001C98E4 IT'S HERE , ICaj~ilano Ti lber Co. FUEL DEPART NT i 4 THEiWEST VAN NEWS= = February.7," 1930. g JUVENILE GAMESI" =- EX REFVE tVINSON. TAIiES~ NET, RADIO(EXPERIMENT~ r ~ ~ FOR SATURDAY ~ -- AEROPLANE) RIDE »Milking Test TrjedlwithI Guern- February 8th,l 1930.' x-Reeve &V. «V. «Vinson)cleft i$ sey Cows,AVas Succes fu]. San Francisco on]ISatur(layfoi'i1DIVISION I. 1' si Angeles. isWhi]e.in Frisco There seems Home Oi] vs. Elks.i(Boulevard Mr. ivinson]]has ibeen i sPending .the remarkable i stunts %bei g ~ .,l, ]it a . X ' ',='pga']]v 'ark) 8 80 pm.'Referee Hararis.'oiisiderable Itime Ion, the ~go]f,itried ivith cows. It wasn't'more„ DIVISION II. ~ coui'se, the iveather having been,thani,two months ago |that]we „ Blu Bi d v ..W t V n.'Boul -,very, fine. He has also had a trip)Ihearcl]of ithe:1,200-mile Wi]ki = 'l'p]ane,'and thoroughly enjoyed it.. which]tive 'Ayrshire cows were&'n Chevrolet History Kingsley vs. gWhjte Wjngs )MCanacla jays are already, nest-,]taking. Now,the Guernsey breeds (Lynn]]Valley Pa k)&2.30'p m 'ng'n HollyburnI'Ridge,'I,whichlptbreaks intoI the'headlines 6with,,On display in our shoaviooms P sf ei ee Hi]der dv= -- 'ndicates that the back i of the .".n l exPeriment 'vhereby i three6] 'IVISION" III. winter is broken'sand, that there GuI rnsey t cows t were, milked) by&~ . 4f , CHEVRQLET SALES CO. LTD, Nort]» shore dWandeiers;vs. "e,. -'= -- '= «'Oii]y cows wit]i sense enoughdtl]C] ~ ~ 3rd and Lonsdale Phone North 454' 1.00,p. m. Referee, tWardlaw. "'ARE 'BALD" kt demand )by future 'dairymen,",Kingsley,vs.'.. St; Johns/(High" f === - =- --.----==-----I " the news announcement t says. HOIOQ Hs, NATI()NAL pARKS, " ", ' n,ou "repoert that Willie Jones who was I]enough to tune in on its ow er's'Ir n r e~o ever --,. -- .. 1.00 .m Refer e M S -- 'I severely, burned in the west-end'" 'very'interesting display„of p. m. e eiee c ween. I,whilst makiiig.a]bonfir, iscnpw&) it comes milking,™, ~™ght li sir film from the National Parks]! - P. S. -- ll managers please~I, =', . "„,, ~ -- =- as &well pack rupiits lunch and5phone results to Nortli 1655.- -- ' 'ng' ' .. utc erby td»»g „d 'ranch at Ottawa was given by ' m' ~ Shooting it i back toi the i lady stairt for thee I vantage of t]ie February Specie] Mr. J. C.'Campbell, Directiir of -- -- = = ]i snub:editor,with the quei~f'-=- shop.'" photos of exceptional, value for " Pub]icity, at the] Pauline John- "I must see,. Dr.i Broivni't = „"Which's the, west pndi (if a ' "Thi'ee'Guernsey ciF~vsvns& yp~ li son School i on i Tuesday i evening once,",, said the stranger. =- ~-, bciy 7'~ 'r It iwas retuznec]]3w]th, into a i hotel ~ in 'Racinei 'W!sco"=ali was takeli by Mi. -- "But, m~d~m," said the maid] "The end the son sets on." sill," ~~~~~~t~d tp a m~lk~~g maMake yotIF appoott;ment today. Ii p.l S.'amage,'hairman Of the "Dr. BrOWn iS a dOCtOr Of muSie «~j --- -- Chine,'i andi the maChine Started ii Schoolv Board. Mr. ciCampbe]III not a doctoi'f medicine. ']To B]eachdHandkerchiefs ]]]by ]an'de]ectrica]f ™pulse'entshowed all his power, of lucid de „",We]]," said i,theTcaller 'i] "He]il "After ivashing,'1st the soak fromiii a= broadcasting station.cription and poe ic apprec'3 ',on shou]dc]be,the'iightidoctor fore I]over night in,waters, in, which a some Id]stance]»»y'O".'"",mo', I I Io t] of nature in the i~ter u es wi me,j because'I'misu]fering from]] bit of,cream'of,tartai. has been ji donated 7 ip ""d twhich he introduced'itic succes-. ' l - " .