001C98D0 !]i J THE WEST VAN NEWS Personal School Board Mee ing Matheson of Boston, A 'letter was read from Mass. is visiting his brother., J. B. C. School Trustees'ssocia- AVe are now displaying in I'. Matheson, 20th and Marine tion reporting rep]y received your P'avorite shade a guar- Drive. from the bIinister of Education anteed bottle at the new lov ' + g'n reference to resolution passed ! pi ice '-- ~ F]ocks of siskins were seen at the Nanaimo Convention, in jI'ere 'ver the 'eek end, which which the Department declined $1a50 wou]d appear to indicate that to accede to request for free Phone your order for one our cold weather for this winter grants of trees and shrubs. now and enjoy iea] comfort tj is pretty well over. These little A letter was read from Prin-j],tjbrown birds are migratory and cipals Mr. Brealey and &Ir. Dav- ~]j ]I jusua]]y do not aimve here from 'dson in regard to attendance of Ij the south until the end of Febru- children at schools in the district I ary. The squine]s also are very in which they reside. The ifol- 2 = j]i active in the woods, which is an- ]ocving resolution was passed on No Order Is Too Small other sign of warmer weather. motion of Trustees Mr. Edington and iXIrs. Robinson: "That ent- iAIrs. Claud Barrow, 24th and ii rance pupils will finish their LeSage Drug StOre Nelson, entertained at a radio term intheschoolin which they breakfast at her & home early vi ere registered in September ex- Tuesday morning, when the cept in special cases where appli- kj tI guests heard the King's speech I]c:~tion may be made i]to the Cor"er j14th and hlar e IIj The reception was very clear. Re- Board," and'he secretary was freshments were served later. directed to notify the principals Those present were: ]IIIrs. J cf this resolution. cLAss REOpENS TpjvjORRpg Hutchison, iMr. and Mrs.'P. Mas- A letter was read from A. H. SATURDAY terman, Mrs. F. Lefeaux and her A]bin, asking that increase in son Lawrie, Mrs. and iMiss Der- salary be given him for the year rick, Mrs. R. J. I&yte and her soii 1980. It was decided that this be Q+Nlt:~gpss,'A55E$ j~ John Kyte. referred to the new Board. and PHYSICAL CULTUS@ ' letter was read from 5Irs. coiiducted jj by - -- j Ml s. Little is moving next H. Racklyeft, asking that she be creek from 26thi and Marine transferred to Hollyburn School Drive, to one of the Stevenson when a vacancy occurs. Refer- ]! cottages at 24th and Heywood. red to the new Board. It was I resolved on motion of jj iac", hone aa T. Noble and Bruce Noble of Trustees Mr. Harrison and ]Eire. Quathaski Cove, Vancouver Is- Selwood,«that a'vote of thanks ]i , ']and are guests at the C]achan be extended to Chairman clfr. E]- Og) Q H hots] gar for the capable, manner inwhich he had occupied the chair --. Mrs. and]Miss I ambert have during the Past year. returned to the Fortune Cup Inn 'A letter was read from, Mrs. Start the year by taking ad- , 'g from Campbell River, .where T. D. Grafton; asking that'the ;, vantage of the January Special,] " thev: j have ]been spending the trail between the Lighthouse andPhoioa af excepciaua] value f» ', ! Christmas and New Year's holi-'/Caulfeild be cleared. 'It was cle- Jaauacy. ]l 'l days. -- (decided that this be referred to the Municipal Council for attention, For the first & time in many and Mrs. Grafton advised accord- pp L years parts of the Capilano River ingly.l He . -- 'ave been ~ covered'ith a thick A &]ettei was read'rom i the ~ j] ..' ~! sheet of ice,'and on Sunday quite Secretary, Ho]]yburn pub]ic I.ib- IHg'„ I.ll(,10']I]i ' croivd] of PeoPle might 'have,rory Association, thanking the ~ l, i ji been seen enjoying elevating]]nil Board for use of the Ho]]yburn V. V. ViNSON'PROP " 'ii the oPen air there. School 'for monthly meetings, ~ yy - p ~; '~ and asking for, continuance-,of'i Colonel and Mrs. Tristram re- jithis privilege ]during.