001C98DB 33,'3e]. Czrczi 'lati zzg Holi@burn,"Weston, Dzzndarave /fan &C. 'Newsstands 6c per Copy$1.00 per year. FRIDAY, JAN. 31st, il930"'ElGHT PAGESVol. 'I v No. 46 4 s A'Wee~ y '4'ebs in" the "District of )W-est Vancozzrzer-- Ambleside, Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecli HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, &B.C., iVEST VAN. B. OF T. =.'Council Notes" g'NvlTED T'o ATrEND "N. U. HOARD OF TRADE r ownex of the and the Haddon Estate the coun- The members of the West Van-balf of a fo , and pn the solicitor to P. 'Bux.ns dat d invited tp attend the meeting of ~ ~ ~ i-ms the N.W./j, of D. L. 16th January, 1980,"and the let- the North Vancouver Board of ~e urchased. They t.er from P.'urns to the solicit- Trade l tonight t(Friday) I in I the Januar 1 980 r Bpax d pf I Trad solved that the enclosed cheque North,Vancouver ferry building.was not for sa e. of $622.89 be accepted in settle- This meeting starts at 8,p.m. ~ ' ment and l that I the solicitor re- and the special subject to be dis- ci turn Mr.'Burns his cheque dated cussed is "transportation and theto the Buri:ll.d Inlet Tunnel and 19th Janualy,-1929.'eri.ies.'idgeCo. stating, that in viewr' they would~like the company to svmpathy inIhis recent sad'b- ointment pf two reavem I Ixxen from West Vancouver to po- cil to lDugaldl Donaghy,~whose s t ons on the permanent staff. )'ssiduous and valuable services at Ottawa would long:be grate- 'That the council of. the co~ora efully remembered in&West Van: lion of qVest Vancouver fully and .. couver. council to fonvard 'to the Towni ]1 dated 'December 16, 1999, in irc Th I clerk was 'nstructed to, taxatio for hool, „ ~ bring at the next council meeting sented to th o t o b- ~ gra ~ ed and date of inception of same, )l cip liti d 'th BqC; S h l iso to') get Chief)of Police to&%Trustees A o t'o, 8'~th l do investigate and&'eport. " The parliamentary agent be'advi ed reeve was given power to act. $ f ththe effo t th t ~ ~ D. Morgan atIthe making to get,.th l of:x sta««ry meeting of the council and'egislature to 8 ft t&last Thursday, 23rd; instant, » the present session" som mrna reof stated'"he ~ couldI not accept the ure of relief from th ine It chairmanship of. p the Water, assessment for the building an I.ight,'and Heat Committee.~ maintenance of school d thof the lot as 8/..feet instead. of 4/ I*et- a~ by ~-vr lvo 308'Iip~v council from 'the township I pf this resolution 'be forwarded 't 'nds& -/Chill[wack in reference tq a pz~~ ~the said&parliamentary'gent of osed-xesolution to be plaeedtbe- thetunion, the member for the municipal committee at district i and& the department ofwas referred to Councillor Elgar, ), asking that & the two yeai'erm~~ for councillors be made optional. I.EGION'TO~HOLD The circular was ordered filed. g SECOND,yVHIST DRIVEMrs. T. D. Graftontwrote the COUNCIL TO'HOLD~K -- -- --.- -- ~ Th gC d „L ' yy lighthouse and Caulfeild be clear- )! second whist drive of the series--- ("-")--' ~ The council will hold a special ning i th Cl h Hot l.. meeting next Monday,i 3rd'Feb-'ill start. at',8.15 p. m. ~It' K. B. Fpyster asked the coun- ruax.y. at,7.80 p. m. PtIb(:enrdecided to,give two prizes ~ r t rance- to)hisiproperty~ on 29th COUNCIL CONFER ON for ~ladies a toilet set",and for 'treet. Referred to.the engineer ( QUATER'ITUATIONS gentlemen.J a 15-jewel 'Radiolite for his p t. =~.",wrist watch.'Both prizes are onfor his repor . The councilt' f, p ~ 'iew in Sagar's'jewellery store,The councilt'eld" a" specialtI'- t d mornin to ',where they,were Purchased aridThe l engineer reported(to the )meeting, yesterday, I morning l to tI ~ ~ ,, i consider theIwater situation. 'It 1'. Cost of dr;(ining 811-8-1', was'decided(to instal axxiauxil- %20.'aid & over l until ithe next iary I pump Ifor l the Ipurpose of -- There jisI still& time for l those transferring water lI from ~ the l w» did not attend the first drive 2,&Cost f 'all' a culvert Capilano SystemiIto Ithejupper to get'in on these prizes by be- half way-up,j levels until such:time as normal'ng present at the other five ofc,n'Lawson avenue, a way-u the hill to.prevent a recurrence "itconditions obta'n. e EN ot not pi ei $15 auth The council have written a let-' ed ' ll g him« i»ist upon all contractors for t,g d 's time pn the $550. Laid over. Marine DriveIbridgeland high: „vi p y ways giving employment to local REEVE I.EYI.AND TOP'"labor,'this in view~of the fact .RFpRESENT DISTRICT (~ that the unemployment situation . IIo thl Mis causing the municipalxt~ niuchG , of the branch will be held ih the Legion rooms, 'erry building,The councillat the'romeo "~i j The Dundarave 'I,adios}ohoh'ext Monday evening at 6 p.m.on Mon(lay g pp &theld theii - monthly social last „)Vill each member make a Point * Reeve Leyland r,„Tuesday evelllllg after the plac- of b ing plese'ilt, Qs matters con-ver i'epresentative on the xe t.ce Vpc~]'sp]ps wexe iendeied 'lecte(l with t;he building and theer V;1ncou e ' )lby Miss'Lucy 