001C98DB CA!?1.A5 0 THE'EST VAN NEWS'] January 81, 1980." I OF . 'I BUILDING; PERMITS I] NORTH SHORE)V.O.N.'()RZANUARY „:~" HAD SUCCESSFUL YEAR: ~ ELECTS NEW,OFFICERS'NSFERIICO.','„,"o dk]'Th'n ucted on 'a'™ l I~I = 'Next"urhic]l 'tiedt uptq building STRICTLY CASH'l] roads,will lead to this pop- l']lreei'permits ]were issued ]inIp thegVictorian(Order of- Nurses, will be held responsible for 0]] de]ivleries. ular North Shore Playhouse for, Z' .y. ~P r i u r s o - acco~rding, to rePorts submitted~ ! I] three days next.week commenc-, ', . ==:j to the annualmeeting'honeVw'. SS Psaune ~eug 42m '»g Mondqy when] the Neith 6]C.'R.']71essingei, 16th and:,Wat- 'eceipts from all soul'ces'last'„erfi ont, dwellin $1,000;Shore Operatic Society wi]]. pre- ' g ' . 2 year totalled $4868, g approxi:,Miss B. Tristram,'3!West Bay, mately. $200 more than,was co]-sent theii i I annua]» p 'oduc- f~l addition% tp 'hpuse'nd store, g..i]ectedI in I 1928,']I and) the nursing4il i I} tion "The Pirates of Penzance."q $2,500; staff made Sppp visits, over600'T,SHERE This popular,'Gilbert and Sul- J. Matheson,',20th(Street, ad-. more than in 1928; ]ivan opera's onelof 'thel gemslI dition,"$260.' = ~ 'The following rofficei'st„wei- this nevei-to-be-forgotten paii Total $8,75p.&) i e]ected for, the ensuing year: =-, ancl will be mounted.with'abso-'onorary president, Mrs.'eo.'II! i~]ute fidelity to tradition.'ew 'FINDS 248 PEACE H; Morden first vice-president, I settings and effects such as have! YEARS IN 8,400 rs.~ .. Harvie, second'hon- iiever i been I seen) before~ pnithis'- -- '- orary,vice-President, Mrs. F, ~WDalton; third honorary. vice-pres-side of the inlet are in prepara- "«War is ' norman ] state for i l t M R. B ',W b t ",]ic.en, rs.'... e s er; presi- I Il humanity, since out of the,tota]i/I dent, Mrs. 'Fred I McVickar; first iix Chevrolet History, tf h b . f 1]-, h, II of 8,400 I known years t of,woi']d & v'ce-pi'esident, l to ~ be appointed'All the principals and'horust tc ave een ] care u y rehearsed . ' -, ] 8 152 second .vice-president, 'Miss I I.and the patrons aie going to en: ' ' . --, '= „ Ii Smith; third vice-.president, Mrs. I,CHEQROL'ET SALES, Co, 'LTD, Among,tlie company..wi]]]be']]]gate toithe League]of Nation» Nancy'Garnett; executive com- sgen sp~e,West Vancouver iesi'o]d o t e " ':,, '... go--,, dents, Misses "Dorothy,Corbett a]] Diplomatic Academy.]i TheltI,C.10.'Digby. Mrs .W.'C. Lambert, !]and Maigaiet Nylandl and ~ Mr. professor was discussing -the il Mrs 'C N. .Evans,'rs. Z. G.'Gar- = Halvy ] G: 11(ason twho l are i 0]d]! Briand Ife]]egg pact and the like- nett, Mrs. Fergus ]]IacLaehla members of the operatic society, lihood of its preventing conflicts. Mrs. Z.,V. MacLeod, Mrs. F. Di , F b t f th and tried and true; = ~ -- " From the foregoing figures 't l lock, Mi's. J. Norminton, Mrs." E. f th U 'It is suggested'o gWest «Van.,was Il evident, Professor. 'Pe]la" 'Roberts, Mrs. E.'wen, Mrs. W: The Reve]stokeI S].i C ub has, it d Church,wi]]Ibe held in&the patrons (that lthey'.,poo]i their Il said, tthat ]the,wor]d d'ibee White,'Mrs. Jasper Dalton, Mrs received definite',ord]th„t ]Hs]I church:hall next Tuesday after- ideasl regarding transportation/ able to]get along with but' Colin'Zackson, Mrs. W. L. Keene, Ho o. Li t n t-Governor R. noon,'ebiuary 4th, at 2,15 p.nx'ack itp their homes]i~by waar- years of peace. He dec ared t t, Miss Ma]tby Mrs.)George A"d- R ndol h B d Mi H l n All,women oflthe]congregation ranging, with the stage company the Pact of Parisr'in refusing to,person, Mrs. F. W.'Anderson,Mrs.'ntei.estedin the work of this r- for a syecial bus to meet them at II,define the aggressor,&PermittedII Morrison, Mrs. JIGi]]man,'&s.Mackenzie w&]] attend &the si~ g i ation( ar cordially invited the theatre.'l~ -- -- ~ -- -= +the various signatories to