001C98DB ITffRILI'ING'BRITIISH P i]I I MVSTmV-DRWE&.f., BENNETTs AGUE LovE 3 Tasnteoi iI NEXT „WEEK il'"8l i htl s&SCar let'-'„'ll, i Evelyn Brent--Clive Brook '"'lGohens» andII Kellys = jl lg I~ 5 SCOTLAND'y ~s I Mon.'ues.'Wed. ~ Publisher F.'. LOVEGROVE ,'Phone West 363]li $1.00 a year by mail'or carrier. Newsstands 6c. per copy', I2 THE tWESThVAN NEWS " 'pril 11, 1930.']]WEST,VANCOUVER' 0, %TeSt'pranCOuVeg iI " Dr. Marjory, McCiibbtn,For Up-to-the-mjftttte Gas! aizdtoll service; I!, -- ' -- -- -- „~ ! I II' -- . j„--.--. -- DENTfsTI,'IlChristiann ScienceilI I,i Bible schoo Q ',c -- I !i Branch~ of the Ii --,t appointmcnt. =malll,i SOClety+-- I 'ritish Israel World'podcvatton !I II ' B „h B„;jd;ng ' ]],Uaaiilon Set'WXCC Siataen d:Mq lg!H&yhncni ~ I,NEXTiSUNDAV at 313tip.M ' '.= Rssidcnco phono&Wast 393.Corner 15th and Marine Drive i]]This Society is a Branch of I i Opeaa 7.50 a.m. to.t 10 p.m. i I'",",';;„"„, ",„",;.'„'."„"" l,, Massachusetts.i.' Sunday Services 11.30 a.m. and i "THDI'DANGER OF'.'ll Full Car Service Specializing in]Lubricatipn]t',, '" ' =- = FoRMALIsM"= 'I ~ p f i, t f SUBJECT, April 13th III I 1 ~ I'4;.f'."& S.'.".DSII l hOne "%eStl614'-'0!I " '-'-'-"'=" 'i 8 Q, "-, . ~,: III WAttractivejChild sunday school at 10.00 a.m,'l!St AIlthOnyl S)ChurCh 0 h i g your Photo taken at Testimony Meotingiiwednesday „'BaptiSt iChurCh IJniteC "C.lure iliI ='=-==-"'-:" P= == = -- "Pastoi: Rev Faothet Carey . i ".T e~l[ P Hum hre 3 '.. -- -- -' ' ",i, =,==-- 9 --, -- --,-- -- =, Residence: I~'ortune Cup'Inn," j di]i ~ -- i',', ~ ~j'St'. Stephen's]Cliurch&==== =::, -- -- „~ ~qg,. I gg ~pSunda, i 8,:45 '..--Lo M .'I gII'undayApril'18th 1980. - Insiiuctjon, ~ V V]NBQN,,pRQpRector:1'. Henry, will preach morning .... I 45 m High M= 'i --1 " 'lit H t g St.)W.'unday,APril 13th. and evening. == =-. = Rev. A. Harding plies TOPIC "Tlie' -- - . -- I 7: 80&P. m.--EVeningi SezmiCe;,$ 'st ht h4,1903,'peakingvoice of God."jo =-.=- Palm Sunday~ (Api'il 18th); ii Rosary, sermon benediction ', 'Af],Woric Cnavantocd . 7:15 p '.=Topic "The cost'f 'lI] 8'.'.--Holy, Communion. 3t1Veek, Days' 7.80I 3' ---- Low]I j~ gaining freedom." =-.- 10 t a.'.--Sunday ) School! and : =," -- 10:00 a. m.' 'unday Schoolll Bible C]ass...i= . ~ Lenten]Services -- iWednesday,/, this contest;G, d, -- = 11:15'.--Mor i g Pr V r. 7:8(l Young people over 15 cordi y T]ie last m~eting i&f,the Com ',7:15ip. m.--Evensong.. 'olo, 'Fiiday, 7:80.p. m.~ Way of niunicants,i Classtwi]] ]be in Di-'ThetPa]ms'-'. (Faure), 'Mrs.'. =,the Cioss bened;ct;on Heiii'y'3 study, Sundayi miirning. Bat'kyar . 'lioir Practice--'Senior,'IWednes- j I]'-"'" It is imporuta't tuhat'al]iwho in- -==- «= =- = - il]day and Friday, after,devo.-- 1 .- "ft o .t „d'-,itciid to ]ink up tvithi thiec chutchfl There ivi]1'be services in Holy itions.'