001C98F6 'sss -- THE WEST VAN NEWS PERSON'A LS Chris. Alstrom is having an The warm rain of Sunday addition 'built to 'his house at morning was welcomed by17th and Bellevue. feathered orchestra in the neigh¹ borhood of Memoria) Park. Rob Jimmy Ferguson of Fergu- ins and song sparrows were sing-son's Motor Transfer Co, has, ing'their'loudest while the six been at Harrison Hot Springs stuccato notes of Bewicke's wren fhis week attending «the L'.O.Le and ithe liquid warble of the'h'Grand Lodge convention at that house wren all seemed Ito an- p)ace. nounce that spring is just around I'he corner. /Rapid progress is being made with the construction of the Leg- Colonel K. W. Savory has been ion Memorial Hall at 18th and,,confined to his home this weekDuchess. Colin Turner, who is [)irough sickness. , in charge, isjrushing the ~vork in order to have the hall ready i~rrs. Walton, who has beenfor the annual masquerade dance away for the winter months, hason St. Patrick's Day. The Porch returned to'her home at 19thhas been finished, the plastering done in the main hall, and prep- ¹arations are being made for an 3rr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron , immediate start on, the stucco of Cau)fei)d, )eft on Sunday forwork outside. a trip to the east- r i The drawing has been made Shore schools who are competing his home at 2438 i~rarine Drive of the matches being played last "Monday night. Both Pauline Mrs. H. ThorPe of AVhytec)iK, $ Johnson and Hollyburn have ent left for Seattle last Sunday, ered teams. The .former play where she will sPend a few weeks ttLonsda]e away next ~veek and, visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Gell- the latter entertain Queen Mary lng. lithe following, week on the high school grounds here.. The annual concert of Blais- ¹ dell School was held on Friday . and Mrs. J. Rowe and fam- last. The first Part of the pro- i]y of winnipeg have moved into gram consisted of songs, reclta- "the Green house at 20th and i tions and folk dances. The second'rine Drive = ~ part being ' charming playlet, ~j ¹(I entitled '-'The Faithful Jester." Mrs J. Haydn Young, 24th Those taking Pa~ in this were: and Inglewood, with'her daugh- The Misses Joan. Ajello, Judy and er Wenonah, have 'left for a Barbara Good, Peggy and Bun- ty Marshal], Phyllis Pochon, Nary Lang. and Master Elec J P. Pi)sworth.,who has been Hvalsoe. 'The youthful actors re- qui$e ill at his home at 829 Eeith flected )great credit, on their oad for. some months, is much teacher, sPeak'ng their Parts mp close the pupils presented Miss L 0 L 2990hils Iholdlng-.thell- Mcaaln ~vlth a bmutifu1 bouquet regu)ar. meeting next Monday and Miss Helen Ritchie who had evening at 8 p. m. in the I.O.O F ) coached them in the Folk dances, orth&vancouver. wl h a very pretty corsage. This Ilibrought to a'onclusion'a very Mrs.» Colin~%I. MacLean, 19th,, enjoyab)e evening. hi and Marine Drive, entertained on, 'ednesday, 12th instant, at a '~ Mr. and Mrs.'Clarence Purcel], most enjoyable Va)elltine )unch- who are well known residents of Iheon and bridge. iMls. W. Burton- 'dmonton, 'vere the guests on Forster,won the drst prize, and II Sunday of llr. and i)frs. T. E. )V. the second.was won by Mrs. A. Russell, 14th arid Esqulmalt. ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~8. Mills.:Mrs. E, J. Pearce was the Iwinner of the conso)ation. iIrs. Colin M. MacLean gave 'The guests were: Mrs, J. B; Ley- a, delightful Valentine Bridge at laud, iyIrs. I. yVe])s ~Crawford Iher home, 19th and Marine Drive M F d M $V B S ]1 ~ Ih on Thursday afternoon, 13th in- W. Burton-Folster, Mrs. A g'tant. The first Prize was won Mi]]s, Mrs."E. J. pearce and iyyrs. "by Mrs. Taylor, the second go- John Brown. iiig to Mrs. R- A. Ogilvie, and the conso)ation g to Mrs. Bernard l Publicity is being widely given Hayes. The guests including a ,to Marchh3rd,'hen Di. Henry few fr'ends who dropped 'n later G~~d~~ Rob J~m~~ i~ As much gl.ound wi)] be trave))ed Edglev, I rrs. H. L. i~racL an Il with the Somme battlefields and Taylor, l~r-s ~ Molley Johnston'L Shakespeale s land. Mls. Bel na)-d Hayes, iirrs. R. A. Ogilvie, Miss )Vi)son and iAIrs. F. F. Lovegrove.Valentine Party Mrs. Ericksen gave a very en- 8 ' Fearn:ilIarquet te joyable children's valentine par- A'uiet ivedding took p)acety last Friday at her'home at February 18th in St. Anthonv's Tlavers Avenue, West Bay. Re- Church, Rev. Father Kelly offlc-fi'eshments ~&vere served, „the i sting, when Miss Helen Mar- l~ tables being decorated with red quette, youngest daughter of candles, and paper hats and other. burrs. R. Salter, became the bridefavors inhere presented to the of Mr. Harold Fearn of Vancou- little guests, who spent a very ver. In attendance 'were iAIiss pleasant time't games. Those Ethel Tiber and Mr. George Mar- pi esent were: Erarsha]) Bur- quette. The young couple will bridge, Stewart Johnson, EVi]] spend their honeymoon tourillgNisal,'armen l Johnson, Joan the Sound cities. On their return ilrathews, Lucinda Cherry, Dave they will reside at Campbell a»d George Ericksen. River. @'~T ~Ho „& U Qi NEXV TO A.OVAL. 5ANld' ~& A. J. MAR.LI N W ~ P. O. SO)C 2.27, PKONEs M(EST'24. 10 to 11 daily -- HOSIERY 29 Cents. Februaryr 21, 1930; 5 ew Amb..esit.e EHall l'.Or ".tent CORNER STORE on 14th (near Ferry) For Rent. 8 ACRE BLOCKS at ALTAMONT,'FOR SALE at $d00, $500 and $600 each.-- CLYDE AVENUE LOT FACING SOUTH (between 12th and 18th) 1"OR SALE at $200. AUHITAIZER 8: )VHITAIZER 942')Vest Pender Street -- = .VancouverI'AI ENTINE SOCIAL On Friday evening a ValentineUY BREAD 'l Social was given at the Fortune Cup Inn by Airr. C. Groom and Made in Miss Groom. Dancing and guess-'ng games were enjoyed. The%Vest Vancouver ~ prize-winners were Miss Dorothy Timmis and Miss i&Iary'Duncan. If you cannot get it at i the I.i Other guests ivere the Misses stores, pho„e IVest gI e„d;t „,;ll " Helen and Margaret Nightingale, Miss G. Alexander, Miss B. Lam- bert, P. Hart,,V. Storting, J. Dawson, Alee. Duncan, R. Smit)l.Phone AVest 27 " STRATTON S, PoARD 0F TRADE END0RBE"BUY-AT-HOiiIE" CAAIPAIGN iii BAKERY ~ The West Vancouver Board of ~ Trade held their regular month- 1 meeting on Monday. evening in Colonel Savory's office. Fol- ~~ HOLLYBURN -- ~i lowing, the adoption of a report from a special committee i eon- ' ~~ ~ ii -- -- -- il Pl sisting of E. S. peal'ce and'Zos- 15th E: Marine ' eph Tite, it was decided to make EXPERT SERVICE = qh "Buy-at-home" the subject for E. MARSH, Proprietor -- discussion h at the next meeting of the board, and that the mem- h I ~i hers of the retail merchants bur- eau i be i invited to come to i the FOR meeting which will take place at any Woog,ii l! "the clachan."eA suggestion to propose to the I.ii council" that an electrical by-law be framed and put in force in theJlmmySleThOmSOB'S imunicipality was referred to the~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~i chairman) of, the I improvementT S committee for report. A'ommittee'of ithe following Moving Baggage ~ a" Spec'alty. ~ matter of 'transportationh with 1;he