001C98F0 February 14, 1930. THE WEST VAN NEWS New 'Am b:.esitI e "Ha... j.'or- Rent ERSO ALS TEIE TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION'is open to receive from local Public bodies or]individuals any suggestions den]ing with proposed «mendments to the Zo»ing By-law, provided such suggestions are sent in, in writing, to the Secretary at the Muiiicipal Hall on or before Saturc]ay, 22nd February, GIFT Sg~U. pit, N ass& &o tao+At, sANK '|Mrt e A, J. MA@ LI N &, P. o. SoX 22.7, PHoNE'EST'R&4 10 to 11 daily -- HOSIERY 29 Cents. CORNER STORE on 14th (near Ferry) For Rent. I ACRE BLOCKS at ALTAAIONT, FOR SALE at $400, $500 and $600 each.=-- . ~ H. Sundbecken has taken the i4Iajor 3. H. Harrison, 11th CLYDE AVENUE LPT, FACING SOUTH (between 'larke house at 26th and'Belle- and Marine Drive, is ill and in 12th and 13th) FOR SALE at y200. vue. = Shaughnessy ii]Ii]itary Hospital. AVHITAIZER 8: )WHITAKER Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Robertson Mr N.ormand has had the front l, 942 West Pender Street . Vancouver entertained at a dinner party on of ]his;store changed, the ent- Saturday evening at- her home at rance being now in the centre in- 2821 Marine Drive. stead of at the eastern end as CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF heretofore. AVE T VANCOUVER Harry King who'has been inSt. Paul's Hospital for treatment Captain R. N. Taylor, 28rd anti to one of his eyes which was Marine Drive, has purchased the]IIX~'l I~ seriously injured in an accident, house of Jock AVa]]s at West The attention of Rmidents is drawn to the tact that th]s I] 'has nowsufficient]y recovered to Bay. Col oration is suffering serious loss and expense in the main- i, litenance of drainage, ditches, cu]verts, etc. from careless or " n n r I indifFerent behaviour, on the part of certain persons by per- mitting firewood and other. materia]s to obstruct ditches and Alfred Houghton, 30th and from the gulf and made its wayMarine Drive, was away over the through the First Narrows. It week end on a'business trip to was distinctly visible as it spout- culverts. The Highways Act, Section 24 Subsection "F" states that ed in the tide rip.it is a punishable offense to "Stop the natura] flow of water 'hroughany drain or culvert on or undel any Highway." " 'iss Betty i3'Iackay, who has Mr. and 2Irs. C. J. StreatchAfter the publication of this notice the Corporationtmay & . been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. of Rec] Deer, A]berta, are thetake whatever action it deems necessary to protect the ditches,; J. M. Stlatton 1468 Marine guests this week of Mrs M Lam-drains,'and water courses within its boundaries.',! "Drive, ]crt here on Saturday to bert of the Fortune Cup Inn.JAS.'LLASON,' M.C. I return to Fort Langley. Ex-councillor W. Blai, 15th Nr. Chappell of Caulfeild, ac- and Gordon, was away at the be-= HOLLYBURN ' companied by his sister, iAIiss ginning of the week on a'busi- +l +,t ~1 ~]f 'g " J, = -- Chappell, motored to Bellingham ',ness trip up the coast.'The lectul'e of Mr. A. 'Fraser, th;s week leth & Marine ~ / 'Raid, late preSident Of the BurnS Mrs. Suffield, who has been~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Ex P Ei&T sERvIcE l I Fe]]owship was given to the I,lt The debate staged by the St. ]lvlng at1420 Be]]evue hasmov'-E, MARSH, Propr' erary Society of the ",Unitec] Stephen's A.Y.P.A. in the church ec] into "The Cottage," 25th and Chul ch ]ast week, when Mr. Jas. Il hall on Tuesday resulted in a win, Bellevue- Duncan, vice-president, occupied for the negative; the subject the chair taken being "Are Movies Injuri- 3Irs. Halliday, 30th and i&Iar- The llecture was an origina],, ous?" W. Hawkes iand Albert ine Drive, left here on Wednes-Qoal~ antt WPPg ( a„d „e,.y s„ccessf„i o„e Two '&endrick betook the affirmative, day for a triP to Southern Points. years ago ]I]Ir.'Reid shad.written the negative I being represented an address on the poet which was by Peggy Cornish'and] Vernon 4&Ii s Phy]]is Bell of the B. C. Tg~ANSFK~ ll rest Th addt. ss, ha v Miss Phyllis Clifford of,We-t It of the week through sickness.S]]grown into ]ecture.whose stl~c- y, has left for a triP to Cali- I]Dail Tri s to and] from'ity. ' tul'e is a study, in arrangement. r"'a .. -- -- =- iAh. and Mrs. Scott, who have ! ppreciationi-.'and i]lustration:- * b.en living in the York house on ave been woven into a harmony = Aldaughtel. was born.-to Ml: 16th Street, have moved to Van- which I is marked by ]" origina]ity and AIrs. A. H. Parsons, 1105 Es- '„, of form and artistic power. The eP]anade, on Wednesday, 5th Feb- 'l r '1,,]t'quiet hmpid ptose of the ]ecturelh ruary, int the NorthsVancouver ~ . lt p,,„,i,h,n.j d]c;o ]y hw o en r em slides &near] a'undred in Mrs F Valentine, 11th 'and &7gQMQMe 'umber come in a".r- ru]ar in'er-- Esquimalt, had 'a'Ibad'all last g The local Division 3 football veek in'the city, lesulting ln an 'eam defeatec] t'iFggD)STogg II 'ppropriateness. The musica] i]- injuryito her arm. = 'rers 8 0 last Saturday afternoonTomol A: C. 6EARI,E]t Phase Went Si] ';,lttons ln,the scheme .At t]le -- Mr. and Mra. JOhn Teal', 18th;]etbcyS ament the Qallabiea ul a Next door to Theatre recent performance Mr. 