&great many tWest ~Vancou- li and burial.'vas made in the Mas- (!kindly,donated his first prize of at Victoria at the Empress hote], since'its inception. -= ~ ------ ih ver radio fans either]sat up[or l]on'c Cemetery, Burnaby.j Besid- )ia silk scarf as a hidden prize for January 15-18. -~ = =. Mrs.f F.'y. Hodgson,was chos- )Irose at the insistentIca]ling)of Jjes her husbandIthe deceased~is the next drive. Miss Helen Ritchie.was one of e» to appear,with such'artists as t t]leir~ alarm c]ocksl at i 8 a. m.'urvivedIby two daughters, Sue .+This being the first. of a series the group of Morris Dancers who Madame Huiit]y-Green,,the ce]e- t'Tuesday to hear ithe King's ~] and'Ada, in California,'nd thi..ee ~'f six whist drives,'t wasdecid-'ere on the program on Thurs «IbratedI]j Canadian .,pianist "hand))Ijspeech't )the ~opening of, the so s, Geo ge W. lof/Saskatoon,'dtby, a&show)of &hands,toiho]d&~ &]ny and&Friday, n&g]its I and&Mr. He&'bert Harper, the Eng]ish bar: great Disa™ment tConference r F «Mayo,'Yukon Ten itory, j& the remaining, five every two i]!Aubley C]al'ke is] a membel'f itone. " She sang on~I Thul'sday in'LondoH, Eng]aild. The King s )J aII(1 C. F. Stainsby, of Felnie. ~ "weeks I The second one therefore the D.O O.K. quartette who were and Saturday and received quite )voice] andt the& speechesI of their --:-- -= -- ~ wi]]'take place at "the C]achan" featured&cmjth Jol&n Goes,, theij in ovation on the i]atter night. I ot"e'e]ega«s «blithe ]confer- |IOPERATING COSTS DECLINE ]on Saturday evening, 1st Febiu= 'English baritone -. and'i Alfred)) The iVictoria Daily Times corn: l(ence came through) very j clear- = =- -': .. =: ary Heather, the E'ng]ish tenor„who rn'ents as follows on Mrs. Hodg- &]y»d'j everybody appears] to,Cost of operating an avlerage were engaged especially for this&!j& son's perfo&vnance,"Another out "»ave b«»ve]] satisfie&l with thai]'&&tomob&j]s has declined,three]j& YEARS COST OF NORTHidFestival*.+ - ~ ~ - standing bit of work of the even- &jreception. The preceding organ" a&:d a half cents a'mi]e,'or 85.7 The quartette .were ]in the iIIg was that of Madame Hodg- recital at Montreal had one some-: per cent, since 1924.'~Greatela'ue] 0 'SCHOOLS opera the "Order of Good Cheer" son,"a'rich contralto voice,'vithi& i " t 'sing feature in that and'lubrication economy as we]ll ~~st~m~ hei. sel.les of.'Herbridean songs~ . he Star - pang]ed'Bannel. was as ]orig =- Expenditures of, the North jjl of the periodt&,when'anada] was I'rranged jby. Marjory, Kennedy- followed! by "Drink «toIMe only iIIIprovedthighways'account for 9 ncouvel, ity; School Board InjiI a Idrenchi co]ony. 'It has refer- ]Frazer and a number of songs of with thine 'Eyes.""'niiview of tile reduced cost. 