001C98DB 6 THE iWEST,VAN'EWS -- January 31, 1980 ": yr The ',UiitedI Church]I m" Fortune Cup Inni have been re- A full "house enthused]L;tlie 'H~ „„„,„;„,„,„,„, „„,„„„,,„-]l] 'flC I 3 ~Thur., Fri., Saturday, n's Club on Tuesday, nig , Jaii. SO, 31, aiid Feb. i. mOVed On TueSCay tO VanCOuVer. q&VaS a father. and~ SOnl funCtiOn l,;n cc ~ a x -- ~ ", " and'between 725 andI 150 pf al] mater occasjona]]y~ from= the"SOmething AIWayS LI ". P. ~»x e ' has beei'ges enjoyec] theappet]singmea]ll faucet at the bottom'of the hot- ' f u ~t ~'ayp -- residing for some time in IVan- matei boiler.RPPBII$ -- couver 'is moving hack to. ]iisiciiprovidec] bV the Womeii's "Asoc- K..y ~ ~ ~ y]. t.d ' ~We Re-chargethe music which) includedtconi- flower pot. )When a little seasoii- l Iit]cc ~ifGi, Sa~grs" pgt Mr. anc]-vMrs. A. L. Provincia]!I munity singing and selections by 'ing is neec]ed c]ip off the young i gaggf]j~ ~~(5)and family, who have been resicl- a'cluartette consisting of Messrs shoots: The shoots can] be cut 'I ll]] "The Big Sn~e*~ ing in the city, have moved into]] Addy, Freud,'Fidcles and Holt. pine and used in a'sa]ad. ) '+~tO/@gttegfCQ,the Chinnery house at 18th an d' The Club was fortunate 'n $'I~,C]yde., ==- having., for its speaker Rev.|Dr.'I SpKCJAL", SH0+ ~ t LLgcooves for plates to'standLup- 1Li'Buttejles.for Epact"ii,, i, A curious accident occuxred on%i locum tenens a iWes]ey Church,,right in, it is a good p]an to use"Mpii., Tues. wednesday, Ii, IlfKVedneSday mOrning, Whenl One "& iS Sub~ee" &~ aS't"e I dV ntag ]/g]aSS-headed I taCkS. - They „Wi]]~l February 3 tp 5,=:-=- p l ot,the back,whee]s]of a&]oaded of cherishiiig jndivjdua]jty as a as we]] and not injuretiuclcs going,west on, the Drive,]]ILcure for ove 'standardizing anc] the she]f --: f 'gg a rz ra]E(]cga rn'Dc, lcame off as t]ie tchick ivasiap- 7beconiing L™relcog in the ', ' LVIAKXBr'BXLJ N ll~&)pO g llc&pl oaching the corner of 14th St. ' "'" ' " '= .-- . qWhen padding sca]]oped edges I ~ll . I]]]est i 456$he.whee] f]ew,throughlthe air = In.physica] life there are bodi-FgEgghggs I]tin front of, the Imperiallpil and] ly diffeiences that help to make ~ Gas&station and'l,crashed'&upi a-. the physical "me" and] it js)ai darning cotton This's sewed~ AUTODIOBILES&GAIN g j)l a]list tile fellce be]linc] tll'e Wes't saci ed ti ust to Preserve cell . Own i l inc place cvjt]i j fme I thi ead ' It THROUGHOUT THE WORL IIconfined~ " 'l .Van.c Phai'macy. Luckily nobody ))Physical qualities using ourselveslI ma];es a satisfactory,,and~thick'Lihappened to be passing there at ]]not as imitators but as independ- paddi„g =S--~ -- ' Indicative Lcof the,progressthe tinie.' '-= ---- ',ent individuals. Standardizing " =: ~ Ill automotive transportation" 'isr f r w This yicture,divas too big for =- ~ .--.. ~lI']I *, produces drab] architecture, lun-... ' makin all over, the.,wor]d is the=Gi, d ]] 7 ' '] b',P M'attractive terraces of houses andi] ]L,' ] .- b .l " . fact that, exclusive of the LUn]t"Talkie." = I = -,, ==, '... 'o]cut citron Ieasi]y,&p]ace it- '4~Schopl,"'gave an ft r ppn tea at m y t a i' f life that o er' land a]]py t t ed Stat'es eg t. t onIof motor - .-Inglewoodi Schoo]]'last,week i to]fhav " " i ." '" "arse«r f~~~. a fecv m;„ tesw. O„' th „vehicles]has increasedi 16.6 perECT CO~IMITTEES 4 their mothers'and~five ofltheir ature,=re jgion,~'rt; nevei. ~ t or shave it aim t -I, )cent in) the tJast year. -~Whi]eSE = ]OF. TWO.COUNCILS]gteachers.LL Ml. E. LS. LGamage,L]l] ., " 's one]can cut rais]ns'or]soft "" '" ony'„]president of,the)board of school 'herefore it becomest each man fruits"~ -- =-~ . ~ Il]the,mor]d,that have as many. as,&t:rustees,, was also present.