001C98DB April 11, 1980. ". GA'RDENS and GARDENINGl By NINA G. BUTT, 'andscape Architect Craduate in Landscaping U. of C.. American School of Landscape Architecture and Cardenlng. Member National Landscape Service. Perennials live from year to leave them in thebasementuntil year, differing in this way from they have sprouted the growth annuals, which die after they will be weak and'will break os" have flowered and seeded. = easily when dividing. Biennials die the second year. Cannas lmake a fine dash of While we say that perennials live color in the garden, but remem- from year to year, we do not ber they grow quite large, con- necessarily mean that they are sequently I they should not be elgetual. Some.perennials, in planted where they will hide or~ fact the great majority of them dwarf other plants. die after flowering for three or Take an I inventory of your four years unless they are divid- tools and remove any rust which ed. This should be done every has accumulated during the ol.her year or so, or as soon as damp winter. weatheI. Of course the plant appears mateed or if you oiled them last fall before crowded. Spring is a good time tlputting «them away, the lrust to do this dividing and replant- won't have touched them. Do ing, and also it is nice to re- not try to work with makeshift member that your neighbor, Mrs. tools. They are comparatively iv. S., admired the special variety expensive and good tools make of Hardy Aster which is crowd- the work of l the garden very ing in on the space reserved for much more enjoyable. Salpiglossis. It is quite possible Don't forget when dividing that Mrs. S.. would then remem- your perennials that plants make ber that you were ver much an ideal birthday or anniversary interested in that clump of apple gift, and are always welcomed lossom pink Hollyhocks. Ex- hy the garden lover. Your neigh hange of this kind always seems hor will'e appreciative of the to give a more personal interest, thought andI you will have an in the, garden's growth, but interest in her garden'as well as where it is not possible one can your own. A few lplants sell'e always secure lplants from the 'o break the ice with a Inew »ui'sery. At any rate plan to in- rieighbor you would like to know. elude something new in the gar- The lawn is coming along fast den this year. 'It is the greatest these warm spring days. Better gardening stimulan t'f possible. get the lawn I mower out, l oil it Space in the rockery, the toll iip and sharpen it. Remember of our severe .winter weather, how it was when you put it away should be filled in now. Many of last fall? So dull that it left the the new winter blooming, prim- lawn looking like a corduroy roses and pansies are lovely. The dwarf hardy asters are worthv, f SpaCe a]SO ViOlet Seed SOWn ls'NOTE--Me writer will consider lt a pleasure~, to answer questions concerning tho garden , liow will bloom late this fall.' in this column. Tho questions should l bo addressed to Any, time Within the next twO tho writer in caro of the. Editor..The or three l weeks is right for the,f p I pfy i d l d $ p planting Of dahliaS. Heel them .clf-addressed envelope should bo enclosed'. in outside now.'ithin a week to ten days they will have sproutedf& Alcircle is a roundlline with aiid can be taken up and divided~ no kinks in it, joined up so as not ~ito the best advantage. 'If. you" to show, where it began.' ~ X e ~ ~e~Me~&e~.- The i Duncan I Lawson ii Chapter II LO.D E. is giving " &AiN &EAS~I&E'R.')ROLIC Non TUESDAY, 23rd APRIL in THE INGLEIVOOD SCHOOL AUDITORIUAI I 'Dancing 9 until 12:80. Tickets,75c. I l CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, WEST,VANCOUVER, B.C. Announces a'l " FR EE,.liLECTiU R E ~) , ori&" O'CHRISTI'A'N,,l'SCIE-NCE By Judge Samuel AV. Greene, C.S.B., Chicago, Illinois iblember of the Board. of'Lectureship of the iblother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. In HOLLYBURN THEATRE, Marine Drive On THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, at 8 P. M. 'oors Open at 7 P. M. The public is cordially invited to attend l l ,'I TREES A.NDI SHRUBS 'l,srae e reer old Pion& Trees .................................................................... S1.25 Apples .....;.......................-----.--..----------....-........................ 