001C98E4 v cw~! oa Ci rculati nein $1.00 per year. 'A Weee.y '.bewsvaaei; the District of ii'We.st,«Vancouver=-- Ambleside, " Holi-yburn, Weston, Cypress 'Park, 'aulfeild, 'Whytecltlf, Etc. Dundarave Newsstands 5e per Copy Mr. Harry Hodgson, late of the West Van News, is in no way. connected with the firm of Shoemaker McLean, A Veitch, Ltd., North Van- I, couver, Printers. The date not being suitable, the social arranged by the W. 'A: of the United Church for the 29th has been changed to Friday, 25th'instant at 2:80 p. m. TRAILL. ----- SfxiPAGES +HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C.,'HURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 19 r 4t K' CAPTAIN H. I. VINCE" TENDENT OF hlUNICIPAI. the Conservative The dawn of the first Easter day broke on'a dead Christ , and a few'disciples hiding in terror lest the fate of their TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM&l Convention , Master should overtake them. 'Before the sun was fully I up, I however,'His re-appearance in spirit form had revived their. Captain H.'I. Vince has been hopes, and by nightfall there had been'born that force called ', appointed superintendent of the g " a mee»g o e C]iristianity which has done more to make the world a better l 'municipal transportation system .. " o"v«ons«vatlve place in which to live than any agency or agencies that have in plaice of Captain Edwards who ab n ng ~veeks ago to fake effect at this lowing delegates and alternates EVe, who live in a civilization based on Christian principles were elected to attend the aom if not on Christian practice, can hardly realize the universal,, inating convention at Powell brutality which prevai]ed in the wor]d of Christ's time. t Cent: "Capta'n Vince,'who has been a Eliver on Saturday: uries were to pass before the new force could make much im- sailor all his life, 'has been a Captain &C. J. Archer, Thos. pression on the hearts of-men, but it gr.adually won its way member of the ferry staK ever Barnott, yVm. B]air, W. Carley and spread its way a]] over the earth until today it is univer- since the war. Previously he was W J 'Dent Dr F E Dorchester, sallv admitted as the only possible salvation of acivIlized world!I for a number of years with the H A Eage~ g. M. Ed'on, E.'rac]ua]]y fa]]ing to pieces from a great'mutual distrust and', Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 0. Groom )V. R. Hamilton J B. an equally great mutualgreed.'»d the &C.P.R., also with!«theSt h.'C D . 'th Ley]and, Captain F. F. Love'In this northern hemisphere Easter comes with the spring, ]~i and it «eems, therefore, to us that'even nature is filled with the 'h,R " " ',", „" " .'" gr,yveeden -Ceo spirit of joy which is characteristic of the day. The buds are ' H t, F] &.]]"„wh. h 'rs. A. E. Youngcoming out aad the Igrass's gro~+»g I green. Everythin I~~commanded b Admispeaks of a happy time in immediate store for,us. «We put C. b ]l. VC " Iajor A. S. ihiil]s.away our more I sober winter)clothing and come out in the brighter colors of spring. All this is as it should be, but, if 'CaPtain Edwards eqiects to BASEBALL it stops at that, we have entirely missed the spirit of Easter, remain in ]West Vancouver for. which is one of a great spiritual happiness in keeping with that of nature around us. KVhi]e a Christianity devoid of happiness ==-=- -- =-==-=-- -- = = = ---- d t 'f k h f th Jat all times is no Christianity at all, at the same t™e Easter It tI I. O.'D.'E. DANCE =, Baseball team,'nd has taken outis that special time when our joy should befull.'League. As the age ilimit i has C' «I ~ 'EDWARD D.'BAKER=- =-- ii The Easter Probe arrang- i~ II been raised to nineteen years, all .~KILLED t IN, JAILBREAK „.i edtby t the Duncan~Lawon i of last year's Players will again IChapter, I.p.D.E,, has been j Itbe available as well as three'or A. G. Eastman was advised'Ed dj D B k- - d 't- I )postponed indefinite]y. ) four other. players who did notwar ', . a er an o,;, I turn out ]ast season. A oodthat rt,was not customary to 'ther prisoners were ishot&and ! ='At&the concert«grvenIby iI g provide gravel for private paths..«.«» I rg» ~ & I I[I.the Dundarave Ladies Choir 'l class of deball is played,I in this Qd,'oJj ~ .e neaOA,]'t Lobo@.„,~ prison, California,'n an attempt "I ., for shaughnessy"military-'I &s TheI engineer's&report on.-.the to break jail engineered by him I I.,Hospital; members of the'ancouver ewr]] give its 'team new, water main at'D,"L" 287 24 --, ', i )!ihospttalt committee. of the, every support A practice will be 3 was ifiledatoi be included 'in!I' He divas at the time serving a) i 'Dun~«'~Lawson Chapter held'on Saturday at 8 p.m. on forthcoming by-law. sentence for the PerPetration of I distribute~~! cigarettes and the Ho]]ybur~ Sehoo]a series of forty burglaries which«) ', & -- -- ~ . All players and those wishiag to ocal practitioner een advised that,'-in, view- of the, American authorities. It will be act that.West Vancouver is the 'remembered that Baker escaPedf, "BEHOLD THE'AN" chief contributor to.the. North& in 'orth'ancouver District.while on his wa to tria]I:for "Behold the Man"--thus Pilate spoke, )i Oh~heart of love for us that broke,'h Saviour standing there; 'How ofte they'd seen Thee heal the sick, he.patient to app]y for admis: ~ tions I of the iUnlted States and t 'n answer to their prayer; who will only do so in exception-, a result'f,whIch«he ~hadibeen) a] cases. -'iscovered a prisoner at Folsom n cause t e la O See, The question of a fre hydrant'-'ade to turn him!over at the The man of Calvary. = at 26th and M ' D ap- I&end of this month,to the North&']ledfol'y 'H. Suadbacken!wasn't Vancouver District po]iced ! but -- eferred to the engineer. ' er aPPears toi have 'made u other arrangements. ---- "B h ldth M ":th Pl t ke o e an -- us iaespo e,fOh heart of love for us that broke,Arthur Milner asked for a cul- . Oh Saviour standing. there;vert in front of his,property be= SCHOOL CLOSING„ & If once again to earth you came,ing Lot 15, Block 84, D. L. 430, !! Our sins aad griefs to bear,at Horseshoe Bay. The matter BothI& theI~ highI) and pub]ic ,«YVou]d Thy great love but meet with scorn'?was refelTed to the foreman ivith«. Schoo]s c]osed this afternoon for ~= YVou]d hearts but plan to kill?--Power to act lf the exPense was. the Easter- recess. They wi]] open &,Wou]d hands weave Thee a crown of thornj ustified. again for the summer term on And men deny Thee still? Monday week, 28th April. '-'It was for you, it was for mee, =-W. J. Curry wrote asking that He went that day to Calvarv.access be provided to the.water- front on the east side of Cypress I'! SCOTTISH SpCIFTY Park. The foreman was instruct- ed to br'"g in a report. The Annua] I Genera]! Meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish!il= The chairman of the Are corn- It Society will be held in the C]acmittee was dePuted to discuss Ifon on F«liday the 25th instanwith H. V. Bell and&Chief Con- at 8:15 p.m. As the election ofstable Squires'he matters,per- Ii office 'bearers for thei 1980-81&QtaIning to the issue of fire per- 'session will~ take place at thismits with Power to give lnstrue- meeting, it is requested that there be a full" attendance of 'he council recorded their re- t'I members. gret at the passing of their aud- itor, Major M; J. Crehan, and NpTICE Tp THE PUBLIC! extended» their «condo]erices': to l'rs.Crehan and family in their 'oss. IIi "Behold the blan"--thus Pilate spoke, Oh heart of love for us that broke, Oh Saviour standing there; Dost Thou behold us as we are'? Then Lord we are undone; But nay, 'twas that He might behold He came, God's blessed Son; Behold, and in His love enfold The ransomed He had woa. It was for. you, it divas for me 'He went that day to Calvarv. "Behold the Man"--thus Pilate spoke, Oh heart of love for us that brol e, Oh Saviour standing there; EVe do behold Thee, King of Kings, This Easter morning fair; Thy empty tomb Thy triumph tells, The nail prints show Thy love; And praises, as a river sive]]s To reach Thy throne above. It was for you, it was for me He event that day to Calvary.-- --HONORIA The firstitivo boats on Good Friday morning xvi]] leave Am- bleside Dock at 6 a. m. and 7 a.m. Ther&,after a half-hourly sermce will be maintained throughout the day. There will be the usual weekday service on Easter Mon- day. 30 No 47. CITY SKI TITLE AT „STAKE OOOO FRIDAY Arrangements for the Vancou- ver city ski championships, to be held on Hol]yburn Ridge East er week-end by the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club, were completed this week. Cross-country racing 'nd jumping for A, B and inovice classes will be held Good Friday niorning, and the jumping about 1 p. m. A jumping competition for juniors ~vi]] also be held'on Friday. A large entry'list is assured as word has been received from Reve]stoke that Nels Nelsen is heading a party of eight or ten including his brother, Ivead.- On Sunday there will be an open jumping competition in the afternoon and ladies cross-coun- try race in the morning. The Hollyburn Ski Club is giv- ing a banquet and dance at Lest- er Court Easter lAIonday in hon- or of the visitiag skiers.~ The reeve and council have been invited to attend and J. B. Leyland will be there to present his cup to this year's champion; also V. V. Vinson aad in all prob- ability His Worship Mavor Mal= kin. '! Councillor Gaithora's Cup vri]] also be presented to 11-'year-old A]f. Hanson of North Vancouver "MV )ilrieI Vf»Q'ti8 p W~E 8 g,]@4 «.Iiaila+- ioriship for juniors with a jump of 87 feet,'the longest jump of any boy in B. C. under 12 years of age. This boy mill give ex- hibition jumps on the big hill on the 20th. Also Joe Farmilo of Reve]stoke, 16 years old, who jumped last year 115 feet on Grouse Mountain. Ivan Nelson, professional skier of 3Iontrea], will also give exhi- bition jumps. Pete Sandes of Burn's Lake, 'mineco, has arrived tonight to compete. 'He is last year's B. C. combined champion. -=- Further, entries have been re- ceived from Seattle and Portland for this event. Seattleiis send= ', ing 'Er]ing Thompson for the combined competition and H. Hvan, H.'Delsbo, R. Foliestad, and 0. Markea for the special j»mpiag Sunday for the Auto Metal and Radiator Works shield and cup. Portland will 'be represented by Corey, Gustvsoa, Arne Stein, and Norman Bruck. A]l these men are skiers with good records i» U.S.A. and together with our local boys they ivi]]'be giving Ne]s Nelson a hard run for the title as City champion. In spite of the rainy weather the snow conditions are very good and the jumping hill is in excellent shape. The water holes have been drained on the trail and can be travelled by the most timid people. The trail up the Ridge is aow free from ice and snow and pro- vides an easy hil-e starting from 2'&nd Street. I ERRY SCHEDUI E ON GOOD FRIDAY