001C98F6 February 21, -1930.. ,. GA'RDENS,and "GA'RDENING THE lVEST VAN NE%'S v'Correspondence 5 CLASSIFIED AD III'FOR SAL~ow i&Ianure. Big load $4 00 Phone West 1 f "'OR PLUi~lBING REPAIRS Res idence Phone West 241R. PAINTIi& G AND KALSOBIINING --, C. L. KONINGS, Residence phone West 214%.'tl lf A jNTED--Waterfront lot West of 28th Street. Must be cheap Apply, "Waterfront Lot," cIo West Van News. WIiiDOW BLIaht'DS -- Made to Order and installed. - Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. FOUNDATION CEBI~T WORK-- Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and land clearing. Phone T. Barnott residence phone, West 290R. GARDENS DESIGiNED, Laid Out and~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Maintained, Rock Gardens,'ily and' Ornamental Pools, I Lar.-ns, Rustic Work, 'encing. Concrete Paths. Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying. Landscape and General Gardening. R. J. Kyte, Phoae West 411. Il HE51STITCIIING:Plain vrhite.. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. =~ SCH%'EPPES 'i LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. FURNISHED 'BOWIE--Agreeable i lo- cation, good view. Concrete Found- ii ation; Bright and 'heerful Living'oom with areplace. Three Bed- i rooms; 'Kitchen; t Bathroom. Two lots cleared and cultivated. Fu)l price including furniture vith piano $3500 on attractive terms to respon- sible party. 'UILDING LOT on Esquimalt Are~ Paved Road; Water; Light and~ ~~'Phone available. Convenient to Fer- I ry, Schools, etc., $275. Special terms $ 10 per month t" Exclusive Agents R. P. CLARK 8; CO. ESTATES LTD ,,790 Dunsmuir St. ~l Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. &GEO; HA.Y )Real Estate and'Iniurance %F Notary l Public -- Fire Insurance --,, Money 'to Loan PHONE ',YVEST 21 1405 Marine Drive ~ ~ Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X 'I 'd ORNAMENTAL TREES 8r SHRUBS Prunus Pissard (PurpIe leaf plum) - Strong ......... $ 1.00 Double Pink Flov erilig Crab ................... $1.00 Double Red Flowering Thorn ................... $1.00 ,'I Double -'Pink or White Flowering Cherry . $ 1.00 'Il Double Pink Flowering Al- ~- mond .................:: $1.00 'Double Pink Flowering Deutzia, 4 ft..............75 Spirea, Mock Orange, Weigelia, Snowballs, Forsythias, Azaleas, , Hydrangea, Lilacs. Red and Cut 'Leaf Zap. i~laples, Etc. Ash, Rorhwns, Willows, Poplars, Catalpas, Elms, - Birch, Copper Beech. Berried Holly, etc. Grafted 1 year, Rhododendrons, Pink Pearl, Doncaster, etc. Genuine Grafted Easter Slue Spruces, 15" .............. $3.00 EDWIN S. GAMAGE 700 Block Marine rDrive,= West Vancouver t) Il il Loving Brothers Calling at a girl's boarding school to inquire after his daugh- ter,a father was met by the smil- ing principal, who said to him, "You must be proud of having such a large number of sons." "Sons!" ex~]ained the man. ")Vhat do you mean~ I haven' one." "6'e]]," said the principal, "five youths who declared them- selves to be hlarjan's brothers have been here to see her during the last few days." Having received a very long poem, an editor decided to evrjte a mild remonstrance to the con- tributor. "You really must send shorter verse!" was the conclu- sion of the letter- The reply came: "I enclose you a little thing, short and to the pojut- "The Ballad of the Tradesman" "Trust--Bust!" West By NINA G. HUXT, AVANTS ACTION ON FIRST Landscape, Architect RADIO-EI ECTRIC -- We sell Lyric= NARRO%'S BRIDGE Sternite and Fada all electric table Craduate fgs Landscapirtg U. Of C., American $chool of Landscape Architecture and and console radios, aIso Supplies for Gardening. Member National Landacape Servfce. Deai Sir' After the'serious best in Radio and Wiring, see North 1'oad coilditioiis which gf'est V Shore Radio ElecMc, 61 and 1540'It is almost time to start the vhich AVest Van- Lonsdale. Phone North 79. 100'&e e & „val„e from the stand couver has recently experienced, North Shore, G. A.'Broder, Propannua Job of rose pruning if you po,nt of beauty Shoots of thjs no doubt everyone's mind who d have your rose bushes do „at«e serve on]y to absorb uoes the roads is on '-'the bridge."their best for you again this nourishment and sunshine which Now that-the Capilano bridge is year. 