001C98F0 ar 3 ti Circulatingin&'he $1.00 per year. Newsstands 5c per Copy 'A W'ee Z'..y .'4'eWS Sa &el District & of. West,'Vancouuer--A@i'bleside, Holly'burn,'eston, Dundaraz e Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. EIGHT PAGES C., FRIDAY, FEB / 4th, i93p No. 48 'Buy at Home The retail merchants of North Vancouver are putting on a Buy-at-Home campaign and two of our.loca] merchantsiby ! invitation of the North Vancouver Board of Trade attende I the meeting held in the North Vancouver City Ha]] ]ast night I,'I in connection with it. It is a worthy object, and ive trust that a similar campaign vill be staged in West.Vaiicouver. At any'ate, any such movement is assured before hand of a]] the sup port it is possible for us to give in these columns. ,AVe believe that, taking it by and large, the majority pf our people do practically al] their dealing ivith our &]oca] 'merchants. It is only fair and right that they should do so, for, if me refuse to support our own merchants, from whom are they going to draw custom'? Let us suppose for a moment what would happen if all our residents'did all their buying Iin Vancouver. There ivould soon not'be one store of any description doing business in AVest Vancouver. Then, if we found ourselves shprt pf any iparticu]ar, kind of food or goods, ive should have to ivait until we could get it in the city. which would be very awkward, to say the least, and might be worse than that in the case of say household essentials or a medicine. Again, horn many prospective new residents would settle in a storeless EVest Vancouver, and hoiv many old ones remain'? The district ivould go back to the original forest within a feiv " short years.'he above is, of course, an extreme case, but it does show in just what direction we are leading whenever we buy outside tour own municipality. It does mean that the well-being and growth of any district is intimately bound up with the ex- cellence of its stores, that a p]ace cannot hope to induce nev residents to settle within itslboundaries if iit has not ivell stocked, well kept, and ivell run stores. West Vancouver is fortunate in this regard, and the mere fact of that being so shows that our residents are loyal to pur merchants.. At the same. time, most of us do noiv and again ~tmake a purchase in the city, and each time in so doing strike a'b]qw against ourselves. One can buy ju-'. as cheaply here as in-Vancouver, and our merchants'oods are the best. "BUY IN YVEST VANCOUVER AND HELP WEST VAX- CO'tPifER GROW. Ni Council lNotes ~IA. G. Duncan Cruv'appeared The question of a rack in the before the council on AiIonday vault was referred to the clerk night on behalf of Joseph Rogers ivith power to act. "asking that his client be issued . a t license for his dance hall 'n The matter of septic tanks and Horseshoe Bay. He ivas advised conditions generally in the vicin: gthat the council woulcl deal with ity, of 14th Street and'the lane «the'uestion at their specia] in the rear ivas referred to the meeting I next Monday evening, sanitary inspector for his report. ivhich he ivas invitecl to attend. Mrs. Minnie Hodgson of Vancou- & The engineer reported on: ,.ier was also notified that tivo of 1. Additiona] oman for board the petitioners against the grant- of iiprks The emplpyment pf I ing of the license are also invited one man tempomri]y approved and referred to the chairman of the board of ivor.ks. R. S. Rice was advised that it - 2. Conditions of roads. Refer- ivas not possible at present for red to the estimates. „the council to make an offer for . 3. P o i n. t A t k i n s o n trail. Lot 1, Block 27, D. L. 237. 