001C98F6 14'HE,WEST .VAN - NE)VS February 21, 1930' 5]5 BoosT wEBT VAN.] 'f "' "' PersonalIl RENDEZVOUS At last week's regular meeting The coldI spell]in ear]yf Janu- ', ~ tl &,, ra---MRS. DRAPER'I of the IVest .Vancouver Parent.- Whi]e it is rat]ier ear]y for ary was severe to wile] ~]ife onI] II ] Qe li ~I'@alllTeacher Association, ]II&'s. Ark- p! ophesying, it a]most|]ooks as I]ollybiun'lopes; vbefore .&the'eyMartin, pii»cipal Supervisol ifspringhas arrive(l inoui. midst. hard frost, mice, chipmunks and~j!of Home Economics in the Van- The robins have come back andI~ squirrels were feeding on the re- " &~ Everything made right on the, couver Schools, delivered a very. the wrens are beginning on, their maining hanging berries and fal- f I "'" '. ht „yve wiiLde]iver itPre&»ixvx I] interesting ac]dress upon the de- spring song. Even the frog has len'seeds,'leaving their;hoarded)f'elopmentof training schoo]s for been croaking after his long win- 'tores untouched for emergency,,! ],, " " -- h ',.t mak,» «ry'OME]]IADE g]r]~ occupations. The speal&er ter sleep.'nc] ivliat a winter! I]'nI that when& the woods .were"traced the growth of such in- We really &Ideseive anigeai]yJ:]b]anketed in &snow,'k]there wasl'AIMS,ROLLS, PIES,, stitutions from the time of, the spring, and.perhaps for o»ce we little food for feathered game ex- '~~u ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~» !! ! ~ ~~ ! ! I I I ~ ~ ~ I~I ~ II~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ I I I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I1 ~ ~ I 1 ! ~ l ) ~end, I' industrial revolution, until the, are going to'get our,cleserts. ]l]cept frozen]buds ofitwillow and'll'] I][I RADIO LICENSES I'"OR ! Large Variety of Cookies I brOadening influenCe Of mOdern .+ + + alder and'an Odds leaf Of natiVe '~I OR SALE. !I01 U dp 'len(]s iilleducationlfolced into Mi. an(l Mls R'C ploctel of clovel fl'omanuncoveledbank , ]&its]]ano, entertained at a&&]iii- By an overgrown trail through&1: II ' girls to displace boys in any vo- occasion of the birthday of their on'a secluded glade, an'ancient ) girls who were ~ better fitted j to daughter, M]SS Sue Prcetie~ ) Clear liC]&, nOW a feeding plaCe fOr 'i ]]I G. E. REID,'x&&xg«Those present were: Miss Kitty, scores] of I clenizens of the Icvi]c]|fmee rose situations usually. a Barker, Miss Igath]een'Fi]tness,j Ii during the winter months. I I„. -- -- ' - I]Il ...vailable for. young women at the lk Corner 11th and blanneQ. J. QVerIIIg)OII I 't]me c&»,d]t]one~~ for„d the»i to Mr. &I'croye Ball, Mr. &St~&i~a~i't T]ie'new &0 an&open&book t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~begin to earn a Jiving Tim fo Smith and Mr. Pl'ed Procter. one,who can read tlie dozen di asking questions and discussion . - !'ei'ent kinds of tracks, from fie]dpi'vesa]]o,„ed at t],e c]ose~&&g,t]ie I ]]It's. Raid has returned to her mouse to lynx,,which cross "andt,: ! l address and th interest of those honte at Horseshoe Bay, after an«recross&the trail, Jbut nowhere,,-- ,parents present &vasI evident;n extendedcvisit to'Port]anc], Ore's there a sign of living thing ir.' 5IarIne Drire at 14th/ the Zeal With. WhiCh. they adVanC- gOn ==- ] ]l ' e,Well'trOdden half-aCre Where iNext Jefferies] Meat Store, ed queiies ~ =-- = = = ~ ~ 'Ii* I'ui&dre(ls of'meals have been de-, -,, ',, ... w.,h...i& Expert Work--Ladies', Ch]I&]re« ', The