001C98E4 6 THE IWEST .VAN,'NEWS ii February 7 1980 'EW HARDWOOD&PILOOR FOR ROLLER'RINK'zzz& ~ & i zs " ti I 'UTO INSUR~.VralmSlCRi~ +8VlCWy ) -„.~D.jS.'ORISON' ~ ~ ~~ b;g f]ig»t &&f i &]i&c]&s &i&, V The S. and B. Ami&sement Co. ji', », &&0 &)e&uiuieu &&unk»'&&&&usHl~'TEE formation was seen passing over "announce, that, they, will next:: =:--: --.===-- ~ ]] ' , 'West Vancouver in a north-west- iveek have a new, hardwood floor Nose--."Sambo where yo']]erly. direction on Wednesday, with a dimension of 5000 squai'e'i'wllie in such a rage?".Thur. - ]Friday - Sat. morning. This is an indication feet for the roller rink laid~ in tSambo--"Ah's a gwine togit'eb.6 't ftnd 8 that spring is not farr off. the Hollyburn -:Pavilion,,I,,which]IIj dat doctah]'what sewed( up mah&!will also be re-decorated; 4 To al- operation,with;white thread""EF-j R d, ],. „„„„b ob low of this woi'1& being done theCC~,,'./gal 5,, ta&n d t Less -- D&u i St&&ze 1'&&&k ',wi 1] c ose after ', tomorrow A'i Scotchman&&had& applied!&to Do you mean'I R -~h~~gyy!I» body, having a radio is requiredj,,will re-open on the following'i to tell me, Macnab," said the lat- ] Satur&lay afternoon, 15th]ii»st- i ter i "that youiwa,nt:your next i i ~faggfgp ~ eight residents having been fined ant,,to be fol owed'ontthe even- year s&holiday now--in~ Novem-",With ., „1zst wreck in the,&Vnest Vaiicou-'"g.'„."'y',".y " "'".'"g '""'", . 3 . ] 'A tp'BRttei'leS"„er police court for failure to do frolic." An advert'sement rela- The 'I ScotchmanII nodded" his„.~jjhRRRR Hlgjglgs&I ' '- --. '" ----,iitive to this appears in this issue.'g "}:ead.'.We]];i you&&see; sir,"&&he&j, ) oungest ) boy I Sandy ': He'll'/beII, , Mo . - T &.' w d !.'--.--.="'.. 'Th"""'& ""'b'"" &'&= uul M y,, „h h s'f ll &, iMARlNEt]MOTORSJ":Feb. 10, ll and 12 Vancouver Sketch Club.was held ill "Ibeggedpfoi a'itten It,gasD:E. Edmonds, 28th and Belle- at the stuclio,'68 West Hastings" f '„„dggth ti „-, t,',', P II&Weath 456&) ]y 5Ir K P Mackenz &0 l a9 9 & 9ted f n ecessary, a nd that she must goI Og I 'gQQ+R„Co."in, place of A". R.'enni,',who&),bv M;3 I,, B, Steve'ns,,M,.~sjIeto& he .hospital. The,&mother EMpIRE'S LARGESThas letui.lied to his ianch: Berly. and» Missj M; palk, andi' ~ . ~d th t f ~(OFFICE BUILDING= i].. promised" that if I she~,would)be*l'],: = ests were received'by, the sec-',,trial she could have the,ver fin- ERECTED IN MONTREALu ~ ~~ t r s There is now'&constab]e&0 &f, etary, Mrs.'.,W.'Greaves.'- 41, j ' = ~" . duty, at police ]headquarters ii ';, . Mrs. John0Lawson was',one of~=sgA M .. ' t f, &) - Besides «housing the'largest mnggfg 'cthe niuniciPal hall for;tiventy-;he visitors totheexhibitiondui.- 'the& nf]uenc,of, the,a esthetic- shots]l&'inr'the British EmPire, ~ ~ 3 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ four ihours everyIday including 'ig Ithe afternoo».3 Mi slsG&e t&'th -n„. lh 0 ]I he.'tt .; 'ontzea]&has now&the 'greatest unday. = s&&Z = = r e'Lawson is one of theiWest ]&'andstoo;n h~~~d these woizids. I]office ibuil&ling.in the EmPire,,-- =- -- -- -----:-- 0= = ] * e e = --;,V couyer members of the Club. ~ ~~ 3 a bum tvay to get a.cat „the Dominioni Square 'Build'ng Ijjf LEGION HOLDS SECOND/I lYQ. andi iVlrs., Ha~~~Wilson,y -- =- = =- =-=-- - ~ -- -- '~ ' = ~= -- just completed.a -= =- --=:= WHIST DRIVE&I.,who'left here'some months'ago, (MOUNTAINEERING]CLUB, Th t h .; h;„' . „si 'he structure has involved thefor,a tiip to Scotland,'ave now, HIKE ENJOYED DESPITE tl -. t '. f hn -- S d, rivetting;of i4160"'tons, of 'steel;",returned and are living in Point -=== ~- SNOWSTORM~ -- - =, --, „while -17,790]ItonsI ofsand(were'I'hesecond,whist drive of the,i Gi ey. Mr.;Wilson,was in &West ~ . -- - -- school class,'asked them to wi.'te used in the building., Under theIINseries &put on by the'Canad' Vancouver on,'Wednesday renew- Despite'no~vstormsji, which ", -' I' ]' ~ g difice is a garage. wh'ichj hasing acquaintances.' = swept Hollyburnt'Ridge, fifteen]", --~ . ~ „parking space for'600 cars.j In"took place at, the Clachan hotel,= ~ = -~=+ '.+, members of the BMC'Mountair = 'All the yup'ls bent their heads the consti~ction&of,thisIgarageon Saturdav evening., Ten tables & =, 1& eering]Ciub & sr joyedi the& outing ~, p P i; $ excavation&&"&]'entai]ed ~'dii]lingy and'after the caids ~=-. Mis; J. D.'~~dy, 21st and ~'eie Sundav. Betwee l's+fmirefreshments.,were served.~ P Gordon,'ho unde'"vent an oyer-, f b i ht hi th t d-+ their slips=,all except one. =,' i t .-fi f t. Th tr fof l 'tion j on Monday, 't the North ]~' rig suns ine, ey con en - „Come,Mary „, sa,.d the teach six y- ve ee . e rans ormerT"0 P»'ze. w&nne&'3 were~as fo]- «Vancouver]Gene&'3]& Hos»ta],]s &ed]ivithigustsi of fiercely.-driven, „b,,„'„.' „ ioom and switchboard rooms are&wgood,.ogiess -- --.,'&snow]driven ibv a high .win.,', .th,d -'t --. -d,,]&of such size&that they,'are'cap-=:"First Ladies Prize--5h's.'Co]in -- -- -- e = -- which&made climbingiunu'sually, fl,;„- „h k wh „d d&s th iable of supplying light and pow-~Turner, case of embroider,scis-',i'ifficult. EChar]es Dawson,,was] t h g'--]; f .,~,. 'er Jto a &town& containing 2000. aors. = ' -- -- = = . ', ea er an " o neon, Presi- 1'the words,'",qadi]]ie Smith." ~EGeorgeBe]]&who recently und-' d d,p W J h ~ ' i'"" ' 'p ' '" houses &whi]eifabout t]seventy+&Second&Ladies'pi]zeu'M E $ erwent an oPerat&on at St. Paul s]]I]dent of the club, was end man.'=. ~- = '&9'--- -- =-- --,miles &of,wire&]and:cable,wereG f b th t, ] ~'s='IosPita],"i has returnedl,to, his -- Membersgof the party corn-,&j e. ~, ~% „used in conduct]nw the Powerre-L d C nsolation -M„s. Rq'ome at 24th and Jeffeison. -- ment upon. the fact that young =. -. --.- .... -= . liquD.ements throughout thebuildGreen,yaii o a 'aves. ~ = - -, -.' ~ ~ ......, . -. j,As She Is Sppkp. Blowei,] Ch et brass paper ( == . -= . t* ==-. ~ .." children„~unfamiliargw'ithKIthe -- First Foreigner @(airing,his~ i,-,g-.'A special meeting of the Can-', trai]s'Iof the ridge, i arei a]lowed "E"g &3",]:,'H w. ai'0 you 'I'"&&Pe. The labor out]ay tota]]ed'.$2/. i - .:., ~. ~---.ad]an-'Leg]on,«West tVancouier$ to c]imb,t}&ere, running, the risk WSecond" Foreigner:&&. "Thank $pppppp„gplperlcengoffi.,'&~wwthiehv,..P '~~~branch,*wi]]babe]din theLeg]on]I ofibe]ng ]&&st -- -- '= you, no doubt.'