'The items in: ! o a ed $177,149, according ence to the cieation of an order;,the Sea." Mrs; Hodgson&was ac- the Volstead'Act we are wonder=,volvedIin thelcost are'gaso]ine, o ] e annual report'of Secret- whichj wou]dj makei]ife at Port comPanied'on the Piano by&Wi]-. Iling, if this&was a'Piecet of Icon- ] oil,'ires and tubes, maintenance, y, eorge]CamPbell, 'f'that t] &Fr h- liam)Dickenson, one of;Vancou'cious or unconscious! humor on ',depreciation, license, garage 'in- not lacking for enjoyment, when Iver's leading accomPanists and a 'he Part of the org'anist. ]~i sl!rance and'interest;=- ~ to ~ordinary ex ense" account- com oser of- note = ==~ - -- -- ~ -- --~ -- -' $8@428 to]interest andfsinking 'Fort &vere&liable] to&become ex- ]]irs. Hodgson went to Victoria /6~i',RD&E~y~ ji. Q (f~ &Q,~ ~~~TY~T~'&» expense ac'count-. T'e- Iggmg] ceedingly, irksome. === on] Saturday 'nd I was inc]uded! I~ ... ~& ' J.L4 ~., Those tal'ing ]eading ~ parts,with)j the j artists and the Press Were~~U]iPSe -PaCquln ~Ah]fle(l COli eSPOndentS f lorn LOS Ange]-1, -- ~ an cape 'ArchitectHeather,'erbert = Hevetson,'s, San I 'Francisco arid 'ther It Geprgett Ha]let Jphn Gpss Aub points attending the i Sea Festi-'rod««&n Landccooins u. a& C., Amor&can schooi o( &andccaoa Ar hii ci ra ~and]) '!i last year for the Srhpp] ]Board I ey,']arke QQ Supton 'ydney val who,were invited to Govern- ~ '"' " 'J ""- = ""' """' -- $97,080 was realized through the Nicho]ls, J',- Eva„s~ andI Mirac& ',,I] ment House to, tea'n Saturday q ~, -:, . -- ' regu]ar city tax &levy. ] Govern: ath]een Moore. They were a]so„j afternoon. Begonias are a favorite house j up a new growth. ~ . -. ment grants totalled $27,870 and ]in& the ba]]ad opera- "Bound for = p]aiIt and are fairly easy.to keep)( 'The poinsettasplant acts-pret- 0 2p85» %was~ received gaby.]the ]i]tl'e 'Riot Grande in! which the'. = K; B. Foyster wrote the coun: in a thriving condition'. They pre- jiiy.much(the same'as the cycla- I'board'in~tuition fees from non- scene isla ship's deck aIId 'the ci] asking for a'ma]])cu]vert fer some']eafmo]d] mixed"twith'~ mens.i~Whentit stops&blooming,, resident ipupi]s attending,, the men siIIg whi]e manning the cap-" overithe! ditch'tjthe jnew'entaa ~the soi]lint whicht they are&pot- keep Ithe plant in,la warm dry 'High School.- stan hauling inI the jmainsheet rance to his property one 29th tjted. They, should be*cut back at dark place until the spring, then WThej secretary reports thatand lowering the topsail a=-- (Street. The matter was referred f&'epuent intervals otherwise you&& prune the plant back; and set ii iibalancei of '$4074&&&n&relatjon& tap "Aubrey Clarke and T.H. Evans to the incoming counci].',~vi]] have a tall ungainly looking Gut in a,warm spot in ]the'gar:. II the net estimate remains to theplant. Tea is a splendid drink for !]den.'t, will make& some new credit &of,the] p&'&jina&'v pI jj your begonias'but the tea-]eaved growth and& may]put, forthra i accaount &and that,&vq]]]be aguthemselves are of little,value. iTf bloom or two. Some.people,ivi!I:iinented by, )510 up~on receppp&&fI .S& j &5 I", ' li I,i, your begonias sta&t to rot at the besitatei to bother withi planta 'I]government g&a&&cts d„e a»&f,u„: g I!L", j -'dj p z i ~ ~ I) !