001C98D0 8 'mith 's Grocergk TWO RED AND WHITE STORES DUNDARA VE HOLLYBURN 24th and Alarino Phono: )Vest 46 $ Phone: IVest 469 17th and 'arino ll I SuggeStiOnS fOr Friday, SnCf 5at~g gay January 2,~eh and 2,Sth EXTRA Sl'ECIAL Syrup, I(ogers', 2 lb.,'er tin.... 18c ,'- COFI,EE Rcd ki'„- white . I'ork & Beans, Qualtor, 2 lb.t'0c -- "----------.------. 2 tins 21c I(oust Beef, Globe, 12 oz. tin... 18c [k ~~ ~ ,'ina-illite. per packet ................ 21c Apricots, Australian,'argo tin 28c Cocoa, Fry's„per tin................ 25c Peaches .'........................... 2'ins 35c Cheese, pg I lb. packets, each.... 23c illarmalade, i&lurray's, large jar 49c Quick Oats, Quaker, pkt............ 2Gc illacaroni ........................... 2 for 17c Corn, Golden Bantam, per tin....18c Beans, Cut Grown, Red i& AVhito,-- Salmon, Sockeye, per., tin ....... 23c .................................. 2 lb. tin 17c Il,,l Sardine, King Oscar........ 2 tins 29c Spinach, Red ~%;IVhitcs tin ...... 22c I Catsup, Nabob, 12 oz. bot, each 19c Pickles, Libby's,'weet........... 27c 'I lpl tw'Rsisins, Seedless,'ulk,...; 2 lbs. 22c Relish Sured, Best I"oods.'........... 22c l. ('o ieri:s 'i!3e::er ', lt.'ea,:s,i The Store of- Quality and-Prompt Service 'Saturi ay& " IS. '-lI'.A-&I PULLET 'xTRAs NI '45c='l' oz.- From I Davis'arm l(-- Piggledy-'Wiggly~I ill For i Better Be'ef„, jI = ~ =~--,kl "'Lalnh iII Call" (, Nits Ilip '-,-,--;, 190, ss'-'ausages IP ' , 'i ONE'~STORE k ONLY---'Next'to THE LIONS',I GATE i BRIDGE iII'smu, (Continued from'Page 1) ilk ~ ~of certain" adequate dimeiisions I to ) be l constructed i over the First Narrows and(two'fii'ms of 'coiitractors two year's ago agreed to b'uild such a biidge,'ut the people of~Vancouver, by a'lebiscite,votedl against 'a road &being tconstructedl across Ili Stanley Park to connect theiblidge with)the city. The howsit andI,~vhys of kthis i'efusalk,we(need¬ go intolnow.tbeyond stating that in, some 'ay 'n ) entirely I erroneous opinions got aroundiVancouvei at the time of the voting that the cost or a'"'roportion!,ofthe cost of construction wouldl be added ~to the city, taxes. That wiecked it, at least foi,the tinie. Greater Vancouver and i the North Shore l generally, would,II Ni be greatly benefitted by a bridge over the Lions'ate. Not only would theie be a&pay roll'running into millions,l : but also a'large increase in(tourist, travel andi in/permanent population. We, how~ever, as the locality which would receive , the greatest direct benefits, must start the ball. rolling again I 'y, renewing our efforts for such a bridge. -- I~The. bridgej willI come in time iin the natural course of events, but its coming, will'I be greatly,'astened l if .we 'nly get out and hustle'foi it. We do not mean to infer, that the contract will be let within:three months of a concerted'effort being made oni our part,to get theiwork started,l but.we do N t say,that it should orily be a matter of a very few yeais before the question is definitely settled in oui favor. There will, however,'e a great deal of spade.workIto be done in one way and anothei. While, we believe, a good deal/ of, the opposition in Vancouver, to the project has been~with- drawn, yet there are still many objectors, andtthe citizens of Vancouver, will have to have their minds disabused'of severalty impressions which were very forcfully driven into lthem[at the time of the plebiscite. In this connection we might refer particularly to the need) of lhavingl a'ajestic 'looking bridge over. ithel Lions'f Gate, which was so insistently insisted upon at that. time. t Of course,lII tljthe idea back of this was,lthe ClIfton bridge with its massive masonry buttiesses. The modern suspension bridge, however, is. built throughout of steel and~the largest of its kind in theworld,'hich has only just been completed'across the'Detroit Piver, is substantially the same in appearance as that whicl it was proposed to build across the First Narrows.'=- -~"'This and many other objections will have to be met,with and scotched,and it is too big a thing to be undertaken by anyparticular association or organization. Rather should all the residents of West Vancouver organize themselves into an'as- ',s'ociation to have a bridge built across the Lions'Gate. We would like to suggest that the reeve and council together withthe boardl of trade andi the ratepayers'ssociation, hold a public meeting as soon as possible for. this purpose. The Howe Sound Improvement Association is only a few years old, but it has done a,'great work for the North Shore. We ink„West Vancouver, if we only. will, can accomplish a still greatei ivork for the North Shore by fighting to a finish for what is so vital a necessity to us, namely a bridge over theLions'ate, THE &WEST IVAN[ NEWS January 24, '193o eF iI 'fENDERS CALI ED~ FOR STEEL TOWERS': s': 'lkThe taste lingers whenil', ) you buy it fromThe B. C. Electi'ic Railway Co. I,,' t i i i t e ii .