001C98E4 ':ou Cai&5aie,One I)oiler TELEPHBNE CO%'1PANY - - --'Febiwary 7, 1930. =- THE VILEST VAN NEWS I'prrespeiI(jence 'eii~ders for C]earing C L+S S 1~1ED "+ D S ~WRITTEN TENDERS &will i be re- SUGGESTS IMPRpVE)AGENTS t; can )readj]y see l that th8 ceived by Wm. Wood, Senior, 319 I.OST--Ho - mmed gl es b tween,, FOR S E-- cto 0 op o . good Hastings Street West, Vancouver, for 26th and Anglican Church Phone as new, $66.00; also baby bassinetteIN TRANSPORTATION Oridge thien planned o Clearing and grading i the boulevard West 42Y3. ~ ~ and stand, $5.00. Phone West 283R. been altogethel '"a equ 'n front of "Brockhurst," 2818 Belle- e Editor of the I'nderstand that there 'are vue Avenue, West Vancouver. " LOSTSilrer Chain i P~r~e, Janua~ PAINiTING A'XD KALSO&IINING-- II] no~ capitalists ready and willing The Xlunlcipality wil] remove the 28th- ' ase eturn to Miss C. L.-- KONINGS, Residence phone that b~~lde~~ now on the b~~l~~~~d. Th West 214Xmr Sir:--The construction ll i th t 'ecessa ]is proper: lowest or anY tender not necessarily FURNITURE FOR SAL'E--Solid Oal 'VINDO% BTIAA 9S --"~lade po Order solve the greater part of our h l f the -- -- dining room suite, 8 pIece, $6o.00: and i installed. Estimates free. trpub]es, but until such time ar- " " ' = ~ ~~ . ~ Columbia Grafinola, full'abinet,,'Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and rives we MUST devise some North Shore that there would be ~ $30; Dresser $7.50; Electric Heater 3larine. Phone West 144. d $3; other goods. Cotton, cor. 24th the Council and Board of Trade Real EState and IneuranCe ~ ywoo 'FOUNDATION CEMENT WORK-It is the most vital matter con- get in touch with those bodies in ~~ = =- =-, = - = Landscaping and L eros laid. Rockfronting us today. A regular N h xr ver P jt and Djs Notary, Public . FOR RENT -- I'our-roomed modern w~lls, drains, septic tanks, fencingbungalow close to ferries, $25.00 and land clearing. Phone T. Barnott I settee, plus reasonable ratesd trict and get out some definite Fire Icstdrttnce -- Mone& t tdt Loan " st G. c. 8 11, w II3. residence shone, west 2208.would pave the way for the All- figures on the traffic in sight? pHpNE qyEST 21 ing up of our many,vacant'lots Yours tru]y 1405 Marine Drive WILL TRADE Stock of the Big Slide NURSING--ExPerienced, Sick Child-'nd at the same time increasing =- "TRANSPORTATION" - . M. 4 D. Co., for cheap lot in Dun- ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont., Ross- the sadly needed revenue. Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 darave. Apply "Stock," c)o West land, B.C., Trail, B.C. Hospital. Miss F ]I ', f ted p Residence Phone W. 32R oc.W. 204X Vdtn News. Hu~P»crs, Phoae Wc-t 232R. FOUNDATION CE&IENT WORK -- GARDENS DESIGNED. Laid Out andcl'iticized, no doubt, but in fa r- Tp DISCUSS TRANSppR: „R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock Maintained, Rock Gardens. Lily andness toi all,'omething drastic must be done to attract Imore exchan e for o d home in West furnaces cleaned and repaired. Drives. etc., Pruning and Spraying. The Editor West Van News'ancouver Pleas let us have ar- Phone T. 'Barnott, residence phone Landscape and General Gardening.This article is written in good i[ Sir:--Your artie]e "Our Trans- ticulars = West 290R. R. J. Kyte. Phone West 411.faith, so let]none take offence portation in 1929' I note theat I the suggestions here . made. "follo ' II BUILDING LOT on Esfiuimalt Are.,]BOY 16--Wants work after school and PAINTING, DECORATING,RRENCHOiler will trade for mining or oil on Saturdays. Phone IVest 380L2. Polishing, Carley, Phone West '71Y "We would not ask any Muni- stocks. Clear title. Taxes paid. L h ] ' cipa] Bus System we might have BUSINESS I.OT t on'larine )Drive .]]FOR SALF Two Waterfront Lots in HEMSTITCHING--Plain white 5ew o e. „]itp abSOl'b any part of the fixed Few 'tes froni Ferry. Good Hollyburn, 107 foot frontage by 250 yard; silk and colored 10c yard."In] the "Piovince"'of Monday charges of-the surfaced roads on ve.