001C98DB 2 ~ 4 G -= THE ]WEST VAN & NEWS l]I 'April'& 11,1980.'AX ARREARS BEING]PAID/I ', ' ~ p. Phccc: Wczc 4ss,, g ]]uti one: ivczi 45 ' B Iey]aid. There is anotaMei]u]]da]'aVe 24~ zcs Mcclzc ++Llf'b]]m 17th]zns Marine .' . '.'..."~'ncreasein paymenttof itax ar- rears and collections todate areSUGGESTIONS FOR Telephone Service Free Delivery ~ =-'=- NARROWS LIGHTHOUSj" ~(T Stor for yo r service), Nzb b d]3 Poz'dc .... 4 Pkts 25c H. P. Scuce, Pcc boiilc............. 24c „ti Gordon Ha]kett, supei'intend- l l ' -'], i I -- V 1 Ilent of the lightliouseli service, ' . & llHQ v ]]I StalC+ )St& I 'i,audie]]. 2 tins 23c Canadian Macaroni, 1 lb. pkts. paid 'a visit of inspection 'last 'Beef --. -= --, ==-== ~@ ~ll ind lof:,j Rcd,ic ivbiic ToiiccPzver, 3 for 23c = 2 Pktz. 21c i 4 Tiiesday,to the I'irst. Narrows Pork J)Amblaaida Starapf'eStgpg] 'cut Meats']"I Bread and Butter pickles Red k IVhite Baking Powder, -- I lighthOuSe in cOnnectiOn with ™ hool Scr b Pi Ovemeiits present coal i oil has i beeni used in the revolving lightandfor the, " '='= SF RVICE"ulkSeedless Raisins,.... 2 lbs. 23c '"g p '" p" ----.. '" J general illumination of the'uild I Red Z; white Matches,' boxes 29c 'i Everything for, the Building.bfjjpc]cpa p]icc pil, 3 cz. tiz 29c -- J 1. '-- - ] 1l'ig bu't 'iTailgemellts ai'e 'loiv, under,ivay to employ electricity.No.-1 Jap Rice.............. 3 lbs.'1c . ~ & ' I ~ f IIlokanagaII cooking onions, 41bs. 15c; in'its stead.- I I]6I Jl'Nabob Strawberry Jam,4 lb tin59c, ' = == -- -- =- -- . ' ~ ~ l,& '+I, I ~Q~ I ' Jl ' 'l sABH DooRs]IS, RQQFING, BUILDING PAPER 4 ~j --.= --. -- -- --.' '" -- - v -- -- -- - -- =----=- =p~ ~ ILamatco -- ',Gyproc --;Plaster BoardNatioIIHII Ginger SIIaps 2 lbs. 29',I Rcd 2: qyhitc Punipkiz, larger&. Rci],~k ivhicc przpc Fruit - =II .'eoi e'S. Sbep"..eid,reg]strar ' ~ .-~ - iIBeaver Board -- Shingles ...... 14c 'l pcc tin ...................................... 2fc,,! Of Vita]i .StatiatiCS repOrtS', that ] ]lIduring the first th ee months of "L+&est pjgggOQVep]l ] Qm gepQl Q;I] 'tnis year ihere w,ere recorded in" ;ithe three NorthI Shore] munici- I 15th and Marine i]f. ~ LIMITED ~Phone West 115$ 1' ql ', ", ...',s ", ',.'- & palities sixty-sizlbirths;tthirty- jj „IResidence Phone:«West 868L. eight deaths and thirteen marri-'" ages.'n'March]there were re- THE]STORE, OF i CONVENIENCE/ IIi 'orded'n kthe three i munieiPa]i 1~80]4~++~++ .DrIVe „ ties nineteen births,'ight~deaths l',Il~~ -'-'""':" =--~ I ~.ou)~i',an4- av,e ii'ni Traffic I over, Second I Narrows ith' 'h i i t cl",'A~&h'- . " ~&~ "l, ')gains in& all(depai-tments, corn:I'romDavis'. Rane l5 ILl gl&HT. - +~& ~ - i I,, pared I, With q the] tOtalS fOr the lI corresponding period. of last year "If you)pay,.your REMEMBER--Roberts'or "Everyth]ngfgoodito 'Eat." I, I In the first. three months lof this 4 year 440,898.persons,, 167,- I~ -'telephone lIbsil'l4958I autos, . 86,185~trucks I andi' p rS $ (pliert. S 4 OWerIS ippIII,, 8629Sother vehiclesicrossed the'j l'b the 18thof"'jbridge, &comparedl.with" 884,182'III BEAUTIFUL PLANTS f )CUT FL'OWERS]]I]t'=. I]],'ersons,'145,514',ut'os,'28,708„ l, ~ . ] trucks arid 8408 other.vehicles ini l I ~trie monta ; Seeds and Bedding P]ants~ SeedlPotatoes'and Ferti]izers., llI'the 8 t]th I th l f The folloiving.igains furl,thei] ! jl, ~I] .,'j first Iquarter lof,thisl year are'hown: 'Persons,'. 56,216 autos, hicles, 226.