001C98DB ='HE AVEST VAN NEWS hay To NO5IINATING CONVENTION At'OWELL RIVER )Vi]1 be held at the Fortune Cup Inn on &Ionday, 14th April at 8 P.'AI. All members «nd,prospective members are askedito attend. April 11, 1930. kl ]Slew "Amb.esitI.e &Hal For i(eat I p E R S 0 gCORNER STORE on 14th (near. Ferry) For Rent. lI 's ACRE BLOCKS at ALTAAIONT, FOR SALE at $400, $500 and $600 each. &3Iiss Helen Stevenson, 19th and Bellevue,'nderwent a pain-CLYDE AVENUE LOT,'FACING SOUTH](between I„, operat]on at Notrh12th and 13th) FOR SALE at $200. ~ ver Hospital last Monday, result- WHITAKER 8: WHITAKER ing from her unfortunate accid- , 942 EVest Pender Street ~ = Vancouver, ent when she fell, breaking her arm. She is doing as well as LEGION TO GIVE can be expected. ~ w-.,; . ~ - . I& FINAL WHIST DRIVE OF SERIES Captain 4V. J. Kane, 1253 Mar- -1. ine DHve, has a peach tree which has already over two dozenTheW st Vancouverbranchof hes on it. The tree came VERNON i Ca d.a 'L g m h] mg from Japan, having ileen givena whist drive tomorrow (Satur- Captain Kane by the captain ofFEED STORE dny) evening at 8:15 in the unco'I'theB]ueiunne]]iners.Clachan hotel. This is the SixthII'. C. SEARLE Phone %'est 9 and last'of the series,'and it is Next door to Theatre expected that a large crowd wi Municipal Engineer James be present. There wi]l be refresh- Duncan is ac a u y a er an sence of some wee s The grand aggregate prus Miss Strachan of Calgary, Al-wi]] be Presented at the c] se o „berta, is a guest at the Fortunethe drive. Cup Inn. The following are the scores~ ~ , up to and ~ includingi the fifth gam~ of the series: has purchased Mrs. Fitzgera]d's Ladies house on Keith Road. Mrs. Butt ........................ 857, Airs. Donohoe ...................... 831 Mr.'and Mrs. Colin MacLean, blrs. C. Turner .................... 829 19th and biar]ne, have as their ! p~ 's'„4 P ' ',, bliss N.'Gray ..................... 829 ]lguests Mr. and Mrs. John Russell bliss Stevenson'................... 818 of Point Grey. Mrs.'R. J; blorris ..................'811" 0 l ' " Mrs.'G.'hilds ........................'805 Mrs. M, M.'Odium of Vancou- %1 gl = '::..." birs g '«ay ------.-"---- 781 ver,ihas rentedithe'Grayihouse at 18th and iWaterfront. bir. V. Nightingale ........... '41.l P.'Philip,deputy minister of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'bfr. H; B. gray .............. 885 public works, and.W. A. bicEen- Mr. Gordon Gray ................. 885 li zie, acting minister of public wife "i d l] Mr. H. Smith ......................... 888 works, met Reeve Leyland here Mr.'H. B. Stevens ........ 82o ll last Tuesday encl looked over the b]r. R. J; bIorris ......... '815 new Capilano bridge. %]rs j b]r.'. Turner .............. -- 812 b]r..W. Car]ay, ...................... 787 Ferries No. 5 and 5 have both h a™1 I " b». bi'oss ------..-.......... 782 passed their annual inspection at Mr Donohoe ..........................,782 the hands of the departme t of nd 'owui]]~&j ]ike I ihe "I' ']ey ---...--..----....:. 744 marine and fisheries. ! Sizth and final Saturday even- ~ e sa s ~ill '„1!]ng should see some'very exeit: Mrs. Jack Be]] of Vancouver, ing ganges., -- w] ol has sheen spendoig'ome'S,n 'f'Ci, eb',l 'motithstin California,'is atlher I. O D E'O gIVE IIl summer home in'Caulfeild. , "'Metal]i] '! EAsTER'FR0LIc 229 I d l pA e I ' -=- ~ Alex. Hal~ey, who is Connect-229 Lonsdale 'Avenue y , I'hone North 345v ' i II;M The DunCantLaWSOnl Chapter, ii ed,Withi.the HudSOn Bay CO. S Residence, North 918Y 8- 1214Y ' I.OJ).E».. are holding their East= II store in,Vancouver, has been pro er Frolic oniTuesday, April 23rd moted to a higher position in the II in the Inglewood School auditori company's, new store at &Winni- ':II um. "Dancing wi]] be from 9 p m- yeg. until 12:30, and the orchestra of ! i the Arcadians will'be in attend- 'The Ambleside Fish and ChiP ance. The committee are work- ShoP at 1429 Marine Drive, will ~ ~ ~~ ~ li} 'llg enthusiast]ca]]y to make the open only on Thursdavs, Fridays evening a huge success and sev- ] and Saturdays until further not- l For the benefit of those not wish-' eral novelties wi]]&be introduced.'ng to dance, bridge tables are ey Pheasants are becoming 'in-SPeCial (]I «, " i being provided and prizes wi]] be creasingly in evidence around ~~ given,. 9Wi]]I]those~,wishing .to the district. In a number of in- ',SerVICe) ',, ll li p]ay bridge please notify Mrs. stances they have been,uorking c- . Pcarce, ]West I 655L„so l that ] ac: l liavoc in I%est Vancouver 'ar- t]'Plan "'.. 'icomodation may be arranged. The Duncan Lawson ] Chapter wil] ho]d their month]y meeting Mrs. J. C. Brown of Point Grey have 100% perfection at all 'i at the home of Mrs. Gordon Gray isj a guest at the, Fortune Cup times from your Radio. 