-tment at $ 1000. 'Easy t rm = feet o co "er. Vh t offers k. W'earce's Drygoods, 14th Street and .save.. ",'But, we i dp ask in the same R. P. CI.ARK 8: CO. ESTATES I,TD., FOR PLUMBING REPAIR~Pho I]bieath ".that]the SURF of;the ",so Iio»ttt„tc St ~S „~c„,&tsd 'ddtc sea woulcl absorb at all and any . Local Representative ~ -- ADA DRY GINGER L r r time the tWO little g~arta that i]tC. I. ARCEHI t tWtct2d23. WE88'8 iSHOE! REPAIRS WEAR Qaod Rcands cr C; t Th ,as the ext nsion continues, the we call. fell. boats and their fi I BEST--Dundarave. = Ambleside Tea Rooms, II,hazard wj]] increase and not di-,"d chaiges tpp» While I am]writing, Ii might I(aniorder from aiCountytCourt Tp Remove AVagon Grease from Cocoanut Kisses say as a citizen of West Vancou- judge '(It]is well. known, that a ~ CC]oth = Whites of 2 eggs bmten stiff;It is admitted that this refers ,(l'ecoullt was intended as both the Rub with ]arel pr unsalted but- 1 cup pf sugar' dessert spppnto the ..v'. ferries, nevert eless 'Of to think]that the ]aw.wou]d]'n time our ferries will'be pos= b] 'th N ] t t I]Province and the Sun papers on ter, then aftei. fifteen minutes ful of cornstarch and plenty of sibly in a similar predicament.. ze j t f th 'jabj]jt the u]20th]l January,,ipublished I wash out'thoroughly with hot cocoanut; two cups or more. Do Reports tell us that the Amble- (&ega] or moral) in, the event of news items in i this connection). water and soap. 'ot have a hot oven. side wharf 'needs extensive re- a calamity with'our'ferries and'hei:efore, in view of numer- Pajrjng, the ferry)boats require, place such a)]ow pi.jce]on any- ous persona] requests and phone overhauling, the buses ditto,'but one's life., ca]]s from my friends, I hai] my ~ " '., " " y« 'ng 'uither,]the'citizens'of iWest solicitor make the usual legal ap:from ". -,,~Vancouver that 'have to]travelgip]jcationtfor a'check pf.theqba]-'o doubt our genial editor will'lay in and day out are most pat- ')lots. i Such application was made be only, too g]ad]to receive'and" ient to put upi with sitting&onI] in]accordance with]the act; and publish any suggestions,'ubmit-, each other s knees ) or ~ standing,without any suggestion of wrong FIitedi on) this question,'Itemporary put i in the co]d& these .winter Ii doing on the part of the retulw- as they may be, as the only real months and,also that,we, -"hav: ing: officer,'-or any of-his assist- ", '&. ':= " '~ "; s'solution'othe whole trouble is ing pne ferry,(boat)" and having l'ants as hI'u]]yIbe]ieve]they, all "THE BRIDGE'over,the'First,,to travel during the day or after i]did]the r work'as,well'as'couldNai'I'ows... = rush'hours in, the eveningsi(es- ibe expected,'fteri a long and wet'The suggested remedies refer- pecially,ladies and'children)i are',,tedious day of 16 hours or more red to above are: . deprivedi of travelling on,.this f: ttthe Ido]ting Station: (I)»For the IXunicipa]tty,to tbcat asiit isttied'up for adorn- 'As above stated the'app]ica- ii -:. csh -;'." ~d'r d t d' d'f C 'd t "A'd d d d":„C, * d t d dd 'C dl y, 'Now in all fairness to the new I]and a]]paved.'Headset the date, =t]](2)t('Lease,tif possible, the fer- 'Reeve and Council that we havet]I,without doubt]all! details. being 'd I . - ~'S ~ J d ries'ndI ivharves to i a ireliable p]aced our confidence in,'I would siin strict conformity with the act i concern, or individual, if only for itsuggest ithat jthey 'be)asked i to!i goveining]recounts, !but Ito oui'tsummertrade, or sell]'them out- !call'a'massimeeting of all»the su»rise,my solicitor and self, - sright;,~ = residents of the