West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Apr 1930, p. 9

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001C98DB 'l~ 1T 4 i i 'j~~ [I( A "Wee z'. y '..I'ews va ver Circulatingin tice District of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Hol/@burn, $ 1.00 ~ per year. ) Cypr.ess Park, Cau'lfei la', Whytecliff, Etc. Weston, Dundarave New@stands,5c per Copy lo1. I V'& SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN jP.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C.„FRIDAY, APRIL 11th,,1930 No. 46 Council ~ Notes The town planning commission dreiv the attention of the coun- cil to their recommendation of 23rd October, 1927, as to the site for rubbish,'dump in'D. L. 763, suggesting that the use of the present site be discontinued. The i niatter was laid over. ,'he P. G, E, Railway wrote the council l in l reply i to the 'atter's letter complaining of the condi- , t!on of, their crossings in the municipalitv,that they had ord- ered an-'inspection of the cross- 10gs ( by their' maintenance of way engineer. The resignation of Captain Ed- avt rds was referred to the trans- 'ortation committee, The mat- ter of investigating shipments of goods on ferry orders was refer- red to the chairman of transpor- tation. IiBridge,to be Officially. Openedllg,~ 3 - A letter was received from the p On iiftay 3rd director of the Squamish Indian band tin reference to the forth- Hon.'r. Tolmie, premier of coming opening,of the new Cap- B.'C.,'and Mrs.. Tolmie, will be ilano 'bridge. 'He,was 'advised in AUest Vancouver on Saturday, ji that there would be no music on 3rd May,i to officially open the tithe occasion in question. new bridge over the'Capilano. ihlrs. Tolmie will sever the rib- jThe auditor's report on the $ bon. This was arranged over the municipal ferries for the twotelegraph bv Reeve Leyland with ', months tending 28th February, the premier, who is away, in the showed an operating deficit of east. Following the 'opening a It '.$ 1,458.45. reception will be held at Whyte- ellfr Park. A special committee It was recently announced thatnlhas ybeen appointed from 'the the Misses Tristram had beencouncill,toimake tthetnecessmy g anted ta t mpo b ld SUDDEN'DEATH OF-, temporary electrical'ermit. MRS. AV; BURTON-FORSTER A letter was received from the Residents'of I West,Vancouver Duncan, Lawson Chapt', I. O. and ther'many friends swi]1 be D. E., asking if any municipal , shocked tothear~of the suddentI employment could be given to J. death of Nl.s: W. Burton-Forstei Little. They were advised that wvhich occurred in the city yest'hen an opening occurs he will erday afternoon. The deceased," ~~ ~ ~~ icollapsed in a dental office while under an anaesthetic, and though *he town planning commission everythingknown tomedical sci: w"o« the council that it was jti ence was done, she failed to rally. most desirable that Block 27,'D. The funeral services, will-t he ' 237 should'be acquired as a held-next Monday afternoon at 3 «&ure approach to Ambleside . &p. m. from St. Stephen's Church. '»» this in reference" to R. L. Rice s application to lease Lot 1 p of this block for business purpos- hi es, in which connection they rec- -, .~, t.&plrrig&„fi.K3 qp zzchnngp rtf ta-sale land for the lot in questror t The council replied that while they. couldtnot deviate from by- )e law restrictions, they. had certain lots which might suit him if he ! was,willing to consider an ex- t change of Lot 1 for its equival- ent. in municipally. owned lots on an assessed valuation basis. The town planning commission wrote the council they were op- 'li posed to P. D. MacKenzie's appli- )t cation to establish an auto camp on Lots 4 and 5 'Block 4,"D. L. 559, on, account of the limited area, narrow approach, the bridge on the east and the rock cut on the west on Mariae Drive, The council have advised the ap- plicant that the lots'in question are not i suitable for an, auto camp. 'ear The North Shore . Baseball League applied for permission to I}I use i the. baseball diamond in Ambleside Park for games on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer. Their request,was granted. The Canadian Red Cross So- ciety was given permission to tag intAVest Vancouver (but not on the ferries) on Saturday, 17th hlay. Clean Up'IIjteek Tomorrow is the first day of ".Clean Up" week,'when'the reeve and'council ask our residents to devote. their energies, particularly to a general clean up of'their properties. The time is propitious i for this work, for spring chas 'come early ~ithis year. and the sun is beginning to show up the desolation '" wrought iin iour gardens by the fall rains and,the winter frosts. Last year's grass, dead and brown, clothes the lawns, and the skeletons of shrubs and plants litter. our flower beds. Our summer visitors are already beginning to arrive, andri newcomers are going, round ',the'.district looking for homes in ivhich to settle. Incidentally the condition in which a prop- erty is kept has a very important bearing on its sale or rental. A'house in need of a coat of paint is always more diffcult to sell or rent even if the grounds are in good shape, just as the i'rental or sale of a well kept house is adversely affectedlby grounds that have been allowed to run. wild. West Vancouver I is justly celebrated for, its gardens and our residents, generally speaking, are early on their. grounds getting them in shape for, the summer. "So far as the stores are concerned," too, the windows are tastefully decorated at all- seasons of the year, and the slovenliness both of buildings and ,window displays sometimes seen elsewhere has always been ,,markedly absent in West Vancouver. And this is much more I, important than at first appears, for a place is always~largely judged by its stores. At the same time the idea sponsored t by the 'eeve'and . council'of having a "Cleani Up" ~week is a good one, as the desirability of so doing is thus brought home to every, individ= ual with the l.esult, it is hoped,'f inducing a certain uniform- I" ity of action. 