001C98F0 4 THE]WEST IVAN NEWS February 14 1980. Bo»»«s~ v,tN.. O'"BLIC SC"OO'; O'RLS BOardS!Of Trade IDiSCIIS8 INOrth(ShOre IPrOblemS», I'poail pg,U]5 MRS. DRAPER'S --=-: The members of the,West Van- kthe West Vancouver ferries and]j~ BOMB BAicBitv j{I pn,Wec]rresday afternoon the couver Board of Tree]e 'andi a the substitution of a'flect of fast "Ood]I iver Oii iiul some form I'„;,.g,,]s pf t],e strong de]egat»on from» the motor huaca!joint]yfowned! and" i l,jis a~see]le!!ties aim!builder aofteIIO]]yburri! aiic] pau]itic J'ohnspii oi tll!'Vaiicouvel 'Boarc]I lied li a.'tt coliti plledII lly 1'tile tlii'ee 'Nol'tli I 'j Ftu'r to streustheu ~ i'esistarree ]ipp] 3 p Iayed 1 he fii 3t ba3 ket " get- together" meetin g in ' ' he S hore mun ic ipa 1 i t i es ' n d, ' un ' oj{ I j { Io a„y p«va I us d I,easeHOilIE I&IADE BREAD 3 for 2oc, ball games of the season, pauline Clachan". ]a't Monday, evening, connect withithe North]Vancou- Johnson ivinning both encount- ivhen they. were the Ig'uests'ot .ver ferries.'he WestiVancou- { CAKES ROLLS, PIES ~ ~ . r, I anfl V. Ni htin a]e.~~ -= -- - - ~ . ' j, .PURE COD LIVER OIL'.argo Variety of Cookies ',el'S. ~ g ..g yver membei'»n reply brought up ' SCOTT'S 'Ei&IULSIONIn the first game the junior,kV. Dickinson,'acting onbehalf, three serious objections; first]y,g 'REXALL EIMULSIONBest Materials Duly Used. gir]s started at a fast pace, both!I cf the boarcl's,:president„Colonel,,the great 1 difficu]ty,if not im- ~ 'rcLT 5: OOD L]VBB OIL Ijj 3IVG u „',. rrr teams being ver~ even and the savory,,&vho, Is J sick, welcomed,,possibility. of such'a system!be- FGFULBIDN icoDI LFVBB ij (Next Duudar~av~e Drug Store) 1 score at half tinie four all. In the the de]egation in a 'hort!'ad- ing, able toi meet the present,,', ']LI'hose IVest 3GG. second period the Pauline John- !'ress M E. Sowden, President fares s chargecl; v secondly, theI'I --"" son gir]s seemed to find the bask- of I the North,Vancouver board; tIgreatel danger of collision infog,', L .d I b '] ~:=:-- ~ ' ';8 'l'" RADIO LICENSES FOR SAL&et with more accuracy and soon l,'"pl'e 'l'e 'y { -- on(the North Vancouver.ferries'„'orgedahead,']&e final score be = The "On-to-the-Peace" move-,{ cn account of their size and con-!j'HE ijl ,;„g 18 tp 5 ' --. ment ivas exPlained by some of !sequent hgreater.lC]ifficu]ty 'nil ih,v== ~- It I pi 8api e it a3 a rep th e North rVancouver members,,1 manoeveri ng ] qu ick]y i out pf ! 3 '," ' 1 I.e8Rge DrIIg I sytOre 4 ' and a discussion. folloived on the „pose]b]e!]co]]]sion,'and! 'hirdly, I',subject. i One point brought out th f t th t W t Ve ac, a t es,& ancouvel. ! pf ' . t I ] VaS that the NOrth iVanCOuVer '„Waa tOO heaVily inVO]Ved in a fill- h. I Geo- Hayr'!But]diux.members had never, been able yet ancial;way in its transportation% j. p Corner 14th{] and'arin ! the first ew minu es o p ay. ~ ~ ~ ~ -L ommand'itd!,withrbetter»to find'out whether theiVancou- system to be able to scrap it. ~ r] ~WEST 828 t)par( pf j ra( e, »nation, a„d moi.e accurate ' r o ", an- =. The West;Vancouver members shooting more t]ian doubled the{I,: couver.. or North ~Vancouver as{Instated that, of coul'se,' bridge() H ]l b . l;,th,, the terminus of the rai]way serv- {o~er,the First Narrows was the, j pII MpNDg Next'. 822 to 10 at the"e„d 'ng the Peace River district. == 5]on]y real'solution of their trans- I I'r ir u v of the ganpp -- -- w~ = =~ The next subject taken up.was portation{ difficu]ties, '~whi]e ad-' 8 P m I M.,Ia„e;. a„di Mi. IICpndpn!I "Buy-at-home','campaigniwhich'! 