District 'nd" we were told that unless we could (3) I Arl ange with ] the rB C F, y thrash out in a businesslike way prove that certain i ballots, were P fpr a satjsfactpry seivjce fromm oui' transPortatjonli systems 'ransferred irregularly he (Judge the $$ est end i cpnnecting with which 're our greatest Problem I, Cayley) i, would ~ not 'ecount. the twenty minute feria,sel~ice hand which ale holding back West Now lt ~is quite obvious.ive 'o and from North,Vancouvel'...Vancouver f more, than) anything g could,i not. do that, not ]having --. (A'West Vancouver ferry re- else.'Then the result will enable/" access to the ballots. =.=-- quires several men of a!crew, a them]to come to. some definite I contend that the closeness of IIIbus one man.) ..... plan]to put upi toIthe;vote, and tlie.vote, made a recount abso- .ii(4)& A]ternate the]present &/.~xvhjch&might save us a little oni lutelyl essential. 'I also be]ieve" - M:. hcur &West iVan: ferry, service 0 "' = ~ --, that Mr. &Garthorne, iand~the I~ with a bus tp N. V.'n the twenty ] l l g you for Space'orporation shpuld have had the minute schedule I at rushithours recheck, as both should'be sure and forty minute during the rest E. J.]CRICKMAY. that they are doing the municip- ~i of the day 'c- i! /, = = al'business proper]y. '(5) AND reduce'all]fares to THE FACTS REGARDING ~, Mr. 0]]aeon'has quite frankly tI the very lowest ]minimum, ithe MY RECpUNT? "admitted ]to ime.that, he would i lower the fare, the more attrac- =: iinot swear]that'the ballots cast If you-pay your tive it is to the travelling public Editor West Van News, for the councillors were correct- A bus might as well cai'ry Sir- ly counted.'How could he,-I ask, i o On Saturday, January 18th . when he did not check them him- last, at 11(,p.m. apploximately, self"..Ml. Gal fiel King, the P. and after the ba]lots were coun~- P.. official, put the figures given 'IlYours trulv, ed and&the resu]t known and,'s ]~him on the&board, «he did not~F. J; TROUGHTON'dvertised on the E]ection Board check the ballots. I therefore the,month at, "Amb]eside Ha]],2,' requested claim the decision given bY the "ASKS, CpUNCII,.'AND -- the i returning officer fpr ai re- )&returning, off'cer, andi assented.', ] J B.OF T. TOGET.TRAFFIC]]i check of the ba]lots to which hei] to by Mr. I&tug, was!hurriedly ~ FIGURpSerpR FIRST~ replied, "do not,worry'that will airjvecl at ancl their actioni in ] NARRpyyS'BRIDGE be at tendec]i to Monday."'hI a]so that matter,']eaves doubt in the mentioned to Mi 'arthorne that minds i of the majority of the (»"o Editol of West Van News, the recheck might a]ter the situ: electors as to,the winner. 'How- 'Dear S'"--I'] ave noticedtta ation,possjb]y infamy favor but )ever, now that I&have"been de- of letters jn youl paper a8 Ihe i had' i majority of 2, the late] with reference to a'First chances were more favorable to 're to say only that I wish all 'arrows Bridge and while I have +h™ t To this he seemed to give 1930 'l th'h t 'a e y wi re erence o a'irs ways been strongly in favor of his approval. Nothing more was 0 in al] things that pertain to a ri(gea a poin - ee new...,'and should Ibeableillan.wayt I- f ] saicl by me, to anyone unti] aft(.r the we fare of our municipality,that it was very fortunate that Monday, 20th, when'IIreceived t] e recent proposal was blocked numerous phone ] ca]]s and le- t ' ' t. qt t th f .to ring our distri t to the fore- 'y the vote of the peop]e of Van- quests for information regarding 1 t]ie outcome of the recount. Theni couver you can depencl on me to couvel'. do my part. Anyone who wi]] watch ] the "I Kot busy and to my surprise, traffic on Marine Drive under 'I was tol(] no recheck had been Yours faithfully the present very difficult condi- made or could be made without WM. BI.AIR.