|the year Established 1SSS'5 II turned on Monday to their.home4 1980.. It*was resolved..'on mo- , in Garrow Bay from an extended tion])of TrusteesI Mr. Hari.ison trip to the Old Countc~, coming,& andi Mrs.i Selwood ithat this re- Ilby way of the Panama Canal. II quest be granted, subject to the approval of]the new Board, and "jl Ml'. and Mrs."Ba]dwin of IVan- Mr, Hilton advised-'accordingly, couver, have rented) YV. May: as from- the month! of January, ]I ]hew's house at 18th and Bellevue 1980,'nd the Civil Service Com- and j wi]] i take i possession March missioner, cVictoria, advised I ac: ~ ~ ~ ',ii phone $+y., QQ46) i] I *: *-' ~Tcicstee Mrs.i Sehvood report: i Mr.'Dowling, Duchess Street, ed in regard to c]earing addition-returned at the end of last week al playgrouncli space. at Pauline from r North ],Vancouver. General Johnson School that Mr. Duncan4],", ~ j Hospital,cvhere he, h fewiweeks hadi assessedithe work done ibyago unclerwent an operation. jji C. F. Hod son at $60.00,'nd had "issued certificate to this effect.~ ~ ~ Pf",: juan&u ~m 'I Mr. andrMrs. James Dash» of The Grounds Committee after :a",."'. i .'; Q~s,'I' I&ip]ing, Saskatchewan,,were the ]i consultation i with the chairman, ! Ijguests last, week of Mr.and Mrs.'ad decided to finish the work "hV. Mayhew, 18th]and'Be]]evue, at cost of $200.00, including the t] ~ cg ';j The visitors left forivictoria en above $60.00,'nd a further ex- route for California, the Panama, penditure of $200.00 i for drain- Canalii and New York, from iing, a total ofi6400. It was re- vhich portithey will return,to solved ion motion of Trustees"heir home in Kipling. i~'Irs.'Robinson and Mr. Harrison thatithe report of the Grounds The "EVhoopee Gang" had a'] Committee be adopted.--~ party last Saturday'evening at A'letter divas read from F. P.the home of the members,,1vhen Colpitts, advising that Stanford very pleasant 'evening was, Colpitts had substituted five daysBurrard tI Sheet Metal 'pent. ' foi him during his absence fol- 229 Lonsdaje Ave, North Vancouver ]owing accident at cost of $20.00. Phase Nacch S46,li The staff of the B. '. Tele- The Secretary was clirected to in- Res. North 918Y and 1214Y -- phone Company is giving a Val- sti'uct him to endorse over to the eiitine dance on, 14th February School Board the cheque receivecl"And is my child smart." said in the Hotel Vancouver.;, from the EVorkmen's Compensa-the proud mother. "He knows all tion Board, in view of the factabout the Bible. Te]]]the man, = Mrs. F. X. Hodgson gave n that he was being paid duringJuniol, how many days the eal.th splendid rendering of Hlbelnian his absence.: . divas made in." songs last week at the Sea Music It,divas resolved on motion of"Godi made the heavenj an&1 Festiva] in-Victoria. Trustees Mrs. Robinson «nd Mr.earth in six I days,",. was tho ]ac ]] Edington that recommendationchild's reply. Birthday Part be made to the new Board that"And what happened on the ' a ty 150 watt lamps be insta]]ed inseventh'." ~ Mr. andi Mrs. J. Parker, 761 the net lighting units, Pauline"He was arrested," came the 20th Street, gave a party at their Johnson and Hollyburn Schools.answei', ]home on YVeclnesday, 15th inst- The matter of request of janit-ant, in'onor of Nr. Parker's ors that they !be placed undeiFather: "How is it, Johnny, birthday. The guests spent a the provisions of the superannu-that you never get a prize at very enjoyable time at cards and ation Act,divas again considered.school?" music, refreshments being serv- It was resolved on motion ofMother: "And that young ed at the conclusion of the even- Trustees Mr. Harrison ancl )lrsSammy Brown gets so many'." ing. Those, present were: Mr. I'obinson that A. N. A]bin, F. P.Johnny (innocently): "Ah, and 