001C98DB t O'For I]All Kisads] of'Job&Printing Phone &Nor hYS3]ll ! Il SHoa~Kaa ( MoLxaa j A ~VsrroH. Lxa.. 'ETERS]. NoItrH I V~xooUvzR.' THE WEST VANi NEWS =--~ January. 31, 1930. ! sausssas trca tsttsi:: lj= ' - -- S, ra 't t:tt a TWO RED AND" WHITEi'STORES i" te'mete,.j, t,.„'a»tees fol. the pe,,'od II, „'4] eivI Ci ~ g ';I ' i' Th'e]3ver» best]qUR]ity" II.'!IDUNDARAVE HOLLYBURN de»»ty'"'i to danus~ry 1921: IReeve Lay]and it:=2.lth ] and AIIIrine Robelt Fit]des; II (Otlce a,cUstomer, alwaya a customer.Phone. AVest 169 Aib't Ch ]t. ' uggestions for "! ""'""" -"'"'"='I " EFFERIES'~ SUPERIOR~~ 7j E , ]l]Government Ins t d O 1 . I 93. *cia Oi, per tin................ ssc Jubilee Snaps, Christie's,' It ' THURS ', (T St . f, tslit ~ 29c ~~ AT THB H()LLYBUR n n 33 at 33atl,'H dl d, ti:... 2 '3 - rgHDArgRD 3, 35 SIIpttle]iitii]oteire all 'a This filnl is a dramatization oi 3 'Pork lktII]IIBSI]le"QOpgg est . {j.tins ...................................... 17c Potatoes, Gems,'........ 13 lbs." 50c the celebrated novel of,t1 Tin Tomatoes'oo ing Onions........... 8 lbs. 25c ,', Tin No. 3 Pens, -- I icnic ........................... tin.19c,'he biggest thing ever. put on the 00 l t Alit.fur dsc Grnuetrutt, P« tin.'............... 23c .'] scl'een, too big for 2 tel]tie there 'l:Vj S Dt R,.V,:itC Fi I l'ilchards, iYnbob, 1s, 2 tins 25c 'IIstr~ Flour,... 10'lb.'sack 46c, j being 5,000]people/ln the, casteShortening,'Dofestic, per lb. 19c, Cod Fish, Acadia ... 2 lb.'oy; 410 i'I=,Clearance'dale- --.Ladies-'Rubbers 73c. ' 'tr t)'d rais'r s t t: tt 3 s r jt",,'atlr ll- .',: . j aswas filmed'n ) Central I "Africa ']linearLake Tanganikacand in One I ~ =.. 1 '~ ~l ~ sl"&IN ~~(-, I ~ Hi~a $ ! Il,p Q pQ IQ f~ -- ', - ',~ [, pal t ' tribe ! of natives 'eenact'ASH'- 'DOORS ' "ROOFINQ,,lt- + BBUILDING PAPFR~ ~ u'" It'. e'"'ert]. lea' I """ ' ' ""I: s t =Is!'s .--:put tedJ~, . III ': l]I&]which 6,000,000,were killed.' ~;, " -- @%a The Lesage Drug Store,'4th + AT', P)Sto~re of:QUR]]ty, and prompt Service andtMarine Drive ha e become I St &+it. ~Q 'e~ ~+~ +el ~¹t]Iagents for the Bosch radio. j This 15th and Marine tt . LIMITED% npthone~ We ts115,,~ ~ ~!,:I'.s the very'latest'in radios and]] -- a-„]dence phtlne.,meat M]]Lone of the machines is on:.display,(.'t For Better-i Beef, I' 4, db, ~ s 'in the store.=-: I, atur .ay~Lamb): jtca]t]] tspEC]ALr ew"ssR sisri"stout j ttrj 'l I j tjj= jj- . 3,.--'--ssr: '1 The i engineer reported)to)theggeSt', pUZ,LgtET~ '(j councilthatowing to three weeksss .,1T = i]]l P 'est - d] ot'evere frost tvithout any snow„,. stm -- ]3 i ]I90II] i ]9:,----" &, lvoist freeze up ever experienced]iDaCOn] I 3' 4 C a, OZ';: ' 'on the Brothers Creek and West I,'ttBay .3Watet~orks, 3 although t the = SauSageS ' -- IlpromjDav;s Farm ! two westeily,P]ants at Caulfeild II .",~™ j]3 and Nelson Creek had'been hard: t ",]ONE',STORE]ONLY-==;Next'toiPigglywlVigg yp due to the intense colt] had gone ]t down to a small volume,'nd not- Not So Speedy, ,withstandingkthe factlof many, pATRONS $ services not delivering lvater"i.t,~ "How!