™W ' ive&&t d]r'ect]y'o Mont&ea];w'ork-Douglas Graham,"] cigarette'and'ooms„tonight'(Friday)i at';p. ~' - - -- -- ., =- ..... mn.'i.,when the constitution of the&jl = -- -= I HOOL T]&e&]]R]ndignant ~house]&o]der es'An issue!of $5000,000'&mort- = Secondl! Gentlemen 3+& Prize: new,,building company will be ex- J -- -- -- -- =. =--:= 'gabe]d up before the po]iceman,the 'li gageibonds &&vas public]y&&sub-'r.'mith,Playing cards . Plained-- to the, members. ~ ~ ' '&-'0 g )dead cat that had been'~ying by scribed. =-~ Gentlemen's Consolation = J. --: -- =-=&~ + zT+ .+ ~ -- - -- = = the curb,thiee daysClass Leaders for JanuaryHolt, lighter. -- - =- Mrs F. X. H.odgson&hasipur- 1-t .Yo h;k- H h;„- "What am'I'to do with this'?"/BRIDGE TRAppIC GAINS-Moore,'silk scarf. -- for the&benefit of:her,pupils,'so "Take it to headqua&ters,".wastot ] scores ji] that they ay, have.a correct at- | tlie 1 serene $ reply If „nobody,CONSIDERABLE DECRESEoi,srspp f&&orwthet&voof these»esi. mosPhere for conce&t work'and = 9Gzade 2B) claims it «within a'easonable time, it's your. property.." =- -- Ti'affic over &the - Second'Na- ' ows f bridge 'n 'anuaryq showsGreen ------ '56 ~=~& ". -~ -- = -& 2nd, Billy Huggins. a substantial increase. over thatMrs. Colin"MacLean entertain= ~=,;-T Grade 2A A little iboy,who&had lived in'f the i correspond]ng month]o 'IMrs Graham 1 844'd for Mr. 'nd) Mrs. 'urton "I; 1st Rupert Lycett M~ ~ the'jcity',all&his life was,invited 'gist year ~844 'Kurth'f 'Vancouver on 'Fiiday ~~ Grade 8 gaby, a'distant relative'&to spend a]l ~ Last, month] 121 877 yersons -"N; ht;„" ]";""--'"""" 848 ~ mght 3Guests i.vitne it dmoeet 1st,"Marshall Burbrldge&jj vieek-end in the country. - 47 101,'autos" 11 352 trucks andAll)his 'friends i compl™ented 11j.8l other vehicles [crossed'he ~IGra 842 Mrs . H. Mason ' rost of &Vancou-. = - Grade 8A him on his luck, but the boy him ".biidge t compared,with tM R J 'prr'js I 840 p ver, Mrs. Howard Leggatt, Miss t 1st, 'ona 'ave . -=-..&cx self.was not at albhappyq at the persons . 48 368l]lautos- 9 4714"j 840']I Margaiet McIntyre, Mrs.&Chas. 2nd, Martha.von Zuben. I&thought, and'he refuse" =.-- = «trucks&and 1122 other]vehic]eel~~G 889 McIntyre;Mrs. James McIntyre, = % -- t]Grade 4BQ &Coaxing,il argument, .yleading]~ iii January 1929. ~ W~Mr. and Mrs.'Addy and Mr. John) 1st,'BevaniSavory ~ and Promises of untold.wonders, "Aveiage daily earnings of:the'Haydn Young,.i Mr. i and Mrs. 2nd,'Laurie Patterson., left i him[cold. 5 o&country fo" Ijib&idge!&&'last month was '$808'sspll Kurth: are iecent arrivals from" =-: me, .was&his ultimatum..= compared with $278 in January.. C T " ' 829 & WinniPeg,,where they are „xve]]]] MEMBERS OP DISTRICT ]& But, why not . &] asked his I':1929'qfzs..W. S]ster'.--.........--.. 82V»known ini musicalkcircles l'r mpOLIC.E FORCE&pREEDiL] father. = = &]"-u- i, -- == ~Last month 941 vessels passed]]jr. GordonIGray'........ ]825I Kurth ash(organist and ~choir. =~FROM MINOR DU I " 'emuse, rep iedg t e 'nder. the bridge and 885.;vessels": Mrs. C.' r e ........ 828 &leader 'and Mrs Kurthl fox ]her . "they,'ve got thrashing machines passed~ through the jopenI'draw.M" St . -- 8~8 ]lovely,contralto voice. '. '~ - = .-'= -- down there, jan it s tquitefbad II Sixty .trainst. composed&of 895iss evenson ....:..: -- l - ' = --:=-- .,= As a result of action taken by enough here,',where it's 'done byMrs. G.'Childs.....