35c to $ 1.00 Jap Walnuts, large .................................................................................... $ 1.25, Filberts ...............................----.........--........"-............................... 25c to .75 Grape Vines ................................................~.............................................--...50 Bartletts. 2 years ...............,........................................................................ $ 1.00 t, Lambert Cherries .........,......................,...- .............,............... $ 1.00 and $ 1.25 0 lt Flowering Almonds .................................................................................... $ 1,00Fl. Crabs, Db. Pink...................................................................................... $1.00 blay, Double Red IIIIIvthorn .................................................................... $ 1.00 Purple Leaf Crab ...................................................................................... $ 1.00 'Purplo Leaf Plum .............................................................................,........ $ 1.00 iI Double Fl. Cherry ...................,..........................,....................................... $ 1.00 iI Spirea van Houtti ........................................................................ 60c to $1.00'ock Orange ...........,...........................................................,........ 50c to $ 1.00 Snowballs ........................................................................................ 60c to $ &.00 Begonia (Scarlet Trumpet) ....................................................................... $1.00 Weeping and Golden Willows................,...................................... 25c and .50 E. S. GAMAGE 700 Blocl hlarine Drive, West Vancouver North Shore Branch of B. C. Nurseries THE WEST VAN NEWS : CLASSIFIED "A'DS N'ANTED--Gardening, Landscaping, or odd jobs. Phone %'est 688L. IF You Intend to Build or % ant Your, House Altered or ..Repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, West 679R. BARRED ROCKS,'niversity strain,~ $1.25 for setting. Apply Webb, Shoemaker, Dundarave. FOR SALE--Cream Wicker Sulky, Cheap. Like nev . Phone %Vest 419L FOR REiNT--By hour or day, reason- able. AIR-WAY. Phone West 17. phyllis Gilkes, former- lv with Maison Henri is now at the Ritz Hotel Beauty . Parlor, 1040 Georgia Street West. Ph. Trinity 1075 FOR SALE -- Cheap, Lawn blower, $4.50. Phone West 93L. RADIO ELECTRIC Sets, Supplies Ap- pliances, and wiring. Stainte Screen Grid Console $21 i. North Shore Radio Electric, 61 and 1540 Lonsdale FOR PLUBIBING REPAIRS -- Res- Idence Phoae Vilest 241R ,'BSISTITCHIÃG--Plain white 5c 5 ard sIlk and colored 10c yard Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street aad Marine. Phone West 144. jSWIi&IMING CLUB ELECT OFFICERS FOUNDATIOi& CMI~T Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and i land clearing, chimneys and furnaces cleaned and i repaired. Phone T. Barnott, residence phone " EVest 290R. At the recent annual meeting of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club the following of- ficers were elected: President--L. C. Reid, Vice PI esident -- Dr. Gordon IXance, Secretary - Treasurer -- Miss Gwen Clay, Boys'aptain -- Laurie Speck 'Boys'ice Captain -- Gordon Ashe, ~f Girls'aptain -- Miss Doris Rivers, Girls'ice Captain -- Miss E. Flockhai t. NORTH,VAN. COUNCIL ADOPTS RESOI UTION ON IAI PROV Ei&l ENTS TAX Although when its 1980 esti- mates were i tentatively agreed upon a week ago, the North Van- couver. City Council decided on a rate of 41 mills, and further de- Il cided to tax improvements up tn 32ij2 per cent., a resolution sub- mitted by Ald. EV. I. Wilson Mon- ) day evening reopened the im- provements tax phase of the sit- lll uation.I'he Alderman suggested that only 10 per cent. of the assessed value of improvements be taxed «nd that the estimates be pared in,, proportion. The suggestion was adopted after considerable , discussion. -"&Estimates of the several com- mittees of'the council for lthe I, year 1980, as tentatively agreed upon a week ago, called for $254,= iJ 168. 