001C98F6 Ie P r p mfa "B,immOe1'g' ""'i,,'Ir I DUNDARAVE = "HOLLYBURN 'hone: West 469 e ==,-- 17th and Marine I ,' These are only'a'few of'our goodIII "suggestions, for Friday, and Sat'urday,6 Feb. 21st'nd'2nd'II Red i& White Tea, 1 lb................ 51c gina-Mite per packet ............... 21c ve Red'i&,white Pineapple, large Red i& White Spinach,'arge tin 22c F Peas,'size 3...................... 2 tins 35c 'hKellogg's All Bran .................... 19c illI Red g. White ! 'ump Sugar ...............' lbs. for 19c It Peanut Butt~~ a.,l '"" "" 21c Red i& White Tomatoes.. 2 tins 29c Pure Cocoa 1 ]b: packet........... 20c Red h~ White Whole Clams, Per ) )Vhole Wheat Fig Bars, 2 lbs. 43c Christie's Biscuits, 1 lb. packet 3Sc, Rogers'yrup, per 5 lb. tin.... 41c 'II Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack ......... 47c I Serv.-us Flour, 24'lb. sack.... $1.14'p Shelled AValnuts,'uarters, per " Sauer Kraut,large 2//2 lb. tin =-- Ij 'l ! !I ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~~I I ~ ~ ~~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ r ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~I ~ I ~ ~I I ~ I~ ( ~ jI» ! ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!~I~ ~ I I ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ! a'I, l pound ........:..........................::;.. 3sc each ...:............................"-...... lse BUTTER:--Finest New Zealand'„3lbs for $ 1.2SIK-- lI rlaIV r I.('o)er:s"" e::er,'.I,.ea 3,!l'West 190I) 1580,"Marine ~Drive&I 1 'BEEFy= gV'EA'L,IIL L"A~M Bj anfIII FORK I jII 'I'lso the freshness of our DA'IRY FeRODUCF. I,anfI" NEW~'LAIDII EGGSI Pullet Extra'E gs Wh II( good,to eat. = 40c per dozen g I--- ~ ~ «6 DISRAELI, A~ JEAV,~ on& his I fine 'head, delivered l that~-~= BEgAjqE, GREAT maiden speech,with extravagant TESMAy&/gestures and~~~vas I greeted with ~ derision. Between that disastrous speech tlIt QIGeorge Ariiss,is coming t . 'i and the signai honor paidrhim inIII"Lonsdale Theatre onj Thursday, giving 'him& the post i of Prime 'Friday; and. Saturday in the ivit- &inister ]ay Ithree decades of aPhone,version 'f one I of„'".is. II strenuous. practica] politica]'life. Igreatest istage~ successes,'Dis- He;wandered up and downtLon- raeli." which was produced with don, al kine]1 of unsolved ridd]e. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l great care and under the exPert There was a pose of mystery, be: I suPervision of several noted'his= hind f him. He was fascinating, ;torians. It is a'Picture of dr" without a„peer in, the art ofre-'aticPower and has been listed 'artee-, a contradiction of every- as',one of the finest Products o thing the), traditiona]l Eng]ish- the talking screen.' man ) expected& as a'-I leader of 4 The) story deals with one of, po]itics. And he still remains one the most exciting and&me]odra- Ilof England's greatest statesmen. matic episodes of Disraeli's car- Surely thel role, of "Disraeli" eer. This great statesman hadIl is a'splendid one for the artful »the I eyes of the world'"on 'him~[IIGeorge Arliss.'i His'portrayal'of when" he succeeded in'acquiring this chaiacter is a distinguished the Suez Canal for Eng]and.'AndII one. it is] around) this iparticu]ar'bit [Ir of political sagacity i that the To'revent- Glasses from I) story, of the picture "Disraeli" is III ~ Cracking„ ~voven. ~ Put a silver spoon in wheri any h --= Benjamin':Disiaeli twas,the hot i liquid ~is to be poured~ into rII"'first Jew,to achieve the honor of the glass; pouring directly on the IIIbecoming Prime Minister of Eng- bowl of the spoon. The heat willi6']and.'his'as in 1868, just not crack the glass in this way. .thirty-one years'after he made jllhis first speech in, the House of Don't bend ~over your table, Commons. ~ The young Disraeli wash-tub, or ironing board. Have ii fantastically garbed, melancholy them: raisedr rather 'thanl strain,rj of mien, and with a mass of curls ~I your own back. GET OUR gdI and, Save Money We are in business to serve you,'and we'l] appreciate your :: orders. ~j Phone %Vest 199 for anything in Lumber. r I )rt I I I"&;,&,l.i i'3 i:,i,', lI,'Ijl,ll" i,'i.