'However before starting m,-ght better be a]]owed to go to nearing completion it is well that to prune it is very desirable to the more vigorous branches. An- "e keep even'more strongly in ave a fajrlv good understanding ther point we shou]fI i bear l in mind the l necessity of l anotherl'of the underlying principles gov- mind is the benefit to be derived and more important structure, erning the Pruning of roses. from'keeping the bush open in namely the First, Narrows ~ Why do wepruneroses. First 'he centre so that the sunshine bridge. - ROLLER SKATEby the Sea Shore at = to remove a]] dead and otherwise and air can penetrate without Surely, it is evident to every- useless shoots; second to proper- f, hindrance and'elp prevent on«»t the Lions'ate span is lv train those i.emaining so that dampness with resulting mildew. the eventual solution of keeping 1hey will produce fine blooms. 'If . Shoots which a]so have a tend- West Vancouver on the map. ExPERIENcED DREsshlAKER a bush is allowed to grow for ency to grow across each other, But idle correspondence arid wants any kind of sewing. Apply. several years without pruningp should be removed. If you carry,, conversation ~ amongst; ourselves M s. Roue, 20th and Marine Drive. the new Shoots which start each out your rose pruning in accord will bring us no nearer the goal. GIRI Wants Light Housework or yeal Will praCtiCally all be near anCe With. the abOVe eaCh i year, OrganiZed COnCerted'Ctinn jS the l minding children. Apply "Girl,'io the top of the bush and the low- you wi]] find that you will have on]y means by which any results er part will be all o]d.wood with bushes that will, barring insects will be attained. WANTED -- Janitor for Chirstian the result that the blooms each and disease, produce f]owerslof Let us take example from pre- Science Chum . 'py the Cl k, year wi]] become smaller and the which you will be proud. «dent. We have the example p]ant ta]]er and weaker. One of The above is only intended to Iinext door, in Vancouvei's ".On- 'OR SALE--Cow Manure- Big load e principles of rose, pruning Ilbe igeneral, and next week we to-the-Peace" organization. A - $4.00. hone est 17. which. we shou]d therefore learn will endeavor to I go lmore into similar organization can be form- &} I AINTING, DEcoRATING, FRENcH early in the game is that the cut- detail. e:] on the North Shore to furthei Polishing,'arley, Residence Phone ~f ing back of the bush each year, . the cause of- a 'First Narrows -- causes the deve]opment 'f new " NoTE--The writer will consider it a p&casure bridge. I OUNDATIOW CE IEN h to answer questions concerning the garden FOUNDATION CE&IENT WORK-- lnd sturdier growth; Ill I thr. column., A competent and wide-awake Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock If a']ae'nt appearS Weak'and",the writer'ln'caro of tho altar The COmmittee Or. COmmitteeS COuld WallS, drainS, ~eptiC tankS, fenCing the shoots ar sma]] and spind]y ""a". w app.ar in an .arllf faaue or l be appointed to probe tto jthe an c cari g, c i n ys ande if a personal reply la desired a stamped, it iS perhapS the reSult Of nOt .elf-addressed envelope should be enclosed. C uSe any ObjeCtinnS Or reSiSt- PhOne T. BarnOtt, reSidenCe phOne ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ r ~~ enough pruning. In this eventit:- ance to the erection of the struc - AVest 290R. s we]] to considei only the questions and Answers, tule; g~~~ng fu]l'~bl~c~ty ~ts were expecting a their wol ~ BOY 16:Wants wore s x -'n Saturdays. Phone,West 380L2. we place our persona]:fee]ings in visit from their pastor. It was At the same itjme the same the background and use the 'is stupid) custom'lto ask small 'ommittees could endeavor to se- "FOR SALE--Two waterfront Lots in „pruning shears severely. Some II children three questions--their 'ure the co-operation of all inter-. peOp]e, ~and'e are inCluded, itname,age, and Where bad little eSted partieS in VanCOuVer CitV; ~ Sax'ory. Phone West 340. chi]dren went..We]],']jtt]e Susie i jiic]udjng the daily piess; if tha muse of rour fear that we wi]] ii had'0 received'ull instructions i is possible. WEBB'S SHOE "REPAIRS WEAR overdo. it, but with that thought from her parents and been care- Then &the third and very im- BEST --Dundarave. itin'mind Se]dnm)tif eVer iS &the fully rehearSed. The paStnr, ar-,.pnrtant duty WOuld i COnSiSt jnf FOR'SAL~ow'iilanure IBig load rife app]ied tOO draStiCa]]y. -- riVed and aSked: =. / getting in tOuCh With perSOnS Or = $4.00.. Phone West 17. &Without sizing up each indiv- &AVhat's your name,'little girl. companjesiwho are interested in ldual|bush lit is practically im- +And this was the answer he got "this type of l construction,'and il possiMe to give any but general "Susie, sir;:five years old; go to who have the financial means to ', = ~ ltinsfructionss,on&Pruning: Hotv- hell" "handle a Problem of the extent ~ gWllIHlSICRl -"IRerieW ever it is always a safe bet to = .