'Harry 'and Inglewood,'left here on Sat- Ma'n]and Cup game'at Amb]e- F„ 1,: „d:8„';]d;„-- S„„l; .,I Duncan rendered'he ]musical urday for Buccaneer Bay, where side Park at 0 a m items unaided,'a duty for which ]Ilttheylexpect to spend the.'next his rich ancl resonant voice arnp- y fittedrhim. The very success / - * * * - A recital,wa given last Sat-s&L",ra I" IIi of ithe musica] ~i]]ustrations and~~ J The ferries cars]ed 1721 more urday afternoon by the pupils of 4". ' the ]iterary treatment 'of the,]passengers last month than, in Miss Margaret McIntvre at her subject tended'o conceal the i the corresponding month of last residence on 20th Street. ski]]'I 0f I the I arrangement, but year. The figures are 48,089 Violin pupils taking part were j, though iunobtrusive the tunity ttpeop]e in January, 1980, ias a- Marjor]e Murray, Beatrice Hod- made itse]f fait in the somp]ete llgainst'56,868 for January, 1929. son, Roma Williams. Rex Rhodes~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'"'nd satisfying impression which .. - * * e = and Tetl Sheffield. , I e 'I . l~ ~ Q I- was ]eft by the ]ecture.'heaudi- Mate G. B 'Warren of the ter- = Pianoforte solos were given by ence was not a]] Scottish; but it l~, stafF,,who broke his ]eg last Jessie Davies, Ruth.AVi]]iamson viaats entire]y composed of ]isten- March].whi]e on duty on "the Ernestine Weeden, Beatrice el's tcapable t of appreciating 'he Sonrisa", has i about recovered Hodgson, Hertha Leth Paulsen, ~~ I gski]] and taste chandi know]et]ge and is eh~ected back shortly. EIattie Youn and RuPert Harri- Il.,which had gone into the produc- ~ ~ t tionof "A¹chtw]'Burns,"slid Mrs. Halold Bylnell of Vic- The nest recital, will b held I] Dr. Henry, in conveying the feel- toria, was the~ guest over the esr]y» Apr». ,l ings of the meeting, was able to „week end of her husband's Par- I] I'peak in high praise of the suc- ents, Mrs.'G. C. Byrnell,'15th and I'GI.ENEAGLES COURSE'Burrard'" Sheet Metal cess of the combination of arts Gordon. IS READY FOR PLAY " 229 Lonsda)e Ave,'orth vancouver I of expression anl illustration.. ' * * Roly Gooc]child, Professional Phone North 246 ~ lt 4 't'he h]ad]es of "the soc ety Mr. H'aggard, one of the city at the G]eneag]es Country Club, Res. North slay an4 1214',, I] under the genial ']eat]ership ot'uilding inspectors, and Mr. Les- 'near II hyteelilf, annOuneeS that l the secretary, Mrs Selwood, ent- lie of Grantham, were the guests the course has come through theMi]k wvi]] notbuln easi]ylf, be- 'rtainecl thecompar,y tollghtle- cf birr and]Mls. Bulklev 26th ivintel in goo(] shape, littlefore it is Put into the saucePan fl.es},ments at the close of.t].,e and Bellevue..- -=- 'iost damage having to be rem-I'helattel ls linsed.with cold "le tule === * 4 4 edied. The menlbers al-e usin: Mls. M. E. LaChance 13th and the regl lar greens with one ex- . Fulton, is confined to her home cePt' , - through sickness. The course has been extended tc] 2040 yards and calls for good couver, has taken 'he Forte s Mrs. G. E. Cuthgertson of Van- accurate go house at 13th and Fulton, and A Suspect expects to move in shortly. Judge: EIave you ever seen the prisoner at the bar'? J. AIcGregor of Vancouver, )Vitness: Never, my lord, but with his nephew spent the week I'e seen him when I strongly Il end at the C]achan hotel. suspected he hac] been there. AIIIBLESIDE Fish O'hips (On]y Crisco Used) PHONE WEST 302 Pro',baR Slides 'UARANTEEDfit a Gll lette Razor..You'l find this a most satisfactory blade., Buy a package of 5 ance if, , after using two you are dis- I satisfied, return the balance of the package and have'our,money refunded. In stock NOW. , 'I WEST VAN PHNNACY The Store of Service. IVest 37 AVE DELIVER GI(EASI t]G, OILI iG TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION " Corner of 14th and Marine "I3 IPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time = BURRARD ,,FUNERAL CHAPEL rB. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Servi=e Lady Assistant "- 320 3rd St. F Phone North 626 Sl~litS R1ld 'i Overcoats „ Made to Measure on'the premises. Customers'wn material made up. 2 l'ry Cleaning and Pressing. s ~~ ~ i "M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine, Amblesfde CUSTOM TAILOR "Phone )Vest 20 THE „ .3 ..( (A.( . ..A..&., (.t LIi&IITED For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS 'North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L L.'M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial Agents Wish to announce they have moved to'] 615 - 616 , Bank of Nova Scotia Building Hastings & Seymour Streets Vancouver Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Phone: Trinity 1775