001C98E4 es y ~ettc February.7,", 1930. ,fi The taste lingers when" ill ~ youibuy, it fzomtfy- ~=vt Jefreries Il== l Thet,very]best fquality(, ~Once a'customer,'lways a'customer. "! EFFERIESjdfrSUPERIOR" i.F,E'AT'S', Government Inspected Only. .(Two Stoles for your serviceI. (HollItbffrff IStoregg&egt'1 lpjAmbleside StoreII+egt 303 cut~Meats l '~ 8 E R Vcl C 8lit: 'Everything~for the Building. If = ~ --. ~,;. f::,:=IPi 'j sl ~ $ r ~av ,'ASH DOORS l q 'ROOFING~-- BUILDING PAPER@'tLamatco,= Gyproc: l Plaster 'Boards il "Beaver Board:. Shingles 4W~es't]V(&aneouver=-'ll'um ber- Ct~o. 15th and Marine . LIMITEDtlf liPhone West 115 l~l 'l[ Residence Phone: West 868L. i,' I 9 A~h4ILL'IQN "i PQLINDS IO+PA'~SiveaS )aaalREÃi 8 'l, srhillion pounds on a single bearing--a tur+ bine and one of 'the largest generator's on the continent. That is signi6cant of, the liI ,. magnitude of the Ruskin power development of i ~ ~ ~ ~ , the 3. C. Electric, .which'ill t soon-'ake f the i electric power, supply.'of IVancouveerr andi there 'Iower mainland doubly sure. o The first giant generator will begin delivery of power to the homes of. this district during the coining fall. The ultimate capacity, of the plant will be 188,000 horse- llf powei " the capacity of the first @nit, representing an ex- I penditure of $ 7,22fyy000y being 479000 horse-power.y The great dam itself will'. cost approximately( $ 29000,000and'he plant will" be. connected withtvancouver at first hy twii sad'later by'four transmission lines. Eventually tn there will"'be eight transmission"lines from the'hiouette-,( ScaveRudlin groop t-o: the city In this wey is che B. C. Electric providing fot the fntute l supply of electric. power for,Vancouver ond'tho lower'"'mainland--a service rendeied at the lowest rates on the Pacific Coast.=: ~ Send for your,'coPy of an interesting illustrated'ookjet,, "RUSKIN" i~IDept. 303 ~ BRITSH.COLMMSuL'ELECTRIC aaiLWaV Q%r:, G.V'oS $ , /GET'IQUR'~'~a ~ l"=- 'S»', ==- IWe are in business to serve you,'nd&we'll appreciate youl'l,'rdel's. qPhone I %Vest l,.199 for anything in'Lumbel. ",E, Il,l CS.I:,I) ',liU,I,Il.ll..', ~I,I. lil;I.. liMarine lDrive lat"16thi 'hone'West'99 'f D.'ORTON, LOCAL iXIANAGER ~ IFor, All)Kincls'f 'oli)Printinj,» gPhone North,"53I™w i snnussaEER MOLEan,e lVEITOH LTD. pntnruna. NOllTH,VaROOOVER. '8 ~ THE fWEST«VAN& NEWS l Wf Council Notes)mfa s grocery TWO RED ANDlI:WHITE STORES= ."'k'" d"k'."""='='UNDARAVE HOLLYBURN 24th and i Marine Ak oyd a dt G 11)that' fPhone: &Vest 469 lI ence to 811-2-12B, they could not lI legally,, bind themselves to re-sellql; Suggestions for'I a l tax sale lot, to,,whichl thelI'unicipalitymay at some future»F d y ndISaturday Feb" 7th,audlSth'„l lar pel'son ol'el'soils. -"~- I ~l iI Lard, Swift's ................................ 17c Oysters, Cocktail,'i per tin ....... 17c j~lGreen Beans, Red S",AVhitey per Rice, Split Peas, Small white The Greater,Vancouver.Water„tin ........................................... 17c Beans'............................ 3 lbs. 21c l DiStriCt Sent to the COunCll a COpy l Quaker Oats, Chinaware .......... 35c I'caches, Red iE. IVhite, tin."....... 25c l l Of the minuteS Of,theil meetingl Raisins, Seedless............ 2 pkts 21c Prunes, per 2 lb. carton............ 33c'I dated 19th lDecembel.Red ~ ~Vhite ................'5c Pineapp Flour, 24 Ibs .......................... $ 1.14 Lifebuoy Soap, per cake........... Gc,,* e ~ $Spinach, Red k white, large tin 22c Oxo Cubes, Small, per tin........ 11c , Shredded AVheat............... 2 for 22c ....Large, per tin'...................... 24c ]) I Tl. 'dn xl '*. ~ ! "Salmon, yi lb- ---.--.- ...,............ 21c Qiarmalade, Murray's, tin...... 55c "e B. C. El tr"c Railway Co.Red Sockeye I lb............ 59c Tea, Red d: lvhite I lb............. Slc lt I wrote the council that they.wish- . Il'd consideration of,the'council s 'NOTE--Don't forget next Frld;y ~d Saturday 49c SPecials.fj fl request fol a ledu t I) estic and street lighting rates de-ferredl until'he~ex~ily,)of th )Il lf.(o ier: 8 '::er ea:s ,+8Oll ~arlne QrlVe ll 'couver~ 'ndii North qvancouver ii', ~ District. 