range'ilne. Mrs.'S.'impson, Mrs. Rayteenth annuall sPi tournanient, i tt l ~ ~,It,,= t dlth t th h „ llthemselvesi on'ne(side]or the ]]Sargent Mrs Tr'omughto„m =I('ebruary, 4 and 5. = ": ===-- .; will" b out b about,, 10.45, 'ther„according to& their,views,I,= The men's advisory. boaid con- An array of talent from affil- DR.,FRANK E DORCHESTER~ Wednesday,wil]]be a'1'tt] ]ater.'s to&which) State was fighting I! sists( of 'ayor G H. Morden. iated clubs of the western branch 'II TO START LECTURE SERIES'--- -- -- -- ' de ensive campaign. -- - Reeve J. M. Fromme Ald.'E. H; of the Canadian Ski Association]] Piidgman Ald Jack Loutet F Il pete fol. t]'0,'] f A'eries of three lectures was, G+~RDtE+S andg GARDENING, B Stoketg]jen by Dr.'Frank E. Dorches- ' ==' 'ns -- --'-': = cnann . |IQffj i l i f t}j d ~ lie e sen, se ec e ol repies'n tel to]men] and,women in thet]] the) association] at the,O]ymPic]I er 'ld'752 Th r]ow,~ 'By™NA G.'U~, extend ]their thanks to the fol-'otvingfor 1 assistance rendered']I toi pi'aetiCel fOr the even . e ] dl Th„, da) sl eve„';„gs start ' aduaee ln'Landeeiptns U aef C., American schcct c Landecapc Arc leec «e willi havel strong oppOsition ln ~ -'= = ~ -- ~ = Gardening Member: National'Landscape Service a] public and industrial concerns Ne]s I Nelsen, q world's I champion,~" Th and other pro inent 3 p -- )lures were "Hea]thi'and Effici- The grpwing of cactus as an]@&p]ants should be used as,Cactus I'l]pea]y medica] a ' 'h ency 'abut Dl'. 'Dorchester. dealt ]i indoor,ivinter,pastime is a'ery+ grows slowly and«it is seldom North, Va„co„veer Ge„era]',HoAttendance records are almost wtthtPsycho]og]ca]7and',Physio-. fascinating.."one.'ttSome of the .;inecessary to;tiansfer the P]antsgp - ', . "-.-Wo certaingto be'bi'oken,'ccordin I ]ogica]tfacts, e~p]aining]the co- -fmost easilyi grown ones are&the !i to lai'ger con$aiiCei's. However, „Insti'tute the]Cathp]i Wi,'o the eiiqncuiiies already received operation] of mindI andt muscles, tLeaf-I Cactus (Phy]]ocactus)& ar- I]Iif ]the soi]&remains wet for any there.x =---== . ~ foods and their correct use, both",]niong which is'the Night-bloom- 'length of time, it may indicate Mrs1Cha man and her ]hei ei'At least fifteen class'A')ump- in» self 71 culture and ]i cure li of ~]ng ]Cereus" (phyllocactus t]ati-'aulty drainage i and] the,plant M .'R-, " ", ' p~ r iI ers will compete. = ~==& chronic disease.= =-- ~ ~ frons)l and the large red flower- should'be repotted. ~Very seldom ~] Sneiss, Finkelhagen,']admark:~ Dr.'Dorchester has &written a. ing 'Phyllcoactus; the Epiphyl: ~] this wi]1 be necessary if about a "L Gust Gustrome, Pete Sandnes,,number of booksand health feat- ]'lums&~(Christmas Cactus) and IIthird! of ithe pot is filled with '& THE BRIDGERIVERTUNNEL ,Ne]sen'elefsen'll'leaders, are-)WIIIures for. newspapers,~! and!, is a" the true Night-blooming Cereus broken crockery or flower pot.~ -- = among them. Over ninety entri-'ecognized]i authority it on 'uch "&l(C.'ycticaulis). These are rea]: ~t Some people think. that a. cac -- Less than half a mile now re= es have been made to date. n:atters. = =i~ ly easier to cultivate and]bring,.tus is not bea]thy iun]ess the mains',to]be labored to]comp]etc]]l ., into bloom in the.fipuse than]ink stems are a]bright green. This!I„ the tunne]tbetwen'Bridge River 6 greenhouse.'hey.i stand( al- t is not true. Tile healthiest plants ]'nd Seton Lake, which will with:gamest'ny ]amount of 'heat ]but are those with stems of a brown- 'in' year or so carry, water toI gt 't] l [ I ", l I ]I should be kept aivay from'freez: ish color. dhose .with-tbr] ht'tutm the turbines of yet another I I l::.,: ] ] i II 'ng temper'ature in the winter. ]]Ioreeti stems indicate that eithue'r BritishlCO]umbt'a hydro-electric The soi](should'ave a con- 6 too much water has been provid: "powel'lant:= siderable quantity of old mortar )ed or there hastbeen]a)lack of = -Begun"tin 1926.the,work of r bloken'chalk mixed in it,'as)( sunshine,'or both. There is no llbormg'hrough Mission '](Ioun- CAPILANO TIMBER 'COMPANY'StKILN'RIED II I, t e .plants 'are &]overs iof lime. possibi]ity of cactus getting too „tain]has,gone steadily on, andi . During the,wcinter,months prac: ~lmuch sun...