&, 1; ."'rine rive a ~. 'ne es D. MOHTON, LOCAL MANAGER a j( P'dffnfjiIIgfPrOgfaffl „gl &SXJIIIIISlfIFI' f" ~AST as Vancouver and the lower velopment with its possible 600,000 mainland)) are advancing, B. C'orsetspower,wi]1 I deliver I itsy 6rst Electric, power facilities are advanc- power to ~Vancouver in 1932. ~ ing still faster. -- = = ':r'(j(prom the fitst staoes alone of the 'fTen yeats ago, B.C. Blectnc hydro. Ruskin and Bridge'River, we shall"'iecn'ic plants had a capacity of only, LII obtain aPPtoxunately I 600,000,000 $ 57,500 horse power. 'ince III o a„ao = kilowatt ours a year ot Ptac: thentheStaveFal]sp]anth~ -- --' '- H~ly double d e ~Preseat been added and eniatoed, the ~ I Ilcl Q~ I; rII hydro-electric plant capacity Alouette, plant added, ( and l Ipkl "l I fC The B.C. 'Blectttc t stands now the Ruskin plant with .I . gal II'ready always,with.practically its'l,u!timate, I88,000 "horse ~'+, ~ ustl/ unlimitedrpower r resources, 1!empower is under construction., =~~ III I to take care of any industria1 The'great Bridge River de= I sERvEs B.c. 'oad which i may oEer itself. BRIVIS NI CQLMMBIAt ELIECVRIC'I RAI LvMA~Y& COAL PANVf) LIMIYE0,, ~ o-" srh.' i.;&'$4+4-kerr.'SriL+-.Ia1 1.V ~A s. rr~.. a & r ~ ',. rr .ittaSur: r '7 w a{v +,' gr. ~','.. ~ -- THE I YVEST~VANII NE%'S ll' == 'February, 21'. 193O. I AYING FIRST ItIAIN, rn 'l. A position of special honor was ha I. it'; . I5 r l I hervarded to ~tfr. I. rW McFarian Wednesday's 'uncheon meet- s EFPE'RIESS' SUPE',flOR .V.,l"AT'Si 'I the water service„and'refer-„'overnment'Inspected",Oa]y, cl with pride to,the early, con- ction of Mr. McFarland,with ",', ,(Two Stores for your service( I II ~r,kvate~r~x~voVl.s Co., MVra. Elc- i' I ',HsllYburn Stsre P eSt-'3III andaIII"i.]andarranged, the I]aying & of,, p k ~ lite first main from, capilano dant '" '"" ""'Amblesllle StareggeSt '0$ ',$ C"t MeatDto Vancouver, forty-four years o. A'2-inch j steel'ipe& then/1~ stalled is in i service 'today- mewhat the,worsen for &wear, ', t still holding water.=- -'- ."Everything& for the Building Mr. McFar]anc]I.was askedI totIk: r tie.th grr ir. rr -.v rI ctured by the old Albion Iron ' SASH --,DppRS & RppFINQ II BUILDING PAPER, uct. He related that conveying. ~ Lamatco -- Gyproc = Plaster Board) the,water across the First Nar= 'Beaver'Board --Shingles»'ows constituted a" seiious prob- ieml for the, new company In,+lj'eSt'tpj311+OL1+e1. I(&jgm ge1.(Qlo'886.He went to New York, in-'rviewedathehead of a, company ,'i 15th and Marine 'LIMITED .. 'hone%mt 115 there ' manufacturing flexible,,',I .,; Residence Phone: IWest'68L. meta]I pipe andI brought «him'o aiicouver. Togethei,'hey-went ~ T C]ean ~vi]]ow Furniture ~ . fl C]cansout to the Nairows. e,visitor Use salt. and watei. Apply i$ Enamelled bath& tubs ™e'v~c-- ous e g awlth a stiiy brush. Scrub,welIIII cleanedtwith/one tab ese, Toj hell "a»dIdry thoiough]y. - - ~jl dry salt, moisteiied:~with'sPiritswi ..it. an promptly returned "~ ~ -- -- -- ')cf turpentine. Rub this well in III To Clean pii Patntingslll, ithe tub:which shouldibe'rIuite'II0 wetuliied to two Vancou- . ~- = i-- . -- -~. NJ c]ry=thenlwi e t~overiwithla"ver contractors, 'Dan McGilliv- ray andlHugh Keefer. They,set c]eanI oi] Paintings without in=: up a(donkey-engine any with a IIju y and tlipperi in soda is excel- &- F --.I-N dIsteel cable hauled'the,pipe from ~ ~ -- -- 'eep a cork on the end of thatent to brighten si]ver. ==-=- ~w ~ our avori eone side of, the Narrows I to l the ,. pet crochet hook,when it is notother. The horne product won To Remove Egg StainsIlI inIuese- "It,will not only, protectagain,'I and 'hortly afterwaid ' I from)Silver'= .&the business end'but prevent the., Capilano water,,wasrbeing deliv- Apply table t salt,with» a,wet needle from working through the') ered into i Vancouver," said'I Mr. cloth and t they,&vill'uickly, dis: ttbasket oi,work-bag and becom- McFarland. ~ ~ -- - -'ppear. ~--'-' =~===- ing., lost: =-~~