=- ]l't " ' = =, =&I = a&mj]]ion'automobi]es, the totalPersonnel of standing commit- ~ ' -~, ~i]= 'Individuality, 'emeans,P charm! ""h dl, .-- . number of passenger cars, motore t~vo Nprthl'hore Harp]dl Apy]eton~ of Ayp]eton]l. ~ Standardization~means himunicipal councils mas announc- ll Coux.t,.whi]eldriving]hisl car, a- 'ess. The speaker illustrated'inlet]ie lcand]estick dip,the end in l all nations is repox.e sedlb Mayor G.'H.'orden andi" 'long Mathers Avenue~onl~Wed-'".'.amu '"g]'way 'this yx'n- +Jxot water for a few minutes."J. M. Fromme'at the in- nesday'morning,,went(into the lcjp]e jn]modern-dress and)evenly =- -- -- ~ == The Solomon. Is]ands;I.in] the, pl sjde'] pf ~the x pad as a resu]t 'f suc t»b ts as sha»ng. -,-Clothes pip s ke t jn I] pne South] Pacifi, ~has the sma]augulal meetings pf the councils ~l d ~ d f h d th h, =Be youlself andluse and.dev- ~ '-- " 'p"y'p '"']'."'egistl'ation with but two motor"he]dI Thursday afternoon, r,,~ha; ovei, S;stere,LCreek LLe op yourself as God meant you f d ] ' „h cars, in the group. Next to the~)a ski an ] inis e iwi & is car I --, 'lace where they can']~vays'einstant. The first named is chair- bridge. Tmo other autoists mho tn do nd be. -- -= ~ ing days, js,easi]y'accompl'ed «United States, New Zealand has'anin each'instance. ' were fo]]owing him skidded into Each man&'hast'a uniqueness ~by fol]pmi'ng thistly]an: Fasten the greatest numb= No th V couvei City Counci]l~'he ditch. Fortunately, nobodv l~.givenlby]hjsl Creator. "Be cour- l]bvp looys'of stout cord or leath- 'Finance, Aldermen twas hurt,and'none of ithe cais l] ageous enough to be yourself and e "against the mall of the houseE'. H.'B id~an, J. N.,White axxd" were damaged.= =- = f shed your lig'ht in your own wa„"- somewhere near the laundry, one b .Canada is t i dJ k L t t f rries', Aldermen, = ~,il + + + Individuality saves gus from% y]aced high'he 'other &Jow. I to each'nine perso sac oue;, e Last ear Euro ean automo-.;"H C A d rson Jack Loutet andIy J. M th ' '- d, &orjftjng.mjth the crowd.' Through these loops slip &thelfa esonis avingana- -- . - ~ '™ it bile makers produced neai lyE.'H. Bridgman; board of-works, ~dition',buj]t on h;s house at 653 o o) et yourjboy)be him- yoles as ~soon as) they are noAldermen Charles s Cartwright, 20th St~~~t . ~ ~ ~ self. iWateh what his tastes are,.g]]'longer needed.'-e W. oI.'Wi]son& and'H.'] C..Ander- ~ --- . ~ ',l(l ~ =~ "'hIs )capacities j -hIsfl convictions)I.son; fire and/light, Aldermeii,„J. M i M t'Jack, 24th'&andrgj"e,&them a~chance. It is qWash,'wpo]]ens by hand and in Ie]UNDERGROUND AVORK «~W..I.-Wi]son; ivaterworks,'A]der-,'this, week of 'he death] of h ' hjm".'Let'that voice syeak.AVith= degrees and you mi]] never have R Extension! of «the iB.'lC. «ElecmeniWWI. I;-WWIilson,'harles Cai't- th .-M, D, J k f,.B. k"- out individuality there had been]$'them, shrink, or look lbac],LUse I]trio'underground distribution'is,wright and! J. N..White;.Parks, jL enhead Eng]and z )no Luther or K noxrioLincoln. a good, Pure soaP,"to wash them, being carried Pout loni-Burrard'.Aidermen] Jack Loutet, 'H: C. -- ' " . ~ The great leaders spake as they ]i ina.king -- a ]at],ei. and] r„bb;ng [L Street, near, the site of the Can-Anderson . and 'harles ~Cart- = . '. * -- /thought.without conceinl fox.,a I some spapgpngthe]garments) jf adian] National Hotel, l officialsivrlght'ndustrial and yublicity, Eight ]West 'Vancouver resid-'tandardizedt custom.'-- t]ieie ar s pts. Rjns " jn w t x Il of, the l company state. = Duets: Aldermen E.'H. Bridgman,':H. C. ents were fined $5 in the~West The Prince of &Wa]es'js a'fine ]i of the same temperature as that ]have been (buj]tr from'IGeorgia" .'Anderson and J. N'~White; tax Vancouver police court for not example of ithis principle. He lIin which you washed the artie]es. 