-,',~ di l' -- -- ' -- --. way,of radio. ~Withlsuch a(sys-pR~p', sive films,'he,wonderful'cen- " " -- " --"- -- ' .---- -= -'=- ., --:= ~ == 'It tern a farmer could load his port-ery, of Jasper Park held':the first, . - -- -- --, 'able'broadcasting'set- into a'car311 Hast]nQ8 St. VV', ']ace;ibut the,ivildilifeiof the f]G+RDENS'+ d G+~ "R]oiENJNG srand]go'fishing for. a,week,]his jl IEIE ijj ~ „I Neiv Blusivick forests l had its'. ~ I( = --: g ~ !]ionly care'ibeing to remember,to ji pMt~blish~-1902 OWnl'p~~~al jntereSt,, b~~~d~~ B MI+A G] HUYT,preSS. the milking maChjne ~bsome I amusi ehjteet ton night and morn i ng.TA nother'll shape iof i capering moose aiid i t button .might call l the I chickens,animalS The neW3 film'f l Graduate in Landscapinif U. of C., Amerscan School of Landscape Architecture an ) and CrOw like a rOpStei jf neCeS- Prince Albert Park had a sunsetill ~n"d'"'""~'~6" "'""--'"-d'-" """' ij]sary. Another ]button]could'ibe'vhoseielusivelbeautyhadjbeenNY ~ ., - . ep.=, ...,, ww. '~added to feed the ipigs, throw/ caught with remarkable success A'ernll border makes a nice fairly close together, about a'foot down]]hay, and water, the sheep.' At the close of the exhibitionNI showing on the shac]y side of the io eighteen inches. This will help ll Still l another button might ]be'a.vote of thankskwas movedIto'Ilg housel where only a& few)other retainithe,moisture and'nfiad-'ttached for winding the]clock'j'l Mr.'Campbell by Reeve Ley]and]I plantsthrive. The hardiervariety I]dition will prevent the rain fromii 'andiputting,the(cat outiatithephene Sey. 104fyg in i]his happiest style. Miss )of fernsiare easy„to,transplant beating directly, down on the soil ikproper time. = ~ i ~ Crewson entertained Mr.'Camp-'nd cvvi]](thrive ~under adverse bebveen(the. plants and splash: ~ 7]]bell and his assistant in the visit- conditions. However as the beau: ing soil'onithe fronds and ruin-, Il'O iPALESTINE]]l D ~ «Th 'h j 'he ' or's i porn be'foie theii"etui n to tv of the fern is in l its foliage jng their fresh~. green ~] beauty. lithe city. -- ' =, the Plants should be given almost After the ferns have been estab= The M;]k and Honey Express lli ou ust,needi rest, plenty of =-~~-- -- -- ~tl as much care as other. more deli- li hed a year, no further mulch: iuns fromm Caiiro lto Jeiusalem~'«WmqWood,'enior,,is calling,cate subjects: ]One'of the really sing Ishould ibe requiredi as, the gj()ne can make in a few hours the]]l l d "B t, d t for '. tenders for ~ clearing and]i 'few l definite requiremerits forfronds]which:, die'off in]the falli, trip jwhichx took the]Childien".of my,pngu~,yy ~ I~ =. grading the l boulevard & in 'ront 'uccessful fern culture is moist- . will form a mulch j Israel[ forty) years.-lj.. 'g . pf. hisr prop'erty "Brockhurst," ure, that is, 1th'ocation,where 'I&'erris may;be divided-into'two = As one rides across the-Arabi: rest=." 