'nii ting, at somejconsiderable handled the whist]e whi]e Albert is}being proposed) by the retail, implovements in~transportation »fast~,.n,a„awcted as t;me keeper!i'imerchants bureau of th'e'Northi]5twou]d have,to]be]made mean- I!We Re-c]targeCoL K.,']V. Savory's Office I, D ]],,LD . - .. !GVancouverBoard of Tracle. This «tv ile,toitakelcare!ofithe prob- ,.]] p]ay a- {i camPaigni has)been,P]annedl;toi]" Prizes are{to!be donatediby&fthe!I{let] and J. Wardlaw gave a„very,, ~ll~~LO BBRLLei~~ ~ / j merchants,and a coupon system]5 interesting sei.ies of movie pho- I I»usrues'u west vau. 3'year M.CAPILANO.'RIDGE ~= arranged by,which a coupon will jtosjI of 'NorthsoVancouver, the ~ '=, ."EARING&COMPLETION «]be given away. to each customer Seymour-,and 'Lynn'"tcanyons,~I I IIIBatterjes: for 'Rent j gi."J."I OVenngtOn' ' ~)l buying a dollar's worth of goods Grouse Mountain and'Horseshoe I{'] e neiv Capilano bridge islI'.'."Pearce andi Jos. Tite,were 'Bay !'These movies ihadl beens, «pHONEnearing completion; and it ivi]1 b„ij appointed'a committee from the shown]by'!him last summer a]]ilj, ij ! l~., , 'I]definite]y opened for traffic with=, West Vancouveriboard'to attenr]{{ across]Canada and,the Unitedi'IIMA'R]NE I M0TpRS ; 'n one month. It is a handsome the meeting ]totbe he]d~ intcthe States as far east as Quebec,"for !Iu!Nerr Store .: I; sieel structure of the cantilever.i{ fiorth]iVancouver]City Ha]]con ~pub]]cityrrput&oses,,thisi having ( i~ /West 455 ",„type withl the roadway,,betwee&1N Thursday evening,.13th instant, )ibeen financed by~the councils of 3 tI the -main. frames,& and the j two), in connection with the campaign.'orth vancouver City- and Dis- ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~m = Oeutte'meu '= -- -- 1 ii sidewalks I carried'I on 1 seParate The question of transportation Ir trrc j {{ Phone Wist I35 For appoiatmeuta ril steel frames on either side.' .rwhichir then I came iibeforeitrtheI{ Rr and its,!meeting Iproduced a ]pug ,vagaries, udden floods, changesil interesting discussion, in.which! ~l STAFFS HOLD SOCIAL $ in course, etc., have been'the de a'umber !of members { of iboth oards stook pai~.:-- 'At Heather Ha]] in Vanco ~%est Vancouvers record of ruined bridges testi- ~The ca fies. r'The new, bridge,thowevei, ji setmice iwas aisubjectiof jmuch I]gathering of. owners. and itheirthe division of North]Vancouver embodies all the experience gain-," concern to the North Vancouver I! staffs of the Red and:White inde-city into,wards and'he adoption ed'n the past of the wi]fu]ness aboard,'evera]" of".whom"espresso pendently ownedG grocery'hain -~,of the{, ward system of- v 'ng'f the Gapi]ano'and it is expect: ){edyithemse]ves as «being. very enjoyed a jsocia](evening. Mr.'III"ereheard'tat a meeting. of the ed'hat it will stand for, fifty strongly in favor of its ~ing re- "W.'R.iW. McIntosh general man-City Ratepayers'ssociation& inj] years by 'which time{ another newed as soon as possible. = 'ager of Kelly, Douglas & Co. Ltd. Ithe City Hall Thursday 'evening '; „;]]b h t t k] I{, -- It I d „d, that'hou]d]{I'nd others, addressed,the!gath- I'Phone West 27,"I8th! instant. =e u its renews]ri= -- ~ the,pTEr be sp]i]!by the]gpv ering and al] the speakers stress- to division into wards,'or would government Project, will endure o . y . '. „~ The chain now has nearly 10,'-,members of the council, electedl', . th N,th Sh~~~ t Squam,sh by ~ 00 stores stretching from coastcost of ']inking & up, the line from "5 000fromtindividua]'xvards have.,the ~What makes the new bridge l'- th ..-: „t ~,b;„o»bi ii ocoast,north andsouth.'nter-gppd'pf the entire city. at heart notable, besides its serviceabi]itys, ." S -- W st --. Va„cpuvei., tainment was in the hands of Mr. I, jI '"GORDON!'ROBSONII )i as does the council member elect- i: its lengthland]simple beauty'b ., h] „ t d „;„ the. Harry MOI&e]vie in Chinese char-, 1, ~SIBamiiter Gt Soheitored,bydthe]voters(of]the city at of ine, for it is saidtto! be one .= b- b.].t f h b " aeter, and Miss May Fletcher, astI ',gr@ST VANCOUVER~~large. =- = - = '-- of the'longest of its design in . fo]]owed~stated that the re: a male imPersonator. The corn'-" j /Office No. 1447 marine Drive.r'h)Co umbia; Its arch ex- '",. - of the»ne,wou]d be as]{ mittee in charge included Mr.'-G.g "Phone West 403COST'-OF P 6 E SURVEY@, tends'unsupported for 250 feet, - "]" . th t- - ti f -th . Proud,']'hairman; Mr. II.