001C98E4 (, DRUG STORE S:. (V.i::. YOU WILL LIKE We always endeavor to serve our customers in a manner. that will make their visits to our store both pleasant and profit-I able. Here you will find corn-I piete stocks of the very things you need--at right and reason- able prices. We sell the standard, depend- Iable lines of Proprietary Remed- Iies, ToUet Articles, Beauty Aids, I Household Drugs and 'First Aid' items for the j home medicine cabinet. " Prescriptions filled carefully and accurately. WEST VAN PHARMACY'he Store of Service. WE DELIVERWest 3Z THE .5.'.4..'iA.Ii..l .A.'i ..!i.lI'IMITED For Peppte who Arete ', Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver ~ - Phone North -1810. West Van.i Representative F. RIVERS '-I Phone West 410L L. M. DUVAL and J. Vf. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial STOCKS BONDS MVESTMENTS 'rompt Execution ' f: Buying and Selling Orders.~ ~Reliable Information Given. ~.'~ Phone: Trinity, 1775 615-616 Bk. of 'Nova Scotia Bldg. I& , Haatiaga 8: Seymour Sta. Vancouver W. T. 'Atwoot Pj.umbing „Hea.ting Wiring 18th and marine Drive. Phone %Vest 301 GREASING'G, OILI'XG TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION; Corner of 14th and Alarine "13IPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time ;;„",.'. Our Specia. Fruit Ice Cream. Delicately flavored to suit the most exacting taste and just the right amount of fruit and nuts to please. Order some for your next party. GROCERY Phone West 7 DUNBARAVE CASH o5th «nd Be]]evue. April 17, 1980.-- THE WEST VAN.NEWS 'l&i'ew""Amb..esice 'Ha.l. For Rent I p E R S 0 & A'L S 1 CORNER STORE on 14th (near Ferry) For Rent ACRE BLOCKS at ALTAMOÃT, FOR SALE at $400 Funera] services for the infant Stan Stronge last Sunday had '; CLYDE AVENUE LOT FACING SOUTH (between daughter of AiIr. and ViIrs. C. A. the misfortune to break his arm , Nicho], 20th Street, who died above the left elbom while en-2th and 18th) FOR SALE at $200. on Thursday 10th instant mere gaged at his work at Ocean Falls WHITAKER 8: WHITAKER held last Saturday at the Christ- This will probably result in '942 4Vest Fender Street~ Vancouver ) ian, Science Church. Interment keeping him out of swimming mas made in West Vancouver activities this year. He expects emetery. to - be down here in about ten AUORKING HEE days. iAIr. and iVIrs. Finney have A working bee will he held to- moved into the iVIanning house at The death occurred in London, Jimorrowi(Good'Friday) morning 50th and Marine Drive. England, last Saturday week of and afternoon & on the .- Legion A. W. Gamage, founder of the tv I / i ')tgrounds, the object being to have.. Mrs. H. Lang anil, chiklren, well known sporting goods fum a general clean up in and around 2tJ84 Marine Drive,'gave moved of. that name. i&Ir. E. S. Gamage the new hall. Al] members who for the summer into a house at chairman of the%est Vancouver ~t can do so are asked to attend. 'est Bay whi]e their new home School Board, is a nePhew of the I~ "'FIRST QUALITY DAINT~ WA~S TO SERVE ICE CREAM iiIrs. Tulley of Vancouver, has,l The Vernon Feed Co. have had taken the Harrop cottage at East extensive improvements made to'ce Cream Surprise Reach for the season. I, the interior of their premises at J Buy cream)puff shells at the 17th and 41Iarine Drive. The y Sl~~h th and fitt ivith The ttiisses Taykn., Smith, z I Material at follo~ving chocolate sauce over the top of en Miss Campbe]]'s cottage at 'hroughout rices. the shell and sprinkle with chop- West Bay for the Easter ho]i- ped nuts. days. Captain G. T. Dorm, whp form erly resided at 23rd and Ingle- ',pprChi Flppr, paint iice Cream in Fancy Cups tvir. and Mrs S. Low.e of Van- wood, was in )Vest Vancouver for Q $ 1.25 Ar ange Lady Fingers around couver, have taken a cottage at a fe» days this week and leaves ith ribbon 23rd and Haywood and are mov- today to return to Bold 'oint, ni ~ Q Fi]] ~ the cup vith ce cream a d '-Ing i »t »»y. In many colors "'ped,i„„ts '=- J In the rePlayed match Played itfr. and Mrs. LePPard, of Van g& Quarts $1'.20 on, Saturday afternoon on ithe couver,,who formerly resided st F , Vancouver SecondiDivision soc- day of Mr. and Mrs. George--=-- On a generous slice of orange cer team unfortunately I]osti to 'Gemmi]], 15th and Esquima]t.'ilayer cake, place two mounds of the'Shamroclcs'by a score of 1ii;VarnISh )orange milk sherbert. This is to tp 4 gpals Quarts il si 50tItlbe eateni,with a fork cutting ' ~ ti '. ~ Ii through both ice cream and eke. Mr. and iVIr.s'oran of Van- Drive, has been painted and renp- Varniih) Strains .,Vanilla ice cream on chocolate couver, moved on iiIonday into a vated both inside and out, andcake is also e ic»us house at 11th and Marine Drive. Iinew fixtures have been installed. S Swalnut and mahogany= ice Cream and CantelouPe Mrs. tbfcMitlan, 15th and.1Vat Miss Ada Cainpbell ariived ItQuart»~c Rempve seeds f1'om half a can- erfront, returned~ to her home from'Elnora, Alberta, to spendiiPintstII 50c 'teloupe and'chill. 