- --. of the First Narrows bridge remove 'all'mall weak shoots The secret, I in thappiness is not in'No doubt the strongest 'o that we are'reasonably.sure will doing what one )likes, )but in liking jectjons to the bridge are those ~ The eldest son:had announced , not produce bloom at least bloom'dtat one has to do -- of iprivate'corporation interests dhis engagement.- "tVhato-Thatand that will be the hardest part Timkins girl! l She squints!",, re- ot the fight; but if some leading Illal'ked his mother. "She dress- .- ~ ~= 9 ~~ii -, lt -~- flbody of men would get together. es»terribly," added 'his sister.i4"ill 0 s lips"i~i,, ly '~ " ed'L $ and take action'on the PrinciPle "I'm afraid she's fearfully fussy,dg l liber 0'eeg.."'; i & her outlined,'andtpersevere initheir said lthe aunt. "She hasn't any y purpose, we might be agreeab]y Inoney," put in his uncle. "She THppA Ir,+MIINIjsMt. PAClKA'GElLl flsurprised how soon results woulrl doesn't look strong!",exclaimed))begin to show. his cousin. "She's very conceit- "Keeps the FLAVOR 'IN and &the IMPURITIES(OUT,L L ed," asserted his brother 'Well,she's got one redeeming feature," ENDORSES PROPOSED DE said the young man thoughtful- 'B&TE'ONd TRANSPORTATION, ]y. "And,what's that?" asked the family in chorus ""She has , y . lsI'pl~~ ~& I + I I '& . ', Dear Mr. Editor:--I appreci- no relations."P h, lily'rIj/lit / j / i g 'I)ilute the'letter appearing in your , ~ ~ ~ 1 y e I I 4 4, .lI iSSue Of the 14th inStant, Signed ~ Making Fu]] USe Of It"'by Mr. pV. Nightingale'.wherejn 'Vfhere.wou]d you like me to $ rhe suggests debating the ques place ithe sundial?" iasked ithe CAPILANO l TIMBER COMPANY'S &KILN«DRIED 0 &i tion y of "Transportation," for. builder," of Mrs. Sundew. lifer agalllst, our present system.",Over by, the'fence under. the& am:prepared to actively assist "gas'lamp," she replied. 'Then , at a debate on such, an import: .we shall be able to see the time & ant question. "Is sincerely regret, when it's dark.' I t;he lack of interest taken by the New Prices Effective January 1st,'930.' is municipality'jn D Two young men were havjng'citizens)of 'thj a question of such magnitude af-, a heated argument over a pro ectmg as it does every resident "lem which needed a great deal of fI 50 Cents Discount'Per Cord-'A]]oived if Paid '.l »dltransient. mental calculation. "I tell yeti, ~ at Time of 'Delivery «r i neighbors to 'he east of said one,'that you are entirely ~, us ~have = their ~transportation wrong." "But II am not," said One CordI. LoadI "DRy! PLANER ENDS" Delivered,'4.pp, o s a so. = At a recent the other. "Didn't I go to school, ! meeting in North Vancouver city stupid!" a]most roared his op- ithi" the fo]]owing boundaries: F]i f'„which 'I attended,'here were, ponent. I "Yes," was the calm rw presentithe Board of Trade Ex-, ply; "and you left it stupid." East to ) St, Denis Ave., North.Vancouver District. g Ii equtive,'the Rafepayers'sspciqa r ~~ ~ l NorthIEast to Mountain Highway, Lynnivalley, 5; l'ion Executive, the gray&&z. anbd Typist: "Rob Beyond'0 cents extra ']dermen of North Vancouver are married will you continue to North" to Boundary Road, NorthtVancouver,'( I&ictty andlthe Reeve'and lcouncji give me flotvers every day'." Beyond, 25'cents extra, 'f North - Vancouver District. Clerk: "No, I'l give you a box o 29th; West Vancouver, . l The subject discussed was strict- of seeds, and you can grow your Beyond i (to West Bay) 50'ents extra.t . y 'Transpoi.tation." own." e sparse y attended meet- Beyond IWest Bay to Caulfeild $1.00 extra. jng held in the auditorium on the -- In the rnid&]e of a boring car evening of the 18th instant, Mi,party one of the guests spoke to All orders handled direct from our Head Of ice Foot of Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver. stoley of pei.sisteilt development, ing. "Awfu]]y holing, isn't it'? but the lecture cou]d have been . If it weren't so embanassing I'd made more interesting to the go home. "Yes. AVjsh I could, audience by the jnc]usjon of ]oca] too; but hang it all, I live here." problems, questions on loca] con- djtions "being strictlv barred Credit Man hlust Have Worried Might I suggest to ilIr. Njghtin- Mrs, EIiggi» had just p»d the last &+ ~ ~ „q r gale the jnclusion of "Wate& installment on a perambulator.g ggggg'g gg O lI it/, Supply and Distribution" in his Shop A slstant: "Thank rou, mad-program o f debate. The two nm. Hors is the baby getting on it subjects could be exhaustively "now'" . FUEL DEPART NT dealt with ini two hours aild a Mrs. Higg~ns: "Oh, he'. quite all quarter. , I'ight. EIe's getting married next AViAI. 5IcQUAE&ER. week "