'he 'atter, surrounded ffl 'comparatively; dense'centre ofdistribution . the residential'con"~e can'supply all~ sumers in the City, andfDistrict i ' cf 'North tffVancouver. being,'over.your table. needs lt lttwo and'a half;times as numer- l ous a's in&West ~Vancouvel. There & .was Iaft dense nucleus in Northaneouver City, and the Districtof North'fVancouver surroundingChalet gutterlll I )thisl nucleus wasiable to'imake lluse of to a great extent the sameBread,, Miff ~l Cream facilities i as NorthiEVancouver City! Consequently a correspond-lee Frusta, F , passed) to l the'district 'f NorthI yVancouver. &West vancouver on4„Phone ~yeSt .19Ol, the other. hand,was a unit in it- I self supplied~by separate'distri-Fpp,eVeryfh&&g'ppd.tp eat )butionl facilities and~ the~load) )lf density.tvas not high.' The letter , was ol dered filed.:--"pinstel living in a'London% HELPS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS oc d. by, tspg lnen repairing gl To Remove Iron'Rust „vert on Lot 19, Block 23, D. L.,P ace the fabric over a eup of 555 vRefezzed~,to,the: cha;zma»house.l ~ -~ =-- ~,.warm water,'ayply muriatic acid,'l of .thei boar= she wrote to the company. Ontf with a small soft brush, and thell gi ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~f,the inattner, and the foreman was ll ironli rust,ivilll disappear; fthenff =- =asked to make a report- a ~ rinse in two or thre changes of w rg'"Me and Bill Fairweather,were,,to d . = -- ." '"' n:it tokbuild ant'add'tion 'to aon this job.' went up the tele- " =- =': hack on'Lot 13; Block 11', D.'L. lt~ graph pole, and accidently let the )I To Re~o~e scorch I, flomili 655. 'Referred to building inspec'hot'lead» fall'.Onf Bill; It,went ~ W Coloredf Goods ~ ~~tordown his neck., Then, he said:g I When yressing a cololoed'diess"Now, Harry, you really must be and you have, the misfolqune toil fr The engineer. reported on:scorchfit,'take a silver, coin,'lay, '1. Culvert 29th Street, south."'it fiat onlthe scorched'flpart and Cost $ 16; 'An )expenditure not~The angry„grocer ran swiftly.,„rub it briskly, and you,will find Il «ceeding this sum authorized.around, the counter 'andi seized), the scorch d afsppea sz~~ ~ 2.'f Cost of improvement of Ct-:his fair customer by her arm. =-.= =.- . =,.tata Avenue west of 24th Street.=="Do! you know, madame," he,, To Mend Hot cWater Bags ll Cost $87.50. 'An'expenditure not-'blurted; ,that your d"og has eat- - "Apply~severallcoatsiof liquid ')lover,S87.50,was authorized.=@en~a pound of.my. best freshl court-plaster to the holes, allow- 3; Removal'and'-epairs re--country butter. I saw him do it ing each coat to dry before add .)i quiredt'o,;-.,Watenvprks 'ruck,', a'second'ago." W ===-,--,ing the next. The result will be $180.'eferred lto'i chairman tof' The fair customer l.elieved the i waterproof and not affectedl by 8,„'lthe wateiworks and the engineelg ocel. of her arm and regarded lfhot water ~== = = = for report = eplled T0 'emove Wine.,Stains,'clly'but if you ale quite sure Cover the stain with salt while',R . 1t.was your best butter,.that it ivet, moisten with.bolllng.water the waterworks and the en lneeris quite fresh, and that it really I and then pour boiling dwater '5 Board of Works One addiill did i cpmpi'fzpm the'i country, I 'hroughi untffr the stain i disap- t onal,man, zoe u.,le l', I ove~z:o m qu ed Lad ov to suppose it will'o~ himl arly ,, h"rm." =:-- ~ To Remove Machine Oillll "PerhaPs it is, best-'after all,y frpm Cloth ry remarked the rejected suitor. "A& Apply cold watel and soda andi'an t spots will disappear'ire of ' ifwife who t hovered a= ~ I'Gund the, thirty-two mark." Flannels l. that 'l have ~'ecome l~ 'lWhy„i Mr. Ardent," I said the low can be made to look like new ..woman in.,the case; "how'„very ! ately and their movement wou]d &j ours', in a'ather made of one lIquarter pound of tvhite i soap "Well, PerhaPs you iarei not,", r two tablespoonfuls of borax aniI ~ he rePlied, 'but it i certainlySome slight adjustment mayii ll ttvo tablespoonfuls of calbiinate stl uck meitllat y'ou,wele some-make ati the dttference of ammpnia dissplved fn five gaf-: where around the freezingpoint.'chiropracticwill help you."$l,,l ii liins of soft water Boil the soap I iin water until thoroughly, dis- l solved, then'dd the i other in- ~ Consultation Free igred.ients. Rinsp weft Thfs wit f . 'fi gOherf fr ~ VIISS not 'injure the" flannels ini'the e ~ D.C., Ph. C. 9Graduate of Palmer School ~ llgHIRppRACIipg i I know a small boy, called Teddy 'FEEDtSTOREI l',i t~ Who never can learn to be steadyphone. west sss .-- Ile ll skip alld he'l hop ll A. C. SEARLE) Phone West 9flNext to Stratton Bakery And turn round like a top )'I Next door to Theatre lMARINE DRIVE, AMBLESIDE also at vancouver.= ii 'l And he's broken his leg twice al-, il Fuel and'Building suppliesready. „