5Irs. )Vhitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Colpitts, T. McCulloch an'd N. S.Sammy Brown has suchj clever Joseph Tite, Mrs. Prower, SIiss McPhee be placecl uncler deduc-parents." Grace Tite and Ben Boles., tions. anuary 24; 1980. Dr. R. AGNEW Wishes to announce that he wi]] open an office upstairs Above the West Van. Pharmacy in the Wharton Block 14th Street and iAIarine Drive, the first week in February DEiilTISTRY BRILLIANT TINTS, "SUNSHINE" ROOFS = ON FOREIGN CARS A trend toward the type of body design developed on this continent cars tinted in a rain- bow range of colors, and increas- ing use of the sliding or "sun- shine" type of roof 'on closed models are among the European 'utomotive developments report- ec] by body engineers who have just returned from Paris and London automobile shows. "Colors have run riot" they say. "Contrasted with the more oi less subdued tones of Canadi- an cars, the European builders seem to be using the entire arc of the rainbow. The British cars reveal the widest range of color iiicluding certain pale shades of blue that are particularly strik- ir.g. - "A large number of the closed British models carry the "sun- shine" roof which rolls or slides = toward the rear, leaving open a large section of the top surface. AVhen closed, it is claimed'that these roofs are water tight, rattle proof and in general.pre- sent i the same appearance and ,,bac],weather advantages of the fixed limousine top. It is doubt: ful whether this type of top ever tgwi]] find favor in America." " A magazine writer says a dog fills an empty place in man's life. This is especial]y true of the hot clog. "He ~ (ardently): "Have you ei'er t met a man 1 whose 'ouch seemed to thrill every fibre of your; being '?" She: "Yes, once--the dentist." i'REASING, OILING TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION Corner of 14th and Marine "13IPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time Specia. notice 3--16 oz. LOAVES OF BROWN ,,OR WHITE BREAD for 20c. This is our price for everyday. Rakes delicious Toast ]]ROLLS, SCONES, BUNS, 31EAT PIES, CAKES, Etc. Mrs. Draper (DUNOARAVE HOME BAKERY) Next to Drug Store, Dundarave I'hone %'est 366 Open all day Thursday. "ADVENTUROUS CAR Driven 100,000 j miles, sold three times, stolen twice, shot at once, a]l in less than. four years, is the record of a car now doing service duty. "I heard your son was an und- ertaker. I thought you said he,'as a physician?*'Not at all. I*just said he fol- lowed the medical profession" President Reid God Save the King SONG--"There was a Lad".....-............................... Mr. J. Lowdon THE IMMORTAL MEMORY Mr. Geo. Duncan SONG--"The Star O'abbie Burns"...................Mr. Harry Duncan CANADA Mr. J. R. MItchell COMPANY--"0, Canada" SONG--"A'osebud by illy Early Wa)k"...............Mrs. Colin 3lacLean 'Reply by Mr. D. Davidso BONNIE SCOTLAiND Rev. Dr.'. A. Henry SONG--"The Birds of Aberfeldy"......................... Miss M. Wilson Reply by Mr. 4. B. Stevenson PIANOFORTE SELECTION-- A "Burns" Medley" .........bliss Frame THE LASSES Mr. V. Nightingale COMPANY--"Green Grow the Rashes 0," SONG--"Afton Water" ..........'............ =....... Mr. J. London Reply by Miss 3L Wilson OUR GUESTS President Reid SONG--"Burns and Scotland Yet,"................3lr. Harry Duncan Reply by Reeve AULD LAiNG SYNE Piper: Pipe-Major J. Horn Accompanist: 'Miss Frame .%l.ccii ]]MI.I'.] I Vancouver's Best s 4"j ~- ~ I Burn s'Anniversary, Supper u Everything is in readiness for to do honor to their favorite bard the Annual Burns'upper which ~ and there is sure,to be a large will 'e held tomorrow (Satur-- and enthusiastic gathering at " day), evening in the Masonic the 3Iasonic Hall tomorrow eveii- Hall at"'7.15 o'lock.'his]is an " irg. occasion when all Scots assemble The fo]]owing is the toast list: THE KING