North)'Vancouver 'Board t of hI Trade: Chairman of Transporta- tion, t the I President, t Vice Presi- i.'ht dent, Treasurer, andi Secretat~. It,was decidedito suggest to" the council& that hthey larrange %7mxhmr1M, l some evening to,view J. gVard- Illllaw's 'motion picturesi of the I~,i liiF'EED1$YogE'» ( North Shore with a view to their ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , possibly considering going in"A".C. SEARLE '~Phone West s ~ Ih with~North~Vancouver, City, and Next door, to Theatl'e Ij" D'strict in this Canada-wide Pub- licity scheme in Ivhich case speci- ~ a) s)ides ,'of 6'est Vancouver would be taken by Mr.'EVard)aw 'dh $ ,i . i IVEST VANCOUVER "Y" ! I, iP~'~:, t uaxaiEm~~ On Tuesday evening, Februaly i! ','"„'.;, '„-, I ~ i~ 18th, 1980, in the United Church, a 1Vest Vancouver "Y" for young people in connection with the W; C.T.U.: was organized.'- Mrs. iW1))iscroft, District Sup- erintendent for "Y" work, came hl ii, " " ' 'lIi Chapman was appointed by, the W.C.T.U. as the "Y" superin-'endent. «a ! - ., The'ollowing officers, were ,i elected: President:Miss Green,l -Burrard'heet Metal Vice Pres.:Mrs. A. C. Brown, h, 229 Lonsdale Ave, 'orth Vancouver I III Secretary--Miss Brine, Phone North 345 ~~l Treasurer--Miss Lennox, ~ Res. North 918Y and 1214Y- Cor. Secretary--Miss Hibbercl. Meetings wi]) be held the first,,In the Firing Line ~Tuesday of each mon Colonel: "EVe]), what do you'" The first meeting will be heldwant'." -- in the United Church on March Tramp: "Captain, believe me, 4th, at 8 o'lock. A cordial invi-I'mino ol'dinary beggar. I was Iitation~is extended to all youngat the front. = h,,peop)e interested in temperance Colonel (with interest): Real work over the age of sixteen. -,,& --.--, At the close of the meeting theTramp: Yes, sir, but I couldn't ij]adies of the )V.C.T.U. served re-make anybody hear, so I came freshments. round to the back. Reduced to Simple Terms The teacher had dwelt on the part p)ayed by carbohydrates, = at proteiils, and fats respectively in Il 'hy ClaChgjj , building up the human body. "Now tell me three foods re- Oll quired 'o keep the body I in, THURSDAY, hIARCH 6,health?" she asked «t the close ~ of the lesson, ', HOLLYHURN= There was si]ence till aI)ittle & maiden broke inl with: "Bl'eak- " I UBLIC LIBRARY 'ast, dinner and supper." AiIBLESIDE Fish O'hips (On]y Crisco Used) -- i PHONE 'O'EST 302 Tonics are in order. Take a Blood Purifie and start the season in good. health. lt is well worth while. Those who took a tonic in the Fell and ~.ent through the %'inter ~th- out a cold can vouch. for this. " We have them. WEST VAN PHARMACYi The Store of Service. West 37 WE DELIVER GREASING, OILING TIRE REPAIRS at the The New GAS STATION Corner of 14th and.Marine "IMPERIAL" GAS and OILS Service All the time = BURRARD "FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Servi e Lady Assistant - 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 Sauts and Overcoats - Made to iAIeasure on the premises. Customers'~~ material "I made up. -'ry Cleaning and Pressing. iM. WILLIAMS „16th and hIarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR 'Phone West 20 THE LDIITED For People %ho Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810 West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 410L L; M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial Agents SToeI-S BONDS INV ESTi&IENTS Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Phone: Trinity 1775 615-616 Bk. of Nova Scotia Bldg. Hastings i% Seymour Sts. Vancouver