&bashfult you are!"". -- -- --, . - 'hadtstbeenr necessary,t to] start a'A'~A4ILL'IQN" POLlNtDS 3pretty girl said'.to a young man are complimenting us Ij drawing,water. froma the'Greater"Yes," saidfhe, "Ijtaketa~fter -- = = son our =- aVancouver Water Di.strict and to/ )QNI A9%IN~CjL5„BEARlNC]Ifather thel'e." ~, i~EW SPEA'KERS and SCREEN take'onsiderable.pains'to'keep-- "Was your.father. bashful?" ~ Just installed=at t the Lonsdale I the (mains full&'hroughout all"'-'Was he?4Why mother says Theatre.'~ =- =. --:----- parts of the distl.ict. =--= ~ /bine and one of the largest generators on",~ L the continent! That is'igni6cant of the illNO FROZEN MAINS/ magnitude of the Ruskin power development of ; the'-B. C.'"Electric,&which'ill sooni make, the i"I,A Scotsman,was entertaining ~ 2 -- „HISTOR& To the best of his information." electricpower snp, plyd of sVanco'aver and] the jIIa guest for the night. The even- -- ' -- -'pat the itime they "had not,now lower mainland doubly sure.ing tvas spent in conversation, no]li Th 1929] Ch 1 " 1 ori ever 'atsingletcasei of frozenjll The first giantr generator will begin delivery, of pomer to.offer of liquidi refreshment be-, '" '.v.. '"& ']mains intWest,,Vancouver. = tt] the homes of this 'district during the co'ining fall.About 10 30,the hpst,, 'rea«st » the 'h»t»y ] of &the,F '-- The ultimate capacity of the plant mill bc 1SS,000 horse- power--the capacity of 'the first unit,.repr'cscnting an cm-sald suddenly: -Now, how about en) at the Chevrolet Sales Cn APPl.oxlmately eighty-five con-'cnditure of $7,2262000, being 47,000 horse-power.~ Ltd ct»„e; srd Str~~t a„d Lens 'Ilnections uP to date shad aPP]]ed jtj Thc great dam itself will cost. approximately, $ 2,000,000 I)I-- The 'uest lu"bed '»s 'hands ~ ~ 'tl, „.. fpl- assistance with water su gs and'he plant w'ill be connected. with Vancouver at ftrstll'yatmo andj later by four transmission'lines. Eventuallyo he host smilin~ eniallo he ', The new car embodies a number 'but that at present they had not there will be eight transmission]tlines from the Alouette- Stavc-Ruskin group to the city."" p " ' tlf wh;cht al-e.,m<tll..]ncreasedllj all to ascertain whether the fail- In'this may is the B. C. Electric providing for the futurecelebrated' ecord'n the Phono-,, „„' - - „„„~ „, ure was within I ol .without 'he supply of&electric power for „Vancouvc:r andI,,the lower,h'~ mainland--a service rendered at the lowes't 'rates oa thegrap . - = =- Ie:I steering assembly, aeroplane ~property line,-as the duty Tof "~ Pacific Coast.tight 'nstrument panel with elec- 4thawing naturally.l did'ot rest g tric gas guage, smaller wheels.,with'he municipality if the pipei.]]fary has a litt]e sk]it, -- andi larger tiles, Lovejoy shock was delivering water at theprop- iaterestissg illustrated'ookie,d "RUSKIN",= So