~ Jefferiesis calling for tenilers for the steel, s li a ', Th i Ibestl~n+]stytowers which will:carry the pro- i i '- i 'l ' ~'7V 'jectecl high tension transmission ii line from i the i projected i Ruskin t.plant to Burnaby substa- iI Once a customer, always a customer. tion. Eight suspension towersl and eight anchor towers will be erect-','d to cross and recross the Fras- 'I g government Inspected Only.ei'iver at five poiiits. 'he lines" will be carriedI over. the'Fr,aser i (Two Stoics for youi service) from Rusl&in ito'icrescent,i and I'e I,nmb Ilsil&b+EIStsreggeStl31km shore of the river. They, will re- 't =- - I& cross at SouthtIWestminster I to ', I P rk I!AmbleSide StOreiL Annaccis 'Island, from, thence, to il'l Lulu Island and across the north arm of the I iaser into Burnaby. 'Tenders for the towerstwill: QS$» RIV I C E close on, February 10.'Approxi- 'verything k for, the - Building. mately, 1500 poles,'upplied from, Bi itish Columbian forests will'e used on the land routes for the line. They will"'be erected within si the next six months. It is esti-'tSASH .DOORS ROOFING ~ ~BtUILDING PAPERmated that 80 miles ~ of,wire,~, ~ .,; Lamalc(l i Gyproc I Pkaster tBoard ill , will be used to carry, the power I I, for the 38 miles, as well as 5,000it I' Beaver Board: Shingles i high tensioni'ilsulators. The ' t - -~ =: ~ l't"---I Ies tanCOuVer-.Lull&er 'O.'~line is expected to exceed $750' 1 h=dM . === i,IMITEDa= -- Phonemestll5 ~ ~ srsoitatInoulaltllQKINI&~n&scen&&&allatutlullalsuusil s si Residence Phone: lWest 868L; :FA'CITS'f I „Worth Knowing li I2tIXIWItkltDtkltututiXlltkktkgtotntptDtutiXDtntptlktDgntPAI -- Bones to'be used for makiiig,, soup will. remain& in~ good'condi- l, tion for several days if baked for , II a few minutes in a hot oven. I = New blind cords are often stiff 'kancl difficult tol knots securely. They may, bet made, pliable )by ... being i rubbedt with a, piece of kl soap.' 45L, =-:-- ' ~r ' To bake potatoes'quickly,'boil them lint saltedt.,water foi iten minutes befoi'e putting them in- 'DAV4 nRE ERS lOFiII An )excellent&way tol remove &P ., CTICAL'BREA'MSsoot from a.carpet'is,to sprinkle , the .'place thickly -.,with salt; lli svveepl up the i salt and 'oot,to- ether. &,i ~~ future --, foreseeing British4 Columbia's I'emandsfor electrical service sss the futureTo iemove tarnish from nickel '~ ~lrub the metal with a paste com- To be ready to serve a Greater and still Greater, posed of pumicet powder and" vancouver, i and' ( greater British t Columbia i)sweet oil; then polish.,ivith a soft these men plan. = ~ ~~ lcloth."~d their plans are carried'out.,Today. a pro:q "gram t is I) Meady, underway calling for i theAlways mix starch with soapy, expenditure. of $26,0000I000'on power develop-'- »" ter. This will prevent the iron 'ticking,and,will'ive the'linen'" 'a better gloss, = The Greater Vancouver of the future, Just as "ISE IkIl the,Vancouver of today,',will have electric ser:&'o prevent laddering in stock- .vice at the snap of a.switch, and at the lowest ings, whilst they, are quite new rates on the Pacx6c Coast runk a&line of machine stitching ) EPITlsH CoLMMnla') ELEcTRlc ) RtuLIIIIIY,. CoMPANY LIMlTE+pWhen ~vashing stockings, dabt , them up and down in a prepared -- -- --.-- ~:-:=: -- -- -- = G w.z.0 &Ilather, and make&the 'lather. of Ill soap without soda if you want to ikI , preserve the color of the hose. . Unvarnished,white .paint Ill should be'cleaned,with a flannel,'IGET,f'QUR'warmwater and whitening.'Dark paint,which has become shabby ~ ~ ~ 2 h ,will look like new if rubbed,with I $ i',, I li ~equal(iparts of &linseed'ioiliiandli vinegar and polished, with a soft I ~ ~We are in business to serve you,'nd we'l appreciate your -- etWlien cleaning a kitchen range ilI orders;add'alf-a-dozen drops of,tut~- I!k phone ~CSt &99)IIentine to the 'blacklead, and' I[i»er tpeh, u b Thi,, r 'tr r L e method 'alsoi serves,toi prevent i~ llL= | kki ~,i' - kP II I CS I"$ lI 'I II' l 'I I'~) 'I I -' ' A'ponge cakei ahvays'ooks i'l Marine IK']riVe't'6th &PhonekkWest'99 more tempting if there is a nice ciust on the top, This is obtain- INed iby sprinkling castor sugar over the top of the cake before II putting it'into the oven. -,, '"', 0"ll'? l dl%4', =l i.d ~ ~ IIISouPs can be'imProvediby. a '(i "ilf I%bee: liber~ l.sprinkling of minced parsley or gi ated'heese. A'ittle.whipped, .~7 =~~~ ., -+-cream is the making of a cream 'oup.