'Fill'ctvithi ice here from California, where she, the summer.ivith'her,grandpar- cieam and serve at once has 'been spending 'he,winter. ents, Mr. and iVIrs. W. G. Draper ilI Stains& She is expecting a visit shortly of the Dundarave Home Bakery. g n same shades IIl Tommy: "My sister Nellie,'was from a ]daughter in Honolulu,,'irst in histpry,'and„my,isister also'from another daughter In -Mrs. W'al]aces who has'eentpQuarts". 5c 1)ora,'as first in drawing." ~P ~. staying at the Clachan, has gon Pintsllt)It40c iUncte:""itre you'first inIany- ~ + to Victoria. thing at school?", = Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Byrnell Tpmmy .'~iNitp, but I am alwavs of,Victoria, were the guests over i%fr. and i&Irs. Chas. G. 1Veller ~t]&e 'week end of the former's of Vancouver, have taken the Se- &&g- ';, ' ~ parents; iVIr. and Mrs.'G. C.'Byr-, ward house at 18th and Fulton. 'A prptestant Episcppal clergy-„at Bargains riCeS Iiman.was,walkingldown a city street,wearing the garbipf «his Mr. and Mrs. McCarley of Van- Horseshoe Bay h t l t M etDP /has Pg~fjng Profession. He ivas seen by two, couver, have moved into CaPtain,Purdy'Irish&boys; - ' = 'Bi]ton's)bunga]ow at 11th 'and verNPW.".Good motming, Father," said) Duchess. )one of the boys. The first dance of the season "Hush, he ain't your father," -. 1VIr."andI iVIrs. J. Sheasgreen at Horseshoe Bay will be Iheld l ~"", ll'i=-- -- saidithe other, "he's got a wife of eVancouver, who have'ibeen rin Saturday evening in the pub: , I SQII .. QQre and two kids." ss ==- spending, the,winter in the city, I lic hall there. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~have returnedito; their summer 25th and Marine M.s. Shimmeeate, justiback home at 28ld and Bellevue ~ A Fold runabout driven by a ,,Dundarave -~ from'Eu 'PPe said to M B ~ ' -- .Vancouver autPist ]Pst a whee]'orough: . ~ ~.~ .=- = ™ eand Mrs. Blair i(nee Jor- Tuesday on the broad between'PhoneitWest:162,I '1 just'couldn'ttbearilooking /d".n))ithave rentecl'i the Bulkley H~~~~~j,pe Ba a„d )Vh,tact;tf liat the ruins in Italy.& They made house at 25th and Bellevue. p,„rk a„d h;tt;„ tmesso I'homes1ck for my thus-' *,i =::- I complete]y over. The driver for cauiioicuoo iiuuiuoioiMit~M5tMr~@~~occiuanau'iio fi band." .=- ~ W Georg'e ShePherd,'5th and 'unately escaped ivithout any in"Homesick fo1'our husband"." Esquimalt, is having a new home juQ but the cap i,as cpmp]ete]y ~ "Uh & huh: You 4 know, 'Henry built at 17th and Esquima]t. wrecked. The Marine MotorsI'as fallen arches." wrecking car towed the remains James Jeiferies i of Jetferies I to their garage.~ ~ u ~ s =its- Meat Markets,'has been confined 'SSQ&ll+~il 4 to his home through sickness. Ii ~mr~ 'it pglnn,+ if for the usual baseball league fixp,„.VERNON) ll i 'A'iK~~T'~~ i /J PARKER TiutES OVER tares between Hollyburn and t pr'say ainu saturctay 'At&tBLESIDE 'FURN1T()RE Pauline Johnson schools. This'Il"'FEED STOREtti PIt,l'- '" ' '" "'; = Itl IIi STORE will inclucle teams from junior and senior girls and also from il A, Big cast in Jack Parker, 20th and Fult» junior and senior boys. tit,has taken over the Ambleside Miss Gertrude )Vard of Van- $ Fuel and Huildiiig Supplies. ~& q.. 'o| E L» ~ -:Furnitu1.e Store at 15th and couver is the guest of ]IlIrs. E&eithLAUGH" iMarine Drive, where he wi]] deal of the Keith Block, 15th and l i (all talking) Ilin new and used furniture, stoves it(crine Drive. I I'etc. Mr. Parker has had a long IlSpeCialt tj ii i i ) I 4 l'xperience of the furniture busi-, ttIrs. S.iCullington, who has'ess extending over a number of '" been away on a trip to Victoria, years, and is well known in 1Vest has returiied to her home at Rad- Vancouver, where he has resided c] ff Avenue.pl;;. 'e. I'itAtir.as pAttttELr. "i I for some time. under my now plan you can 'II ll CCQ ' g '11 -- iy /ICE NOW BEING DELIVERED hove 100%~~, perfection at aii Sunny Side Up times from your Radio...... Il The Rid]ey Ice and fili]k 'Cp.Talking, Singing, DancingF«pa ti ula s phone AVest 4N. Ii l 'l i l Co A haVe nOW Started manufaCturingice again at their plant at 22nd E. G. CAN ine DI ii e, Anyo ! Adults --Evening ...,............ 30c, ing ice delivered. are requestedWest Vancouver , Matinee ................ 20c to phone West 45G. Customers Radio Electric 'hildren --Evening .........,.... 15c who have their pwn cars and 1439 Marine Drive wish tp save the cost of delivery BAT'I'ERIES CHARGED I~ M tj 1$ can purchase ice at the ylant at 'e deliver TUBES. REJUUINATED- half price--50 cents yer 100 lbs.