001C98DB ~THE WEST VAN NEWS 'prj]111'980. I Ii-- 'i 'tBASI(ETBALL TOURNAMENT t DUNDARAVE LADIES'HOIR ]I 'hursclay evening, the 3rd in- The Dunclarave Ladies'!Choir stant, West Vancouver Students']tu".,der the direction of Mrs: I'. X. -- ~; ~ le ', g g I !II,", AssociationtantlithesWest,Van. Hodgson are giving a concert atl m I, ', I' l;~ ', Zx-High Association] united] to IIShaughnessy, Military. Hospital!I ]I DUIXDllljllet 'put on a four-game basketball, on Friday, April 11th, for the AMDII] Qtournament in rthe Inglewood t",,'ntertainment, of the disabled l School] auditorium. ~ -- 'o]djers. 'This l concert is to lbe ]]]PICTURES I~ ~ ~ The first game I between the presented i under the auspices ofOur Citizens individually a1e he1'eby u1'ged to lend thejI akl ' Pau]jne Jo]1nson Pub]jc Schoo],,th . P]au ine o1nson u ic c oo it e» hi harmonic- ociety. '1 1s. I l,Now, js the tjme to bringtowards enhancing the natural beauty of our District by de- ) t]girls and the High School" Grade]I Durbin will act as accomPanist jnvoting their time and energy during the,week from APRIL Ip " IX girls resulted in] a'.win t'or An afternctpp, ]bridge wj]] lbejl to APRIL 19. in cleaning. up andi improving, the appearance' 'he latte1' 21 to 18 T"e sco1'e he]cl'at the'home of Mrs.'F X ~ ' and photo equipment.'Bring'ftheir. various properties. -- ~ -- --'- "Ij was tiec] se~era] times during the Hodgsonl on qWeclnesday, Apri]i'ou1 films he1e to be develast period. During the last min- 33rd. The'tproceeds,wj]]t go to- thrilled by f]ashes of real basket- choir t to contpete int the festival ttt t,to!be'he]d!in]Victoria in May. !IPauline Johnson:--W, Donald- Any information wi]])be! g]ad]y given 1 by the 'ecretary phoneRitz, P. Davidson... West Sol4X . It LBSage ]Drug, Stpretl, 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ u Grade IX. -- Betty Mor11son,Q'Q'fg'f 'f: "AMBL SIDE HILL" Nancy I&earns 'att]a"-Yputrg h II +I 6. R.'REID,'Meusserf7 3jt) h. JUNIOR CHOIRAnnie Ridley, Murjel) Dawson, p ~ -- -- --= .. I &(Geo. IHayi&Buildillg Lettne1 ===: = 'I ',- -- . ---- Co 14th . d M= I aml thoroughly, of, the same -' = The members of the West Van- ', &'EST'jmind as your othert correspond-, f --,. ~ M. M t h- ]], Ilt couver Junior. Choir are asked toORDER YOUR SUIT, ants as to the detestableness of e -' '= = ','ake an effort toattend the Sat- li' -:"" :,Ch,]-„., U t,d Ch„,,h J„d y ~ -p- t- I-th Th ghtf ]Fr' "My g ij SpRING,TOP COAT "t, 'iVIpunt,Cap]]ano" is not avail- -'. B, t t.„d "", next, three, weeks as that is all NOIV == It able. Itthasi been. applied tots th W t V „H, h S h ]J." Nt the, time remaining !before the t, man you a e e1 a e ,'bold and fairly high peak,whjchc]& '., ',' -: II concert,which takes place Tues- '&] . t d piol Boys', team by a scole Of 46- day-Aprjli29tht -- = -- -- == umina e ne: . no ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - overlooks the head-wate1.s of they 19. The visitors were sho1t sev- ' =- '-'hjc--my,wjfei.wou]dn't ]emme Ij Capj]ano, and has, I'believe, ie-,'] ], ], Th h dg - The mothe1's of the younger l L~, lka& ~ ~III 'h ll-k l th,„jjto match the local boys. IGa1din- members, are'askedlto bear this,iI Leave your order, for. HONE MADE]6th rind Marine, Ambleside ' )] southern s]ope, j.which] might II e 'or the local played a partic- in mind,'as after the concert the II pUSTp]]f tTAII pR 'i ethave served for the hj]] I This ~ Chy], --.M tth- K ] choir tvill disband till Fall..l . 