'I Cost $60 to $70. Referred to the chairman of the parks with pow- A delegation from 'he AVest er to act. = &IVancouver branch of the Canadi- 4- V. Has]am. Road repairs, ail Legion waited on the council 'Hayivood 'Avenue. Referred to requesting that consideration be engineer under maintenance.. given to members of the branch 5 Andreiv Ure- Cost of con- as regards municipal employ- struction of culvert $ 12.00. An ment when opportunity arose expenditure not to exceed $12.00 . The council stated they would, ivas authorized. keep the matter in mind as re- ques teel. The question of the employ- ment of one man temporarily on the board of works ivas referrec] to the chairman of the board of wol ks ivlth poivel to act. The manager of the Second Narroivs Bridge Co. wrote the council in reply to their letter asking that tivo permanent ap- pointments on the company's staff'e given to AVest Vancoui'er nien that the matter ivould be brought up at the next meeting of the directors. The matter of repairs to the ivaterivorks truck ivas referred to the chairman of the board of works with poiver to act. The matter of fixin up the Point Atkinson trail at a cost ef from $60 to $70 ivas referred " to the chairman of the parks boarcl ivith poiver to act. The matter of lights on the neiv Gapilano bridge ivas refer- red to the reeve and the chair- man of the board of ivorks. The question of road grave]- ling ivas, referred to the chair- man of, the boar.d of works and the engineer ivith poiver to act. The application of the Holly- burn Public Library board for a grant was referred to the esti- mates. 'Vol." IV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B. St Valentine's Day,ii .. I@SN~tjp All the world loves a lover, and'thisIis Valentine's Day, the day of all true lovers. Many cards, flowers and boxes of candy are every year offered upon 14th February on love's altar and everybody smiles and is happy when the gifts anive, Like most old customs, it carvies us back'to the'English,P~,','."," countryside of a past age, to the stately manor i house, 'and the little thatched cottages with their old fashioned gardens Life then was lived serenely and there mas time to cultivate the graces. It was indeed the period when the giving of Val- entines reached its greatest height, although 'February 14th i has been kept as a day of celebration from early Roman times. EVhat the tivo Christian martyrs, both by the way ilamed Val-.~ entinus, had to do with it is not knoivn. They, homever, both ~&~i,,i,&x:.:&+',&p~: died on that date, and one of them was in the habit of giving ~ """.:.,Q"~&,p',,'";.'"'any anonymous gifts to the poor. IHence probably he became the patron saint of lovers, love without gifts being an impos- sibility. Nowadays, ivhile many gifts are sent and possibly many more expected'hich] never arrive, - the custom Ihas largely fallen into disuse. It is not only hard to associate this machine- driven do]lar-chasing age with cupid's hearts and the floivers and the other, things which'belong to St. Valentine's Day,'but - - J. Haydn Young it is actuallv ver~ difficult of achievement.. 'And& that this &Urider,ivhose baton the Musical should be so.is a'pity, as'it is regrettable that'a number of Society is making splendid pro- other old customs are being slowly but surely forcediout of 'i'gress. ~ existence. For after all theIthings offironIand steel,,which ~have taken. possession',of our souls and)bodies, rust quickly gpss '~ 'f Q I.'P'it but the spiritual goes on beyond'the grave. 'Let us, therefore, I/ " continue to cherish St. Valentine's Day and the other quaint old customs of our forefather. Most or nearly all of them The West ~Vancouver Choral ave been ha]]oivecl by time, and tendtto promote that feeling Society announces that their sec: of good fellowship and'consideration for others.which'is so (ondiconcert'of the season will , sad]y'needed in the wor]d today. ~ -- be held on Monday, March 31st. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ -- Marked progress is being made .'O. D. E. HOLD -- -- -- -- 1st Vice'Regent~ Mrs David I pili he work on haild;under,the MEETING Morg A & and l the, net. concert promises'fo be onse',of the'best, given'by me~t~~g ~ pf, the Eastma~ Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. 'l Secretary -- Mrs. Be~nard'= By an almost unanimous vote E., was held ~at the home iof 'yes' ~ il -- tthe society decided on ]monday Mrs. E. H. Jupp, on Tuesday, lCor. Secretary--Mrs."Gordo".' 