neat, so bright, so airy; . ]absorbers, four,wheel t]brakes er y 'll Dept. 303)It never shows a speck of dirt, twith'separate:emergency brake, "...3 a]cons]derab]ej number of But it surely does show Mary. Ii heavierrear end assembly beau- freeze-ups existed on the muni: tiful'new body interior., cipal property he'had on]the ad- atjj.vic of the 1929 SWaterjvorks ittle irl The teacher was uick Smith's 'I Grocery (The 'wo F Chairman, Ex-Councillor Fiddes, bp 1 Red l and ',White 'tores) are ad-'ade arrangements, with i the:3. «Npi~ vertlslng this week a wide range)~C rE.'R. Co. to]have some elec- Ii 3 i ~~le% t~g,T~ ..=of specials for. today and Satul'- Itrlcal thawing done which was at- The bOV luaz all leady l„lth h]aj]3 day WhiCh Will aPPeal tO,,the t]P3'ezent underWay. --: '" ~ -- ~ 2 Lu- -- g, = %a,-'- ~= ~housewife. Attention 's la]so dratvnb tot a'learance sale oi ~ Frost Penetrat]ont]1 Il -- '-:: .;:: I u]p%3ue ~ 1 ~ Q ( i I 1 ~ busS susk7lad es,rubbers at75c. --- It was by.no means unusual at t this.time for pipes to be frozen and ~ Save 'Moneyrece ence Yllrs.'. Burton-Forster .wasl.il twp feet in the ground,',.but the &,j,We are in bz&siness to ser~'e you,'and,we'l appreciate youl'I th fl; t g;ll ypu „h t t a br;d lu„cl,e n l st ~~.,pth. a,;,l g eatly d„ t,never kissed ' -- ~ --,-- Tuesday at her home at 17th andIf're of the soil, also many freeze- 'hp~g'gSt i 199)~Of course ypu are 1 Why Mathers. The first prize was won 3 ups 'ame from I so'uch 'ltera-is it that, you girls a]] ask the bv Mrs. James isicintyre, .theti'.ion of the grade of roads in the 'I for anything in Lumber.question(: il ctrllsolation going; to Mrs. Colin .Past five years 'nd in! addition,) '] iti, MacLean. Those, present were:;,many people had got themselves j '. ',; S I i r! ~ ~Mrs G: Robson, Mrs. w. B. frozen up by varius minor under- " j JQ III l Q$ jl I " &]I g[ pig (I &I) l ~,I &I jl, i!Isergeant that he'cl got a sp]inteer ' g 'o'akmgs of gradmgboulevards.',I. Wells Crawfol.d,'rs.". S. Ebegardingr the means of correc-„, »Ii]]s, Mrs. Stewart Browne ]3frs. tIo j or bettering the entire sit- '3 arine 'IVe'j at ti 'One( eSt,199liK. 'V. Forster, Mrs. C. D. Zd- I]nation, he would report at a later 'll ]J,"MGR~TGN, LQGAL MANAGER .to scratch yel head' i wards; Mrs. H. L. Maclean, Ml.s. -- (!ate as at present the situationItColin MacLean,'rs. James Mc- was troubling them so much thatIntyre, Mrs. A. Taylor. - it;s significance could not be stat:Fortune Teller.: "Your husband,; = -- -- ed in its entirety.will be 'rave,. generous, hand- Young Bride: "Now, I dearie, tI] 1 The council issued instructions 4some and rich."'hat will I get if I cook a dinner „to him,to get the cost of, the "Client:--"How delightful 1 Now, like that for. you every day this cable used in connection,with thetell,me how am-I to get rid'of year." - . 'B. C. E. Rly. Co.'s,thawingap-'-the one I- have now?" Answer: "My life insurance." i pmatus.'