~~ The average daily earnings in')'878„]and the average for~the II, SASH, DOORS,'~FRAMES'nd]INTERIOR FINISH Ii fi, t quarter of 1 t $820'verythingfrom thei highest to)the']caveat grade ,1 .The manager's]i'report also I"'hows';that in ]the] firs threel)~ tlI'-'Service,with] a1S i e" .,;; months'of,this year 17p l trains We 'ppreciate your I business, 1 we are here to serve you; composedi of '151 ra]]ways cars i i ~ lr"~ r v,v rk v v~ 1 vrcrossed~the.]bridge; compared) .,'RBz,C'.)T'ELi'EPH04NEgg y I tl 6 '~i lI. Ii l „with 178 trains composed of 8082 jjj / lgs / /y '][ j [ )/g p] y/ /'e 1 J /, eI",'I raihvay,cars crossing in the first"-ha= l ', quarter of last year. =-, == = -- 'PhoneiWest 199,':iMar]ne Drive at 16th]Lc- a ~ lk=Inlithe fii'stithree months1of NIGHT PHONE after 5 p. m.,West 241.R. 'Ask for Jerry Dent .]"'this year 8821 svessels passed = ~ -- + under the bridge and.1094 yassed through]the lopenldraw. In the' I]A donationl of $50.was made A stout woman drove up to a'irst three mo„th~ of last'y~ .I I]! -- -- IQ+%IQito the Hollyburii Pacific Ski Club fining station. == towa ds the expenses connected"= "I want two quarts of oil'," she brid e a d 984with the Easter week and chamy Il.said. --, , ionship competition on Ho]]ybuim "Wliat kind,fheavy7" 'sked1'idge,a moiety,to be charged to!1 the attendant. = =,, sons 70926 autos. 188'46 t k k4'I ~ il] s +. 0 ~the feiry account. =- "Say, young man,,II don't I get and» 1466. other,vehicles crossed'reshwith me,& was the indig- 1 the»bridge. The average daily,Wife (Sternly to 1 husband'e- nant i esponse. t ' I t 8 ]a.m.)t= =: =- -- -- -- ' " '4"8' 4 The list of Tax Sale Lands has been revised and theivalueslll l.urning omeI a I ]a..) ~ =- = -- -=--=- -- -- compared with $4QP in March'of I e is "What does the clock say." White 'enamel paint isl best l" t year. = ~ ]are sufficiently low,to make their,purchase an attractive in-"Husband& (HaPPily):"It says cleansed'I by.] using whiting in- '= ~ ' .'i'„vestment TIck Tock, and the doggies shay jl stead! of soap] as'his preserves NORTH VAN.IFERRY= =- Bow, Wow, andithe little PushY. t]ie co]or ange]cans theipaint iiTRAFFIC SHOWS,DECREASEIlcats shay Meow, Meow." without injuring the suiface. Tiaffic on the North Vancou 'RICES may be obtained fiom any local ical estate agent 1 Ralph: ",What we want is act=,,ver ferries inl. the'irst &three " i ol by applying to the Municipal Hall direct.could read the time of day--or n instead of o d ." = months of this year shows doanything elsmbut Sambo had a H h 'N t l -': crease 'ompared'with, the firstice big dollar watch. which he eshibited iv th a .eat am of fer a man ivho yells at me to onei]i]quarter of lastyear, rePort ferry 'What time am it&" said Ras- f "' d'6459991:,~The Canadian]Legion %estlVancouver,--,wi11 give a ', „In'the first.thi'ee months, thee child had been greatly im- erries carrie '64, 9 Passen ',;tended the time-piece, saying: in Sunday school. i She pressed «Dai. she a™m&'er hands to her breast, and said li 9,888 vehicles in the first three Ra tusi]ooked at it carefu]]v solemnly to her sister, two years months of last year,showing de',]]l lt v'Darnedif she ain t o]dei ' ---- creases 'f 82,718 in, Passengers]I, (Last of Series, of Six) ll "When you hear, something " in e ic es . =--==-,, TOMORROW'(Saturday)+APRIL 12th at 8:15 p; M.~ivite here, it is conscience whisp- In March the ferries; carried l]"ph, Peach, i]]i]jz zcw that button Iiei.,ng tli you»„- 285488 passengers and 8870 ve: l, II]GOOD PR]ZES ~ )REFRESHMENTS-cn:thc ci'vizmzz " -s "It's no such thing,",the sister hicles, compared with]246629~]i] l -= = 'Ad.;;; „&p!cenfzl -- =,I,"No, Plum, I couldn" find a button jeeied'That's just wind on 'assengers.and 9878 vehicles in" 'l so I sewed up the hole." - your tummie." March last year.