'Street to the hotel'sitelwith-thesa]el lands, the .whole council. having obtained radio] licenses 'efuses to follow standard meth- Before hanging them up to dry necessary &comp]ement ofman-'."D.-~Curtisand.H.GW'! Taylor from, the department'of mzarjnel) ods. &Even in marriage'he wi]]5 shake them wel],'nd whi] thev l holes.)Cab]e is now being Pulled,were& named'embers) of the aiid fisheries.' )Inot marryI except for Jove. He are drying shake thein again.'xx and the.whole:work is exyect-'ownp]arming Commission.' ~ «'l ~. * -= is naturally himself, a charming, -- 'i eel to be completed shortlv 'he~ North Vancouvei. "District ~ Mrs. Blair:Babcock, 11thland~b]ppd-ivaim, natural individual- R„bber hpt ~ater bott]es may Iii cable l'ill] serve'«t distribution']Council Committees -- Finance,) neith, has as her guest her sist: ity who makes friends the morld ~be',mended] as fp]]pms Cut'pn I branches I to the L hotel l and l, alsoCouncillors.'W. H. Woods, D. J. er, Mrs. Geor e Ford of Regina, p -, =-- ~~~ ~ . inch lof, cleai. para'ubber into --„,, =--fMillar and E.'P.'Cuinmins; boardil who inteiids making West;Yan- 'GreatestLof alliis Jesus with small pieces and place in one pintof'orks,'ouncillors George'R. couvex'er future'home. = -"his God-given)] originality, .who I] of benzine;, cover tightly 'and']] $55 000, -- ~Dennis,'G. W. Marshall and Jps. lla]soImarve]Ious]y adaptedlIhim: leave twotor thre 'days, or un:Nicholson;.waterworks, Council vBjrthday& party «lf to all kinds of temperaments, ti. the liquid is about as thick as'lors G; W. Marshall'osephNieh-'l] using men so different 'in out- honey Ayp]y this cement to the Toasted Cheese Sandvich'lsonand G. R Dennis; Police -- -- = -- .'ook and capacity and character )surface of the bag and the Patch Place a slice of cheese betweenand fire, Councj]]oi's D. J.'Millar,, ' .' g ' y but iespecting each'and] leading which shou]d'a]so be of rubber. (Gbread.'Toa t o th r t, R"t,eac]ijtp do his woik in the,way Join the two, press down evenly Iontone sidejthenI on] the other '~."health and light, Councillors Jos; 'hd f h l h '.Ilhe 'vas best fitted to do it..~ and in a fem minutes, the mendl" l The melting cheese wi]] hold theoods and G. " ' '" ---, " = The whole address was an:e]o: will be perfectly comylete. bread together.- Malsh'a]]; parks,'ouncillors ter Frances."The young guests uent appeal t h t, t b . = iE. p. Cummins; G. R. Dennis and had a t orough y, enjoyab e time ~ t,„D.'J.Mill;i d st','Cou cl t g d"m ', d'orsiG.': Marshal];. W. H. [Lsupper.being served later in:the Woods and E. P. Cummins; Bi C. evening. Those present Lwere: I d „]E:Rly., Councillors W. H. Woods; E']een Dent, Nora Dent, EdIth",i] " - .' 'L Ll G.. R. Dennis and D.'; Millar; P. l '.«ts to give scope to individualityR]y Reeve J. M. Fromnie gax'et She]lard, Hex'tha Leth and rto npt iisk maand Counci]]ors., D. J. Mi]lar lG Paulsen,. Jean,L,White, Kathleen pr,~boy a'eo . I"p. Dennis and Joseph Nicho]son. Love,'and Fiances Jenvey. ' ~ ',~ -- I THF CANAMAN LEGION, ~VEST VANCOUVER =„will gimme 'A» ~ARSY 6RIVE 1Grn AND L]]ARIN~yccvesz Gzs:.'PL&IPRRPW'(Saturdav)]]FEBRUARY 1st, at 8.16'P M.On and after ,this date all Co'al, Wood, etc., must]be paicl] I =, 'n the C]achan'HHootLee]ILLA'oron de]ivery or at office pievicius to delivery. L UNpAINTEDL IlURNITUREL]i ', ", G d p ' f. gPlease note that the Hobb'Coal'and Transfer has go con- l t, Night Tabl,, -- ~& 25 ', - =.==~~-::= Admission 50 cents~nection with any, other company in. Nox'th „Vancouver or Van- I 'l~iC PRH]IS]i lLPBl'. THE AI'UM'INlUllI-'PA.CKA'.GE,] I e 'FLA'V OR" ~ N a+dl the "~ M P,UR~+~ES ~ 0 U a~~~~a%;oeezr~~~vcm «M~~XJm~~~ezasm4-mazda'=~ c