& roots„the cause is probably.too that are hard to make bloom the paid at December g1 =-much]water. Much'asfthey like seconc1 time, but there is a]waysj! ~In1929 the city schoo] ta& waswater,too much&of,:it,ivill stait llie pride of. accomplishing a dif- '7.gg mj]]s-bejng 41 gg pear cment CAPILANO]TI]]IBER,COMPANY'S KILN"DRIED]j! trouble unless the.P]ants are in ficult task. That in itself is well t or the tota~] c&ty levy of 42 m~j]]s.a'ery sunny. place. Plants re- »ort»»i]e ~ ~ ii The avera e,mos !j, -- ~ „=-- 4I I, quire]less ivater during cloudy "Interested",,writes to ask tlie p~ent in the city schpo]sleet g ll'l ]. weather as']the evaporation]&is( best time to repot house p]ants? Ik was] 1777 'being a decrease of I& neo& ' l!i ",,: 7I, ',. ' &j! l much slower than 'n, sunnya House plants should be repot- fifty two, i compagred,ivith Iggg~ --,-- ~ ~ "~ . ';.] weather. If worms are noticed~ tedi,when it appears'Ithe roots The] average ydai]y attendance ~in helsoi]'around the~stem',of have about filled the pot in whlckll! was reduced" by si~ty-eight.=- ~ New Prices Effective'anuary 1st,'980. )p t a litt]ejtobaccotdu t tits ey ale glowing If the pl,„t or a sPray of whale oilrsoaP Put Is to be Put back into the same t ff d a' n j ep em er, the'jteachin~ o. the top of the soil, will make pot;or.one of the same size, the s a,was Ieaucea oy thlee mem- 50 Cents Discount Per Cord&A]]owed if Paid'~ iit uncomfortable for them.'This 'roots shou]d)be cutlback. If . j, . e end of last year at Time of Delivery itreatment,'.,of course, will serve i'larger pot isiiused'nd jt js ~ m..'s 'roo s s ou e cu ! ac . ' I there were sixty-seven ersons ta - ~)Int the employ of'the School': for the worms in the soil around visable to do this, the roots need ~Board ENDS",Delivered, $4'.00~! any of the house plants., „i not be pruned a great de .' follo 'o daries:jest -- !',I 4Cyc]amens 'like a', coo]I plac and&wilt away in a warm room. soil gets fairly dry, otherivise the 4&Q 8.D t i t I 'A ';th y bloo Mountain Highway, Lynn Va]]ey, , the SeCOnd SeaSOn.&If yOu Care tO fNOra--rh. ~j«» ~u-««d r &r~a» a "« Oi in aWai rn to answer qus io so 'gg R dry ]place! after ]the plant ]haseyOn Cen S e& ra ilt 1 d d~] t ] Lithe wr ter i ar of t ' . 'llIe answer will appear in an early issue orto 29th, West Vancou el' „I for several months; then take it i a verso a rcpy is desired a stamped, IIiUNP4INTED]&FURNITURE I! Beyond (to West Bay)I 50 cents extra l out and watel..'t may then start Beyond;West Bay to Caulfeild $ 1.00 extra., ~ ~ -- -- -- .: -- Radio Tables ....................... 5s.ss&i ,",All orders handled direct from our HeadOffice'inri r wagon ............... $ 10.75] Foot of Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver. NANAIIIIO (&VELLINGTON '. & p&V. i SOOTI ESS',t, 0'ood Baskets ................... '1.3$ ~ iI', j . -- o ! /z o /4Ton -- -- Ton /gTon(/4Ton ! PAINT BRUSHES and PAINT )]Rose Deer (Bran&holler) = i t]DDR SpBDIAI j !, dtpainting,',. Ton'/2Ton I/4 Ton', '5IcLeod River Hard CoaIl&,'- Lump ............ $ 13.00 i $6.50 $3.50 ~-- --~ .Ton]I/zTon I/4Ton 'i CA]'-)i 'ANO l'[M ).. 4 Co. !. I D. !j FIR $ 7.50 per cord. BARE $7.50 per cord. j I ! II i& ~ s= ~~~a - d FUEL DEPARTMENT " ] ll] WCSIOni CRFtRNC&j! 5]WCSt 'Xc30 ! ',i ---- --. 15th E: hIarioe ~ MOVING and TRANSFER.'. -- = Daily Trips to,City.. r i