-g, VANCOUVER OFFICE--.and'{leading to it at both'ends{I " " l t t f 25th St -t Warn, Mr. D."S."Brown, Mr IF /Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W,The Paeifie Great EaStern Rail: 'are{ apprOaeheS Of thirty feet I'"." ' ' -, BraidWOOd and Mr.'R'e]]1 ~ Phone Seymour 4199 way survey, had cost $265,711 up each." Into its 310 feet went 295 to the end of 1929, the Legis]at= tons of stee]™ny thousands of 25th Street. These latter might ] ~VILL DISCUSS NORTHI !jiure was informed last Friday by rivetsGand],the]]labor of!thirty „- t- b t 't -- f ',. +VANCOIJVER~CITr .'ANDI]jPremier Tolmie.'.' e Canadia!i ' -- = = =: t ai s going over the ]inc, but a DISTRICT AMALGA51ATIPN I O jMllL88'dy stream'of freight traiNationalli Railways ihave,eachiI Pier!and] an abutment at! each]ij'de]uging theirhomes with smoke . President H. W. Parso ' jP T EATR!E]jbeen'haiged1888,570]asi their end The Piers arei thitty-four wouM be veiy strong]y objected{5"ormed the North eVancpuver g th 'o gh» to.'h g t jor'ty.-~f W t 1 C ty. R t pbeing'plit aqua]]y]between thp, gravel] of!the river Ibasin and &Vancouver residents consideredjt Tt;ursdaylevening,]fith instant, !ITh -- drai]ways and the government.. )I] edded on piles. These have been& the municipa]ity was well rid'of - that at the next meeting of the „, mrs ay, n ay, a ur a4 While thi's not stated in the driven into the ground below the the P G E -- 'Association the. Proposedi amal: 'I Feb 18 i!14; 15]. ! Pi'emier'sr answers to oppositoin Piers, 'in solid] formation, for. rr The Not th Vancouvei.. de]ega 1! gumption of the city and district t questions,'t is! understoodI- the seventeen{ feet. The 'butments tion stated that they had formedi,wi]]&be discussed A~]arge dele-report of the survey will be filedij are shallower,'blocks jof cement,» a committee to interview. the P. {Igqtion from the North Lonsda]e,, lirl Ibefore the House rises. = upon which rest the elands of the G.'E]ectric'Railway Go.',with the 'Ratepayers"Association,wi]] atb"dge: =- object of trying,to induce them't tend"bishop,noticeda smallj boy When suminer comes steel ex- tp take over the line to Horse- In the'event of a dec]sion~be- i i !{I,playing in the gutter. -"What are pands,'nd'rovisionlthas 'been shoe Bay.'They invited the West ing reached in favor, of amalga- 'caB CF'oudoing, my little man?" he made for'expansion,of Ithe 295 Vancouver boai.d {toiiappoint a mation,"]the city and )districtasked.'Makin' kerfreedla],";Itons of the new bridge by a corn- ct mmjttee,to&tco-operate .with! coun'cfts Imay. be requested&to'epliedIthe'boy. 'A]cathedra]! plicated set of ro]]erst beneath . their committee'in, the matter. { submit pplebiscites to]the rate: jBut where'! the bishop?" "Oh, its western'nd. The structure tl The!West Vancouver board'aidi]'. payers at an early date to ascer-I ain't got enough mud to make may move three inches from east;they would consider. the appoint= j,tain&their viewst on(the generala bishop."4 to west during hot weather. =-- { ment j of such j a committee't'rinciple of ama]~amation, their next'meeting. Meanwhile ~ - ~ & e, 'Monday, Tuesday,GWednes- j, %THE( CANADIAN LEGION, WEST VANCOUVERIII 'I„they were not very hopefu]~ of The new Ambleside Ha]]{ is i,'„il +day--Feb. 17, 18, 19I]] much siiccess being attainedlas n&»v for rent. Phone]Wtitaker fe „',, approached in the past by,:West) I KX@iP A XPXhL V Ky '.Vancouver 1 and had! declined ] to 'Diligence overcomes difficulti-'onsider it unless they were'.al-':„es; sloth makesthem."I (Third of Series of Six), r! lowed to make a'belt lineiback = -- & +0'jIt 3]TO]IIORROW (Saturday) FEBRI]ARV 15th at 8.15 P M ' along 'thai upper levels. of the AUTOINSURArNCE 'municipality and the West,Van; I„, ~ j {1 in the Clachan Hotel jj ferries were scrapped. -== --- qW. D.'. RORISON]i I Good Prizes Refreshments " 'Another suggestion brought ! I = 710 Dominion Bank BuildIng,,]4 'dmission 50 cents.-- forward by the North,Vancouver, Ii php88LQ Sgy~Lptptp6g 'j members was the scrapping of