--.. 821 + Mr. Kurth hasl been piomin-, th North Vancouver 'District „g ~ " 'ailway cars crossed'the&bridge.', I Mrs, C. Sharman'....... 821 ently identified'ith the Festival p l C M d - 5 an ~ " In January, &1929, 1 146 t,vesselsMrs.'.'ray............. 814" movement in Manitoba since its in th District olice foice will =- --:-- -- . „tyassed under. the'~ bridge,'] 841"'. Mr. G. Childs .....--.......... 812 inceptiontbeing for years'chaii'- b - t t tt dp - That,womazn&looks', as if she ~passedithrough4 thej oyenI draw, 'Mr. R "Bell ..--...--.....--..... 811'an of the Syllabus committee l l, t l " voik Thirteen)j,,were painted."'j=- ~, ~ ] s..venty-s'ix 'trains 'composed-f of .Mrs. J. Holt ......... 810 'andI representing Manitoba rastt;&d t. 'h -- th - ll ' "Sir, that is my.xvife." -- - ~ 1365 railway cars ]crossed~IthepMr. H; G:-Ware......... j 809, delegate to the "convention )o tipn) of oil tax dog 'taxes lic As I was starting to say,'she ']bridge.'=- =~Mis. Blower .....-- -- ]808 j- musical~ festivals,~'~t . Victoiia ns ~ fees ~blasting, y mit ~a d „looks as if she were PaintedibyMr.,YV Carley .........I 808~ tliree year~ ago = h l h nd anitinti ~ .k i, ~the gieat Sargent and had just ]]]ver feiiies duiingpther pgayersitare following 'e has come to Vancouver top gpss.uck[pff Ithe list]of dutiestpy stepped'out of, the frame!" a considera e decrease,',comyar:c]ose and may get ahead in the) take uP the duties of choirmast- po];ce co„stab]es s The c mm,s -- ~=, w ~, )ed with the corresPonding monthsnext game to be held Saturday,'r and 'organist with& Chowniir' t il] suggest to the:counci]~i 'I]incr: '",Waiter, the&e's]a]fiy, o." ast veer, rePort ferry offici:February 15th.' ' United'hurch, I a'ost he heldI-, that one of the present members jn my ice cream.",= = - t~lals. Last month the ferries car-for years in Grace Methodist at )of the-fo&ce be e&igagedlby,the . wWa]ter: '"Let &him~ freeze;l it j&ried 208,591 Passengers and 8021', Winnipeg &with Mrs. Kurth as co„nc,] to atte„d to a]] such dutie wl]]. teach him a lesson.'he little, vehicles, compared ivith'24,915 )i [0 j]I ii. ]]] 0+i" "as contralto soloist. --= 9 fi~~sca]i,~wvaasskin ~ the&s soup «last ipassengersi'and 10411',vehiclesf egregation of the fire0and . night." % -=- - - in anuaz'p as yeai.3100 Until June 30, 1930.: = pO]ieeiWOrk in'theidiatriCt,Waa50] New,,Volumes this week. A quiet wedding ives solemniz also suggeste&l It,was reporte ed at the Grandview United par-, that the chairman of the fire and~j4i,H0$ '+@URN j sonageion February. 1st. when 'ight'committeel of the lcouncill" jj ~+ l + . 3 gl]~ l I -f ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Mr. Harold Woo]stone of Argyle, has this matter in hand and it is Pl -- - hs'. us'-jIpUBl'lc I gR~ARQ Sizeet,was united in marriage to likely that'he'will confer witl "Miss'Amiee Birch of Rsquimalt members of the commission. ata.'~~~~et«~~»&'s&J«zgto«j& II Ave.: The 'ceremony was per- special meeting to~be held shorf h FL+QQ+$ &l+ d]th ) IMpURITipsfpUT1402,'Marine Drive I formed by Rev. R. R. Morrison in lv .to,'deal~ withIjthe. police~ esti= +eepsI t ~ the presence of several friends. mates for the year. personal &j