annual e]ectioii of off&0 rsa'wo IVancouver residents in 'oured. I esuJted as fo]]op „s -'. „". their launch "Peterin" put,in on fil Quick]y, tent pounds of an . un- ' Qlg gg gQgpgg-- pres,de»t- Mr H G]cadi",, (ITuesc]ay at Caulfeild,'vhi]blithe 'oly mixturefofiscratch grain, F]rst Vice piss'ph. ~ T,'R provincial po]ice,were searching st&et, beef scrap, stale bread, etc,,~l ]khg$jpj gagethe Gulf of Georgia for the:boat,:. is'stre&vnlover the hard,packed&& ,Gp'„which left steveston on'unday snoiv and at the I edge i of &the &+'+to Qgfter&igg-I&V. D S RORISON . Hodgson ~ ' = ~ -' ='fternoon]'ndi ] hadI'ot been clearing one,waits,'xPectant forvlo Do&xi«ion sank R&»]&]ing,fi s . t', -- M.,M I o J .. heard of since.'hey stated they, the guests to arrive,'and one does ,~~ phO&+]Sew. g &pygmy 'I Treasure&.-. M,.s H G]eed-, 'Ik had'been'blown off their course not,wait long for the ]co]d] is 1 )IHstter]es f&tr '+grittc the shores of I&eats Is]and'&at .wjcl ed,'& crops.it] unfi]]ed'] and~i a'Pllblicity Seci'etai'y -- tj. 'K the Ou o o o . ' t Ca 1'ieS Vel'y fai'. -1 I pnogg,I TT, ' Ill]iAT BURNS:LAIIE = Convenors I of ]Committees' ]], I ' . "P the wind they come ivitha'Program--Messrs.i H. Dav]dson&] 'There wi]] be vaudeville in ad- «whirr--a mixed flock ]of rubv I ]]MA@N MQTQgand H: D~southam; Social, Miss dition to the usua] movie pictur- and golden =crowwnedia kinglets Axe]] Sneis 'f the& Hollybiirii E'F'avidge'embership Mrs e: at the Hollyburn Theatre next (one of the'ew]birds that 1]nes;j ]fl ~West 4/6 jjPacific Ski Club avon the eighteenl& Sharman Socja]t Hostess Mr Tuesday evening. - = its nest with rabbit fui) thatXj]onietre cross~ountry ski lace Baldwin Auditol- Mr F Jk Pat- ~-* -4- 8 . digs as one upon the spread tab]e ' =-- -- -- -----=- --- -- =----.at Burns 'Lake on Thursday i) .terson; Pnianist, Miss F. Herri . il Oiii Saturday,, February. 15th. and" lose no time in feeding, then)IsthI instant,, finishing.,with a A'ist of &]elegates forthe an , Miss Gart'.Woo]gar entertaineu a ~ dozen|black-capped& chicadees, II ,$ .- ~great burst of sPeed to beat Pete) nual'Easter Convention ivas a]so a'umber of ether friends| at. the) family of sPotted.towhees, four "Hoklyburn'~'Sandnes'f Burns~Lake, to,the prepared and at next month'stf']home of]her,mother, Mrs.~Wm )Canada and a Steller jar, the lat-'line by.a minute and seven sec: meetiiig resolutions to this Con- Tinney, '20thII andi«Waterfront. &&ter too hungry to make his usual II,/~K+]T+ItKonds.'he weather was ideal,'he'I,vention will be considered.', The ] guests present ] were j thetemperature being about'en b: =;A cordja] we]coine was extend Misses Peggy Cornish, Betty Slight movements in the brushJow" zero.. Bright Wisunshine ed to the member" ofwth Bo~zrdii 'Beard, Doris C]eatherd,"MM&arjorieg&betray the advent of larger game ) '~ "" ?"I]" F"--' ~S=".'- 1'&IIrought out a record crowd ]]&of j Schoo] Tjustees who, w 1 0 I& Crickmay Druscilla 'Dawson's&with stealthy. tread I a'&lordly," -~ 'Pete Sandnes, provincia] cham- present. MI R'ami]tpn wa 'Eath]een~i 'Hampson, Frances cock-pheasant, steps into, "the ~,;piori I of &]ast season&'nd 'recent t» oduced as'a'et.'teacher at the Brydon-Jack, Ruth Jackson,'oel clearing, fo]]owed f] by., two hens ~'A'LLACE5BEERY]Iwinner of &the: western& Canada Pau]jne Johnson Bebop] by.pr, 'Reid,'hyllis Davis I and Joan bright-eyed with fear of dogs,)'. '" ] x&«]v.