28] 8 Be]]evue Avenue. An'adv- „ the soilI]iivi]] of itself, or fby i classes,,i those with "entral aniDesert one speaks'fan]oldie'rtisementrelative ]to this] ap- mulching, retain a fairly even a- !f crown& and Ithose upwith&creeping prophecy„,=that one'dayjthe Nile~ ~ ~ P l'Th td t~ol has re- peals in this issue. mount of.moisture'at all times i stems. Thecones with creeping should come to Jerusalem. ThisFriothat reason,)the north side" stemsh spread'f"andi form v]argeil prophecy,was fulfilled during theili~P „]a. cnfice]] why aie you.sod] ToiRemove Iodine Stainsjll ll]of the house or garage is a good'asses.'They.send up a crop of ~Wor]diWar,when:Genera]'A]]en:l&~ Either from the Skin location.. ':: =,, -- neiv fronds in the spring and also 'by'si forces i ]aidca pipe ~]ine asl -- or Linen= ~'LFerns,wi]]Ithrive in]a'hady.,~'keep sending,them]up'ithrough: they advanced,iibringing freshill didn't tejll ..UseI cpmmozl~qhpuseholdl]'am-lI spot, as,witness ithose jn& deepIIII out the season~These ferns may,„.ivater from the Nile acrossI the'oods'aroundt West ~Vancouver.'ib transplantedIat any time lif'esert to Palestine. ~= ~How often have you&wished you, reasonab]e] care]is i]used not io %'i&ajor l George «Wa]kern i and could 'row them~ as 'uxuriantly disturb ~/the root systemi'oo Professor 'Brook I of i the,Univer- as those in the ivoods. You ma& ]'much. vWhenitransp]antingjthia '" sityi of 'B. 'C.,i were ~]arge]y re- ] !~I]do this if yo'iiiwill spend a'fewgllc]ass]of ferns it is, just as„we]],jjisponsib]e for the work of laying minutesi studying 'he soill con= iivto remoi'e the old fronds leaving this pipe line. lidition of the ferns you are plan:. ]ithe younger fronds intact ~~ .& Fromi the'cedars(of Lebanon) ning jtoi transplant from ttheir Next weeks'ill deal&wjtli]jtIto bluelGalileeI and down thejj'atural]home in& the woods IItol'he ferns with central pi- clustei- JordanaValley Ito the'aridI bowlIICAPILANO 'IMBER I COMPANY S"1'KILN] ' yoni gai dpn ~ They wi]l not deci'owns ~ ~ ~ii of thp Dead Sea & evpry,'l so,well]in]the cultivatedljborder . -- - . 'Palestine'is rich] inl sacied]his- where] the soil is being. continu: $ NoTE--The writer will consider it a pleasure tOry. & ll ally'disturbed.'hey, are'better " '"'" ""-""- '"'""' '"'a' =='It is a tiny land,'his'land]lof1 ff in this column. by, themselves,where a mulch of i's~ vuele n 'should~be add ssed io Palestine, yet it 'has ibeenf the „ top Of the Soil to retain the mois: gf a personal repl~ is desired a stamped '"Judaism and I Christianity. I Outself-addressed envelope should be enclosed.,,ture. Plants should be, placed of it '. came an t irresistible force that 'has transformediithe map)~50 Cents Discount Per Cord Allowed if Paid = at Time of Delivery& 1' One i Cordi Load "DRY PLANER'i ENDS" Delivered, $6.00,]I,'l il NANA15]O WELLINGTON 'B. «,W.i SOOTLESS Ton /zTonI/4Ton ': .= --- 'Toni I/gTon! &/qTon ],'&~ gs~ ~,l~~~s]II 6 oo"Igloo 6 o -- 3 oo 3 6 Egg .............. $10.00 $5.50 '$3.00]I, 5 )'I(Only Criscp Used)'East to St. Denis'Ave., North Vancouver District.dl ll ie 'BERTA QOAL - p I I . W i, ~~~ ~ ]f] Rose Deer (Drumheller)I', ' OUR SPECIALNorth East, toil M~ountain Highway, Lynn Valley,: Beyond 50 cents extra'» i Lump 61300] 3650 3350,, "de i/Toe i/ ; NOrth tO BOundary ROad, NOrth;VanCOuVer, = v ' Stove .............. 313.50Li 60.35 33.36 Lump or Egg 313 50l 60 76 33.06 W Beynnd,!25 C~~~~ egt 3 i l FIR 67.60 per cord. BARK 37.50lyer,cord. ]Il.'japbepp O~pWest,,t , o9jljt2'Whest Vancouver, = ~ Ill "== --= -- = --. --':dj' =--.=-, de = ~ j B dl (t w t B ) 50 t ., t - i I 'Weston Cartage]i West230'eyondWest Bay to Caulfeild $1.00 extra. l i MOVING and TRANSFER. 'Daily, Trips to City.]I'l:==='E i&ARS]L»opvi«vr &I@ ItW T g All orders handled direct from our Head Office "'%r Foot of Pemberton Ave,, North Vancouver. \ &Phoine North 304. I p Ltd-'» 1 .'vI'J - d '-, V F a '4'"x Bah ,i C Part of West&Vancouver's Business Section