4, 26th and Mathers, ont Monday, Ill fi j por particulars phone West 474. April 14th, at 2:80 p. m. Mrs. Sutton and EIiss Power oi E. G. GANHAM"l "pASTals ciGAR ssosss at 2444 Bellevue and have moved . Nest Vancouver ' OPEN BILLIARD, PARI.OR 39 t)[a Q ! ! " The Pastime Cigar Stores Ltd. Mr and Ma s. Stuart Cameron BATTERIES CHARGED !l, ~ who h tve been away in Eastern TUBES REJUVINATED -, l, in Vancouver, have opened a bil- Canada, have'returned to their. liard Parlor in the Premises form home in Caulfeild The westerly part of D I, 430 erly occupiedl'by Chet Shields. was placed on a flag water meter Snooker and billiard tables have Mr. and Mrs. W. King of Van- of $50 per annum until ' up a"" v; . couver, have moved into 2440 further notice and the amount stalled. A large stock of ciga d Be]levue.f '4723 i]le~dy paid was ord ettes, tobacco, cigars candy and» 4! ered to be applied to this yea& s . '"" " h 'A'Irs, T. W. Carlile with herDavid Jones, idaho has had many'. la e. Vancouver and other cities, is Is]olid, is .visiting hei parentsSincerity is a gem of the first ivater. Captain and Mrs. P. H. Johnson,manager in charge. -- ------ 18t]i and Fu]tonvl'VEST VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION couver, have taken the Smith A Meetin to Elect Delegates Constable and SIrs. George Shepherd, 15th and Duchess, have take» the house of Rev. C. B. Clarke at 16th and Fulton. ~I I AIrs. A. E. Lock has taken the Graham house at 2442 Lawson Ave. Items for Spring NALS 6 4LIrs. Colin MacLean was guest soloist at the YVomen's Canadian Club this week. 3Irs. James Tait is expected shortly 'o take up residence a- gain at her home at 29th Street. Ford Breckenridge, Radcliff Ave., is away on a business trip to the Interior. a R. W. Pyne, 18th and C]yde, has recently received from the Old Country a very fine grand- father's clock. It is over two hundred years old and v as the proyerty of his grandfather, who recently passed array. A girl was born on Monday at the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilman of the Imperial Gas and Oil Station hei e. CIPPS--For your plants. ~ . Use them in your house I1]plants NOW and watch'hemflourish.- DYE--Brighten up "your, draperies, etc. Use our Delivery Service, it's for YOU. '1] Phone .%Vest 37. WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service. West 37 !'E DELIVER THE &'. ~L. ~h , ~L, i ..A'.!I ..(.!I I ,i LDGTED 'Last Saturday afternoon on the Ing]ev~ood 'School grounds, the West Vancouver Second div- ision soccer team beat the Van- couver Shamrocks in the second round of the provincial cup by a score of 4 to 1, This is the first, game 'ost i by this Vancouver team who had yreviously defeat- ed the AVest .Van; team 4 goals llto 2 in the Mainland Cup game. They have, however, protested I'aturday'sgame, and as a result 1Iit is to l be I replayed 'omon ovi ]'(Saturday) afternoon at 1:30 on,l II the Cambie Street grounds. The'boys ask for the support of local '" residents at the game to which they are certainly entitled in I!view of 'the splendid showing ~fthey have made this season. Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen,'who 'have a summer home at West Bay, have returned to Vancouver l]from:Los 'Angeles, where they a ~~ ~have been spending the winter. )ITheir son, Clarence, ~vith three ~.'therstudent'friends from Po- l~ monas College, are motoring'up from Los Angeles for the Easter I, "holidays. Il! Miss Phyllis C]iFord is expect- „'d to return shortly to her home in ~EVest Bay. from California, .,where she has been spending the; ) . winter. -- The l] Salvation Aiemy give every patient in. Shaughnessy Hospital two eggs every Easter- tide with a text inscribed oa the eggs; This year some West Van- couver residents are looking aft-!'r one of the wards in'-.this re- spect for the Salvation Army. For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North 'ancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L L. M. DUVAL an(l 3; W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial Agents STOCKS BONDS INVESTMENTS Prompt Execution of, Buying and Selling Orders. ill'I Reliable Information Given. ' Phone: Trinity 1775 615-616 Bk. of Nova Scotia Bldg. Hastings E- Seymour Sts Vancouver~ W.;I'. ~Atwoot Pj.umbin'g Heating Wiring Holly5urn ] „YHMeEAYRE, Thursday Friday Saturday lj Richard Barthelmess $f iil +I' 'Yhe ]D]iag'All Talkie) 18th and ilfarine Drive Phone Q e t 801 I~londay, Tuesday, Ivednesda& Billy Dove in "Her Private Life" (All Talking) Also -- Clara Sow in "The Saturday Night Kid" (Silent) GRE:ISING. OILIib'G TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION Corner of 14th and Xiarine "I BIPERIAL" GAS and OILS 1] Service All the time DUNDARAVE CASH GROCmRY 25th and Bellevue. Phone AVest 7We deliver ;",:„"l;;, Our Special. Fruit Ice Cream. Delicately flavored to suit the most exacting taste and just the right amount of fruit and nuts to please. Order some for your next party.