==-at the Sacrament service!be at nWeek onITuesdayievening!andi Junior, Saturday,'8:80p.m. . ~this closing talk. -=- =-~ -- Maundy Thursday evening at 8 3-Young'peoples Bible and Cat~ o'lock, j the latter a preparationtII a~chism Clacsses 10 a. rn Satsel'vice Last Monday, Mrs E &A- ) for, the Easter communion, andli 1urday. ' Established T on l North 1 Shoreg Henly told the young people the) on~Good Friday at 10:sofa m' Passlontlde ls a period of two Ill L d.'A 't"-t)'toryof i the fouudjng and; the and!3] 89ip.'. Indi. the evening gweeks immediately prior.to Eas- work of,.the SocLaliSelvice home Maundei's sacled'cantata",Olivet ter, from 'Passion~ Sunday Ito I I g+RRQN BRQS.y & V -- ---==- ~ ~, to Calvary" ~vill be sung. Easter+Sunday.7 +Christians = ~ygggg)y[SQN„=ormel OU0 Eastei- Su d i = =ll The church committee,will ation( of!Christ's'uit'cringe andI '] Jg„„s- I jIiIrc~~g~gon Goi.don Avenue. ==~ = . ii 's er, un ay morning,, = '. ~, . &~Cga~~eachgir] and boy and any othersi meet on Monday evening inithe death. -- = = -- -- ~=--= „, & j],tssto~ams ' r r 1 ~ ~ ~~ 1 b t.who care to help are being askedt Parish Hall at 8 o'lock. -- =='Palm Sunday is the last Sun-" I Northi~vancouverdpar]ors! i r to bring one egg in order.to make 4,, =-- =-- ~ day in Lent,l and(the'beginning l,w 122~West Sixth'Streeegg shower for this home.~='At the meeting of theAVom- of Holy Week.&On thislday.we Il ~phonj&North,1g4'~']ten'sAuxiliary it.was decided to']]commemorate Christ's triuinpha]defeated by'the club of that city ' -- ~ + . =- .--, . ',, '-, -. I t ~ ., ~Vancouver Parlorsext Monday. evening. the hold a May Fail on'Friday;May .f en ry, mto Jerusalem when0olive .'5 T th 'A E t , young people,will hold an Easteernd . -- I)i andipalm branches,were strewn i ~ ph F 184sq-nIdevotional !service~i ]edIby Di. Q~; -- -- -= p n His path. y a'umb'er,'of -- g -==- I'The TrailiRan ers are attend- , the members of the Society,iing",meeting in Chown Unitedi!I Ii To LegionsMembers!j,.~ „. rC utch v is ~yen' when he a- ., A jkwinigrbee.tvil]&be atithe ti i t 85thi dgB 11; hTherel.will 'be no meeting on]Awards,will)be aniiounced in. the tlnew '&Hall% Saturday afternoon!I o d~ b k to h ho I tEaster Monday being aiho]iday /contest in,which they:have beenij fromi I:80 p;m.,7rain oi i shine. ' Ii and on April 88th the c]osing in- engag'ed for the past two months. 'Insidei andy outside iwork to/beh",illside meeting for the season, will ll j,.= -- . ~, --,~ done- 'Bring your,own tools and Il 1 t,k, p]ace in the form of a so'0 al 4$ongratu]ations ito ithe 3W0]f'ig jn~. ~ =-- =-= .If small handkerchiefs are laid ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Aftei that'jt js hoped that the Cubs'and]their(Cubmaster, Mr. a -- ~ -- moothlyf on, a'irrorjor largeOt I rOSS]I'IS Il ti tennis i court twj]]'i~ bei ieady and]]ssvernon 'Lester, ion] carryjng i ojf 'Int the i ond the (things that i calli&igtI picture glass while still wet,,toutside" everits have their place pthe I shield)last I Saturday in'he are the things that you can't count.