1]1, ]]HOTt)=--:"g'"'y"d'ut aPProPnateness'~ =«w'est vtan.'High schpp]: ~F]d" d'P T'A,» " - . IICROSS]II Ineeds,to, be accomPanied with des Lettner. Gardiner McMillan ~ other,cjualities if a'ame is to 'I Masteima„parker = ' At the regular meeting of the ]I Il &BUNStlrMp+NQ +IIII]II stick, tvhjch mine failed to do, sotlrsa Refeiee, Hat~~ Djckspn,,IVest,Vancouver parent-Teacher Association held on Tuesday eve ~ Blllll]erS'SSIInplleS~I It wi]]'!Possjb]ybe the easiest The third game betwee 'D f nin at the pau]ine Johnson school t,, "Easter ISimne „akcourse to adopt the name "Am- fus School Gir]s and th E -Hjgn~& 'Mr.-K.'A~'Ray delivered a'Iver ' ', =-- "An Old Country, Recipe I'bleside HilL" It ivas not prpposedltl Gii]s &vas wo~n by the visitors by it entertaining 'ddress !upon his«HpbbiCpalk& I 'by me, sp»»ve no persona»nt- '3 sepia pf 3 to 4 The ]oca] gtr]s l]experiences during hist travels==r -- t~,,iterest in]it 'he name need not &did „pt seem]to!be ab]ettp et recently, jncEurope.'he speak- Iten a --. R~Y'TraiISler ! "'rouse any 'host]]jty,,which's'I" going a„d,lagged l .„. th . sr carried the interest of his aud= l PerhaPs the main Point at start: cpm/&]nation and aggressiveness iencettthrought many Tcountrjes, 'eMgg 'njea~SRett SPhone tW&st 17th !! ing. But at any rate,'let us keePt =Duffus . Band Read'jchtt] ltand the Pathos of descriPtions or I'the hi]]I free from]the name!of:--.,M C .th -- T .,]C = lt after-tvar tconditionst in 'any !,'&re &»~toe»tve 'D«dsrev'Daily. TripS 0 C -~m I any-man, Shabbinessl]jes/that - == ' = ' = = lcommunitiest,was onset by num= ' = Phone,West 3way. =,, = %g~zHt h.~ J „Wat E Iterous humorous anecdotes in.the)"Yours truly, Ft pckhaf& ~ O,parkjn,D parkjn', itinerary,] of the traveller. Mi.-"pHONE)WEST- 1)p,:, --. = J; PORTER. i~g. McMj]]an,'A'.'I,ester. = -- 'Ray, revea]edIthat hethadhtakeni), 7 The Amblesi e a keen interest in, the po]it]ca]tc.Mrs.""DDt;"A; J'ay;„who has been ~ .~ ": 'and economic phases of the coun- t! 3,IQ, ]el AeCOal aalu -lVOP1'" " .visiting her Parents Caytajn andtll The fi„a]tg m tp. d t ]b 4 tries visited.l, Prompt De]]very !'rs. P.'.'ohnson, 18th and the hardest pf them a]] A teani, 'It tvas announced that a round»'IFulton,'as left to return:to her f om ~f Thoppe s~(Comme1cIa]|Irritable discussion would be held at II'~Jimmy]] ThpmSpn, S, thome jn Mexico City. Mrs. J'ohn-= I,eague one of the runners up intt the Provincial Convention at the,sontaccompanied her as,far as, the c;ty'she~em»push]ps) took the tl Kitsilano High School duiing the 'I,SHQ)pTatANSFER..'os Angeles. =-- It game'rom\the ]pcs] !boys tby]a Easter. holidays, upon the "Four) T scol'e of 22-17. The. Ex-Hi h~. ear High School l Course" 'nd, "'4ll'l]Daily, Trips'o and from, City. 'REPORT, ON P.G.E. SURVEY'Iboys tried very hard to equal the ™ounting Costs of Education." 'g ~& .,wiii'pen oniy I = IS NEARING COMPLETION'core, b„t the expet,,e„c dill iilrs.'lara YVi]son contributed,I! 'll THURSDAYS," FRIDAYS'horpesPIoved master of the sit;: Qto the musical Program& wjthI a '; and SATURDAYSs The report of engineers,'or- lt„at;p„-- =.:- --. ~ -- ~ttsclo. At the close of the meeting tl Iu hosts&» tu W~est Veu 9 Y'e s „eaters, mineralogists tandtiagri- Thprpes. A .Main' Thor. refreshments were served in the ', unttll further notice. ~ ~,:, 3 cultural experts who last year'!bun J .Bain .B .aFm, St] lunch-loo111.C. J., 0781'lng'tPll I]t investigatedt territory tributary hSttm„e;a*F Ba;„tot the PacjficAGreat Eastern e- .g H;gh.