= a]round ski championship at Rev-„cipa]*Brea]ey. ~. ~~ Dorchester. ~The Messrs. JimII 'uns'nd famine.'hen t] a big I, !Ilelstoke,'successfully defended his&],Mri T Rus ]] h' „h -d f ]'ornish, 'Bob]&.'B]oxham,'om cock sooty grouse drops in,to bei)jB.'. crown in one of the hardest ect-' -,] I - d- Butt, 'Ft'ank i& Cullin, Terence joined a'little 'later by threeI of:fought liattlesIof his illustrious'I;nd;„;due] „-: t b .-d d „,I)Crickmay, Ken Gar]and,'Be&liard ]I is cousins in ruffs, the,willow II. keen]r that & only" fractions of „posedh-; te, h "]& . di,- ] = Loyd, +George v&Guinan, =Teel ' ing is a'matter of life]or I 8, 5 viv= ~i+ponts sepva ted'the fi st th'0 f,om Whyte ];ff t A M 'd,G t,J kH 1'i o dF' ]'d t" j t','h i g f,, c s,men. ~ m = -- Thex Pi.,n,.pa]s+ f th th'r 's'Nash.~ = ust be filled for a&cold, niei'ci- ]]='Axe]II'Sneisttby, virtue of his schoo]s and,Mr Russe]J were a -- ~ ' --- '" ess nig t is'~coming--and%so '~oc&tstanding'victory in the I8 kil-, p&»„ted. „0&imm ttee to d atv.up ]Death)of ]tfrs Mmshall »tl inks the& evil genius Iof the Iometer race was]Tdangerous]y ., Iules for thel contest and]pres- ." . -- ' i . -- h n e~ s )'bio d y,]I T d, W& d~high on the score card-when the('ntation pf pijzes ~~ The death occuivred on Sunday of his coming save for'a~slight SeCOnd Part Of the COmbined COm- -- Th-- -- - = W in ether 47th year Of MrS.-Mat".-- SWift ShadOW ICagt IaerOSS ithe,f I Feb&&&art 84; 85,Zs.'etition,the ] jumping,, startedI» J - l ', . „- =- shall," „wife! of ]Wi]]jam 'D.'ar: Ii snow, when fifty. timorous mort-'before a record'rowd 'Friday . - " .. '" " shall at'her home at Capj]ano als'ci'ouch] aiid] freeze instantly,'I'fternoo~ =:, Sandnes thereforeI~'h P T A .]]i tt d t th Funeral«, st'ces were l he]d4 0 'rI:! had t&I,'extend 'himself tohthe",, 1,] " I" b] .. ". 't. - I" & Wednesda ~ at 2 p.'m. at'the Bur . The& great-hoi'nedI owlTmust, I = inlimit',to'beat,the plucky Holly- th -. It; h d, " rard Funeral IChapel, East'srdiI'have been'ungry to hunt before f'v it ~p,p]burn man,'who took second p]acelj' „t -„„„] „-- street, North ivancouver, Rev ~ "0" '«even~ as'he]»ghts &»I' x] Ie]]l )g))erIIan(e-,F, bl- "" th =-'»Di. J. G. Brown'.l]hind the Burns] Lake skiIstar.'.-, p ~ y 'IAdamlCrjsp, offjcjatjng'and jn Pounce, a gun s]arits up,'the still- &" j')&- .the P~~~c~ton . t' ff', ' terment was made".in Capi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i C]ub,was a'lose third.']], re iring o jeers.= "I debating,View cemeteI~.,III- ~ & ~ j'oftly he falls to kill Iio more.F thre~ came throu h,.mthout a„shield had been Presented toit~he I' ' -- ~ He lived according to his lightsr sing]e fall.- Knute INysvenl of ' ' - DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR ~'but]t»»s'a'g™e ieserve and '! ~ High School students bvo ram -- -- -- -- lI & ... i i ! VAUDEVILLE+TUESDAY, Burns Lake) -was fourtht'nd aPhones had been Puichased for there is a price on his head; and young Halvard Pettersen'of the the public school and'a ten-dol]ar IN. SPRING CONCERT rightly. &=.-~. ~ -~ come to the end of a futile hunt, rGro s Mountain Ski C]ub'an gold, piece had been aivarded to&]! ]] .