~ ~ will "require no ironing.25c a dozen ' p]ans are under way for, the e: secondIannnualicompetitionj for from & I l tension of the court. Meanwhile cub packsl of 'the 'North] Shore the present court wi]] be prepar held in North Vancouver. =~ ~ ~ tratton s Bakerygi ed for use. Last Su 11d3y v 3h0 v i 31t i1I Dr m' he annua1 meet ing, I of the i ' -' g8D4"AMBLESIDE'il= Osterhout,was greatly enjoyed Guild of St.'Francis,was he]d";n]II phone IVest 873' He spoke-,to the Sunday,schoo],il the church'qWednesday, after- 'EVENINGSQ andi addressedi the congregation noon. Reports'howing, ac]arge $7 JAND! 91]l ~ I] !]i SAP 2.3Oori )the modern motive]that iiii- amount of work done both with-" e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pels to missionary service; em- ln and without the Parish ln the the superiority of the Christianii sented by 'the retiring 'officers lli ~+ & ~ - $ i," religion and the security of fut- andi the fo]]otving,were i e]ected I ure generations.',== ~ for, the ensuing year to hold of- McLeod River Haid Coal !, & . b ' - th' -- „vice-president, Mrs H. A'. Stone; + sgeI'f I 3 i]i 8IGood Picture D0N 'T M ISS t IT- . ~ Burskh Wood, 87. o, 'o "i that a]Pthose tvho have been 3 Kettle,,andi assistant secretary, qt l i, I ', lF 5OiOO'MARBLESl the Saturday. morning,practicest Mrs.i)V.'A'. Adaii. The Guild is!IMillwood'Slab:== i' .ll b . t b, ' t th ', holding a musical evening at the i$ , '1 I]hi's I f 'J0An.~550 ----, c rdjI;-. vi e sure o e Presen at t e' MONTI ~= -'- .: ~ I „, three remainirg, practices; so's f0 ome of Miss 'ary Chapp Ill on ~ -,~ l j„wE Matinee Saturday"geatuni iCartage I'ts,,best at the concert 'j i'l U„dei., th, „s,.c 'I th'o the,church~ yardiat!Cau]fei]dil lk~ The lych gate at theentrance'ovingand -- ]I]Daily Trip lI ~:..Women's Association] anI'after- 'has been I completedl.this week tpTransfer. = Ito City.. „00„ tea was held;„ the chur~chr andi adds great]y,to,the appear- all on'Friday, last from 3 till 6. ance of 'I an i alieady beautiful W!The residue of the Christmas church ii and (grounds. Designed..g?egg pgrI -ge'~gij!'Sa]e of Ivotk and also some home il~by ~Vlr H A. Stone, it is ."uni.que s (Icooking.were on sa]e and'an at- onithe North'i Shore and there,I'ublished'Every. Friday tractive program of music was is only one other example of this rendered, with some'old English -old English structure in Greater, 1ThurBusiness and'Editorial Office: fii]k dancing by 3 c]ass of littlest ,- IVancoru,vethmeemorial ]y,ch]ll Fri:= 17th and Marine Drive = gjrls It, was an enjoyab]e func gate t St. Ja 3 C Ui' l! 'SAT'ii (Next to Hollyburn P'.) tion and what was realized goesjII Phone West 363 to the Women'! Association's]'he prosPectus for the church fund for helping the church, 'amPs [.at Artaban has been~ is- suedl andI shows that the camps SPECIAL FOR EASTER MONDAYwi]] extend this year from June pe]d o Tuesday Apri] gynd.'he Darling, Esq., is president of that]l! peaker will be Mr. Dugald Don: I camp company. aghy, Ex-M.P. for the North = -- -- . -- ~3 ', I il i REMEMBER !vancouver Riding and ex-Mayor'I Mrs.'itzgerald,'eithi oa,'~l, i Ji !IP]tip,vou sEE ANo HEAft ir, Ar LUNsoALE-- ir's oooo+of North Vancouver Thelsub- has'bought Mrs. Grigor's house l ~ ject will be announced next week. in,Vancouver.