= this tsummer,will 'see ]the com- . ~ '~j ""optically no water needtbel given, 'If you desire to propogate cac P-'etion of a truly gigantic. task. ! tl'but during the summer they may I;us take cuttings and place theni Tbel diameter of the bore'is 16 i~be given'considerab]e ]especially, ]i in a sunny spot for about a week„l fe« 'and when it is']inediwith~i'uring,theIbloomingiperiod't then"]pot themIup in a]mixture'0 conciete the diameter, will be 18- New Prices Effective January, 1st, 1930.']is however I best to let lthe I soil of one quarter each of loam,'leaf «et. This is considei.ably largel,~become quite%dry between],wat- mold,'nd'one half sand. If the ~than,was first planned,]the ad~ V erings. Remembei. that the cac- soi]'~ is'damp when, the cuttings- gl ditional 'I capacity having jibeenI . 50 Cents Discount'er Cord 'Allowed if- Paid 'us] is' native iof the] deser'ts]III are insertedtlittle or no further '~ doub]ed andi the enlargements' at Time of Delivery )where'foi.. long.periorls no rainucttvater need be. supplied until;the 'l]having beeny,pushed forwards;.", ' falls.'(As a result sufficient wat: It cuttings have rooted..Aftei. ropt- since the be inning pf 1929.=~'r is storediup'during the~ ivei; ulg it is best to provic]e a more 'From the Bridge River poita]ill peiipds 'to carry thee plant 'liberal supply of-water than you «the work is finished Me r= within the following boundaries: =, ']'tl„.o„gh the diy pei.;ods ~ Cense: I]do with the mature p]ants. This; "ow expelling fl'om ',the ] Seton quently the nearei,w can come ~way the cuttings will be brought "Lake end on, the last lap of. the a f]owering size more iapid]y... ti nne].'~ They North! East to MountainrHighway, Lynn Valley, =.= 'torment of the p]ant the greater. i, -- = -- = an a erage rate of 17 feet a.day. p NOT~The writer will consider it a pleasure 'AS SOOn's the i]aSt ]padS pfy d ~h wi]] be our success. mn, I e n qu erl II l s ese s , North]]I to]] Bounda(ry.Road, North Vancouver,tp ',,When potting:the plants it isBeyOnd,'5 CentS eXtra,&We]]'.tp take eXtra pain tO paCk ~ i« in ca««I tbe'&d,tor""e)I o p r unne, neW gangS West 'oiti2pth, West Vancouver, m- . ]~l hthe soil in]as hard'as possible. 'f p o l paly l d ' r p tllbe w th, I - Th..]] {to West Bay) I 50; cents ext a'eyondiWestBay to Caulfeild $1.00 extra. I i, -- = == -- -- -- -- ~ ~ of building diversion dame ~at~dt~,, ~] Q i, I 'l I 'Briclge 'River and~ of the polver: All orders handled diiect from our Head: Office I"I ' ~ Idi I~ I ' ~ ~lese]& ]II house at Seaton'Lake. Foot of Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver. NANAIiHO WELLINGTON ~- t 8.. k 'W.'OOTLESS -- -- - 'AIIBLESIDE" lt Ton '/rTon '/eTon . ~ ., Ton ~/z Ton r/eTonf,Ph ng NQgg~ I c3 Ogi 'I I Lump: & Egg 313.00 36.50 $3.50 Lump ............'11.00 l.35.75 33.2o F]lSRX [9 Ch]lpS ' ALBERTA" COAL -- ---- -" ',' 'Only Crisco,Used) =Egg ................'10.008 $5.50 $3.00 '," Rose Deer (Drumheller) ~~ I OUR SPECIAL l, ' PHONE dIVEST I gp2 I 'on ] I/q Ton I/q Ton III . McLeod'iver Hard Coal I-- ! Lump ..:......... 313 00 36 eo i 3350]I ' ' -- -- 'on, ~/iTonI r/e Ton' ']']IMP','p P+ ' 'p+d] lt ]]Stove .............312.50 36.25 33.25 'Lump or Egg 313.50 F36.75 33.65]( I~i lh =- EpLLVBURN FIR 37.50 per cord. BARK 37.50 percord. i]] psnecgd,nnq,i, QI FUEr. DEP~RxMENT %teston'Cat'tageII @Vest ~30]l ;-, E!ePERT.SERVICE ,]'MOVING and TRANSFER. '= --.- =--.-- Daily Trips to City. ='- E. MARSH, Pro rietor- ]