'ng to enter the competition February 11th, with the regent, Gray. ~~ =~ == forlargechoirsat the B. C. Mus: Mls. Iw. B. Small,tin3the chair. = T easurer--M s. ~W. Burton- ical Fe~lva]. As the Festival is rom conven- "Forster =~ == = = 'later. thari, ~~~~] t 'ors of committees, shomed tthat Standard 'Bearer--Mrs. P.'C scheduled for June 1-10, it mas III marked] advancement 'had Ibeen I C"apman,l --=- ~ expectedIthat there would have made in all bl.anches,and that the dueationa]'~ Seel-etary--M s. ~been i some lhesitatipnt shown. in chaptel had ploved itself an as- J Jackson. =- arliving at ithis decision The set not only lnithe community, choes Secretaly--Mrs. H. L. definlt valu f th t . d-l , but .in paths farther afield' c e»- = - =- = = cates clearly the zest with which The Treasurer repoited $ 1100II ICounci]lors=Mr~ W. Gourlay, the members I are partaking in aving been raisecl, and iIby Mrs. F. Eatock, Mrs. J. B. Ley- Iithe work this year.. means of this amount much good) land. las'een accomplished. Among Convenors: Navy League,gpARD pp TRADE Tp MEET the outstanding effolts ~of the Mrs. E. J. Pearce; Graves; Mls. =A furnishing of a private ward'in Mrs. A. G. Eastman; Girl Guides, ~'rade .ivilllf hold itheir regular th N th V co ver Hospital Mrs Milne; Hospital, Mrs A. E.'onthly~meetinginext Monday ™ fl„ t h; .home;„ the old co„n -- Representative itoiLeagueiof l'indcoloneli Savory's office. A tly; gifts pf bppks and calendars Nations --Mrs.'David Morgan. - number 3 of t ™portant matters pf . 'he meeting i adjourned with rivi]l come* up for discussion, in- the singing of. the national anth- Iic]uding some of the questions visited and supplied with luxur.- em = -- = = =-= raised'y, they de]ega.tion from ies; flags presented to the Ingle- =, It~the North Vancouver Board of ~ wood Highl School and the 25th TO~VNit PLANNING ~,Trade I at j the: joint i meeting in I.O.D.E.'ompany Girl Guides; i'! COMMISSION ASK the Clachan; hotel last'1pnday numeious neatly families sup- 'OR SUGGESTIONS )evening.'lied ivith necessities. The Mem- orial Arch kept beautiful as snit The Town Planning Commis- ",~NOTICE Tp lionored spot; memorial services sion would like to receive from IlI %OURREADER'e]c] and tributes paid at various local Public bodies or individuals i times and~nlany lessel. acts of ally suggestiom they may have ( W h kindness anc]it] inspiration, for t ~ in reference to the Pro- 1 which the Imperia] Order of the Posedamendments to the Zoning this newsPaPer on a strict- . l](by-]am. 'These mustIbe sent iii II y business basis, I- have "Daughters of the Empire, i are temporarily reduced it to ain writing I to the secretary of the commission at the municipal six page issue. When I first One of the pleasing parts of ha]l on or before Saturday 22nd~) took, control at the begiil-Qthe afternoon's program was the F~ebr„ary &» a~dve~;same„t ning of the year it was my s piesentation to Mrs,'C. P. Chap- re]ative- to this appears in this intention to start by reduc- ma» who was retiring from the issue -- ing it to a six-page issue secretarial office after four then, as in my opinion the years of very able aiid devoted, LEGION TQ HQLD advertising support did not iyork, iyith a beautiful wrist- THIRD.WHIST DRIVE justify the issliailce of an ivatch, suitably engraved, as I a"' eight page paper. I-Iow- token to hei of the chaPtel's aP- The Canadian I~gion, West evel-, the additloilal advel- Preciation of hei effolts on be- Vancollver branch, ivi]1 h'o]d the tising,iil conileetioil ivith half of the 'Duncan ll Lawson third, whist drive of the series'he municiPal election caus- '"P ' tomorrow (Saturday) evening iii ed me ~ to defer making a The election of officers result- the C]achan'ote].'P]ay iyil] change at that time. At the'd as follows: . - start jpromptly at S.15 p. ni. same time ivith certain ad- Hon. Itegent--Itirs. Lawson. There &vill be the usual good priv- Ii vertising which is in sight,, Regent--Mrs. 4V, H. Small, ~ es and refreshments ivill be I~ "I expect shortly to raise it Eon. Vice Regent--3'Irs. Al- served following the cards. Ad- again to eight pages. mas. mission 50 cents;