'I'he rate of 4I"mills was al-" lllocated as follows: Loan,'20.19 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I mills; schools; 15.78 mills; Igen- t eral,s5.08 mills. In:the letter to the council, the secretary of the City Ratepayers ':"Association/lodged a protest at (i the i manner in l which the. im- &tprovements tax had -i'been "sprung"ion the ratepayers. Members of the council point: , ed out that they are aware of the &f"fact that a complete revision of improvement assessments is ne"- essary i throughout the city, but I, that to make such a revision would cost the city considerable. i They contended that lby first "levying the tax, the ratepayers il, themselves would then lodge ~l their appeals 'nd l in that man- , ner.the assessment would be re- ii vised without cost to the city. SCH'%EPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERAI E and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms.-- PAINTING, DECORATING, FRENCH Polishing, Carley, Residence Phone West 71Y. W'EBB'S SHOE REPAIRS %YEAR BEST--Dundarave. GARDENS--Designed and laid out. Original designs in Lily and Orna- mental Pools. Rock and W'all gard- ens. Lawns, Formal and Rose gard- ens. Rustic Work. Summer houses. Crazy paving. R. J. Kyle, Phone -- West 411. ROLLER SKATE At Hollyburn Pavilion by the Seashore to the tune of the pipes. %INDOW BLINDS -- &Iade to Order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoodh, 14th Street and Marine., Phone West 144.. FOR RENT (or sale)--4 room modern - cottage,high location, view, close to bus--$25.00. Ie'OR SALE--3 I room cottage, light, sink, water, woodshed, garden, $62.~, terms $375 cash, balance arrange, will consider stock part payment. TROUGHTON, IVest 83 R- I'. CLARK 4 CO. ESTATES LTD. CO&IFORTABLE &IODERATE SIZE Home--Furnace, Fireplace, Wired for Range, - Full Plumbing. Two (i large lots. Convenient situation.Fine possibilities for artistic garden ,':lPrice $2850; terms arranged with Ii purchaser. R. P. CI.ARK Ec CO. ESTATES LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 "'ocal P.epresentative C. J. ARCHER, IVest 225. l REDUCTION IN FeERRY AUTO lFARES 'RGED Proposed amendments to the Ferries Operation and Mainten- ance By-law, providing for a re- vised tariff for vehicles with a view to . increasing vehicular traffic on the ferries, were placed before the North Vancou- ver City Council Monday even- ': ing. It is proposed that the fare for auto and driver be 25 cents single and 40 cents return; that com- I» mutation automobile tickets that now sell for twelve for $2 be sold a'. sixteen for $2.00.= The proposed ! l amendments ~vere referled to committee of Il the whole. Even g eater I.eductions in ve- 'hif':utar fares~on the fei~"ies were suggested to the council by the secretary of the City 'Ratepay- -- ers'ssociation. The Council was asked to place on, sale books of lthirty automobile tickets at ~8 and charge a 15-cent single fare. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary; Public , Fire Insurance --. hloney I to I Loan TAX SALE LOTS 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 "Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X ,,i GORDON ROBSON -" gI Barrister 8r, Solicitor l'EST VANCGUVER- Office No. 1447 Marme Drive. Phone West 403. ,,VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. ---- Es now mith us! IF YOU ARE TFIINEUNG OF BUILDING SEE US ABOUT YOUR ",Well, madam, why don't you , wish to serve on the jury?" ask- I ed'the judge. "I'm opposed to capital punish- , ment." ~="But this is merely a case in ,which a wife is suing her hus- jlbandt for an account. It seems she gave him $100 to pay dowii )on a handsome fur coat, and he is alleged to have lost the money at poker." The woman juror spoke up promptly: "I'l serve! Maybe I am, wrong about capital puish- I,, ment." The home of the swallow is the stomach. ANYTHING FROlil A FENCE TO A NEW HOGTIE JUST TEI.EPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR SEN'I'ATIVE WILL CALL FOR YOU iVITH A CAR. Hot Cross Sans on GOOD I'IDAY MRS. ROSS ~l ar inc Drive, Ambleside ~ The Pantry Special Orders attended to. 'All HonIe Cooking. Th» seivice n ill place s ou undei no obligation o. F '% ~ aI)I anO ..III»er .O...'~. Peniberton and waterfront Phone North 305 Material of all descriptions, from high priced clears to the cheapest commons. Everything manufactured on the North Shore., Come down to the mill and look over our stock.,