- =-- =- .; . ', The glade&emptied itself in,a; t} en, in his weavings he catches I, h a ~~~d~t~bl~ show-,I'the Matiicu]ation'~t~d~~t gain- The'nd ' s Cho 'umu]t,with the ~~~~y tragedy ~the 'hated man'~~~t pa t 'ng the highest marks last June,will'present,their spring concert .in five~minutes it might never Iteeth+chattering. in rage,. aing in'uch top-notch~ company. &Miss Phy]]is'watts contribut- on Tuesday, 11th March, inI the ~s have happened save for the evid- gleaming = gun-sight "steadiesedta'piano solo to the program «~United ',Church. "This& promises ence of a sti]] feathei.ed form'a&'& trigger is squeezed and a charge'ORDON ROBSON&+ 'nd after the meeting refresh-„ totbe a~very interesting event. 'few rods away, for feeding goes 'IIof'number four b]ows]him&fiveBarrister h Solicitor . mentS Were SerVed'in the lunch- In'additiOnltO a numbei «COn- Oni hurried]V aS duSk iS COming feet. = I ~EsT vANcoUvEg ~ 'oom under the convenorship of certed items by Ithe I choir the tt on and]with-it another ghoul. = The biids will sleep sounder byOrifice No.'447 Marine Drive. ! Mrs. Russell. ~- -- - = p ogram wi]J'inc]ude solos, duets, "At one moment the] feeding his absence tonight.~ Phone West 403. ~ i ) = ~ ~, trios, and & quartettes. Aubrey. ground] is occupjedIIby. fifty or =- --P.-'- H.VANCOUVER OFFICE-- =-- ' The man who trusts men,'ill make Il She]lard, the boy. sopi'ano, and sixty birds of a dozen species and]] Suite 818; 510 Hastings '(:~ i&-iver mistakes &]&en he vvho distrusts&] 'Elise Beatrice Hodg'son,.violinist, oneI hoary olcl ivooc] rat,'at, the ]tfrs.]Smith: "I am I sorry to.~~ Phone Sey ~,4199.= = them. will'also assist. Mrs. J. E. Dur- next «they, might]be over the &hear that you&have had troublebin will be the accompanist. hill the just dissoh ed. =- &withe'our -- husband.";, Mrs. ".i= The peel rat did¬ stay oti . Younge:~ "Yoi&'have been misin-" SCOTTISH SOCIETY the order of his going,]he beat formed. It.was merely a little'Iiit, hurriedly. --, =- p disparity of opinions. -You know ! 5 At the regular moiithly meet- 'A half-seen black mark emerg-" married people cannot a]«ays a- Tont Yi Ton I/4Ton - =- Ton! Yi Ton &/4TOII 'ng O e eS anCOuVerf th hy t V Scot- es from the brush,"grows into a'|gree."" ".Can't they& pre]], wet ~ 0 ~ Lump &, Egg $ 13.00 I $6.50 $3.50lj Lump ............ $ 11.00 $5.75 $3.25 'ish Society] atI7.453 o'lock to . lithe, dul] form,- ithe incarnate ! a]ways,agree. In fact, I make it Egg ................ 510.00 $5.50 $800]I night at "the IClaChan," ReV. deVil af all grOund and feathered ] a paint:tO vee that iVe dc agiee; R i SPED]AL I!: i And&em Ro&ldeni of, the First: game, i'uthless as fate, the lesser ]i or -rather, that Joseph] agreesRose Deer (Drumheller) ~v, Church V»couver, wi]],tell "the]i] white wease] who shows himself „with me which amouiitsTon I/z Ton; I/4 Ton hlcLeod River Hard Coals' ~ urc tt I ump ............ $13,00'6.50,'3.50 Ton'Yi«n Y4TonI]',"-Story~of the'Scottish National f as the cause of.,the suddeii exo- samethiiig Stove ............--.. $12.50! '$6.25, $3.25 Lump or EgC $ 13.50 $6.75( $ .65]II I,,thar MemOria]I'at Edinburgh» duS. FIR $750 pe co d. BA Ic, $7.50 per cord. "he~]ecture.which will'start at i Swiftly andII silently'he casts . Autoist: "I haven't paid t fo d repaiIs~ On i my VVeStOn 'CS+tRge VVCSt 2&304; )" lantern, VieWS. All War Veterana) SCent in the,maZe]Of Itrai]S 'he; &no«thx 1 have has &t.» and'ny others interested wi]] follows, his head lifts,'eyes g]ow- F»end: «S,Ith, man wh &d;d]th-'l be eve]corned" ing ruby in the dusk for he has '"4.'] f! ] fII L .