'MacDougal, Mrs annual masuuer.ade dance will beCommittee.' iIst Donahoe Mis ',W.'R. Clark Mrs up fordiscussion.'heyalso confirmed &I the reeve's action in attending &the Doiipvan, Miss Joan Durbin, meeting pf the Gleiiter Vancou- Mrs. F. X. Hodgson ail(l Ml.. Bel t J. W ll Chadwick,wvrote the ver Water District Committee Froud. After. the serving of re council I inlrefeience to tax sale &a a in the interests of-West &I'eshments the remainder of the . lot 4 D.. L. 884. Referred tp the evening was spent in dancing. clerk for his repoxVancouver. tz'ur Transportation in 1929 Last year was one of the best in the history of our muni- cipal&ransportation, the ferries turning over to the municipal- ity an operating surplus of $6,360.00.'True, the deficit for the year was $12,728.40, but this included depreciation $9,381.71and $ 10,680.00 for debenture interest. The main point to re- 4Imember is that there was a substantial operating surplus. .We have ahvays contended and still contend, that our transpor- tation system should not Ibe expected to carry the fixed charges. And the reason for, this is simple in that we would ,~ not ask any'.municipal bus system me might have tp absorb any part of the fixed charges of the surfaced roads on which they travelled. Below will be found a copyof the audited statement ofthe revenue and expenditures of the transportation system for«l'he past year: REVENUE BOAT3-- ,'Passengers ............................ $77,259.35'BUS--" 'Passengers ............................. 19,095 39 $96,854.74FREIGHT ........ 588.00v 2 Deficit for 1929 ....................................... 12,728.40 $109,748.14 EXPENDITURE 'Boat Operations'.......................:... $55,084.02-"Bus Operations ...................................... 19,846.04 » Office and General Exp., Insur., Wharf Rental, etc 15,256.87 ~ s~ D~ epreciation .................................... -- .... 9,881.71 Debenture nIterest ................................. 10,680.00 $109,748.14 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ During the recent municipal elections campaign the ques- tion was asked as to the maximum liability of the municipality~ in~ho,pv,",nt~@m pcs'rlentgg tPe ferries utitjl cupseqnent loss Of life. ThiS Same queStioa Came'up i'he.Vrie i~iyal el~&itoix ~ campaign~last,year'and for the&benefit of our'readers we enclose a copy. of the written opinion obtained atithat time by Councillor Jackman. We might also say that all the fexTy captains have written instructions that they must, at'no time carry more than the II~licensed number of passengers. Januax~ 15th, 1929. Couneillox,W. Moore Jackman, Esq., Chaix~an, Transportation, ,West Vancouver, B. C.-- ~Dear Sir:--I have been requested by you to give an opinion Il~in writing as to.the maximum liability of the Corporation of~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~tIthe District of West,Vancouver should one of its ferries be lost, assuming in connection,with such loss that a number of ,tpassengers'lost their lives. 'In this connection I beg to advise you that according to the provisions of Section 908 of the "Canada Shipping Act," being'Chapter 186 of the'Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, the lia- IIbility of the Municipality would be limited to $88.92 for each ton of the ship's tonage. For example, I understand. that the registered:,tonage of q the ".West Vancouver No. 6" is 55.21 tons and in case a disaster should overtake her the Municipality could limit its liability Itt to $3,247.67- , There are two exceptions to this rule which provide that should such-disaster be caused by the actual fault or privity of the Corporation that in such case a'e would be liable for the full'amount ofithe damage. To use an example once more, should the Municipality knowingly place a man in charge of the ship who was not a qualified Master Mariner or give in- structions to their Captains which prevented them from exer- cising their, own best judgment in times of danger, in either III of the above cases it would be probable that the Municipality'ould be answerable for the entixw damage xesulting from an'ccident. = I have made enquiries from Captain Edwards, our Ferry Superintendent, and understand from him that instructions are givexi to all Captains to take every precaution even though such precaution should result in the vessel being late or evexx missing a trip or trips. Yours truly, GORDON ROBSOiY,. NOTE:=Copy of this letter, is being fox~vaxxied to the Feni Superintendent and to the Municipal Clerk to be filed for reference. Recount Case Disinissed Judge Cayley at the Court House this morning dismissed -tEx-Councillor:Blaix s application for a recount. The &udge 'held that it was necessary for Mr. Blair to cite some particular „ instance l pf some . Particular ballot or ballots having been wrongfully counted, and he not having done so, the judge re- fused tp open the r~ount. Councillor Garthorne therefore is confirmed as a member of the 1MO council.