'Let us all do our bit, therefore, NOW, in order, that strang- ers and I homeseekers may tfind ) our ibeautiful l locality "swept and garnished," and so may,be the more anxious:to settle in" our midst. I I TO CHECK VANDALISM'i' Consider able destruction is us-'allywrought every spring in 9'est Vancouver by careless vis- itors svho tear down and destroy trees andlbushes andtwild flow- ers. The dogwood ~trees'uffer particularly from 'this form ', of ..v;indalism. HVith "lthe l object) of , preventing, this tdestruetiont the council have given the police de: partment'nstructions l to give their speeialtiattention to such i offenders. 4 t ia s- ir ' ' . ' -, ~ "'y' '.:, 'C 'I I s I'pss, e e' '" ' ~d FREE CHRISTIANS 'CIENCE LECTURF. 7 Judge Samuel~W. Greene, C.S. B. of Chicago, is giving a free lecture on Christian Science next Thursday; 17th'April", at 8 p. m. 'l iii Hollybum Theatre. 'he doors will be open at 7 p. m. A'hearty invitation is extended to iWest ancouver residents to attend.'i CONSHRVATIVES TO" CHOOSE DELEGATES The,~tVest Vancouver Conserva- tives Association is 'olding ~a"'eetingnext Monday t evening, 34th instant, at 8Ip. m. iin'tthe Fortune t Cup 'Inn. YVhile lprob- ably a,number of matters may come up for discussion the main,.", purpose i of the meeting t is,the election of delegates to the nom- inating convention to be held at Powell River. All members and l pi ospective members are asked ...to make a special eft'ort to be present. MUNICIPAI.ITY OFFERS'AX SALE'-LANDS The list of the tax sale'lands has now been;revised, and the values are sufficiently low to make them an attractive invest- ment to the purchasers. Those 'hinking of buying can obtain prices from any local real estate agent or by going direct to the ~ll municipal hall. An advertisement relativeitoithis appears inrthis«j lsstle. Pr,. .s An amount of $50 each was allocated to the Province, the Sun, and the Star newspapers for special publicity of the new Cap- ilano bridge. yyThe usual grant of $50 was n&&de to the )Vest Vancouver Choral Society, also the usual, 'grant of $25 'o the Hollyburn Public Library. Hon. Dr. S. F. Tolrnie, Premier of B.C„'ho will open the New Capilano Bridge on 3rd oF Nay. The following v ere referred to the chairman of the board of works and the foreman: 1. H. Kolthammer. Small stream. 2. Brushing boulevard at ten i, nis court. Power to aet. 3. 4V. G. AVi1tshire re condi- tion of road at West Bay bus 'terminus and cut brush &lying tt there. 4.= To see Joseph Rogers re- garding fill for gully corner Bay and Royal Ave. Power to act. The following were referred to'the foreman: 1. M.'M. Chappell. Dead trees on Dale Road. Power to act. 2. E. AiIarshall.'Dead frees on road 811-1-18. Power to act. 3. G. Thorburn. Dead trees on road 582-8-8. Power to aet. 4. G. H. Faulkner, approach 1344 Gordon.. Power to act. The following were referred to il the engineer: 1. T. Dauphinee. Surface water. To investigate and repoi t.. -i-&t 2. william Gale: Right of v ay bond. sPower to act. The engineer reported on: 1. )Vater taps in parks. 'Re- ferwed to committee meeting on 10th instant. 2 2; Roads at Horseshoe Bay. Cost $180. An expenditure of $180 authorized.~~8'g. Eolthm)mci ~ zapping:~" tiorr re small stream. Alternative costs $45, $484, and $1150. Re-ferred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer. 4. D. O.-Luna. Cost of gravel $6.00. The expenditure of $6.00authorized, and the municipal ti truck to be used. , 5. R. P.lClark 'Er Co. Glen- eagles Drive. J& The engineer was instructed to il prepare specifications for Glen- e'agles Drive Road work at the ex~ense of R.'P. Clark & Co. The foreman reported on: 4 1. - 4V. J. Currie. Trail tot'beach at Cypress Park. Cost of fill $60.00 This expenditure was authorized.~'. A. AIilner. Culvert 430-34- 15 Cost $22 00 An expenditureof $22.00 authorized. =-'he engiaeer was given per- mission to quote the cost of a'ead pavement to Whytecliff Park to W. %. Boultbee, and to'ndertake the work at no cost to , the municipality. The matter of tents on p~p erty abutting on Marine highway was referred to the solicitor for his opinion as to what control the council had in such instances. The correspondence and maps relating to the proposed new street lights were laid on the table. The Salvation Army was given a grant of 4~5. NEWS TO BE = PUBLISHED THURSDAY iXext week being Easter ~veek The News will be published on Thursday, instead of on Friday afternoon. Organizations, and others are asked to send in their news items, therefore, by IVed- vesday noon instead of Thurs- day. All advertising copy must also be in by )Yednesday noon.