-V F1a M W t EX-REEVE AND~ = l '"Phone]West 303 ~ Raihvay„will be laid before, the son, B. Hami]ton, A. Jordan,taV. MRS;IV.tV.iVINSON, BACKgovernment by Major '.t: R: 'Lester,. H'Djckson."rysdale,engineer in charge,'n]If«..Referee. Mi. Mite~byre]] = Ex-Reeve and intra. tv.tv. vin- -~ HOLLYRURN,the near fu.ture, it was stated at ~--. ~ = . = lit sor'eturned on Monday after- AartL Ie tt'steleMerino Drive st lttht" " the Legislative Bul]dinge InIV]c- The sum pf SI'7]l,was res]jr'opntttojthejr home ~heretafter i.- . --..-- . vNLNext Jefferies hfest Store,'It,toria,'ast Monday. -- ., ed:from the tournament,whjc]I '&having been absent on'a holiday ~ 13th: &'Meriue'Expert Work--Ledte's', Ch]Mreu', Apart from'he 'l geologists'i]] ]jqujdate the expenses incur in the south since'he beginning 'EXP RRT S ERV I C E'-findings,'he report is understood 'ed];p cpnnectjp„ tv]@]the sea: ot'the year. They spent somePhone West 135 for appointment to be almost comP]ete. Illness of I son's games. -- ~-:= = dt time in port]and, SanFrancisco,'embersof the'geological sta Mr. Patterson proved to]be a 'Los'Ange]es and other places in,, ==- . BVRRARD:=-., has delayed their section of the, very able announcer and hand]ed]I]t Southern(Ca]jfornjattand'I report 'UNERAL ]CHApELI ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ 'epOrt. --AS SOOn aS,thel entire 'he megaphOne ]jke& a Veteran, 'aVing had'a'Very finerhO]jday.l&'. - = B. D. WHITE, M ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ /gS],Qg,,g pggi.'~/ i ! report is received,'t will be sub- te]]i„g ithe raudience,the finetl"tIVhj]e away they also took a trip .t D»ttrtcttve F««sl Sere, emitted by the government to the!i points about basketba]]'n an aeroplane,,whichjthey, en- '@= Ledy Assistant =,'Canadian Pacific 'and& Canadian = - -= joyed to the full. = ~j.. t'20=3rd st. E. Phone North 626t'- I l'ational, Rai]ways, partners I in,Mr 'l and 'rs ~W. J. Perry ' fslow, in first class condi- the survey. Meanwhile it will not V '--,hguavet,'moved-;ntp]I tion, reasonably, priced,'l be Pu ' - their house at 14th and Fulton.'r. and I'Mrs J. H.'edden, Miss Constance Thomas of Alt- and terms: Very good lo- ICatIOII. l 'ho have been sPending the win-„among, has joined the staff of the '] r u ~: ydk: ~ ., 'etf:--ter in.Vancouver, ha e return " B. C 'Telephone Co.. here. I', I't' MttI gsLlmgtrt!I -lggle ]'prtIIS !mrs ",tl!!I ]I ]I j],, = c,::--:;-It RYRl:-FAcTs!,'!I" 3tt It is e fact that many persons continuetott'44'"'"'"" "' - '"-"-'"-""""'"'"" '"'" '"'"" " 'SNOOKER ANDll POCKET "BILL'IARDS I t changed. Aud that many e person is right lt t uow suffer]ox the Penalty for neglected eye- tt l 4 CIGARETTES-'tt TOBACCOS.I] CIOARS ~ttPhone West 340 I/ I-. ]I strain that a thorough'JaminatioiIIof the II IIi II r gh, 0 eye vroutd reveal. =- = =-- t] i,,CANDY, )[SOFT DRINIZSIIIEvenings, West 143 5 e- ' HARRY PERRIN,] R P.:~ KV I] Seymour 3239 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST]It Iland InSuran«Agent ppp. the Capitol Theatre ]II 205-6-7 Medical prts Bldg. I II ~ ~ t- 'Always the Saane High Quality--IT&HA'St'TO SE,]I